Ch. 10
I'm so so sorry the update is late , I was at a familiy vacation and got back home late , then went back to school and wasn't home at all , and I'm sorry .
Hopefully you'll like this chapter . xx
Enjoy ((:
Harry woke up to a warm body pressed to his chest , another one on his back , and one at his feet . He groans quietly and brings one hand up to rub his eyes , slowly fluttering them open .
He looks down , to see Louis' face pressed to his chest , breathing softly . He smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of his head , then slowly and carefully untangled himself from Louis , Bear and Milo .
He looked at the watch , 8:30 a.m . He walked out of the room ot the kitchen to make breakfast , knowing today Louis has the day off , and he's going to make the most out of it .
He finished making breakfast and placed everything on the kitchen table , going to wake Louis up . He lied back on the bed next to him , stroking his unbruised cheek softly . "Lou , wake up little bug ."
Louis stirred , Harry kissed his cheek softly , "I made you breakfast , get up ."
Louis' eyes fluttered open , Harry smiled at him , "Good morning ."
"Morning ." Louis yawned , covering his mouth . He slowly sat up and stretched , Harry removed the covers from his body and scooped him up in his arms . Louis' breathed hitched and he gripped Harry tight in his arms , "What's that for ?"
"No reason ." Harry chuckled and took him to the kitchen , he sat on the chair near the table with Louis on his lap .
"Mm , smells amazing ." Louis licked his lips and took a fork , taking a piece of scrambled egg and biting on it .
"What do you say , should we go out ? To the mall , perhaps ?" Harry asked as Louis stepped out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth .
"Uh , is there a reason we're going ?" Louis asked , getting a bit nervous .
"No , no reason . We could just take a walk , have hot chocolate , anything . It's your day off , I want to spend time with you ." Harry walked closer to him and gripped his waist , pulling him closer . "What do you say ? Should we ?"
"I don't want anybody to see the bruise ." Louis covered his bruised cheek with his hand , looking away from Harry .
"Hey , It doesn't look bad , and no one would ask . Even if someone does , ignore the question and tell me so I can kick them away ."
"You wouldn't kick anyone away ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully , giggling quietly .
"For you I will ." Harry smiled and kissed his forehead , "Come on , let's get dressed ."
Harry parked outside the mall , Louis and him got out of the car and entered the building , walking around hand in hand with Alberto and Dale walking next to them .
They walked past a shoes shop , Louis' eyes darted around until his eyes landed on a pair of shoes , making him stop in his tracks and stare at the shoes in awe .
"What are you looking at ?" Harry asked , bringing Louis out of his trance .
"O-oh , nothing . It probably costs a lot anyway ." Louis waved dismissively .
"Come on , tell me , I'll get it for you ." Harry encouraged him .
"No , It's okay . You don't have to pay for this ." Louis caressed his forearm with a small smile .
"I want to . Come on ." Harry pulled him into the shop , "Which one did you have your eyes on ?" He asked .
Louis' cheeks heated up slightly , he bit his lip and pointed to the black and white shoes he saw . Harry took him to the shelf and took the shoes to his hands , "Hm , I like them too ."
Louis took one shoe and checked the cost taped to the sole of the shoe , his eyes widened and he placed the shoe back on the shelf .
"What happened ?" Harry asked with a frown .
"They cost a lot , I won't let you pay for them . It's too much ." Louis tried taking the other shoe from Harry's hands but Harry won't let him , "Yes I will . Do you really want them ?"
Louis nodded hesitately , Harry pecked his cheek and turned to one of the workers , "What sizes do you have of these shoes ?"
Her eyes widened as Harry talked but she quickly recovered and told him the sizes . (I don't really know how sizes work at UK so .. yeah .)
"What's your size ?" Harry turned to Louis , Louis told him the size quietly , Harry turned to the worker making sure she heard Louis too , she nodded and walked away to get him the shoes .
Harry sat Louis down as they waited to the worker to get back , he crouched down in front of Louis and slowly untied his right shoe off so he could try on the new ones .
"Harry , you really don't have to buy them , I can pay for them myself ." Louis bit his lower lip , Harry looked up at him and pulled his shoe off , "Well , you're my baby , and I'm going to spoil you . Clear ?"
Louis blushed , "I'm not a baby ."
"You're my baby ." Harry smiled at him , he tickled his foot softly , making Louis smile and giggle , kicking Harry's hand away .
The worker came back with the box , she handed it to Louis who thanked her , he put the right shoe on and let Harry tie the laces . He stood up and examined his shoe , moving his foot around to see if it's comfortable to walk in .
"Is that okay ? Your foot isn't squished inside ? Your toes ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head , "No , it's okay ." He sat back down , Harry untied his shoe and turned to the worker , "We'll take them ."
The nodded and took the box to the desk , Harry helped Louis put his shoe back on and they stood up to go to the desk .
The worker told them the cost , Louis reached for his pocket to get his money out , but Harry already paid her .
"Harry , you d-" Harry cut Louis off with a kiss , "I already told you I'm paying ."
Louis blushed and the worker handed Harry the change along with the bag with the shoes box . The two thanked her and walked out of the shop , to Alberto and Dale who waited for them . Alberto took the bag from Harry , "I'll take this for you ."
"Thanks ." Harry smiled and turned to Louis , "Are you hungry ? Thirsty ?"
"No , I'm good ." Louis shook his head , Harry nodded and held his hand , they kept walking around the shops , as people started noticing them more . Some took phones out to take a picture of them , some were walking next to them .
Louis felt surrounded , he gripped Harry's hand tighther and brought his other hand to grip his bicep . He pursed his lips and breathed through his nose , feeling his heartbeat picking up the pace .
Harry felt Louis' fingers digging into his bicep softly , he turned his head to look at him , seeing his eyes a bit wider , cheeks flushed and chest rising quickly .
"Lou , are you okay ?" Harry stopped walking and turned to face him , he wrapped one arm around Louis' waist , the other going to cup the back of his neck , he pulled him close to his chest . Louis fisted his shirt , "L-lot of people a-around .."
Harry nodded , he pressed a kiss to his forehead and turned his attention to Alberto and Dale , who looked at him for explanation .
"Can you make sure we have some space ?" He asked , and mouthed the word 'anxiety' . The two nodded and told everyone around them to keep away , pushing them gently .
Harry rubbed Louis' back softly and whispered sweet things into his ear , slowly calming him down .
"No , move away ! I don't fucking care , I want to take a picture !"
Harry looked up to see a girl arguing with Alberto , he tried telling her to stay away for now and blocked her way , but she still tried walking past him .
"Listen , I drove all the way here to take a picture with Harry Styles , I don't care his wimp of a boyfriend is having trouble , just let me take a fucking picture with him !"
Harry's grip on Louis tightened , "Don't you dare listen to her ."
Louis just closed his eyes and tried pulling away from Harry , but he won't let him go . Harry turned his back to the girl and turned Louis with him , he gripped him tight and rocked him back and forth to calm him down .
"Hey , excuse me , Mister Harry Styles ! Will you let me take a fucking picture with you ?!" The girl called angrily , Harry turned his head to glare at her , then turned to Louis again , "Do you want some hot chocolate ?"
Louis thought for a few seconds before nodding , Harry lifted his head to kiss his lips , "Let's go ."
Harry kept one arm wrapped around Louis' waist , they walked to the coffee shop on the second floor , sitting in a booth .
The waitress brought them their orders , Harry placed his hand on Louis thigh , the other holding his mug of coffee . He turned his head to Louis , who kept stirring his hot chocolate .
"Stop thinking about it ." Harry rubbed his knee , "She knows nothing ."
Louis just shrugged and took the spoon out of the mug , placing it on the table .
Harry wrapped his arm around Louis and placed his hand on his hip , pulling his small figure into his side , "Lou , please don't be upset . I don't like seeing you upset ." He nuzzled his temple , pressing a soft kiss to it .
Louis sighed and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder , "It still hurt ."
"Ignore it , baby . Just ignore it . There will always be people that don't like you , we all have this . We just have to ignore it , and I'll help you , with whatever you need ." Harry squeezed him closer , pressing a kiss to his forehead .
"Thank you ." Louis said quietly , cuddling a little closer to Harry's side . Harry smiled softly at him and pressed a kiss to his forehead , trailing his kisses down to the tip of his nose , then kissing his lips . Blush spread on Louis' cheeks , Harry grinned and squeezed him , "You're adorable ."
"Stop ." Louis giggled and pushed his face away playfully , Harry laughed and grabbed Louis' hand that pushed him , he kissed the back of his hand , "Are you feeling better ?"
"Yeah ." Louis smiled at him , he leaned closer and pressed a kiss to his cheek , "Thank you ."
"I have so many more ways to cheer you up ." Harry grinned , "I can tell you knock knock jokes ."
"If you tell me one I'll start crying ."
"Hey , they're not that bad ." Harry pouted .
"Yes they are !"
"Lux always laughs when I tell them !"
"Who's Lux ?"
"Louise's daughter ."
"Louise , your hairstylist ?"
"Yeah ."
"How old is Lux ?"
"Four ."
"When she grows up she'll regret every second she laughed at your jokes ." Louis sassed .
Harry raised his eyebrow , "Sassy , are we ?" He poked at Louis' side , Louis giggled and slapped his hand .
They got home two hours later , Bear and Milo ran to the door . Bear nudged himself into Louis' leg , while Milo was barking for attention from Harry . The two laughed , Harry picked Milo up and kissed his head , then handed him to Louis , "I'll go make us lunch , yeah ?"
Louis took Milo from Harry's hands and nodded , going to sit on the couch . Harry got everything he needed to make lunch , when he heard Louis giggling madly . He turned his head to the living room , Louis was laying on the couch with Bear and Milo licking his cheeks , he tried turning his head but the two had him held down to the couch .
Harry quickly pulled his phone out , he filmed them for a few seconds before going to help him . He took Milo off him and put him on the floor , then lifted Bear up from him , placing him on the floor with Milo .
"Thank you ." Louis giggled , wiping his cheeks . Harry chuckled , "I'm quite disappointed they didn't ask me to join the assault , I guess I'll have to give you my own assault ..." Harry smirked , Louis' eyes widened , he got up from the couch but Harry grabbed him around the waist , pulling him into his chest .
The force sent them flopping down on the couch , Louis landed on Harry's chest giggling . Harry quickly flipped them and pinned Louis under him , peppering his cheeks with kisses . Blush covered Louis' cheeks from Harry's affection towards him , he was giggling again and pushing lightly at Harry's chest .
"Stop ." He giggled and turned his head side to side to avoid his lips , which didn't help . Harry grabbed his wrists and pinned them near his head Louis tugged at his arms , "Let me goooo ..."
"Quoting Panic! At The Disco , are you ?" Harry winked , Louis giggled and shook his head , "Wasn't what I meant ."
"Hm ..." Harry leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips , "Want to help me make lunch ?"
"I don't know how to cook ." Louis bit his lower lip .
"I'll teach you , It's really simple ." Harry smiled and got off him , helping him up from the couch .
"Mm , it smells good ." Louis looked at the food in the oven , when there was a knock on the door .
"Did you invite someone over ?" Louis asked Harry , who shook his head , "No ." He walked to the door and opened it , seeing Niall grinning at him .
"Heya lad !" He hugged Harry with a pat on his shoulder , "Do I smell food ?" He sniffed and walked to the kitchen with Harry following .
Louis was standing in the corner of the kitchen , leaning back on the counter with his arms hugging himself .
"Oh ! Hi ." Niall smiled at Louis .
Harry stood next to Louis and took his hand , "Niall , this is Louis , my boyfriend . Louis , this is Niall , one of my best mates ."
"Hi ." Louis waved shyly at Niall , who grinned , "I'm finally getting to meet you ! Harry talks so much about you , and I only saw pictures of you ."
Louis blushed at his words , he looked up at Harry , "Are you talking to everyone about me ?"
"Pretty much , yeah ." Harry smiled , Louis blushed and buried his face in Harry's shoulder blade .
"Aw , you too are sooo cute ! I totally ship you guys ." Niall cooed with a grin , then turned to the oven , "What did you make ?"
"Chicken and potatos ." Harry said and took three plates out of the drawer , "I guess you're staying for lunch ?"
"Hell yes I am , everything you cook tastes good ." Niall said , he took Louis' hand and pulled him to the table to sit with him .
"So , tell me . You and Harry ." Niall winked , "How long are you two together ?"
"U-uh , just a few days ?" Louis said , blush creeping up his cheeks . He felt nervous around new people , even though Harry was three meters away from him .
"Have you met Anne and Gemma ?"
"Yeah ."
"And what did they say ?"
"They said they like me , and I have permission from them to hit Harry if he hurts me ." Louis said , a quiet giggle leaving his lips .
"Which will never happen !" Harry called from his place near the oven .
"Well , you don't have my permission to hit him . I want the pleasure of doing it myself ." Niall said , Louis giggled .
Harry placed one plate in front of Niall , the other in front of Louis . He sneaked a kiss to his cheek , Louis smiled at him and Niall made gagging noises .
"Stop being cute around me , I might throw up glitter if you keep acting all lovey dovey ."
"It was just a peck on the cheek , Nialler , relax ." Harry rolled his eyes playfully and placed his own plate near Louis' , sitting next to him .
"I should really find you a ship name ." Niall said took another bite , "When I tried finding one for Zayn and Liam the fans found one before me , now I'm going to find one before they do ."
"I'm pretty sure they already found something ." Harry said , making Niall choke on his food , "What ?? No !! When ? How ?"
"I saw some comments on my Instagram pictures saying "Lourry" and some saying "Larry" so I assumed they were our ship name ."
"Damn it ." Niall pouted and took another bite .
"You can find us a last name ship name , then ." Louis suggested , Niall's face lit up , "Yes !! I will , give me a while to think . Lou , what's your last name ?"
"Tomlinson ." Louis said .
Hopefully future Styles , Harry thought to himself , knowing it's too rushed .
The rest of the lunch was quiet , until Niall burst , "I found something !!"
"What is it ?"
"Stylinson ." He grinned .
"So , we're Lourry Stylinson ?" Harry asked .
"Nah , Larry sounds better than Lourry ." Niall waved him off .
"So , Larry Stylinson ?" Louis asked .
"Yeah !!" Niall smiled , he took his phone out and turned the front camera towards them , "I'll post it on Instagram ."
Harry leaned closer to Louis and wrapped his arm around his waist , they all smiled at the camera as Niall took the picture .
"King of selfies on the field ." Harry mused as he gathered everyone's empty plates and took them to the sink .
"Hell yes I am ." Niall grinned as he posted the picture , he turned to the two , "Haz , thanks for lunch , and Lou , it was nice meeting you . I really should go , I promised not to be late this time ." He got up from the table and hugged the two , "We should all meet up some when , invite Zayn and Liam aswell ."
"Yeah , we'll plan something ." Harry nodded , Niall waved goodbye and walked out of the door .
"He's a ball of energy ." Louis said , chuckling . Harry laughed and nodded , "Yeah , he is ."
They sat next to each other on the couch , watching an old episode of Castle . Louis lied his head on Harry's shoulder and cuddled a little closer , Harry smiled and wrapped his arm around Louis' small waist , pulling him closer .
"Comfortable ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded and looked up at him through his long eyelashes . Harry kissed the tip of his nose , "What do you say , should we take a nap ?"
"Yeah ... sounds good ." Louis nodded , Harry lied on his back on the couch , Louis on his side between Harry and the back of the couch , head on Harry's shoulder and his arm slung on his chest .
When the episode ended , Harry looked down to see Louis fell asleep . He smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of his head , he reached carefully for the blanket on the back of the couch . He draped it over his and Louis' body and hugged him closer , closing his eyes and falling asleep with him .
Sorry it took so long , I had a hard time writing this chapter . Hopefully next chapter will be better .
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