Ch. 12

Hey loves , I am trying to update as soon as I can , because very soon I won't have any time . So every small amount of time I dedicate to writing , everytime a little bit more , and if I finish a chapter before I need to publish , I'm trying my best to start with the other chapter . But , since I have one more book , It's really pressuring . I'm trying my best though .

I love you all , enjoy the chapter . xx


Louis was laying on the couch , his shoulders perched up on the armrest . He was scrolling through his phone , Milo sleeping on his torso as he stroked his fur .

Harry walked into the house , shaking his coat off . "Hey love ."

Louis looked up at him , "Hi . How was the interview ?"

"Quite alright ." Harry kicked his shoes off , "I'll be right back ." He went to their bedroom and disappeared from Louis' sight . Louis sighed and went back to his phone , when Milo stirred awake .

"Hey , buddy ." Louis cooed softly , Milo yawned and stood up on Louis' chest , shaking his body . Louis giggled and let him settle back down , when Harry came back down , with his camera .

Louis raised his eyebrow , "Are you filming ?"

"Yeah ." Harry nodded and placed the camera's stand on the floor , quickly positioning the camera in front of Louis .

Louis was about to get up from the couch , but Harry stopped him , "No don't get up , stay there ."

Louis was confused but settled back down , Milo cuddled himself under his chin .

Harry went to the kitchen and got a plastic bag out of the cupboard , he went to the couch and sat next to Louis , placing the plastic bag on the living room table .

"Okay , now . The fans asked for you to be in a video with me , they said it doesn't matter what video . They do want us to do the Boyfriend Tag , but we'll do it later on . For now , we'll do the Chocolate Wrappers Challenge ." Harry said and pointed to the plastic bag , "There isn't really a challenge called the chocolate wrappers challenge , I just made it up yesterday ."

Louis was shocked at first , he stared at Harry confused . "A-and , I'm going to - to actually be in a video ?"

"Mhmm ." Harry smiled , "Take yourself a few minutes , tell me when you're ready to start ." Harry rubbed his arm , "And if you don't want to be in a video , I'll film an Ask video instead . But it'll make me very happy if you agree ." Harry pushed his bottom lip out . "I can give you a cuddle to help you calm down ."

Harry took Milo off Louis' chest and placed him on the floor , he turned to Louis and cuddled into him , "It'll be okay , I'll be with you the entire time . First time is always scary ; First time I filmed a video , I filmed it like , four times to get it all right ."

Louis giggled lightly , "I know , I watched this video . You were so cute five years ago ." Louis playfully pinched his cheek .

"Am I still as cute as I was five years ago ?" Harry looked up at him , giving him his best puppy face , which he learned from Milo .

"Even cuter ." Louis giggled and poked his cheek . Harry grinned and squeezed him in his arms , "You're adorable ." He said , making Louis blush .

"Come on , let's film this video , yeah ?" Harry pulled back from their little cuddle and pressed a kiss to Louis' cheek . Louid nodded , "Can you just tell me about this challenge ?"

"Well , basically all we need to do is eat as much chocolate coins in five minutes . That's all ." Harry laughed . Louis giggled , "Okay ."

Harry got up from the couch and went to the camera , Louis sat up from his laying position as Harry positioned the camera so they can be seen on frame . He clicked the button on the top left corner and sat next to Louis on the couch .

"You ready ?" Harry asked and placed his hand on Louis' knee , Louis nodded and kissed his cheek . Harry grinned and turned to the camera , keeping his hand on Louis' knee .

"Hey , everyone , It's Harry here . And today , I have a very very special guest ." He turned to Louis , "My beautiful boyfriend , Louis ." Louis blushed and buried his face in Harry's shoulder , making him laugh softly . "He's a bit camera shy ."

Harry shook his shoulder for Louis to lift his head up , Louis looked up at him and Harry pressed a kiss to his nose , "Come on ." Louis scrunched his nose and poked Harry's cheek in return .

"So , today we're doing the Chocolate Wrappers Challenge . Well it's not really a challenge , I just made it up yesterday , but uhm . I was looking for a fun and yummy thing to do , and ... ended up thinking about chocolate . And pizza ." Harry heard Louis giggling softly , he turned his head to him and grinned .

"So , let's get started ." Harry dragged the table closer to the couch , Louis returned to his position with his shoulders against the armrest as Harry poured all the chocolate coins on the table .

"I'll put a timer on ." Harry pulled his phone out of his pocket and put the timer on five minutes . "Alright ." He put the phone on the table and turned to Louis , "Ready ?"

Louis nodded , he clawed his hand out , ready to start munching on the coins . Harry held his finger above the 'start button' , "Ready , set , go !" He pressed the button and both him and Louis started unwrapping the coins , saving the wrappers to count later who won .

Harry stuffed the first coin into his mouth , Louis giggled at the face he pulled . They kept munching on the coins , Louis stuffed a coin into his mouth , when he felt a piece of the wrapper still on the chocolate . "Oh ! There's a wrapper in it ." He giggled and covered his mouth .

Harry chuckled and stuffed a coin into his mouth , he pinched at Louis' side to try and delay him . Louis flinched away and giggled , he scooped in his hand the coins from the table and threw them at Harry , who threw them back . They started a small fight , they threw coins and wrappers at each other .

"Now kiss me , you fool ." Harry threw himself on top of Louis and pressed their lips together , Louis kept giggling into the kiss . Harry pulled back and grinned at him , pressing another kiss and helping him sit up .

"Well , that went wrong ." Harry chuckled to the camera and looked around at all the coins and wrappers thrown around .

"Good luck with that ." Louis giggled and got up from the couch , trying to get away from the work .

"You're not going anywhere !" Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' legs , making him fall to the couch next to him , "You're staying here and helping me ."

"But Harry ..." Louis pouted , Harry tried his best not to give in . Louis held his pouty face for a few more seconds before giving in . "Okay , I'll help ."

"Yes !! Thank you ." Harry kissed his cheek repeatedly , Louis giggled and pushed his head away , "Harry , the video ."

"Right ." Harry chuckled and turned to the camera , he kept one arm wrapped around Louis . "So , this video went wrong . Still hope you liked it , and if you want Louis to be in some more videos make sure to like the video , subscrise and comment whether we should make more videos together . We're done here , all the love ." Harry blew a kiss and waved a the camera , then he turned to Louis and tackled him to the couch in a kiss , getting a small squeak out of him .

Harry got up from the couch and stopped recording , he grinned at Louis , "Come here ." Louis was a little confused but got up from the couch and went over to Harry . Harry smiled at him and engulfed him in a hug , "You know I'm proud of you , yeah ?"

Louis blushed , he buried his face in Harry's chest , "What for ?"

"Agreeing to be in a video with me ." Harry rubbed his back , "If I asked you two weeks ago to be in a video with me , you'd have locked yourself in a room and won't come out ." He teased , Louis punched him lightly , "Shut up ."

"I'm only teasing , love ." He laughed softly , "I'm truly proud of you ." He kissed his head .


"Where are you going ?" Harry asked , watching Louis tying his shoes .

"Evening shift ." Louis sighed , "At least tomorrow is my day off ."

Harry nodded and got up from his place on the couch , he slipped into his shoes and wrapped his coat around himself . "I'll drive you ."

"You don't have to , I can take the bus -" "I'll drive you ." Harry cut him off , he helped him into his coat and tugged a beanie on his head , "Text me half an hour before your shift is over so I can come and get you , okay ?"

Louis nodded , he let Harry lead him out of the house and to his car .


"Thanks , Haz ." Louis gave Harry a smile as Harry pulled up near the record store .

"Haz ?" Harry asked . Louis' cheeks turned red when he realized what he said , "O-oh , sorry . I-it slipped -"

"It's cute ." Harry smiled at him , "I don't mind you calling me Haz ."

"O-okay ." Louis bit his lower lip , still blushing .

Harry chuckled , he turned Louis' head to face him by his chin , pressing their lips together , "Have fun at work , yeah ?"

Louis nodded , "Bye Haz ."

"Bye love ." Harry waved as Louis got out of the car , shutting the door gently .


Louis was putting CDs back in their places , after customers took them off the shelves and left them without putting them back in their places .

He sighed to himself , quiet music playing in the background . It was around seven p.m , just two more hours then he can close the store and go home .

He heard to door to th store open , a freezing cold breeze winding over him , making him shiver . He turned his head to the door , seeing Harry standing there with a smile .

"Hello ." Harry smiled and cleaned his shoes on the mat .

"Hi . You didn't tell me you were coming ." Louis smiled back .

Harry sighed , "I just finished editing and uploading the video , then Milo and Bear kind of had an energy rush and made me run all around the house , until I decided to get away from these two and leave them alone in the house in hopes it won't set on fire ."

Louis giggled , he shook his head , "I can't believe I live with three beasts in one house ."

Harry's mouth gaped playfully , Louis pretended to turn back to placing CDs on shelves . He marched towards Louis and started tickling at his sides , "Take that back !"

Louis threw his head back in laughter and pushed at Harry's hands , "Stop !"

"Then take that back !"

"Okay ! I take it back , now stop !" Louis managed to get through his giggles , Harry stopped and kept his arms wrapped around Louis .

"If I'm the beast , then you are my beauty ." Harry grinned and pressed a kiss to Louis' slightly pink cheek .

Louis blushed , "Stop being cheesy ." He said with a small giggle escaping his lips .

"Oh you love it ." Harry squeezed him a little , pecking his temple .

The store's door opened , a girl walked in with her mouth gaped open , "Harry ?!"

"Cara !" Harry grinned and marched towards her , he hugged her and twirled them around , both laughing .

"It's been months ! Where have you been ?!" Cara gripped his shoulders as she was put down .

"Oh you know , the usual . Photoshoots , YouTube , family ." Harry shrugged his shoulders .

"Well a text wouldn't hurt ." Cara punched his shoulder playfully .

Louis was watching from the side , his heart slowly sinking . Harry was talking and laughing with this girl , who he's pretty sure seen before but not sure where.

"Well anyway , while we're here , I want you to meet Louis ." Harry walked over to Louis and turned him around from the shelf , "Lou , this is Cara ."

"Hi Louis !" Cara held her hand out , Louis shook her hand with a small smile on his face . "Hi , nice meeting you ."

"So , you two ..." Cara wiggled her eyebrows , Harry chuckled , "Yeah , we are dating ." He pulled Louis into his side , earning a small smile from him .

"Oh ! Look at the time , I really need to go . It was nice meeting you two , see you soon !" She waved and walked out of the store .

"She's something else ." Harry laughed lightly , turning to Louis .

"Yeah , she is ." Louis mumbled and turned back to the shelf , placing the last CD on it .

"What's up with you ?" Harry chuckled , but Louis shrugged his shoulders and walked to another shelf , he started placing CDs back on it again .

Harry walked after him , "Hey , what's wrong ?"

"Nothing ." Louis shook his head , avoiding Harry's gaze .

Harry was confused for a little bit , "You're jealous , are you ?" He asked , a wide smirk creeping on his face .

"No ." Louis shook his head .

"You are . You so are . I can see it in your eyes , when I was with Cara you were all jea-" Harry was cut off by Louis .

"Yes , I was jealous . Okay ?! Is that what you want me to say ?" Louis threw his hands , he took a deep breath and turned away from Harry , he kept placing CDs on the shelf , trying to get done with this as quick as he can .

"But , why were you jealous ? You know I won't -"

"Because I love you ."

As soon as those words slipped Louis' mouth , both boys went silent .

Oh great , you just ruined the best thing you've ever had ! Louis screamed at himself in his head as tears pricked at his eyes . He sniffled and finished with the shelf , turning to go to another shelf when Harry's hand caught his upper arm .

Harry pulled him back and turned him to face him , immediately pressing their lips together . He kept the kiss sweet and soft , no tongue involved .

A tear escaped out of Louis' closed eye , and Harry was quick to wipe it away , "Baby , I love you . I love you , so much ." He brought him into his arms , keeping him pressed as close as possible .

"I w-was so scared when y-you didn't say anyth-thing . I was s-sure I ruined ev-evreything , you are literally the b-best thing that has ever h-happened to me . You're all I have , and I'm s-so scared to l-lose you . I don't w-want to lose you ." Louis cried softly into his chest .

"You won't ." Harry gave him a light squeeze , "You won't lose me . I love you ."


Harry stayed with Louis for the rest of his shift , on their way home they brought pizza .

They walked into the house , Bear and Milo were laying on the living room floor , looking exhausted .

"Wore themselves out , finally ." Harry let out a relieved sigh and placed the pizza box on the living room table , he threw Louis over his shoulder , making him yelp .

"We're going to change into our PJs , and have a night full of pizza , movies , kisses , cuddles , tickles , and just whatever you want ." Harry said and let Louis down in their room .

"Back tickles are okay ?" Louis asked , blush creeping up his cheeks and ears .

"Anything for you ." Harry smiled and kissed his cheek , "Go change ."

Louis took his PJs and went to change in the guest bedroom , Harry changing in their room . Just as he stepped out of the room , Louis walked out of the guest room .

"I'm bringing the pizza to our room , just go there ." Harry pressed a quick kiss to his forehead and went to get the pizza .

Louis settled himself on the bed under the covers , he took the remote and started looking for a movie to watch . Harry walked into the room and placed the box on the end of the bed , he got in and sat next to Louis , "Warm me up ." He circled his arms around his waist , Louis wrapped one arm around him , the other with the remote looking for a movie .

"Just put something on , not like we're going to watch it anyways ." Harry pressed his face to Louis' warm neck , Louis sighed and picked a random movie , placing the remote back on the nightstand .

He reached forward and opened the box , handing one slice to Harry and taking one to himself .


It was close to midnight , the movie ended a while ago . Louis was laying in Harry's arms , with Harry drawing shapes with his fingertips on Louis' back , the action soothes him .

Louis closed his eyes and cuddled a little closer to Harry , letting out a content sigh . Harry smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead , "Lou ?"

"Hm ?" Louis looked up at Harry , who smiled , "I love you ."

Louis blushed slightly and cuddled even closer to Harry , hugging his middle , "Love you too ."


Okay , this one took me forever .

School is starting to get worse and worse , so I try my best to update whenever I can .

I love you all , hope you liked the chapter . xx


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