「White Like Death~」
「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
*A whole crowd claps and cheers at a certain pale white girl on the stage, who also had white hair, wore a white silver ish dress and had blue eyes, with no scar over one of them, she couldn't help but sigh softly as the curtain closes*
"Congratulations Daughter, you definitely made our family proud."
*The White Hair looks at the one talking to her, which was a adult male with the same type of color of skin and clothing, this was her Father*
"And no doubt earned us a few more supporters for our company~"
*The Father wore a happy expression, which made the 'Daughter' roll her eyes in annoyance*
'That's all I'm good for...'
*The Daughter then turns away and walks off*
"I must start packing for Beacon, bye Father."
*The Girl With A Lovely Voice gave the man a plain and blunt bye, clearly not caring for him at all, though before she could leave, the Father said something that made her feel ugly*
"You and you're rebellious phase, why can't none of you just stay home and pretty like real 'Loyal Daughters', hmph."
*The Father looked annoyed as he shakes his head and walks away, this made the one in a White Dress glare angrily at the man, before stomping and storming away in silent rage*
'I Am Not Just Your Doll! I Am Not Just Your Byproduct! I'm Not A Simple Pretty Thing!"
*The White Hair Lady went inside her changing room and slammed the door hard enough to make the wood crack and made everything in the room shake or fall over*
'And I Am Not Just Another SCHNEE!!!'
*The Schnee then just fall face first on the couch, kicking her legs in anger, before just sighing in defeat, and just simply laid there in exhaustion*
'After I graduate Beacon with top honors, I'll show him who I really am, and it's not just being his daughter...'
*The Schnee growls softly, though her silent rage was interrupted with someone petting her head and brushing her hair away from her face*
"「Fine, I guess I'll be your lap pillow for today, But Nexts Time I Get To Lay On Your Lap!」"
*A familiar sounding voice startled her as she opens her eyes and lifted her head to see a certain someone dressed in a Black Uniform, usually whenever a random stranger would come to her room, they would've been met with hostility*
"Kumagawa?! You're Here?! What A Surprise!~"
*Instead, the Schnee hugged Kumagawa tightly and happily, to which he accepted being squeezed by her*
"「What do you mean you're 'Surprised', my Snow Angel: Weiss, I always come to all your private rich people singing thing~」"
*Kumagawa pets her head and smiles innocently*
"But I didn't see you in the crowd..."
*Weiss looks down a bit sadly*
"「Er, well, I have been pretty busy lately, meeting people and such」"
*Kumagawa tried his best to hide what he was really working on, to which the Snow Angel did notice, but didn't really care much, since she already how he acts*
"Well since you're here, how about I make us some tea and bring out games to play with, OH! I finally managed to find that one game that we played with when we first met, age 7 I believe~"
*Weiss couldn't help but fondly remember the first day they met, she subconsciously rub her left eye, it was a memory she will forever cherish*
'I still can't believe he didn't know I was a Schnee~...'
*Weiss smiles softly to herself, it was nice to meet someone who only saw her as herself, and not another 'Schnee'*
"「Unfortunately I must decline, I only came here to discuss a rumour I heard about this being your last performance and you'll be going to Beacon Academy soon?」"
*Once Kumagawa mentioned this, the Schnee couldn't help but lose her joyful expression and let it be replace with a depressed one*
"Oh right, I nearly forgot this would be our last time meeting each other..."
*Weiss suddenly felt like crying, while she did know she'll probably make new acquaintance and maybe a new friend, the thought of her never seeing her first Best Friend she has ever made, it made her very sad*
"「Ah, how unfortunate, I'm gonna miss our little tradition of me sneaking in here and just having fun with you」"
*Kumagawa lets out a small pout*
"... Why couldn't you just train to be a Hunter and just join me..."
*Weiss crossed her arms and look down, trying her best not to act childish about this situation*
"「Don't act like this, you know very well on why I can't~」"
*Kumagawa hugged her from behind and nuzzled her cheeks, making her blush softly*
"You're not weak, you could be strong, I could've helped you with that!"
*Weiss whines and wanted to throw a fit*
"「Then we would've had no time to play~」"
*Kumagawa poke her cheeks and wore a teasing smirk*
"So... Is this goodbye then?..."
*Weiss looks up to the Good Loser with a upset expression*
"「How about you just think of the future for when you finish school, instead of just assuming we'll never meet again...」"
*The Schnee wore a confused expression, but before she could say anything, Kumagawa just pulls out a joker card that was connected to a necklace and put it around her neck*
"「For example, one day I'll be in trouble, but instead of getting hurt from the danger, I'll have you to come in and save me, like a Knight in shining armor~」"
*Kumagawa then let's her go and let her take a moment to look at her crudely made necklace, to which she smiled and held it up with care*
"Does that make you the princess?~"
*Weiss look at him and teased back a little, to which made him giggle*
"「I suppose so, hehe~」"
*Kumagawa then turns around and begins to walk to the door, no doubt about to leave, which made her sigh softly, but she was no longer to upset, as she now has a goal in mind on what to do when she finished Beacon*
"「Oh! Before I go, I wish to share some friendly advice before you go away for a long time!~」"
*Kumagawa opened the door and just stopped in front of the exit*
"Huh? What kind of advice?"
*Weiss tilts her head in curiosity, the Minus then turns his head and wore a big happy smile*
"Crush those that get in your way, never let anyone hold you back~..."
*After Kumagawa said this, he quickly left the room and close the door behind him, leaving the Schnee to think about what she had been told*
"..... I am very happy to have such a good friend like him~"
*Was all Weiss had to say to that, as she smiles as she walks away to the clothing area, so that she can change and freshen up, unaware of the many dead body of Schnee Security and White Fang's members on the ceiling, all impaled by big <Screws>*
"I can't wait for us to meet again~"
Ok, if you think this chapter is weird, it's because I'm planning on a weird Weiss x Kumagawa ship, at the moment it's a maybe, but most likely no, but I'm still testing out the waters, so for now they're just BFF I guess.
(MINUS IDEA: She can summon her own and other's greatest fears?)
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