64. The House Of Giovanni (Part 1)
Tristan was watching her eat and enjoying it so much. Could he ask for a better chance to spend time with her? He didnt think so. This was one good excuse to stare at her all he wanted and sit opposite her as long as he wanted. He didnt apologise for wanting to be close to her. He didnt regret being sitting opposite her since she was not complaining. She was slowly trusting him to his satisfaction.
As Vienna was eating, she was looking outside mostly since there was a good view outside the window. She noticed he was looking at her. She felt abit uncomfortable but she didnt mind him just eating in silence and watching her. At least he wasnt asking questions no more. Being questioned by him was not easy for anyone. He was taught by his father and his grandpa O'Neil how to be observant and ask the right questions. She was worried what she was going to do if he pushed on about the identity of the one who dared ask her out. She had to refuse to disclose it. To her surprise he didnt push on about the topic.
Tristan could feel she was on edge. He didnt want to scare her off. If he wanted to, he could have some names of boys out of her who dared ask her out. But what about next time? He had to take some more preventative measures. It seemed that as the prom was approaching, boys were losing their memory of who Vienna was. They needed a reminder. He knew this problem had to be dealt with by him and he wanted to keep Vienna out of it. It was not her fault that she attracted the male population. It was their fault for looking. She was his. He was going to make sure every single male in this whole school knew their place by the time he was done with them.
Vienna got distracted with the scenery through the glass windows from their private room in the Karting Arena cafe for too long and Tristan did not like that. He questioned "Why are you not eating?"
Vienna turned to Tristan startled "Oh. I am sorry... I was just looking at how big, this land is."
Tristan thought to himself "Its all yours when I marry you." He asked curiously "Do you like it? I hope you do."
Vienna smiled weakly "Yes, I do.... I like the idea of the private theme park further down beyond the woods too. Is it true it would be ready by the prom time?"
Tristan nodded "Yes. It would be ready by then. Its mostly the water park part of it that hasn't finished. The rides are ready." Tristan had been dreaming of taking vienna on a ride at that theme park ever since they had planned building it for the use of students at the school in weekends and at parties. The thought of being allowed to officially spend time with her and have fun with no formality excited her. But he had to get through the interrogation by her father first and also had to make Vienna feel more at ease around him. She still feared him. He could tell. It wasnt easy trying not to let her see his business side. It was part of who he was. Too bad Vienna couldnt come to terms with the fact that she was not just anyone. His rules didnt apply to her. She was his. She was his queen. She was everything to him. How could she be shaken up by seeing how he was with others. That side of him was reserved for everyone else but her.
Vienna noticed his heavy stare on her. Even when he says nothing, she felt like he said a lot. He fancied her and she didn't feel comfortable hearing his feelings. She found it too much. How could he like her so much? He was just perfect in every way. He could dare any other girl but he had eyes only for her. His faithfulness scared her. She was loyal and faithful herself but Tristan's love for her made her question her own loyalty. Was she even loyal enough for him. She did talk to boys in lessons and studied with them but Tristan didn't even do that. He spoke to no girls. If instructing, threatening and ordering formally counted as talking then maybe he did talk to some girls.
Tristan brought her out of her thoughts " Vienna... I don't like it when you go silent. What is on your mind? Can you say something? Anything?"
Vienna was taken back. She looked up. The truth was she was worried if she said something that he could use against her. She had let it slip Viggo fancied Angelia and had also revealed someone had asked her to prom. It could get worse.
Vienna looked outside the windows " I am just admiring the view. I am curious how big this territory is. Is it all belonging to O'Neils?"
Tristan smiled and looked at the direction she was looking at " Yes it is. My grandpa Giovanni does not like seeing my fathers territories expanding like this in New York. My father slowly bought the lands. He is building shopping malls and housing around this land too and buying all adjacent land so he can control it completely as a safe region. It's quite a wealthy and strategic area. Don't ever bring it up when you meet my grandpa tonight. Not that you would. But just a warning he won't like to ever about how my father is owning this particular part of New York that he badly wants."
Vienna suddenly remembered something as she looked up " You said... when I meet you grandpa tonight ... Oh my god... There is a party at the Giovanni mansion after dinner for forming an alliance with a family ... The Valdini family.... I had forgotten that we are going as a family .... So ... I will see you there... I didn't think of that .... My father would be there too... He would see you. He would interrogate you tonight...." she looked at Tristan with widened eyes as her lips were trembling.
Tristan was amused that she was concerned for him. She looked worried for him. She looked adorable. He just wanted to plant kisses on those pale cheeks. He wished he was allowed to taste those lips too... but it couldn't happen yet. He shook his head and spoke with smile on his lips " Sure.. he would see me but not alone in one room. This is an event, a very strictly scheduled one. But your father would not want an audience when he questions me anyways. He doesn't want me to cheat. My grandfather always speaks highly of me and if he finds out your father wants to question me privately tonight he won't allow it to go ahead. He will interfere.... So the chances are nothing will happen. Don't worry. But I hope your father could question me tonight..."
Vienna gasped " Why?" She shook her head vigorously " I don't... I don't want my father to question you..."
Tristan smiled " Well, I can't wait to ask you out officially. I can't do that unless your father sees me... Don't worry. It will be alright..."
Before Vienna could think of answering, she heard footsteps on the stairs leading up to the room. It was Clarissa.
As Clarisa reached up the stairs Tristan questioned " Is everything ok Clarissa? Where is Viggo?" She had been paired up with Viggo randomly after karting. All girls almost had sprinted to Viggo but Clarisa had been standing next to Viggo so they paired up. Tristan didn't mind. Viggo didn't trust Giovannis but he was civilised and well mannered.
Clarisa shrugged " He is helping making some cocktails. After Angelia and Letizia made up, we decided to call for a break. We are watching Roman Holiday movie on the screen downstairs and will have cocktails. I just came to ask if Vienna wanted to come."
Tristan sighed and pretended to look hurt as he put his hand on his heart " So you didn't want to ask me to come down?"
Clarisa smiled " Since when do you need an invitation? Our parents own this place." She then nodded at Vienna " Let's go."
Vienna smiled. She loved how Tristan spoke so kindly with Clarisa. It was refreshing to see how he was approachable for his sister. Clarisa hardly ever kept secrets from Tristan because he respected her privacy and always was helpful. She wished Vincenzo was like how Tristan was. Vincenzo was really not the type to talk to most of the time.
Tristan watched Vienna get up and he stood up too. He followed her down the stairs wordlessly as his eyes only saw her and her perfection. No one else mattered but her and he wished they asked Vienna what she wanted to watch. What if she didn't like the movie?
They had rearranged the chairs and the girls sat closer to screen. This was a girly movie mostly. Vienna walked with Clarisa and sat next to the girls as Stefano and Alexander were working with the projector making it work. Tristan walled towards the back and picked up a fruity cocktail glass from the table . He tasted it. Viggo was good with making drinks. He immediately thought of Viggo's uncle Angelo who basically was s chemist, pharmacist and family doctor of many crime families he knew. He knew Viggo was smart like his uncle. He was strong like his father too but his wrong taste in women was inherited from his uncle Costanzo or so they said.
Viggo was at the bar making more cocktails before the movie started staring at Angelia who was talking with Sebastiano in the corner. He felt jealous. He didn't like Sebastiano but by the looks of it he was useful. He was the one who had gone to Vincenzo and had tried to clear the air for Angelia who was not at fault in the fight with Letizia that had started over nothing. He didn't like his intentions towards her but he didn't feel as jealous as he did when he had seen Trent chatting her up. Trent was a bigger threat. He was a good gentleman. The girls loved him. He was a tough love rival to anyone but Sebastiano was a cold, sadistic Giovanni. He didn't think any girls in their right minds would date him. For some reason Sebastiano was close to Angelia. But nothing romantic was going on. How could it? According to Vincenzo, Sebastiano was a solo criminal who loved nothing but his revolver and his torture device collection. Nobody suspected him of being romantic with Angelia so Vincenzo even didn't say anything even though all boys laid off her for now because Vincenzo hated the Andovinis and anyone suspected of romancing Angelia in school was going to be doomed by him.
Tristan was watching Viggo with amusement as he was standing in the corner making cocktails as he was giving hard looks to Angelia and Sebastiano. Then he saw Vincenzo appearing at the drinks table. He picked up a drink and blocked Tristan's view " Outside now. We need to talk. Leave your drink here."
Tristan sighed "Sure." Tristan left his drink on a side table and so did Vincenzo. Sometimes their meetings got messy. So it was best not to have anything breakable around... He followed Vincenzo outside onto the balcony and closed the door behind him.
Vincenzo leaned to the wall and stated " We were interrupted earlier. Tell me about my sister."
Tristan walked closer to him and offered his hand for him to shake " Shake on it first."
Vincenzo reluctantly offered his hand and shook Tristan's but didn't let go as he gripped his hand " I give you free reign on this but if my sister gets hurt I will slaughter you."
Tristan chuckled as he gripped Vincenzo's hand too and applied pressure " The reason I want to have free reign and we go by my methods is so I have control. I know you will hurt her in the process.... We do it my way and as you said we always achieve the same outcome. We always win."
Vincenzo stopped the pressure on Tristan's hand " Talk."
Tristan nodded and let go of his hand " Sure..." He put his hands on his hips " Someone has asked Vienna out to the prom. We need to fix this. There are rules regarding your sister and so there is regarding my sister too..."
Vincenzo laughed " Impossible. You are joking Tristan."
Tristan looked serious " I wish I was. Obviously the lessons we have taught the guys in this school has been forgotten. They need a refresher. They need to know who we are and what we are capable of. No one is allowed to ask your sister out especially to the prom behind closed doors. If they dared they should have made it public..."
Vincenzo's smile disappeared " I don't believe this? Who is it? Who told you?"
Tristan stated " Vienna told me. I don't know who has but it don't matter. I know many guys fancy your sister. I am not stupid. This is a large scale problem. We must hammer the lesson into them that Vienna is off limits.
Vincenzo stepped closer to Tristan " Let's go now. The non elite boys are in the skating grounds. Let's go talk some sense into them now."
Tristan sighed " No. We go with my plan..."
Vincenzo spoke " Which is ..."
Tristan stated " War Zone Week at the survival camp... it stars Monday. That's a good excuse to do it then..."
Vincenzo stated " That week is scheduled in two weeks time. Not now. But why do you need an excuse to do this. We declare war for a week. No need for survival camp..."
Tristan shook his head " You will scare Vienna off that way. We will talk sense into the guys but we will have an excuse to do it. That week can be next week. I speak to my mother. Most exams are finished except for one or two. Each day next week after the first two periods when normally the exams are done it's survival camp war week. They go to survival lesson for the rest of the day and we do what we were meant to do outside at the camp. Good excuse. Vienna would be protected from the disturbing parts... I make sure of it..."
Vincenzo was looking at Tristan with disapproval " If you fail and they don't learn their lesson, the deal is off . After that week. I do it my way. Vienna should know what is for her safety shouldn't bother her."
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