Ch. 100
Cannot believe this is happening . This book is my most successful baby , I'm sad it's about to end .
Enjoy the chapter x
"Baby , we need to leave . You look more than perfect , okay ?" Harry whined a little and placed his chin on Louis' shoulder , looking at him through the mirror .
They were about to go to Zayn and Liam's place , for their engagement party , but Louis was insisting on staying a few more minutes to change outfits over and over .
"But Haz , so many important people are going to be there . I need to look good ." Louis sighed and reached his hand up to fix his quiff , but Harry caught his wrist , "Love , even if you wore an old sweatpants and baggy shirt you'll be the most beautiful person in there ."
Louis blushed softly , "But -"
"No but's , you look amazing the way you are now . I promise ." Harry pressed a kiss to his cheek , "Let's go , okay ?"
Louis nodded , he let Harry hold his hand and they walked out of the house , locking the door behind them .
ten minutes later they arrived at Zayn and Liam's place , the street was full of cars and you could hear the people talking from outside .
Harry took Louis' hand once again and they walked up to the house , Louis knocked on the door before Cara opened it .
"Hey ! Come in ." She greeted them with a smile and a hug , closing the door behind them . "Zayn is over there , but I don't know where Liam is ."
They nodded and thanked her , Harry put his hands on Louis' waist as he walked them through the crowd . Zayn spotted them and grinned , excusing himself to go greet them . He wrapped his arms tightly around Louis , who smiled and hugged him back .
"I'm so happy for you guys ." Louis said into his shoulder and pulled back , Zayn smiled , "Thank you , I'm happy you guys are here ."
"Did you really think we wouldn't come ?" Harry asked and embraced Zayn , who chuckled and patted his back , "Well , no ."
They pulled back , Zayn pointed behind them , "The drinks and snacks are right there , I think Lima is there too ."
"Still calling him Lima Bean ?" Harry raised his eyebrow , Zayn rolled his eyes , "Of course . It's like asking if you still call Louis your baby ."
Harry laughed and put his arm around Louis before leading him to the snacks table . "There's some gummy candy over there ." He pointed , Louis nodded and went to get himself a gummy worm before returning to Harry .
Louis was about to ask Harry if he can spot Liam , when he felt someone's arms wrap around him from behind . He jumped and turned around quickly , slapping Liam's arm , "You scared me , idiot ."
Liam laughed and gave him a proper hug , "Sorry , you were too easy ."
Louis smiled and pulled back , "I'm really happy for you guys ."
"Thank you ." Liam smiled at him and went to hug Harry , "Everything okay with you two ?"
"Eveything's perfect ." Harry nodded and pulled back , "Is Niall here ? Troye ?"
"Yeah , just saw them with Dan and Phil over there ." Liam nodded his head towards the other side of the room , Harry nodded and took Louis with him to greet the four .
Troye spotted Louis and ran towards him , making Louis giggle as they crashed together into a hug .
"I haven't seen you in so long !" Troye said in his ear , making Louis grin , "You saw me three days ago ."
"Too long ." Troye squeezed him and pulled back , Niall came over to them to greet Louis with a hug aswell , "How have you been , mate ?"
"Been okay , you ?" Louis asked and pulled back , Niall nodded , "Great ."
"Your new single sounds amazing , by the way . I like your music ." Louis smiled at him , Niall grinned , "Thanks ."
Dan and Phil greeted Louis aswell , they smiled and hugged him . Harry came up to him and put his arm around him , "I'm going to get myself something to drink . What do you want me to get for you ?"
"Uhm , Blu ." Louis said , Harry nodded and kissed his temple before walking into the crowd .
He was halfway at the table when a hand wrapped around his bicep , he turned his head to see one of Zayn's model friends , the guy smiled at him , "Hey , Harry . Long time no see ."
Harry smiled nicely , the smile turning into a surprised gaping when the guy , Noah , wrapped his arms around him for a hug . The hug didn't feel friendly though ; Noah pressed himself against Harry's body , arms wrapped around his shoulders and middle , and he could feel his fingers grazing against his back .
Last time he saw Noah was when he and Louis started dating ; he was at a Topman photoshoot with Zayn , and Noah tried to make some moves on Harry a few times , though Harry repeatedly told him he's seeing someone .
Harry pulled back from the hug quickly , giving Noah a small smile , "Hey , Noah ."
"So , how have you been ?" Noah smiled at him , his hand resting on his bicep .
Harry took his hand off his arm as he answered , "Been great , uhm . You ?"
"Been okay aswell . Was waiting to meet you tonight , thought we could catch up ." Noah flashed a smile , Harry pursed his lips , "Yeah , uh . Yeah . Catching up ."
Louis furrowed his eyebrows when Harry wasn't back yet , he excused himself to go find him . He looked around a little , his eyebrows raising when he saw him talking to a very attractive man .
The guy was smiling widely , while Harry was looking around a little , his hands going in and out of his pockets every few seconds . Louis bit his lip ; he didn't know if he should go say something , or stay out of the way .
I'm tired of people hitting on him and thinking it's okay . He thought to himself , before marching towards them .
"Haz ." He smiled and stood on his tippy toes to kiss his cheek , "You said you'd get me a drink ." He told him , not acknowledging the guy yet .
"Sorry baby , I was - was talking to a friend ." Harry put his arm around his waist , Louis turned to face the guy , who had his eyebrows raised at the two .
"And who you might be ?" Noah asked , Louis held his hand out for him to shake , "I'm Louis , Harry's fiance ."
"Fiance ?" Noah asked in surprise as he shook Louis' hand , Harry nodded and pulled Louis into his side , "Yeah , we got engaged a month ago ."
"But Harry , look at him . He's not a model , I thought you'd do so much better than this ." Noah said , Louis felt a stab in his chest but was determined to not let it show .
"Excuse me ?" He raised an eyebrow , and unattached himself from Harry's side , stepping a little closer to Noah . "You have no right to talk to me like that ."
"It's true though , baby ." Noah mocked , "I could be a much better partner for Harry , my thighs arent huge and my stomach doesn't look like I'm pregnant ."
Louis pursed his lips , but he didn't show any sign of being hurt . Instead , he answered with a simple sentence .
"Well , it's not your name he's moaning in bed every night ."
All three's eyes widened , before Louis marched away . Harry was shocked , but at the same time he was so proud of him for standing up for himself .
"Thank god he's gone , I was about to believe him ." Noah chuckled half-nervously , but Harry stepped away from him , "He's right , though . Noah , you seem like a good guy , but I'm happily engaged ." He was nice for a second before his expression changed into an angered one , "And if you ever talk about my Louis like that ever again I swear I'll punch you ."
With that he left , walking in the direction where Louis went . He spotted him back with Niall , Troye , Dan and Phil , with his face in his hands as he shook his head .
He wrapped his arms around him tightly , before he started laughing .
"Can anyone explain what the hell just happened ??" Niall asked , Louis slapped Harry's chest , "Stop laughing , I was embarrassing !"
"You were absolutely brilliant ." Harry laughed , furrowing his eyebrows still smiling , "Who the fuck are you and what have you done to my baby ?"
"Don't swear ." Louis punched his abs softly , pouting . "I swear I have no idea what came over me ."
"That was absolutely brilliant , though ." Harry leaned down and kissed his lips quickly , "You shut him up very well ."
"Can you tell us what just happened ?" Dan asked , Harry kept his arms wrapped around Louis as he told them what happened , joining in when the four hurst out laughing .
"Stop laughing ! That was stupid of me to say ." Louis pouted , Harry squeezed him into his side , "Would you take it back if you could ?"
"...No ."
Harry grinned and kissed his cheek repeatedly , "I'm so proud of you ."
"That doesn't mean I'm not hurt by what he said , you know ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , Harry lifted his head up by his chin and pecked his lips , "You already know how much I adore your body , baby . Don't think about what he said , he was lying ."
Louis nodded , Harry pecked him quickly and turned back to he four , only to see Niall missing .
"Where did Niall go ?" Harry asked , Troye shook his head , "To tell everyone how Louis roasted that Noah guy ."
"Oh my god ." Louis whined and covered his face , Harry kissed his temple , "Let him be , everyone was going to know anyways ."
"Haz ?" Louis looked up at him , Harry smiled softly , "Yeah ?"
"I still want that drink ."
Harry laughed and kissed his forehead , "Let's go get it then ."
The two stayed until the end to help Zayn and Liam clean around , along with their families . Louis got along with Whaliya pretty quickly , Harry smiled watching the two talking while they were washing the dishes together .
"Whaliya always loved you two , she's been waiting to meet Louis for a long while ." Zayn stood next to Harry and put his arm over his shoulders , Harry bit his lower lip , "Ypu have no idea how proud I am , Lou is just - so confident . It's so amazing to watch him like this ."
"Yeah . Heard what happened with Noah , it had me dying of laughter ." Zayn chuckled , Harry grinned , "Oh yeah . You have no idea how shocked I was , I was pretty sure something possessed him ."
"He's come so far , he used to be shy all the time , and now look at him ."
"I know , I'm so so proud of him . I mean , I still absolutely love the shy and innocent side of him , but this side of him is just - just - ... I don't know how to put it in words ."
"Sappy shit ." Zayn patted his shoulder with a laugh , Louis and Whaliya finished with the dishes and dried their hands , Louis smiled at Harry before yawning .
Harry put his arm around him and kissed his temple , "Let's go say goodbye to everyone and head home ."
They said goodbye to both Liam and Zayn's families before they got into their car , Hary pulled out of the parking spot , "Tonight has been fun ."
"Yeah , it was ." Louis nodded with a smile , "But I'm so tired , and my feet are aching from standing for so long ."
"I'll give you a foot rub to bed ." Harry smiled at him , resting one hand on his knee , "Don't fall asleep in the car , though ."
"You'll have to carry me out anyways ." Louis giggled and slapped his arm , Harry grinned and reached his fingers out , tickling softly at his side .
"Haz !" Louis squeaked , giggling as he tried pushing his hand away , "Focus on the road !"
"Alright , alright . Party pooper ." He gave his side one last poke and turned to their street , quickly parking the car in the driveway .
They got out of the car , Harry walked over to Louis and scooped him up bridal style . Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around his neck , he opened the door for him and sighed as they entered the warmth of their house .
Harry entered their bedroom and placed Louis down on the bed , "I'll go lock up the door , okay ? Be right back ."
Louis nodded and kicked his shoes off , he walked to the closet and changed into sweatpants and a shirt quickly and jumped back on the bed . Harry walked into the room and changed aswell as Louis put a random channel on the TV , he got in bed with him and patted his lap , "Foot rub time ."
Louis smiled and propped his feet on his lap , sighing comtently as Harry massaged them . "Is it helping ?"
"Yeah , feels great ." Louis nodded with a soft smile , Harry smiled back and pressed a soft peck to Louis' big toe .
Louis pulled hit foot back , "Haz , that's gross ." He whined , though he couldn't help but giggle at Harry's goofy smile . "Couldn't help myself , your foot is just so tiny ."
"But it's gross , you goof ." Louis said and let Harry pull his foot back to rub it .
When he was done he crawled over and rested his head on Louis' stomach , arms wrapped around his small body . "You're so warm ."
Louis smiled and ran his fingers through his hair , massaging his sculp with his fingertips .
"You'll make me fall asleep like this ." Harry said into his shirt , Louis giggled , "Then come up here and cuddle me properly ."
Harry pushed himself up , resting his head in Louis' neck instead . He pressed warm kisses to his neck , Louis smiled and scratched his back gently , "Thanks for the foot rub ."
"You're more than welcome ." Harry said against his neck , "Let's go to sleep , I'm exhausted ."
Louis kissed his cheek , "Good night ."
"Good night baby , I love you ." Harry mumbled back sleepily , making Louis smile , "Love you too ."
So ... That's it . Yeah .
I really hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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