「I Can't Fly~」

「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
'Ok, she's right there, I can do this.'
Near the entrance of the locker room, a young blonde boy, wearing light Knightley armor, could be seen standing near said entrance, and looked inside to see a certain Schnee in the middle of digging through her own personal locker, he was very determined

'Just act cool, show her that you're a cool dude, and that I know how to take the lead while also being kind!'
Though before he could continue with any sort of plan that he had in mind, while also preparing a guitar and a song he has in mind, he quickly stopped himself when he noticed Kumagawa Misogi walking up to Weiss Schnee, who immediately greet him with excitement and hugs him tightly, plus a straightforward kiss, much to the Good Loser embarrassment, seeing this broke the blonde heart and sigh sadly

'Oh, she's already seeing someone, it would be uncool of me to take someone else's girlfriend, but dang it…'
The blonde boy decided to not interfere with the two couple, not wanting to be rude or hurt anyone else relationship, though before he could leave, he was stopped by a certain redhead girl with green eyes

"Hello again, I noticed that you had a guitar and I was curious if you're a part of a band."
The redhead was very obviously interested in the blonde boy, who didn't notice it, but still answered her question

"Oh, no, I just wrote a song for someone, but they're too busy to listen to it…"
The blonde boy wore a very defeated expression

"... Can I hear the song?"
The redhead blush lightly when she asked this question, to once again the blonde boy didn't notice and just nods to her request

"Sure, oh! Can you tell me your name first before I start? Mine is Jaune Arc."

"Pyrrha Nikos, nice to meet you."
Meanwhile, outside of Beacon Academy, and near the cliff side, all the fresh students, including Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang, could be seen near said cliff, and could be seen standing on top of a unusual platform, to which no one seemed to question, there was also two adult, specifically Headmaster Ozpin, and Professor Glynda Goodwitch, who was standing to side and seemed to be explaining the situation, while also giving some kind of speech that would probably make the students feel either confused or find extremely creepy yet helpful

'「I guess the blonde fellow already found a new girl to be positive with, that's good for him, though any chance of him being a Minus already flew out the window, how unfortunate」'
And the person that wasn't a student or a teacher, the person was named Kumagawa, he just stood next to his mother and noticed Jaune and Pyrrha suddenly become very close friends so quickly

'「That also include the Pancakes Sloth and Male Mulan guy, they might have suffered tragedies, but they're still to Plus to make a Minus, hm」'
Before Kumagawa could continue to analyze the strange yet very positive friendship of a hyper ginger who asks about 'Sloth Sounds' to her quietly listening pink eyes Chinese buddy, his thoughts were interrupted by Ozpin giving his last piece of advice to everyone

"-And do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die."
When Ozpin said that, the Minus couldn't help but wear a light smirk

'「If you weren't so Good and Evil, I would have think you were a unworthy candidate~」'
Kumagawa then suddenly start thinking about something, as if he realized something

'「Wait a minute, now that I think about he, isn't Ozpin the person that those Godly brothers mentioned before screwing them up?」'
Though such thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a certain blonde boy screaming, which made Kumagawa look and noticed that Jaune was suddenly shot in the air by the platform that they were standing on, who was suddenly followed by the rest of the students

"「I like your style of teaching Ozzy~」"
Kumagawa couldn't help but laugh at what he was seeing

"Does that mean you consider joining the Beacon Academy?"
Ozpin wasted no time making offers to the Crawling Chaos, who actually started laughing harder after hearing him say that

"「HAH! No…」"
Kumagawa then stopped laughing and was suddenly in a bad mood again as he was reminded on where he was

"Well, I tried my best, sorry Glynda."
Ozpin gave a simple shrugged and drank his coffee, all the while Goodwitch sighs at the failure of her Boss lazy attempt of convincing her son to join

"Could've tried to be more persuasive with my Son…"
Glynda rubs her temples as she pulled out her scroll and checked the live video of her soon to be students, who should've been in the forest by now

"「Ouch, my own Mother still wanting me to do something I said no to, such betrayal~」"
Kumagawa, who calmed back down, started to turn around and was about to leave the area

"「Well, since I'm not needed here, I'll just head back to my room, maybe stop by the cafeteria to get some lunch, I wonder if they have any-」"
Before Kumagawa could go anywhere that wasn't here, he suddenly stepped on something that not only caught his attention, but made both the Headmaster and his Mother look at him with a panic and worried expression, the reason being is that the Nightmarish Kafka had accidentally stepped on one of the launch platforms

"「... Ah, this is actually funnier」"
Was all Kumagawa could say, before being launched away by the platform, his Mother extremely panics and tries to use her abilities to bring her son back, unfortunately he was too far away to accurately grab him, without ripping off some limbs

All Glynda could do was scream in desperation and fear while helplessly watch her own Son disappear in the distance, and into the forest, to which Misogi crashed through a couple branches, get smacked by a bunch of leaves, and probably killed a bird, making a certain red hooded girl feel sad all of sudden, before it all ends with him crashing into the ground with a sickening bone crushing crunch, which made him cough up blood, but was more or less fine

'「Hah… Hah… My broken ribs are crushing my lungs, my head is filling up with blood and is making me dizzy, one of my leg is dislocated from the platform, and I am left completely alone in the forest, filled with a bunch of bloodthirsty Grimm that can and will kill me...」'
Kumagawa struggles to move, but was too injured to do anything, except roll on his backside and look up in the sky, while also noticing a random camera on the tree, which was looking straight at him

'「And being watched by all angels prevents me from using my Minus, so no matter what I do, I'm completely doomed and can't do anything to save myself, without dying or being caught using my abilities… I guess there's only one thing I can do…」'
Kumagawa could only sigh in defeat, before taking a deep breath and yelled out one simple word

Since Kumagawa is full on neutral, resulting in him not joining any teams, I might as well include Jaune, since Kumagawa isn't gonna join JNPR as the leader, oh well.
(BTW, keep in mind that Kumagawa wants everyone to see him as weak, he's very committed to that role, ALSO, no harem, it's a 'Minus Family' thing)

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