Ch. 1
First chapter , I'm so excited ! I hope this fanfic will turn out good enough and you'll like it .
Enjoy xx
The walk to Harry's place wasn't long , and soon enough they were at his doorstep .
Louis was excited and nervous ; He only saw his house through videos and now he's getting to see it with his own eyes .
"Before we go in , you're not scared of dogs , right ?" Harry turned to Louis .
Louis' eyes widened slightly ; He almost forgot Harry has two dogs . He looked away from Harry , "Depends ."
"I have two , one big husky siberian and a small akita ." Harry said , "They're really friendly , sometimes even too friendly ." He chuckled . "If you want me to put them in their room so you won't be scared , it's okay ."
"No , no It's okay ." Louis said .
"Okay . But don't be shy , if they bug you too much then tell me ." Harry said and unlocked the door .
They walked in , Harry closed the door and locked it behind them , "Well , this is my house . It's not huge but not too small ." Harry said , he put Louis' bag on the floor in the entrace and took his coat off Louis' shoulders .
Louis liked Harry's house ; It was the perfect size , the living room and kitchen weren't separated with walls , It wasn't two floor house , only a few stairs to the bedrooms area . He has Two guest bedrooms that one of them is the dogs' room , and another master bedroom for himself .
"Bear and Milo are probably asleep , do you want me to go get them ?" Harry asked , Louis shrugged . "Make yourself at home , I'll be right back ."
Loui went to the living room and looked around , when he heard a bark . He flinched and his heart started beating fast , he heard steps coming towards the living room .
Harry showed up , holding a small , white and brown dog with one hand , the other holding a big white and black dog's collar to make sure he doesn't run off .
"Well , say hello to Bear ," Harry looked down to the husky siberian dog , "And Milo ." He moved Milo's paw up and down as if he's waving hello .
"Come closer , they don't bite . They'll lick the hell out of you , but nothing more ." Harry gave Louis a smile . Louis stepped closer , watching both dogs . He let Bear sniff the back of his fingers , holding his breath nervously . Bear put his head under Louis' palm and quietly waited for him to pet him .
"He likes you ." Harry smiled down at Bear , Louis pet him gently , loving his soft fur under his fingers . Milo let out a small squeak-bark-like , asking for attention aswell . Harry chuckled , "This one wants attention . He's always liked attention ."
Louis put his hand up for Milo to sniff it , but Milo wanted to be pet right away . A small smile tugged at his lips as he pet the small dog in Harry's arms .
"Do you think I can let them go ? Are you okay with that ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded . Harry put Milo down , the small dog immediately ran to the couch and tried jumping up on it . Harry let go of Bear's collar and Bear went to Milo , trying to help him up .
"They are the best of friends ." Harry smiled at the two , then turned to Louis , "Are you hungry ? Do you want me to make you something to eat ? Order something ? Are you thirsty ?"
Louis shook his head at every question . "Do you want some tea , then ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded silently . Harry gave him a smile , "You can go sit on the couch . And I warn you , Milo is a cuddler ."
Louis nodded , he went to sit on the end of the couch , hands on his lap . Milo made his way to Louis , tucked himself under his arm with his tiny head on his thigh . Louis smiled at the small dog cuddled up to him and pet him gently .
A minute later Harry placed two tea mugs on the table with biscuits , Louis thanked him silently . Harry sat next to him , "Do you want to talk ? About what happened ?"
Louis looked down , he really didn't want to bring it up .
"If you don't want to talk about it , it's okay . I just asked , I want to help ." Harry assured quickly , rubbing Louis' arm comfortingly . Louis looked up at him with glossy eyes , he didn't want to deal with this situation alone .
"I told m-my parents that I'm g-gay . They didn't r-react the b-best ." He said , wipind under his eye with his finger .
"Oh . I'm sorry ." Harry said , he felt his heart clench for the third time . "You know it's not wrong to be gay , it's natural . It happens a lot , you're not the only one ."
"I thought th-they will support me , they're my p-parents ." Louis croaked , he covered his mouth . He really didn't want to cry in front of Harry . Harry bit his lower lip , he scooted closer and wrapped the small boy in a hug . He rubbed his back , letting him cry into his shoulder .
When Louis calmed down he was already tired , he wiped his cheeks and under his eyes with his sleeve . "C'mon , I'll get you to bed ." Harry took him to the guest bedroom , grabbing his bag from the entrace on the way .
"You can sleep here ." Harry placed the bag near the bed , he went to the closet and pulled another blanket and a pillow for him . "If you want to shower , there's a bathroom right there ." Harry pointed out of the room to the door . Louis nodded .
"Alright , I'll leave you to change . If you need anything , I'll be in my room , alright ?" Harry said , Louis nodded and waited for Harry to exit the room so he can change .
It was early in the morning , Louis woke up before Harry and quickly dressed , leaving a note on the beside table .
Hey Harry , thank you for letting me stay the night . I had to go to work early , sorry I didn't say anything , I didn't want to disturb . Also I'm sorry I didn't make breakfast , I don't know how to cook . I work at the record shop across the starbucks if you'd want to know . Louis .
He knew that note was ridiculous , so he left the house quickly before he regretted leaving him , or Harry woke up .
Harry woke up an hour after Louis left , he knew he needed to film a video in the morning for Christmas , but he didn't feel like doing it now , maybe later . He got up from the bed , Bear following right behind .
Harry filled both dogs' bowls with food , he went to the fridge and took out eggs and a few vegetables for salad , when he remembered a certain boy staying at his place from last night . He placed everything on the counter and went to the guest room , seeing the door half open .
"Louis ?" He said quietly , incase the boy was still asleep . He opened the door and found the bed empty , the blankets neated on the end of the bed and a note on the beside table .
He read the note and sighed , I'd better check up on him later , he said to himself .
He went back to the kitchen and made himself breakfast , he brushed his teeth and dressed up in a black jeans , a Christmas shirt his mum got him a few days ago and put on his Timberland shoes .
He took the camera and it's stand and placed it in front of the big glass doors to the balcony in the living room , so it faces the living room and kitchen .
"So that's it for this video , have a great Christmas . All the love ." Harry finished the video , blew a kiss to the camera and waved with a dimpled smile , when Bear ran up to him barking . He chuckled and pet his head , then got up to stop the recording .
"I'll edit that later ," He said to himself as he took the camera back to his room . He changed his shirt and went out of the room , Milo running between his legs .
Harry smiled and picked him up , pressing a kiss to his head before putting him back down . He took his coat and put it on , taking his phone , car keys and some money with him . It was already noon , and he hoped Louis didn't finish his shift .
He got out of the house to the cold weather , locked the door behind him and ran to the car .
He got to the record shop , but before he walked in , he went to the Starbucks across . He waited in the line and ordered himself vanilla latte , and hot chocolate for Louis , which was a wild guess , since he didn't know if he likes hot chocolate .
He paid and took his order , thanking the employee behind the counter . He crossed the road to the record shop and opened the door , a small bell dnagling above him .
He saw Louis trying to get to the top shelf to put CDs on it , having to stand on his tip-toes to almost reach it . Harry chuckled to himself and placed the cups on the desk near the cash register , "Need some help ?"
Louis turned his head to see Harry , he blushed and looked away , "Those shelves are really high ."
"Or maybe you're just small ." Harry went over to him and took the CDs , putting them easily on the shelf .
"I got you some hot chocolate ." Harry said and went to the desk , handing him the hot chocolate cup .
"Oh , thank you . You didn't have to ." Louis said , Harry shoved the cup into his hands carefully , "I didn't want you freezing ."
Louis blushed slightly and sipped on his cup , when the door opened , bell dangling . "Hello , Louis ." A man smiled at him .
"Hey boss ." Louis waved at him .
"I came to see how you're doing , and tell you that for your birthday you can pick whatever CDs you'd like , as a gift from me ." His boss smiled .
"Thank you ." Louis gave him a shy smile .
"It's your birthday today ??" Harry asked with a wide smile on his face . Louis shook his head , "No , not today . In a few days ."
"When ?"
"24th ."
"A Christmas eve baby !" Harry had a wide grin on his face , Louis blushed and nodded , sipping on his hot chocolate .
"That's so cool ! How do you usually celebrate your birthdays ?" Harry asked .
"I don't ." Louis shrugged , as if it's nothing . Harry raised his brows , "What do you mean , you don't ?"
"I never celebrated my birthday ." Louis said and looked away . God , I'm so pathetic , he thought to himself .
"Why didn't you ?" Harry asked softly .
"I don't have friends to celebrate with , and my parents never took me out for anything special ; My mum just made a cake , said happy birthday and gave me some money to get myself something ." He said sadly .
Harry bit his lower lip , he rubbed his back , "Well , this year , we're going to celebrate . How old will you be ?"
"Nineteen ." Louis said . "And honestly , I don't feel like celebrating . I don't want to do anything special ."
"Are you sure ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "I'm sure ."
"Then I'll take you out on a shopping , we'll have lunch , and -" "Harry , really , I -" "You have no say in this ." Harry shushed him .
Louis blushed and looked away , he threw his empty cup to the trash .
"When is your shift over ?" Harry asked .
"In an hour ." Louis said , "Why ?"
"We'll go have lunch together ." Harry smiled at him . Louis didn't even try fighting him , he knew he's going to lose .
After lunch , Harry took Louis back to his place , even though Louis said he's going to be fine with staying at a hotel .
They walked into the house , Bear ran down the three stairs , while Milo was standing at the top , barking squeakly . Harry chuckled , "He can't go down the stairs , he's too small ."
Harry took off his coat and went over to Milo , holding his hands towards him , "Come here , buddy ." He smiled , Milo barked and jumped off the stair into his hands , Harry caught him and laughed , holding him to his chest .
He turned to Louis , who was petting Bear's head gently , "Do you want to watch a movie ?"
"It sounds good , but I'm quite tired ." Louis said and smiled lightly .
"Okay , you can go take a nap . I'll keep these two away from your room , yeah ?" Harry chuckled .
Louis let out a giggle , he nodded and went to the guest room .
And no , Harry's heart didn't flutter when Louis giggled .
Hope it was okay . xx
Tell me if something needs to be changed , if you have requests , anything .
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