Ch. 11
I hate school . It's so stressing and I have so much to do , I don't even know anymore how to schedule my time . Fuckin sucks .
Hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter , and forgive me for the late updates lately .
Love you all . xx
"Are you hundred percent sure you don't want to join us ?" Harry pouted at Louis , who smiled softly and shook his head , "I'm sure . Go have fun with your friends ."
Harry was about to go out to a club with Niall , Liam and Zayn , he asked Louis to come with them but Louis declined .
"Okay , I'm running to the loo , if they come let them in , alright ?" Harry said and ran to the bathroom . Louis giggled and turned to go to the living room , only to hear a knock on the door .
He unlocked it and opened it , Liam and Zayn stood there with a smile . "Hey Louis ."
"Hi ." Louis smiled and let them in .
"Where's Harry ?" Liam asked .
"In the loo ." Louis chuckled . "Hey , uh , can I ask something ?"
"Yeah , sure . What is it ?"
"Harry's birthday is coming up ... Is there anything planned ?"
"Yeah , Niall and us are planning a party . We're going to invite Harry's friends and his cousines . There will be loads of YouTubers , models , his childhood friends , etcetra ." Zayn said with a smile .
"Is there anything I can help with ?" Louis asked .
Liam made a thinking face . "Yeah , we have a guest list and it's quite long , we need to inform everyone about the party . Do you mind taking half of the list ?"
"Y-yeah , sure . How do I inform them ? Like , texting or something ?" Louis asked , his cheeks reddening from embarrassment .
"You could text their number , call them , just make sure they reply and know about it ." Liam said .
"Alright . Send me the list tomorrow ?" Louis asked , Liam nodded , "Yeah I will ."
Harry walked to the door , "Oh , you're here !" He chuckled , "Lou , are you sure you don't want to join ?" He turned to Louis , a pout on his lips .
"You asked me over hundred times ." Louis giggled , "I'm sure . Go have fun with your friends ." He caressed Harry's cheek softly .
"But I don't want you to be alone ." Harry hugged his waist and buried his face in Louis' neck .
"I won't be , Bear and Milo are a fine company ." Louis rubbed his back , "Don't worry about me , okay ?"
"I can't help it . I always worry about you , you're my baby ." Harry gave him a gentle squeeze .
"Excuse me for a minute , I'm going to throw up , you're too cute ." Zayn said and made gagging noises , Liam laughed at him .
"Shut up , you're jealous ." Harry stuck his tongue out at Zayn , who gasped , "You did NOT just stick your tongue at me !"
"Mhmm , I did ." Harry chuckled , then hid behind Louis , "Protect me !"
Louis giggled , "How can I protect you , Bigfoot ? You're enormous ."
Harry smacked a kiss to his cheek , "Shush , midget ."
Louis rolled his eyes playfully , "Go have fun ."
Harry turned him around and embraced him to his chest , pressing a kiss to his forehead , "Don't wait up for me , yeah ? If you're tired just go to sleep , alright ?"
Louis nodded , even though he knew he won't be able to sleep knowing Harry is still out at a club . They pulled back and Harry kissed his lips , before going out of the house with Zayn and Liam teasing him .
It was two a.m , Louis was on the couch under a blanket , his glasses perched on his nose as he tried keeping his eyes open . Milo was sitting on his lap asleep , Bear next to him on the couch .
He stared at the TV blankly as he tried keeping his eyes open , bringing his fist up to rub his eyes , pushing the glasses up in the process .
He was half asleep when he heard the door open , immediately becoming more awake .
"Lou ?" Harry called quietly .
"In the living room ." Louis called back sleepily , yawning widely .
Harry walked to the living room , stumbling a little with a silly smile on his face . "Heyyyy you ."
"Hi ." Louis smiled at Harry .
"I thought I told you not to wait up for me ." Harry removed Milo from Louis' lap and plopped himself on Louis , arms hugging his waist .
"I couldn't sleep , knowing you're still out ." Louis blushed , he started playing with Harry's curls gently .
"Aww , Lou ." Harry squeezed him , "You're adorable ."
"You're drunk ." Louis giggled softly and flipped Harry gently off his lap to get him a glass of water . Harry whined and got up from the couch , following Louis like a lost puppy to the kitchen .
"You were comfy ." Harry whined as Louis pulled a glass out of the cabinet , struggling slightly to reach up for it . He took a bottle from the fridge and filled it with water , feeling Harry's arms wrap around his waist from behind . He giggled as Harry pressed kisses to his neck , he turned around and handed him the glass , "Drink up ."
Harry took the glass , "Only if I get cuddles for sleep ."
Louis rolled his eyes , "Just drink it up ."
Harry gulped the water down and put the glass on the counter , "I'm tired ." He slumped against Louis , leaning his weight on Louis , pressing Louis' back to the counter in the process . Louis giggled again , "Harry , you're heavy ."
"I'm not heavy , I'm tired ." Harry closed his eyes and buried his face in Louis' shoulder .
"Let's get you to bed , then ." Louis tried lifting both himself and Harry up , finding it hard since Harry is so much bigger than him , and he's not strong enough .
"Harry , come on ." Louis giggled , "Get off so we can go to bed ."
Harry pulled back and looked at Louis , "Aw Lou , you look really cute with your glasses on ." He pecked his nose . Louis blushed , he forgot he had his glasses on . He reached to take them off but Harry caught his arms , "No don't , leave them on ."
Louis blushed deeper , Harry pressed a kiss to his cheek , "Off to bed ?"
Louis nodded , Harry wrapped his arms tightly around Louis' lower waist , lifting him up from his feet . Louis gasped and fisted Harry's shirt at his shoulders , "What's that for ??"
"No reason ." Harry grinned up at him , he walked out of the kitchen and spinned in circles , Louis in his arms . Louis started giggling , he clutched Harry tighter , "Harry , you'll get dizzy and we'll both fall ! Stop spinning !"
Harry laughed and stopped , he slid Louis down in his arms and kissed his lips , "Don't you trust me ?"
"Not when you're drunk , you could've dropped me ." Louis pouted playfully , crossing his arms over his chest .
"I would never ." Harry rubbed their noses together . "Now off to bed ." He smiled at Louis and kept one arm wrapped around him as they made their way to the bedroom .
Harry flopped down on the bed fully clothed , Louis sighed and shook his shoulder , "Harry , you need to change ."
"Nnnhhhgg ." Harry muffled his voice into the mattress , Louis sighed and walked to the closet , he pulled sweatpants and a shirt for Harry to wear , he placed it on the bed and walked to Harry again , "Harry , come on . Change your clothes and go to sleep ."
"Help me ?" Harry turned his head to Louis and winked at him , Louis blushed and slapped his arm , "Just go change ."
Harry laughed and pressed a kiss to Louis' cheek , he reached his hands to unbutton his jeans when Louis' eyes widened and he slapped his palms over his eyes .
Harry laughed , "You can see , you know ."
Louis shook his head and blushed in embarrassment , Harry chuckled and finished changing , he threw the dirty clothes to the laundry basket , he walked to Louis and took his hands off his face , "Hello there ."
"Hi ." Louis smiled and looked away , "Going to sleep now ?"
"Yeah ." Harry nodded and gripped Louis' waist in his hands , throwing him on the bed . Louis yelped at the sudden action , Harry crawled on top of him and pressed their lips together . Louis shyly placed his hands on Harry's cheeks and kissed him back .
Harry's hands gripped Louis' hips and pinned him to bed , Louis' eyes opened in fear as Harry moved to kiss his neck and rubbed against him .
"Harry , stop ." Louis tried pushing Harry's hands from his hips , Harry only gripped his hips tighter , the tight grip hurting .
"Harry , you're hurting me , stop ." Louis said shakily , his whole body trembled as he resisted Harry's grip . He kicked his legs under Harry to try flip him off , but Harry's grip only got tighter on his hips , making him hiss in pain .
"Harry , I don't like this . Please stop ." He felt tears springing in his eyes . He couldn't get Harry off him and he started losing his breath . He kicked under Harry and pushed at his chest , "Stop ! Harry stop !"
Whe he finally threw Harry off him he ran out of the room and locked himself in the guest bedroom . He fell to the floor , tears rolling down his cheeks as he tried controlling his breath again .
He cried into his hands , he didn't think this could ever happen . His chest rose and fell quickly as he tried controlling his breath , finding it hard to do so .
Once he got his breath back , which took a bit of time , he got up from the floor and crawled into bed , curling into himself with the covers wrapped tightly around himself .
In the morning , Harry woke up sprawled over the bed on the covers . He had a headache , he groaned and reached his hand out to Louis , but he wasn't there . He looked around confused , his muscles were stiff from the uncomfortable position .
He stretched his arms and groaned again , he walked out of the room only to see Bear and Milo sitting by the guest bedroom door .
"Hey , what are you doing here ?" Harry asked tiredly , he reached to pet Bear , but Bear only growled at him . Harry raised his eyebrows , "Something happened ?" He tried reaching for Milo , but Bear growled again . "Okay , okay ." Harry rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen , he took painkillers and put water to boil for tea .
"Louis ? Are you home ?" Harry called as he walked back to the rooms area , he checked the bathrooms , his room again . He wasn't there . He started panicking a little , "Lou ?"
His phone was still in the room , so he couldn't have gotten out of the house . Then he looked at Bear and Milo , still sitting by the guest bedroom door .
He walked over to the door , "Louis ?" He pushed Bear and Milo from the door gently and knocked on it . He heard a few shuffles from behind the door , then a few light footsteps .
"Lou , open the door . Please ?"
Louis hesitated . He barely slept at night and he was exhausted . He didn't want to face Harry , in fear of what happened last night happening again . But he was drunk , wasn't he ?
"C-can you step away , from th-the door ?" Louis asked quietly . Harry furrowed his eyebrows , "Uh , okay ." He took a few steps back , waiting for Louis to come out .
Louis unlocked the door and opened it slowly , looking at Harry throught the crack .
Harry saw his red eyes and salty cheeks , "Lou , what happened ?" He rushed towards him , Louis' eyes widened and he quickly shut the door and locked it again .
"Louis , please . Tell me what happened ." Harry knocked on the door , "Please . Let me help you ."
"Y-you don't r-remember ?" Louis asked quietly , biting his knuckles .
"Baby , I remember nothing from last night . Please tell me , what have I done wrong ?" Harry pressed his hand to the door .
"Don't f-freak out ." Louis started , "Y-you can home drunk . And y-you gripped me ... and it hurt . I t-told you to stop . B-but you didn't ." He wiped the single tear that rolled down his cheek .
"Baby ... did I really do that ?" Harry asked , letting everything sink in . He took Louis' silence as an answer . "Lou , I'm so sorry . I'm so so sorry ."
Louis unlocked the door and opened it a little , looking at Harry through the crack . He saw the sadness and regret in his eyes and opened the door a bit wider , "Please don't do it ever again ."
"I won't , I promise ." Harry nodded quickly , "Just please tell me I didn't bruise you or anything ."
Louis looked down and covered his hips in his hands . And that's what broke Harry .
He took Louis' hands off his hips and lifted his shirt up slightly , there were red fingerprints , matching his fingers . He bit his lip , "I'm sorry ." He brought Louis into his arms and held him there , "I'm so so so sorry , baby ."
Louis buried his face in Harry's shirt , Harry rubbed his back and rocked him back and forth .
"I'm going to make it up to you ." Harry whispered .
"You don't -"
"I do . I want to ."
Louis had an evening shift , and it gave Harry just enough time to organize everything . He went out and bought products to make dinner , he bought new movies and candles . He even stopped to get a big boquete of flowers , along with a big stuffed koala bear .
He went to pick Louis up from work , he walked into the store just as Louis finished organizing the front desk .
"Hello ." Harry smiled at him .
"Hi ." Louis smiled back , "I'm almost finished ."
"Take your time , don't rush ." Harry leaned on the desk and watched him organizing the last few things . He put his coat on and stuffed into his pocket his phone , he took the store keys and turned the lights off , locking the store .
Harry opened the car door for him , Louis smiled and thanked him as he got into the car .
They drove home , and Harry was excited for their evening to start .
They got out of the car , Harry unlocked the front door and let Louis open it . Louis looked to his right , his eyes widened , "Harry ..."
"Are you hungry ?" He asked and took Louis' coat off , leading him to the table . He took out a chair for him to sit , then sat in front of him .
"Did you make all of this for me ?" Louis looked around . The lights were dimmed , the sweet smell of candles engulfed the room .
"Yeah . Do you like it ?" Harry asked with a smile , holding Louis' hand from across the table .
"Yeah . It's beautiful ." Louis looked at Harry with a shy smile on his face .
"Well , I'm going to get our meals , alright ? I'll be right back ." Harry excused himself , he pressed a soft kiss to Louis' forehead and went to get the meals .
Louis kept looking around , everything was tidy and clean , the candles lit around the room and on the table , creating an amazing aroma .
Harry placed two plates on the table , the smell of the delicious food filled Louis' nose .
"What did you make ?" Louis asked as Harry sat in front of him .
"Chicken , stuffed with mozzarella , wrapped in parma ham , with homemade mash on the side ." Harry grinned . (Cliche but oh well)
Louis took a bite , moaning at the taste . "It's so good ." He bit his lower lip .
"Is it ?" Harry asked with a smile , Louis nodded , "So good . So good ."
After their small dinner Harry led Louis to their room , "I hope you'll like our second part of the night ." Harry said and opened the door . (NO SMUT ALRIGHTY)
The room was warm , the bed had soft mattress on , a few movie cases by the TV .
Harry pushed Louis lightly into the room , he closed the door and made sure Bear and Milo won't be able to sneak in . He sat Louis on the bed and helped him take his shoes off , then taking his own off .
"Let's go change into something more comfortable , yeah ?" Harry suggested , Louis nodded and they both changed into sweatpants and a shirt , separately .
Harry patted the spot in front of him on the bed , "Come here ."
Louis crawled on the bed , Harry turned him to sit with his back to his chest between his legs . He started massaging his shoulders , "Is this okay ?"
Louis smiled softly , "Yeah . Perfect ."
Harry massaged his thumbs between Louis' shoulder blades on his spine softly , he moved down his spine to his lower back , pressing in softly .
"We can watch a movie , have a good cuddle . What do you say ?" Harry asked and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist , pulling the small boy closer to his chest . He pressed a kiss to his cheek as he nodded , "Yeah , sounds good ."
Harry hummed and hugged Louis closer , he pressed kisses to his cheek , his jaw , and his neck . Louis was blushing , giggling at the ticklish feeling . Harry smiled against his neck and pulled back a little , "Watch a comedy or horror ?"
"Comedy ." Louis said almost immediately . "Don't like horror ."
"It gives me a good excuse to hold you closer ." Harry winked , Louis blushed deeper . "Still don't want horror ."
"As long as I can hold you ." Harry grinned and put a CD in , he took the remote and flopped on the bed next to Louis . "Promise ?"
Louis nodded shyly , he watched as Harry started the movie .
"What movie are we watching ?" Louis asked , before he was pulled into Harry's arms .
"Tropic Thunder ." Harry answered and wrapped a blanket around them both , knowing as soon as they start watching the movie it will be forgotten .
Louis cuddled a little closer to Harry because he was cold , Harry smiled down at him and pressed a kiss to his forehead , "Comfy ?"
"Yeah . You're warm ." Louis pressed his face to his neck , Harry grinned and squeezed him closer , "You're cute ."
Louis blushed , "Stop making me blush all the time ."
"You know I can't help it ." Harry traced patterns on his back softly , letting Louis use his bicep as a pillow . "You look so lovely when you blush ."
Louis buried himself closer to Harry , "Stop ."
Harry laughed softly and brought him closer to him , "You're adorable ."
"Stop ." Louis giggled and punched Harry softly . Harry pinched at his side , "What was that for ??"
Louis giggled again and pushed his hand away , "For making me blush like a tomato ."
"This is not a good enough reason ." Harry pouted and pinched his side again , "This is your punishment ."
Louis kept giggling , "Stop , Harry , please ."
"Only because you asked so nicely ." Harry pecked his nose , then his lips .
Louis pushed him away playfully , "No , you're mean ." He turned his back to Harry .
"Oh come on ! Lou ..." Harry whined playfully , he wrapped his arm around Louis' waist and pressed his chest to Louis' back , "Forgive me ?"
Louis made a thinking face , Harry buried his face in Louis' neck and brushed his eyelashes on his skin . Louis squirmed in his arms and giggled , he turned to lie on his back and face Harry , who immediately pressed their lips together .
"Harry ?" Louis looked up , Harry gave him a questioning look .
"I- ... I never got to say a proper thank you . You did so much for me , and you still do . I've never had it before , a-and it feels great , being taken care of , and loved , and worth it . Thank you ." Louis blushed and brought Harry's face closer to his to peck his cheek softly .
"Baby , you know it's no big deal . I love taking care of you , and knowing you're with me and not out there with someone else is all I need ." Harry pressed a kiss to his lips .
Louis' cheeks turned slightly red again , he cuddled closer to Harry and let Harry engulf him , "No need to thank me , love ."
FINALLY finished this chapter , took me forever .
Hope you liked it , sorry for the late update . xx
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