「Nothing Scary With Oranges~」

「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
"Ugh, to think that Vomit Boy ruined my fresh pair of shoes with his Vomit..."
Inside a very large aircraft carrier, that seemed to be holding a ton of teenagers, who all looked either nervous, excited, or other unsure feelings, a certain Blonde Brawler, named Yang Xiao Long, was in the middle of walking through the crowd of said emotional teens, wearing a very annoyed expression, because of the vomit on her shoes, and was no doubt looking for something to clean them

'Man this place is so insanely big, where are the bathrooms?'
Though before Yang could get annoyed even more while getting even more lost, she heard a certain familiar voice, which made her look at the direction of the sound and gasps in surprise

"「-Maybe I could injure myself so horribly that I can be labeled as a cripple and not go to this school, hmm, though if I did that, I would definitely catch my Mother's full attention, and that wouldn't be good for my-」"
Kumagawa Misogi, who was also inside the same airship, was in the middle of very deeply thinking, enough to make his smile small as he bangs his head against the window, though before he could continue having such deep thoughts, he was immediately interrupted by Miss Xiao Long grabbing him into a tight bear hug and lifted him up happily

"Hi There! I Never Thought I Would Be Able To See You Again!~"
Yang was genuinely happy to meet the same person who was able to change her views on things and not let her waste her life on something so unimportant

"「WHOA! A Blonde That Isn't My Mom Is Hugging Me, Best Day Ever!~」"
Kumagawa was honestly slightly surprised to meet one of her Minuses Candidate so early, though it wasn't a bad thing, especially since he gets a hug from it, to which made the Blonde Brawler laugh from such a silly dramatic reaction

"Hehe, I must say, the talk we had last time, it really helped me, I honestly mean that, I never realized how much of a burden and headache it was to keep thinking the way I did, so thank you, thank you so very much for helping me~..."
Yang hugs him tighter, to show off how much she appreciates for what Misogi did for her, and how much happier it made her

"「So you're saying that you took my advice to heart?」"
Kumagawa tilted his head in curiosity, to which the Sun Dragon responded with a nod

"Mhm, I did and because of that, it changed my way of life a lot, my shoulder feels lighter, my emotions are no longer crazy, and I think even my family, that I still have, are much more happier that I'm around more and not obsessing with my Mom~"
Yang wore a small warm smile as she held the Good Loser's head close to her chest, softly petting him

"It's no exaggeration to say that you literally saved me from wasting and losing everything that I had, I'm incredibly grateful that you exist to help me see that..."
Yang meant every word she said, though in all honesty, all her thankfulness and gratitude made the Minus sigh in slight disappointment

'「I mean, I did want her to forget about her Mother, I accomplished that much, though I did failed in making her negative about it, ugh, I lose once again」'
Kumagawa wasn't too upset to see Xiao Long very upbeat and more chill, but her happy and positive attitude would make it harder for him to make her a Minus, but he can deal with that, breaking and manipulation was his specialty after all

"But even though I'm happy to see you again, I'm still surprised to see you are here of all places, if I knew that you wanted to become a Hunter, we could've trained and fought together before arriving at Beacon~"
Yang quickly puts him back down on the floor, but still had a arm around his shoulder and continue to attach herself, no doubt had bonded with him and grew closer to him

"「I'm not here to be trained to be one of you 'Hunters', I am nothing more than a simple guest since my Mother worries about leaving me home alone while she works...」"
Even though Kumagawa was good at not showing off his real emotions, most of the time, he still couldn't help but feel annoyed by being trap here in Beacon Academy, not only for having no interest here, but having his chance to search for more candidate for what he has planned for the future be completely ruined

"Awe, well don't you worry, your 'Big Sis Yang' will be sure to look after you while you're here~"
The Big Sister inside of Yang couldn't help but take over and held the Son Of Goodwitch closely and slight protectiveness

'「Oh no, Not Another One!」'
Kumagawa usually would've been elated to have any kind of woman hold him close in such a way, but since he knew the intention of such a hug, he couldn't help but suddenly be annoyed and try to escape, though unknown to him, he was unaware the thought process of Yang and what she was thinking about

'You are part of "MY" family, I will make sure nothing comes to harm you, or take you away from me...'
After a while, the large aircraft has finally reached its destination, everyone getting off the large transport vehicle and taking a moment to look at the place they were at, which was Beacon Academy, which could almost be mistaken as some kind of castle, most were excited, most were beyond amazed, and a certain someone was so overwhelmed that they couldn't help but get dizzy and fall to the floor, very unsure if this was real or not

"W-Wow, this is too much to take in, I can't believe I'm actually here..."
The one laying on the floor was Ruby Rose, who was having very conflicted feelings about this whole thing, on one hand, she was very happy and beyond excited to be here, this was her dream school after all, but at the same time

'Do or Do Not...'
Ruby couldn't help but still remember the conversation she had with Kumagawa, how the idea of Heroes was pointless, and being able to do more when not hold back by morals and label's

"Was this really the right choice for me?..."
Though before Ruby could second guess or doubt the decision she had made, a certain someone suddenly appears and lays next to her on the ground

"「I mean, the floor is hard, really hurts your back, but if you think this is the right place to lay down and be lost in thought, then I suppose it's good enough」"
The sudden voice quickly startled Rose as she then noticed that Kumagawa was suddenly next to her on the ground, acting as if he was always just there and doing sunbathing, or something like that

"K-Kumagawa What Are You Doing Here?! Are You Gonna Be A Hunter Like Me?!"
Ruby was excited, scared and very confused, seeing Misogi again was a very unexpected surprise for her, and the thought of him being here, to possibly be a Hunter with her, well, she honestly doesn't know how to feel about that

"「No, I'm not here to become like you, I'm only here because my Mother doesn't want me to stay at home alone」"
Kumagawa smile went slightly small as he lightly narrows his eyes at her, who couldn't help but flinched and looked down to avoid eye contact

"I-I'm sorry..."
The Good Loser lets out a small huff and puff his cheeks after hearing Ruby's apology, laying his head back on the ground and had his eyes close, seemed to be relaxing, there was a moment of silence between the two, the Rose twiddle her fingers as she seemed to be thinking about something

"..... I've been thinking of what you said to me."
After the small silence, Ruby started to speak again, which made the Minus open one eye and look at her and listen on what she had to say

"Not forcing myself in the role of Hero or Villain, and as much as I want to be seen as hope for others, I realized now how impossible that would be, especially since I'm one person against the whole world."
The more Ruby spoke, the more she felt slightly depressed and defeated, which made him look at her with slight excitement at the thought of breaking her hopes and dreams

Ruby then stood up and glares at the Crawling Chaos, who was slightly startled to see her Silver Eyes be filled with such motivation and determination instead of giving up and failure, like he was hoping

"Even If It's Impossible, And Even If It Comes With So Many Consequences, I Want To Be A Hero! Others Savoir! SOMEONE TO LOOK UP TO AND FEEL SAFE, WHETHER THEY SUPPORT ME OR NOT!"
Ruby was expressing extreme passion and obsession of what she believed in and what she wanted to do with her life, which disappointed the Nightmarish Kafka to see her in such a way, though he couldn't help but lightly smile, seeing what she does was no doubt admirable

"And I won't let someone like you tell me differently!"
Ruby was clearly not backing down from what she said, which made Misogi chuckle and closes his eyes and went back to relaxing on the ground

"「You're very stubborn and selfish with your dreams and desires... You'll do just fine in the real world~」"
Even though she didn't need Kumagawa's approval, the Red Riding Hood couldn't help but cross her arms and wore a face of satisfaction and slight relief

"Thank you... By the way, do you know where we're supposed to go?"

"「I'm just as lost as you~」"
The 2nd phase of becoming of a MINUS is obsession, the first is trauma and bad experience, I tried my best to work it in and make it subtle, I hope it makes sense, I'm like trying to do a reverse '5 Stage Of Grief' type thing~
(Ok, to establish the type of relationship Kumagawa has with everyone, Big Sis Yang, Fangirl Blake, BFF Weiss, and Student Ruby, I hope that makes for everyone~)

Weiss Schnee: Kumagawa will continue to work in the shadows and continue to train Team RWBY to be Minuses, while also dating a certain Snow Angel.
(True Neutral Route)

Pyrrha Nikos: Not only will Kumagawa be forced to be a Hunter, but also be in a Team, though it's unsure if he will be a leader of said Team or not.
(True Hero Route)

Cinder Fall: Kumagawa only joins the villain because he dislikes the way they're doing things, and thinks it could be done better, plus he wants to stop feeling soft and do some real Evil stuff.
(True Villain Route)

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