Chapter 1: New World
Legends; Stories scattered through time. Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains. forgetting so easily that we are remnants, byproducts, of a forgotten past. Man, born from Dust, was strong, wise, and resourceful. But they were born into an unforgiving world. An inevitable darkness, creatures of destruction. The creatures known as Grimm set their sights on the man and all of their creations. These forces clashed and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning man's brief existence to the void. However, even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change and in time, man's passion, resourcefulness and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds. This power was appropriately named, "Dust". Nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness and in the shadows absence, came strength, civilization and most importantly, life. But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die. And when they are gone, darkness will return... So, you may prepare your guardians, build your monuments to a so-called free world but take heed, there will be no victory in strength...
A familiar scenario sets in, the streets of a lovely town being lit up by colorful yet calming lights under the graceful spotlight of a shattered moon. Most shops closed, including homes that already decided to hit the hay, what a peaceful night it was. A perfect night, for a small heist. A group of rather sharply dressed men followed in suite of one who looked fancy with his white trench coat and bowler hat combo. The bystanders outside feared the strutting group as some gave them dirty looks while the latter move out of their way, looking like they're not having it to mess with them. Setting sights on a local store dubbed as, "From Dust Till Dawn", the crewmen and the dashing man entered the store. Half the members giving the products on the shelves and the display counter some looks as the man talks in a chill, yet annoyed tone.
Crime Boss: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?
The man taps his cigar with a finger, letting the burnt-off wick fall on the counter as one of the crewmen behind him held up some sort of firearm. Intimidating the owner immediately, he raised his arms up in defeat.
Shop Owner: P-Please, just take my Lien and leave...
Crime Boss: Shh, calm down, we're not here for your money... Grab the Dust.
The man sternly commanded his lackeys to ransack the entire shop of the said, "Dust" and grabbed canisters from a case to siphon everything on the dispensers. A henchman then placed a case on the display counter and opened the lid.
Henchman: Crystals. Burn, uncut.
The shop owner couldn't do much but obey their orders or he's six feet under. He grabbed as much of what was demanded and placed them inside the case in order. Another henchman with a canister approached a dispenser, only to see the two figures by the magazine rack of "Weapons Weekly" and another rack for this week's newspapers.
But perhaps victory is in simpler things that you've long forgotten. Things that require smaller, more honest souls....
The henchman draws a red blade, similar to a samurai's sword, and points it at the two figures reading.
Henchman (2): Alright kids, put your hands where I can see 'em!
He threatened, but horribly ignored. Probably due to the face that the two were wearing headphones the entire time and didn't notice the local heist taking place. This annoyed the assailant.
Henchman (2): Hey! I said hands in the air! You two got a death wish or something!?
He pulled on the girl's hood off and revealed her face. She appears as a young, silver-eyed girl dressed in a black blouse and a skirt with red trimmings, complete with a red cloak. Her entire outfit is made up of various shades of red and black, with black as the primary color on the main suit and red on the cloak. Even her hair contains light-red streaks. She had her headphones blasting loud music, hence why she didn't hear the man. She takes them off and went to answer him.
Girl: Yes?
Henchman (2): I said, put your hands in the air, now.
The latter noticed the commotion and turned around to see what the fuzz was about. It was a young male at the age of eighteen wearing a green academy blazer of sorts, underneath was a white button up shirt with a neck tie loosely fixed around his neck, black slacks with rolled up hem that showed his sneakers. The most noticeable feature about was his bleach-colored hair.
Boy: What seems to be problem here, sir?
Girl: Wait, are you robbing us?
Henchman (2): YES!
Boy/Girl: Oh....
The screen moves as the man was sent flying into a bunch of canisters, another henchman stares at the bowler hat male for orders. The Crime Boss then sent him to deal with the girl. Which he tried, but failed horribly afterwards.
Henchman (3): Freeze!
Moments later, the same guy gets sent through the glass window of the shop by the white-haired male. He leaned on his weapon and imitated a man looking at a home run ball. The girl squealed in excitement.
Girl: Hey!Whatkindofweaponisthat?!Itlookssuperdupercool!
Boy: Now's not the time. Something tells me we're not done yet.
He jumped out the shattered window, where the girl followed in suite as she unrolls a gigantic red scythe out of nowhere. The boy didn't seemed phased by it somehow. The two of them looked the Crime Boss and his henchmen.
Crime Boss: Okayyyyy..... Get them.
The henchmen charged head on at the two, with three opponents each. The girl slams her scythe to the ground before performing a roundhouse kick at a lackey that sent him flying to the shop's sign. She reels her massive weapon and pulls on a trigger to release a powerful blow that push another lackey to a tree and the other by crushing them by the sheer weight of the scythe. One tried to shoot her down but she used the momentum of her swing to dodge it just in the nick of time before making the gunner fly off in inhuman speeds. The male on the other hand was being pelted by bullets as he hid behind a piece of rubble. The girl in red was about to help until the male threw a cylindrical shaped item over at his opponents' direction. They thought it was a bomb, until it actually detonated and creating a field where time is slowed down.
He vaults over the piece of rubble and seemingly warps towards his enemies and smashing the turquoise bat to the heads. The girl in red was extremely impressed, she may have some questions in store for the male. The last lackey flew right next to the pimp-looking man. He stares at his henchman before saying;
Crime Boss: You were worth every cent. Truly you were.
He removes his cheap cigar and starts walking towards the duo while spinning his rather spiffy looking cane.
Crime Boss: Well, Red and Kid, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening and as much as I'd love to stick around... I'm afraid that this is where we part ways...
He raises his cane and points at them, letting a small sight flip upwards. He pulls on a secret trigger that launches a firework shell at the two of them. The white-haired male got in front of the girl before smacking the shell away from them using his weapon. While they were preoccupied with that, the Crime Boss already fled. They looked everywhere until the male caught him climbing a building's fire exit. He sighed, knowing that he didn't escape just yet.
Girl: You okay if the two of us go after him?
Boy: Sure.
The duo ran towards his direction, with the male doing some parkour to maneuver towards the top while the girl used her weapon to launch herself upwards. This made her caught up to the Crime Boss a little faster.
Girl: Hey!
Crime Boss: Persistent...
Before the girl could make a move, an airship flew up from an alley. This let the man climb it from the doorway and look back at the girl.
Crime Boss: End of the line, Red!
The man threw a Burn crystal at her feet then proceeded to aim for it. One final pull and she was a goner, if it wasn't for the blue blur smacking it back towards him and the shell meeting the crystal halfway made quite the explosion.
Crime Boss: Huh?!
In front of the girl was the male clad in green with his weapon smoking from his current use of abilities. Suddenly, the sound of heels clicking got their attention and soon, a blonde woman faced the airship with astern look. She waved her riding crop and launched several waves tracer projectiles that manages to disorient its flight. The man crawls over to the cockpit and says;
Crime Boss: We got a huntress!
The woman in the red dress piloting the ship switched with him. The blonde woman on the ground then summoned a weather spell that made it suddenly cloudy.
Crime Boss: The hell...?
She whipped her riding crop down as the black clouds released shards of hail towards the ship flying. The woman from earlier stepped out of the cockpit and conjured up flames out of nowhere and launched it at the blonde below. She manages to block but that was only a decoy towards the real attack. The mysterious woman created sigils on the ground where the two stood, she was about to finish them off until..
The sound of a machine stopping was heard and the two ladies opened their eyes to see that they were away from the blast zone for no reason. They heard coughing and saw the white-haired male with a slightly smoking arm from his attempt to save them. He chuckled but stopped when he saw the blonde woman not happy.
Boy: I'm guessing we're gonna get chewed out by you....
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