105. Belonging

It was a few hours into the party and Tristan still hadn't had the chance to speak to Vienna. She was sitting with her family in a corner around a table and hadn't left her father's side all night. He didn't want to disturb her moment with her family. By the looks of it she was attached to her father and had missed him dearly over the last few weeks that they had been away. But of course he could understand that. Clarissa who didn't show much emotion did show that she had missed their father a lot. Just as he was staring her, he did notice she looked up at him and then looked away. He gave out a sigh of relief. She did notice his existance at least. She hadnt forgotten what they had. Or rather he hoped.

Tristan had no idea how badly Vienna wanted to walk upto Tristan and give him a hug. But she was worried to hug him in front of her parents. She was too shy and she didnt think her parents liked to see that. She was too shy to take the first step when her parents were watching. But she did want to walk upto him and tell him she missed him. But just when she looked up and got the courage to go to him, she was met with his piercing eyes staring at her. She could feel her heart jumping when he looked at her like that.

Suddenly Adele brought her out of her thoughts as Vienna heard her mother "Are you alright Vienna? Would you like to go to your room if you are tired?"

Vienna didnt want to go. She was not tired. She wanted to spend every minute she had with her family at that table. She had missed her father and her brothers. But also she had missed Tristan.

Vienna looked up at her mother and smiled "I am fine mum. I dont feel tired...."

As Adele was bout to argue, music started playing and Francesco instructed his wife "Sweetheart... Its time to dance...Our last dance before I leave tomorrow...."

Adele's heart sank as his words hit her. He was leaving again tomorrow morning. She had to have a dance. She immediately stood up and then turned to her daughter "Sweetie, are you sure you are alright? I will be at the dance floor if you need me..."

Vienna shook her head "Mum... I will be fine... I think I sat down too long... I may need to walk around abit. Dont worry,..." She had to warn her mother. Even if she was in the same room, her mother became worried these last few weeks. Ever since her father and brothers had left, her mother even couldnt stand her being away when they were in the same room. When she went to school she had so many guards accompanying her who were based around the campus that she didnt think even a president's daughter had. Still her mother worried for her since her father and brothers were not around.

Francesco held Adele's hand "Sweetheart... She will be fine..."

Adele listened to her husband and walked away as she smiled at her daughter one last time. Sweetie you know where to find me.

Francesco squeezed her waist and whispered "Dont worry about the kids."

Vienna watched her parents walked to the dance floor. She was now alone sitting around the table. She was trying to look at any direction but Tristan's. Her cheeks felt hot. She was blushing for sure now. She was tempted to take out a mirror from her purse and look at her face. But she resisted the urge. She tried to distract herself by looking around the room.

Vienna glanced at her brothers who were standing in a far corner. She sighed. By the looks of it they were in a heated argument with Niall. He had asked her to the prom when they had returned. Vincenzo epsecially was not pleased. But she didnt know what that was all about. Niall was from a very honourable family. No one ever was going to have an issue with him. But of course Vincenzo wasn't just anyone. Cristina had agreed to go to the prom with him. She didnt mind him. Who would have said no to Niall. She would have if she didnt have Tristan. Niall was quite charming.

Just then Vienna heard him from behind her "Hello there... I would give anything to find out what you are thinking right now?"

Vienna couldnt help tremble. He sounded abit different. His tone was hard. The intensity was there as always. She was frozen in her seat and didnt know what to say so she spoke the first words that came to mind "I have missed you..." It was true. When she had heard his voice, it did make her feel the emptiness she had felt all this time. She had missed him for the past few weeks. Now that he was right behind her, she didnt feel the courage to turn around and face him and make a scene she was sure she was going to make.

Tristan whispered back "I have missed you too. May I sit down next to you?"

Vienna wanted to say, you dont have to ask... But she thought against it. She still didnt have the courage to turn around. She didnt feel she was strong enough not to crumble if she turned around and looked into his eyes.

Vienna stood up and didnt turn around " I want to go for a walk..." She then walked away to his astonishment. She knew this looked wrong. But she didnt want an audience if she became emotional at being close to him after so long.

Tristan was confused why she walked away. He felt hurt. But she had said she missed him... So he was hoping she was not going to push him away.... He slowly followed her. Something must have been wrong. He walked behind her as she reached the exit to the gardens at the back. Just then as she walked outside the building, he called her name "Vienna. Wait..."

Vienna took a deep breath and walked away towards the fountains "I have to get away from the party...."

Tristan followed her. He understood. Something was wrong. At least she didnt say to him to leave her alone. He could easily block her path and confront her but he didnt wish to do that.

Vienna walked up to the fountains and sighed as she looked at water show. She closed her eyes and whispered "I am so sorry..."

Tristan stood behind her and asked "For what?"

Vienna tried to collect her courage and turn around. As she looked up into his eyes, she could feel how much she had missed him. She couldnt help herself. She needed contact with him. She took a step closer to him and wrapped her arms around her hard chest to Tristan's shock. She embraced him and buried her cheeks into his shirt.

Tristan was frozen. He couldnt believe he was getting a hug. He slowly wrapped his arms around her waist cautiously as he was revelling in her touch. They held each other for what felt like minutes. Tristan didnt care about the time and neither did Vienna. They were silently holding each other away from the crowd. Their relationship was private. It was nobody else's business.

Vienna slightly pulled away and looked up into his eyes shyly "Sorry for walking away.... I just couldnt do this in that room.... With people watching..." Her cheeks then turned into a shade of pink and she buried her face in his chest again.

Tristan wasnt sure if he wanted to speak. He didnt want to ruin this moment. He couldnt believe this. Vienna had not only acknowledged him and hadnt pushed him away but also she had admitted to wanting to hug him. He wasnt sure if he was dreaming or not.

Tristan whispered "Can you pinch me hard Vienna?... I want to wake up if its a dream.... I never thought you would hug me like this when I returned...I dont think i deserve you Vienna.... But tell me this... Has everything been ok while I was gone? Has anyone done anything to upset you?"

Vienna pulled away slightly and looked up "No... I am fine..."

Tristan ran his hands up and down her waist and emphesised on each word he said "Vienna... You must tell me if there is anything wrong. I might go around asking other people who have been in contact with you over the past few weeks to find ut if anyone has dared bother you... I just thought I ask you first ...If anyone has upset you, I would make them pay.... I promise... Just tell me if anyone has hurt you? Tell me.... You are my girl..."

Vienna was so touched by his declaration .... She shook her head "You don't need to ask anyone... Your mother has been keeping an eye on me questioning me if everything is okay. I have guards everywhere I go... I am protected... Dont worry Tristan.... But what about you? Has anyone hurt you?..."

Tristan stated "No one has hurt me..."

Vienna searched his eyes to find if there was anything wrong. But she couldnt find anything. He was just perfect. He was invincible. She buried her face in his chest again and hugged her even more tightly than before. They remained that way for longer. Silence said a thousand words in their case. They had a bond. A bond that couldnt be broken with distance and both of them could sense it.

Tristan started whispering " You belong to me.... You are mine... No one should forget that.... If they do, they would have to answer to me."

Vienna couldnt help agreeing. She was his only. She whispered back "I belong to you.... No one forgets... You dont let them forget." And it was true. No boys dared come close. Even Edward Blake avoided her. He hid from her whenever he could. If he saw her he made sure he ran the other way.

As Vienna and Tristan were holding each other, they didnt know they were being watched. Vincenzo had gone to stand in the balcony drinking soda after he was done  questioning Niall and his intentions towards Cristina. The Aussie was asking for it. He was going to watch Cris with him at the prom. It bothered her that his best friend was getting with the Aussie. It did bother him that the Aussie was suddenly appearing out of no where and taking away Cris. But for now nothing was going on so he had let it go after the Aussie had sworn he was genuine. Now when he had decided to come out onto the balcony he was seeing Niall's cousin. What was with these Irish blooded boys... They were too romantic and impatient. Just when he thought he was getting some peace, he had come out to only see his sister hugging Tristan. What a shock it was. He kept glancing around not wanting to look down. Couldnt Tristan give his sister a night at least alone and away from him. His father had approved Tristan dating vienna so he wasnt going to object but he thiught his baby sister wasnt ready for the raging bull. His father must have thought she was ready.

Vincenzo took a sip from his can of soda as he looked into the distance. The crispy fresh air was doing him some good. He always needed a drink after dealing with Terza. Soda was all that he was wanted to have for now but he knew he may have needed something stronger in future. Earlier on when he was walking to the balcony he had witnessed how she had been asked by her father if she wanted to go to the dance floor with any boys. At that point he felt like walking to Emanuelle O'Neil and grab him right there. Then throw him out of the window. He really wanted to challenge him right there. But of course, Terza being Terza had started on how boys were vile and she was not dancing with no boys. He had liked that bit of course. When he had gone to her to ask her to dance she had ran off to her grandpa Giovanni who was on the special guest section on top floor. He had felt annoyed. Only Giovannis were allowed there.

Vincenzo didn't mind waiting. His Terza was worth the wait She was not interested in others but he surely wasn't the type to look on. It didn't matter who came close to Terza, they were going to be dealt with no matter who they were. He didn't have an issue making that clear to Terza. She understood. She was a Giovanni but she had intriguing O'Neil traits too. She had her father's sense of humour and she didn't mind sharing that side with him. But also she was a head strong girl with high ambitions. She aimed high and everything she did looked professional and reasonable. She wanted to be the best

Other girls saw Vincenzo as the cut throat Rosario and Terza was wary of him. But it didn't stop Terza from having a laugh with him. She never failed to amuse him. It was frustrating how she messed with him so swiftly and smoothly. She got away with it skill fully but what astonished him the most was how she got his jokes. Letizia didn't get his jokes or irony of his actions or words but Terza did. Letizia surely must have made an impression on Vitale. The Letizia that Vitale described never surfaced fully when he was around. There were glimpses of her. But by the sounds of it Vitale brought the best out of Letizia. It did make sense. Letizia was not his to begin with and some twisted faith had brought them together. Letizia had potential in his view to be his friend but he didn't see her as someone to share his life with. He was sure this arrangement was going to come to light one day and he was going to cross the bridge when he got to it. He had promised Vitale to have his back and support his decisions. He was going to do just that. He was never going to refuse his own blood. He was going to try hard to help Vitale get together with Letizia.

Just then he heard Terza " Hey. I see you are resisting the call of the moon. The pack is waiting for you to go out there and howl."

Vincenzo turned around and looked her up and down " Oh I am resisting something here for sure and that's not the moon.

Clarisa sighed " I have a message for you from my father... He is asking if you are planning to jump off the balcony... He likes to watch ....I don't know what he means..."

Vincenzo nodded " He doesn't like it that I danced with you at your party. It's his private joke. Whenever We were on a height he would offer me if I would like to jump off and he would arrange it.... "

Clarisa nodded " Interesting ... My father is protective of me.... But I told him it was just a dare ..... But my father needs some advice here... I think he doesn't know you don't die like that... Oh there is something I found in my grandfathers collection that would interest my father... It's a gun with silver bullets ... You know a wild wolf like you, needs silver..."

Vincenzo smiled and walked slowly towards her " Terza. You are right. Can I ask you for a favour?"

Clarisa asked " Sure. You are coming back from a trip and may die on the trip if my father doesn't push you off a cliff so I can grant your wishes." She then smiled in amusement.

Vincenzo stated " The favour is not for now... It's for later.... When I get married, I want you to ask your grandfather to give that gun with silver bullets instead of the usual wedding gifts he may give. I don't want any other gift. Can you ask him that?"

Terza took a step closer to him " Sure I will ask him that. He won't say no... Do you think your future wife wouldn't mind? What if she feels insulted? Which bride likes to get a gun on their wedding as gift."

Vincenzo smiled as he took a sip from his soda bottle and looked at her silently for a few seconds. He then said in amusement  " Oh, I have a feeling she won't mind...."

Terza crossed her arms over her chest "
Vincenzo, you make no sense to me sometimes. But I don't like trying to figure you out. You can't help it. It's within your nature... You go rogue sometimes."

Vincenzo chuckled " Little red. The night is young. It's full moon. Do you think it's wise to call an alpha, a rogue?"

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