Chapter 19: The Morning After
Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update, I had a lot of school work to catch up on [currently have all A's, thanks for asking :)] and I was also stumped on how to get this book to finish. This isn't the last chapter, we have ONE MORE CHAPTERRRR and then this book will be finished and I will start writing my FeDex book, which does not have a title because its a secret >:) (if you dm me I will probably tell you lmao). Also, last chapter was just a smut chapter. Nothing happened besides sex and then them saying they love each other. ANYWAYS!!!
Story time!
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Keefe POV
Rolling over and seeing the love of your absolute life when you wake up is one of the best feelings in the world. He's still asleep, his face relaxed and not usually pinched in an angry fit. It's like a secret he's told me; something private only I can experience (I am such a VIP, I know). I don't know why I had so much faith that the match makers would find me a perfect person, because they did, tore him away, and I took him back.
Woah there, Keefster. I think to myself, We're getting a little too lovey-dovey for my taste.
I then focus on resisting the temptation to boop Tam on the nose. I know he wouldn't know. But I would burst out in laughter if I did. It could jeopardize our relationship. My life would be sad once more. The world could explode. People could be ripped to shreds.
And yet, my finger rises without my permission and starts inching towards him-
"Keefe, if you're about to tap me on the nose, God help me I will wrestle you to the ground and not intend going easy on you." Tam says, his eyes still closed.
"Oh, Tam, you know me so well." I roll onto my back, sighing. "How long were you awake?"
"Long enough to wake up to you staring me in my face." He says, sitting up, "You must've spaced out because I definitely opened my eyes."
"You're sleep-deprived." I say.
"You're delusional." He shoots back.
"You're in love."
"You're in love." Tam smiles. "Idiot."
"I am no fool!" I pout. I then grin, "I am only foolishly in love."
"And for that, I am sorry." He rolls his eyes. He then looks around his room, perplexed. "What now, Keefe?"
"School?" I say, as the author of this fanfic scrolls back through the document to find what day it is. "I mean, they never said we couldn't go back to school."
"I'm assuming it'll be dangerous, so maybe we shouldn't?" Tam shrugs. "That is, if we were out to the public."
"True, true." I sigh, "I am super buff though, so why should we care?"
"To be out or to go to school?"
"Both! I want to kiss you in the corridors and make fun of you loving me every day of my life, Tam." I say in a sweet voice, "And, of course, I want our friends to be involved with the torment."
"I thought that people are different in private, but it turns out you're just the same." Tam says sarcastically.
"Shots! Fired!" I pretend to be shot in the chest, and melodramatically throw myself against the bed, pretending to bleed all over the place, "Oh, my dearest, sweet Tam, why did you have to kill me!?"
"You were in front of my gun." Tam plays along, "I was just shooting air."
"That's what they all say." I shake my head, "Tam, are you worried about us?"
"Kinda." He plays with my hands. "I mean, if we want to be out to the world, we will be rejected by our own families besides Linh, maybe Lord Cassius, and our friends, and we will have nothing, absolutely nothing, but each other."
"Alright." I thought for a moment, "That's not too bad."
"Not too bad!?"
"Well, I know a place down where the markets are, called 'Ombre et calme', which I purchased before I got my allowance stolen and it was supposed to be a hang out place, but it's kinda perfect for a little house." I say, putting more thought into it, "I mean, I know we're kind of jeopardizing our lives, but we gotta trust the feeling, right? If we think too much with our head we lose our hearts."
"That's true." Tam looked over at me, "I mean, I'm just going to say it: I don't know who else I could stand spending my life with then you."
"Woah." I say.
"That's crazy."
"I know." Tam nods.
"You know what's crazier?"
"What?" He asks.
"I can't imagine spending my life with anyone besides you, either."
"Damn." Tam says, shaking his head. "Guess that means you're stuck with me."
"More like you're stuck with me." I say.
"Whatever." He changes the subject, "Should we go see the house?"
"Probably. You want to get familiar with the place you'll be getting tortured." Tam rolls his eyes in amusement.
"Yeah, but can I borrow a pair of your clothes...?" He asks. "Unless the first time I meet your dad you want me to be wearing sweatpants."
"Sure, whatever." I get up and open my closet, "I have to warn you though; I do not have many shades of black in my wardrobe."
"Oh God."
. . . . .
"I think you look cute!" I say.
"I think I look like I'm a big trophy." He says, spreading out his arms.
"You're my trophy." I say, dreamily.
"Yeah, and you got second place." Tam lifts his arms and the sleeves droop like a dog's ears. "What even is this?"
"It's a hood bee, from the Forbidden Cities." I say, trying to act super cool, "I'm basically an expert, but they're supposed to be super baggy and they're really in right now."
"Ah, that makes sense. Especially the fact that WE ARE NOT LIVING IN THE FORBIDDEN CITIES! I LOOK LIKE A HOBO!"
"Again, you're my hobo." I pat him on the head. "We could recreate Elvin Queer Fashion with this singular hoodwie!"
"You said it was a hood bee." He says, annoyed.
"I said a hoobie, and I was doing that to test your memory!" I said. "Plus, you look super cute in it."
"I don't know, Keefe. I look like a bat." Tam sighs, "But I guess that works."
"Let's go downstairs so you can meet my dad! For probably the fortieth time!" I add, grabbing his hand and running downstairs like there were no tomorrow.
Lord Cassius wore slippers with green furry monsters and big googly eyes, which were something I'd never seen before. Besides that, he was in his normal getup, with being Mr. Fancyman and all of that. He sipped a cup of coffee, presumably found somewhere from the Forbidden Cities, and glanced at us as we sat down at the breakfast table, which had, conveniently, three chairs.
"" I couldn't really find the heart to call him dad. Sure, he was forced to be a dick all of my life, but that doesn't change the fact that he was a dick.
"Good Morning to you as well, Keefe." Lord Cassius looked to Tam, who seemed more anxious than I'd ever seen him. He usually didn't care what others may think of him. "You're the Song Boy, Tam, correct?"
"Yes sir." He nods.
"You can call me Cassius. It's what Keefe calls me," He added quietly under his breath, "Along with a couple other playful nicknames." Cassius looked up at him and offered a tight smile, "I'm just going to presume that this wasn't a sleepover?"
"Oh my god." My face must've been the brightest shade of pink.
"I guess a better way to say this two are together?" He asked.
"Yes. We are." Tam confirmed.
"Is this going to be official?"
"Yes. We decided we're going to live in this place down at the market, and we have half of everything worked out." I explained, "We're going to be okay."
"Is this the last time I'll be seeing you?"
"We have to grab our stuff after this, so no. But after that, it might be a while till we see you." I said.
"Alright, well, be safe, and..." he looked through one of the pockets and pulled out a thick stack of lusters, "Take these."
"Woah." Tam exclaimed.
"Thanks, uh, parent."
"Your welcome, son." He rolled his eyes and I smiled. Damn, is this the first time my-Lord Cassius has made me smile? "Where are you off to?"
"Just somewhere." I shrugged. "I'll see you later, okay?"
"Alright. Good bye." He said while I pulled a crystal out of my pocket.
I pointed the crystal to the light, grabbed Tam's hand and turned around to face my father, "Bye."
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