「Red Like Blood~」
「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
"Ow! Ow! Ow! You Could Have Said No To The Autograph!"
*We see a young girl, maybe around 15 or so, and wore red & black gothic clothing with a big hoodie, she was in the middle of being drag away by the ear by a certain Blonde Witch*
"Do you have any ideas of the danger that you put yourself in?"
*Glynda was giving the Silver Eyes a special kind of angry expression and tone, the one that doesn't involve yelling yet it felt so much more worst*
"B-But They Started It!"
*The Hoodie Girl tried to defend herself and whines*
"If it were up to me, you'd be sent home, with a pat on the back, and a slap in the wrist..."
*Once Glynda said this with such coldness and venom, the Gothic Lolita gulp in fear and was thinking about running away from the scary lady*
"But luckily for you, I'm very busy today, so I'm just gonna take you to the police station and contact your parents to pick you up."
*After Glynda finished explaining and took her to the police car, the Silver Eyes wanted to protest and complain even more, but before she could say anything, the Pro Huntress opened the back door and reveal a certain someone already chilling in the back seat and was reading some Manga*
"「Hi Mom!~ Are you finish with kicking baddies butt yet?~」"
*Kumagawa looked up to Scary Witch and wore a very 'Innocent' & 'Happy' expression*
*The Hoodie Girl was beyond shock to hear this, as she didn't expect such a Pro & Famous, not to mention Mean Huntress Goodwitch to have any kids, this blew her mind in all honesty*
"Of course Sweetie, they never stood a chance against me~"
*Glynda smiles, shocking the Gothic Lolita even more, as she let's go of the Silver Eye's ear and held her son's cheeks and nuzzled his head*
"「I knew you would, you're so strong and amazing Mom~」"
*Kumagawa lets out a happy smile, which made his Mother giggle*
"Thank you Son, your praise mean a lot to me~"
*Once Glynda shows her Son some love and affection, she lets him go and glared back at the Hoodie Girl, who flinched from such a change of emotions*
"I need to talk to some officer's before we leave, so wait in here until I return, Understand?!"
*Glynda spoke in a very stern tone, which made the Gothic Lolita feel like she was in a military*
"Y-Yes Ma'am!"
*Silver Eye's nods in understanding, which made Goodwitch huff, as she put her in the back seat and left her alone with her Son, before leaving the Two to do some important work, both of them just sat there in silence and not saying anything to one another, the Child of the Pro Huntress just continue to read some Manga, while the Hoodie Girl was starting to be filled with extreme social anxiety*
'K-Keep it together m-me, there's nothing to worry about, a-all you're doing is just sitting in the back s-seat of a police car, to which a Scary Lady put you in for doing something cool, and doing nothing but sit nexts to her Son who must be judging me and thinking I'm so type noob and probably thinks I'm not worth his time and- BAD THOUGHTS!!!'
*She couldn't help but extreme shy and embarrassed about her predicament she was in, clearly not knowing how to handle or deal with this situation she was put in*
"「You know, I don't really like Hero Characters, I think they're lame and stupid」"
*Kumagawa suddenly spoke to her, snapping her out of her social awkwardness and looked up to one still reading his book*
*The Gothic Lolita suddenly looked very confused and surprised on what he said*
"「I mean think about it, they're so unrealistic and so generic, I don't think anyone would be a hero, I just can't see it happening」"
*Kumagawa shakes his head and sigh, as he flips a page and continue to read*
"... I-I wanna be a Hero..."
*Once the Silver Eyes said this quietly, a small smirk appears on the face of the Loser Goodwitch*
"「Whaaaaa? I didn't hear you~」"
*Kumagawa glance and moved his Blue Eyes at the Hoodie Girl, who tries to muster up some confident*
"I-I Said I Wanna Be A Hero!"
*When she found her bravery, she sat up and look at the Minus, as if challenging his ideals*
"「Oh, but why?~」"
*Kumagawa looks at her fully and tilted his head in a very curious and 'Innocent' fashion*
"Because Hero's Will Always Commit Selfless Acts For Others! Always Sacrifice Themselves For The Greater Good! And Always Do The Right Thing, All The Way To The Bitter End! That's What It Means To Be A True Hero, The Same Kind I Strive To Be!"
*Clearly this was something she was very passionate about, and while she does admit it's very childish to think like this, it was still something she hopes to be when she grows older*
"「You will die within a year if you managed to accomplish such a childish and naive dream, and that's without mentioning the many times you'll probably get betrayed after saving someone」"
*Kumagawa's blunt and cold response startled the pure of heart child*
"T-That's not a nice thing to say!"
*Even though she said this with reasonable amount of anger and bravery, she was getting a strange feeling that she was barking up the wrong tree*
"「But it's the truth, is it not?」"
*Kumagawa then shows random page's of his Manga to the Hoodie Girl*
"「I won't deny that saving lives and helping people isn't necessarily a bad thing, you gotta keep in mind the many downside of being a 'Hero' in our real life」"
*Each time Kumagawa flips a page of his book, the more examples he was showing to worrying Gothic Lolita*
"「If you're to nice, you will be taken advantage of by both citizens and enemies, but if you're to mean, you will have support from no one and will always be alone and defenseless, even mixing both will not be enough, especially when you're always being held back by 'Laws' & 'Good Morals'」"
*Kumagawa then slams his Manga close and looked at the Silver Eyes with a condescending smile*
"「So many restrictions, so many cons, being a Hero is not worth the trouble~」"
*Kumagawa enjoyed the struggling expression the Hoodie Girl was having*
"A-Are You Saying That I Should Be Some Law-Breaking Vigilante Or Villains?!"
*She couldn't help but feel very frustrated and annoyed with these sudden negative thoughts and ideas she was given*
"「Why must you always think there's a side to choose?」"
*Once Kumagawa said this, any negative emotions that she was feeling was suddenly replace with confusion*
*Now she was lost and couldn't help but just look at the Good Loser with no understanding on what he means*
"「In the end, I'm not really stopping you from being a good person who does good things, but that shouldn't mean you should become a Hero because you do good deeds」"
*Kumagawa leans on the window and looks out and stares at the shattered moon*
"「Don't think of choosing your life and how live it as a job, or rank, or role, or anything that's a Elite like mindset, 'Do or Do Not', that's all what matters when living a life of cruelty and despair」"
*When Kumagawa said all that, the Gothic Lolita couldn't help but think about on she was told*
"Do, or Do Not..."
*She doesn't know why those words hit as hard as it did*
"「Remember, there's no such things as obligation and forcing yourself to do anything, you're a free person Ruby Rose with no one holding you back, keep that in mind」"
*Kumagawa looks back at Silver Eyes with a light and warm smile, which made her blush shyly again and look away, but not because of fear or embarrassment*
"... Wait, how do you know my name?!"
*Before the one, now known as Ruby Rose, could question the Minus on how he knew her name and such, the two were interrupted by Goodwitch entering the Car and getting into the driver seat*
"Ok, everything should be settled, are you both ready to leave, or is there something important I should know or do before we go?"
*Glynda looks back and made sure everyone was ok, Miss Rose wanted to say something, but the Son Of Goodwitch quickly cut her off*
"「Yup!~ We're Both Happy & Ready To Go, Hehehe~」"
*The Mother Of The Crawling Chaos just nods and believe on what Kumagawa said, and just faced forward and start the car before quickly driving away, this made Ruby pout from being interrupted and not getting answers/questions from anyone, especially from the Minus, who went back to reading, but in the end, she just ignores it and started to just think deeply on what she's been through and what she now learned, including when speaking to person who spoke in such a strange way, but also said many things that stook out and stayed in the heart and mind of the Silver Eyes*
'No one is holding me back...'
Minus Idea: I'm calling it 'Eyes Of Despair', I'm thinking of giving her a Minus ability that works like her silver eyes, but instead of pure light, it shoots pure darkness~
(BTW, should Kumagawa be a part of a Team in Beacon, or just be there as the assistant for Glynda?)
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