Ch. 16
Updates are so late and I'm so so so sorry , this year is horrible and I have so much to do . Please understand me . I'll try make the chapters long as an apology .
Enjoy . xx
Louis woke up to an empty bed , he furrowed his brows and rubbed his eyes as he slowly sat up , wincing in pain .
He looked around , his gaze met the clock and his eyes widened . It's 9:40 a.m and he has a morning shift .
"Dang it ." He mumbled and threw the covers off him , when Harry walked in . "Good morning ." He said with a smile .
"Morning . Why didn't you wake me up ? I have a morning shift ." Louis scrambled off the bed and walked to the bathroom .
Harry grabbed his arm gently and pulled him back , "I called your boss and told him you're not feeling well , and you'll take the afternoon shift instead ."
Louis let out a breath and let Harry lead him back to bed , "Wait here , yeah ? I'll go get the breakfast ." Harry pecked his cheek and walked out of the room .
Louis crawled back under the covers with two pillows supporting his back agaisnt the bedpost , Bear jumped up on the bed and lied himself on Louis' lap .
Louis smiled and pet him gently , Harry walked in with Milo following him , "Here's your breakfast ."
Louis moved Bear from his lap and let Harry place the tray on him , he thanked him and Harry sat in front of him , "Dig in ."
After breakfast they stayed in bed for a little while longer , Harry was drawing circles on Louis' back and Louis played with Harry's hair softly .
"How are you feeling ? Does it still hurt ?" Harry asked , Louis bit his lower lip , "It does , not as much as yesterday though ."
Harry nodded , "Okay . And from now on , you're not taking the bus . I'll drive you there and back home , and if I can't I'll ask Liam , Zayn or Niall ."
"Harry -"
"We're not arguing about this . I'm not letting anyone hurt you ever again ." Harry cut him off and pressed a kiss to his forehead . Louis pressed his face to Harry's chest , Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and brought him closer , "I love you , you know that ?"
"I love you too ." Louis nodded into his chest , Harry smiled and kissed his head , "What do you say , we can go out for a little while until your shift starts ? We can just walk around , not do anything particular ."
"Mm ... In a bit , I'm comfy ." Louis snuggled a little closer to Harry , Harry smiled down at him and brought him closer . "Are you , kitten ?"
Louis blushed at the nickname , he hid his face in Harry's chest , Harry chuckled and squeezed him , "You're cute ."
Harry parked the car in the shopping center parking lot , Louis and him got out of the car and quickly got inside .
Harry intertwined his fingers with Louis' and kept him close , they walked around the place and made a small talk , when Harry stopped outside a candy shop .
"Oooh , candy ." Harry smiled and pulled Louis inside , Louis rolled his eyes playfully but smiled aswell and let Harry pull him in .
Harry handed him a plastic bag , "Let's get some candy , yeah ?" He started filling the bag , first he but gummy worms , then gummy bears , then some sour candy and a lot more .
"You think this is enough ?" Harry asked and looked at the almost full bag .
"Nah I think you should get more ." Louis sassed and giggled . Harry raised his brow at him , he poked his stomach , "Sassy , much ?"
Louis flinched back and let out a giggle , he smacked Harry's hand away and placed the bag on the weigh where the cashier was .
The cashier told them the cost , Harry payed and they took the plastic bag , walking outside of the shop .
Harry found an empty bench and sat on it , Louis sat next to him and Harry put the plastic bag between them two , he took out a gummy bear and fed it to Louis , Louis blushed and took the gummy bear with his teeth , doing the same to Harry with a gummy worm .
Harry then placed a gummy bear on his forehead and slowlt moved it down to his mouth , Louis giggling the entire time at the faces he was making . Harry caught the gummy bear in his teeth and grinned at Louis , Louis giggled and buried his face in Harry's shoulder .
Harry bit on the gummy bear and put his arm around Louis , he kissed his temple and squeezed him into his side , "What's so funny ?"
"Your faces ." Louis giggled and looked up at him , "The faces you made ."
"Like this one ?" Harry pulled a face at Louis and made him giggle again , "You're a dork ."
"You love it ." Harry laughed and rubbed his back and pecked his cheek .
Louis moved Harry's curls from his face gently , he stroked them softly with the pads of his fingers before noticing what he's doing , he blushed and pulled his hand back , Harry smiled at him and chased his hand , "Keep going ."
Louis blushed deeper , he brought his hand back to Harry's hair and played with his curls softly , Harry closed his eyes and hummed , "I like it when you play with my hair ." He opened his eyes and smiled at Louis . Louis turned his face away from Harry shyly as a smile tugged on his lips .
Harry grinned and wrappe both arms around Louis' waist , he kissed his cheek and turned his head back to him to press their lips together . Louis put his hand up on Harry's cheek and rubbed it gently with his thumb , the two smiled into the kiss .
They pulled back , Harry pressed another quick kiss to his lips , "Let's move on , yeah ?"
Louis nodded , he took the candy bag in one hand , the other linked with Harry's .
They walked past a toys' store , Harry looked at Louis , "Would you like a teddy bear , so you have someone to cuddle with when I'm gone ?"
Louis giggled and shook his head , his cheeks turning slightly pink , "Bear and Milo will get offended ."
"I hope they're not as good as me when it comes to cuddles ." Harry chuckled , Louis shook his head and smiled shyly , "They're not ."
"Good ." Harry kissed his temple with a smile .
It was almost time for Louis to be at the record store for his shift , Harry and him started making their way outside the shopping center .
A group of girls was walking towards them , all smiling . Harry smiled nicely as the group reached them , "Hey , Harry ."
"Hey , how are you ?" Harry asked with a smile , never leaving Louis' hand .
"Can we have pictures ?" One ofthe girls asked , Harry nodded , "Sure ."
"I'll wait for you in the car , yeah ?" Louis said , he let go of Harry's hand but Harry caught his hand again , "No , don't go ."
"Haz , they're your fans , pay attention ot them ." Louis said quietly .
"But don't go , stay with me ." Harry pouted and wrapped his arm around his waist .
"We don't mind you being here , Louis ." A red-head girl spoke up with a smile .
"Yeah , we adore you two ." Another one said . "You're the most adorable couple ever ."
"See ? They don't mind , stay ." Harry held him tighter , "Please ?"
"Okay ." Louis nodded , Harry grinned and kissed his cheek .
"When will you two do The Boyfriend Tag ?" A blonde girl asked .
"Soon , hopefully ." Harry answered and let go of Louis , taking a picture with one of the girls .
The red-head girl walked to Louis , "I know you're shy but we all love you and Harry a lot , and we want you to make videos together all the time ."
Louis blushed and smiled at her , "You really think so ?"
"Yeah , of course ." She smiled .
Another girl joined in , "And we want to get to know you more , you seem like a good person and we want to know more .
Louis grinned and thanked the two , "Thank you . It means more than you think ."
Harry finished the pictures round and the girls thanked him and Louis , the two waved goodbye and walked towards the exit .
"See ? They love you , no need to worry ." Harry wrapped his arm around Louis and kissed his forehead , Louis nodded with a smile , "Yeah . They told me ." Harry grinned and squeezed him closer .
"There we are ." Harry parked outside the record store , Louis unbuckled himself and smiled at Harry , "I'll see you later ."
"Okay ." Harry nodded , he leaned in to kiss him but his phone started ringing . Harry groaned and slumped back into his seat , Louis giggled and wathed as Harry answered the phone .
"Hello ?"
"Harry , hey dear ."
"Hey Lou , what's up ?"
"Good , good . Uh , I know this is a bit from now to now , but I really need you to look after Lux tonight . Is that possible ?"
"Yeah , of course . What time ?"
"Seven to Eleven . Are you okay with that ?"
"Yeah , I am . Do you want me to come get her ?"
"No , Tom will drop her off . Thank you , you just saved me ."
"No problem , text me when Tom is on his way to mine ."
"Alright . Thank you again ."
He hung up , Louis gave him a questioning look . "Lou , my hairstylist asked me to look after her daughter Lux tonight ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded .
"You're okay with that ?"
"Of course , I don't mind ."
"Okay . But uh , I won't be able to pick you up . I'll call someone to come get you , yeah ?"
"Harry -"
"No , we talked about this and I said there's no arguing ."
Louis nodded , Harry cupped his cheeks and pressed a kiss to his lips , "I love you , I'm doing this to keep you safe ."
"I know . I love you too ." He smiled at Harry , Harry smiled back at him and pressed another kiss to his lips , "Call me if you need anything . And text me when you're on your way home ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded and kissed his cheek before getting out of the car .
It was almost nine p.m , Louis finished organizing everything and he was waiting for someone to come to pick him up .
A car parked outside the store , Louis' heart picked up a beat until he realized it's Liam .
Liam walked into the store and smiled at Louis , "Hey Louis ."
"Hi ." Louis smiled back , Liam leaned on the front desk , "So , why Harry doesn't let you take the bus ? Not that I mind picking you up , just interested ."
"Uh , something happened the last time I took the bus , and , uh , he's really protective ." Louis summarized it , Liam nodded with a chuckle , "He's always been protective over you ."
Louis blushed with a smile tugging on his lips . He turned around and grabbed his coat from the chair behind him , "I'll lock the store and we'll go ."
Liam nodded , Louis wrapped the coat around his body and went to turn the lights off , he walked out of the store with Liam , locking the door .
They got into the car and Liam started driving , Louis texted Harry to let him know he's on his way .
"He made you promise to text him ?" Liam chuckled , Louis nodded shyly , "Yeah ."
"He really cares about you ." Liam said with a smile , "On his birthday party he was sure Tyler is going to steal you away from him and it scared him ."
Louis giggled , "No one is going to steal me away from him . If anything , he's the one that's going to be stolen from me ."
"He doesn't want anybody else , we know that for sure . The way he talks about you , which is all the time , you can see it in his eyes and his smile , you can hear it in his voice . He's overprotective because he wants you all to himself , as selfish as it sounds . He hates the thought of someone harming you , so just let him feel satisfied that he can be there for you ."
Louis was blushing deeply , he bit his lip to force a smile back , but failing miserably . Liam grinned and patted his knee , "He's definitely in love with you ."
Liam parked outside Harry and Louis' place , Louis thanked him and got out of the car , he gave him one last smile befire turning around to go to the door .
He opened the door and closed it after him , he heard laughter , giggles and squeals from the living room . He took his coat off and walked to the living room and was met with Harry holding a small girl upside down while he tickled her stomach .
"Are you going to go to sleep now ?!" Harry asked , the girl laughed and kicked her legs , "Nooooo !"
"Well then !" Harry kept going , laughing along with her .
"Harry , you're killing her ." Louis shook his head with a smile , Harry looked up to him and stopped , "Hey Lou !"
"Hey , why are you torturing the poor girl ?" He asked and walked closer . Harry helped the girl in his arms back up , she leaned on his chest , "This little minx doesn't want to go to sleep , and her bedtime was due to an hour ago ."
"No sleep !" The girl shook her head , Louis smiled and rolled his eyes playfully , "Just ler her stay up ."
"But then she'll be a grumpy pants in the morning and we don't want that , do we ?" He looked down to her and tickled her again , she squealed and pushed at his hand .
Louis pushed his hand away from her tiny body and smiled at her , "Hey , I'm Louis ."
"I'm Lux ." The girl smiled at him , "Are you Hazzie's boyfriend ?"
"Yeah , I am ." Louis said softly with a smile , "Are you Hazzie's best friend ?"
She nodded and giggled , "Best friend ." She cuddled into Harry's chest , Harry smiled and kissed her forehead .
"Let's make a deal , yeah ? You'll go to sleep only if Hazzie lets you cuddle with him . How does that sound ?"
"Yes !!" She nodded eagerly and lifted her head from Harry's chest , she put her tiny hands on Harry's cheeks, "Hazzie , me go to sleep only with cuddles ."
"Deal ." Harry smiled , he cuddled Lux to his chest and rocked her in his arms , mouthing "thank you" to Louis .
Louis smiled at him , "Welcome . I'm going to shower ."
"Okay . There's pizza waiting for you ." Harry nodded and went to sit on the couch .
"Thank you so so much , Harry ." Lou and Tom came to pick Lux up , Harry passed Lux to Tom who embraced her close .
"You should thank Louis too , before he came she wouldn't go to sleep , he's the saviour ." Harry wrapped his arm around Louis , who smiled shyly . "I have six younger siblings , I know the tricks ."
"Thank you , Louis . I'm Louise , Harry's hairstylist , and this is Tom my husband ." Lou smiled , Louis smiled back and shook their hands .
"We'll see you around , yeah ?" Harry walked them to the door , he pressed one last kiss to Lux's head before they left . He locked the door and turned to Louis with a smile , "Off to sleep ?"
Louis nodded and yawned , Milo jumped up next to him and nudged his ankle , Louis picked him up and walked with Harry to their bedroom .
Louis placed Milo on the bed and crawled under the covers , Bear jumped up with Harry following , Harry pulled the covers up to their noses and cuddled Louis to his chest , "Would you like some cuddles for sleep , too ?"
Louis giggled and buried his face in Harry's neck , Harry chuckled and kissed his forehead , "You're really good with children ."
"Hm ." Louis hummed , "You're good too . You're like the fun parent , I'm more gentle when it comes to little ones ."
"We'll make a great team ." Harry winked , Louis smiled and yawned again . "Get some sleep , love ." Harry embraced him closer to keep him warm , Louis put his arm around Louis and closed his eyes , "Good night ."
"Good night ." Harry tucked his hair back behind his ear and pressed a kiss to his cheek .
Hopefully you liked it , if you have requests feel free to ask (no smut) .
Love you , stay amazing . xx
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