Party (Part 2)


As the three went in the Mansion they separated, except for Bill and Dipper who doesn't want to be separated.

"Bill what's this?" Dipper asked holding out a bottle. Bill gulped a little and answered.

"A-A beer, why?"

"Can we try it? Pleeeeease," Dipper whined shaking the blond slightly making Bill groan and gave in.


Dipper squealed but was cut off by Bill.


This got the brunet's attention and listened to his boyfriend.

"If you got drunk and have a hangover tomorrow, it's your fault!" Bill warned Dipper who nodded and chugged down the bottle making the said blond gasp and pulled the bottle away immediately.

"You idiot! Don't chug it down to fast!" Bill shouted through the blaring music. Dipper looked down and mumbled a "Sorry" making the blond sigh.

"It's okay, come here," Bill said opening his arms as Dipper snuggled into him quickly. The blond chuckle and hugged the brunet tightly while nuzzling into the brown locks of his boyfriend.

"Now, let me finish that alcohol!" Dipper exclaimed grabbing the bottle after pulling away and chugged it down fast. He finished the bottle and slammed it on the table but not enough to break it.

"Woohoo!!" He cheered to himself while his arms raised into the air. "This is awesome!!"

Bill chuckled at his boyfriend's actions and decided to have some fun as well. He picked up another bottle and chugged it down making Dipper squeal.

"Yeah go Bill!!" The brunet giggled as Bill slammed the bottle down (again not breaking it).

"Let's now paaaartyyy!!!" Bill cheered happily through the music as Dipper just smiled at him and took another bottle.

This went on and on, until Dipper already had 7 bottles while Bill had 10. The sober one of the duo is Bill. I know, right?

"Bill where are*hic*you g-going?" Dipper asked drunkly at the blond who just finished another bottle and standing up. Now Bill had 11, and still not drunk.

"I'm just going to the bathroom, Pinetree," Bill replied walking towards the bathroom.

"Bill! I'm coming with youuu!!" Dipper yelled not-so-soberly and hiccuped. The brunet ran towards the blond even though he is drunk, he still can ran normaly. The blond turned to look at the brunet who is now at his side, he chuckled and wrapped his right arm around the brunet's waist while Dipper just leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder STILL the both of them walking.

As the two boys reached the restroom, they are the only one's there. Dipper suddenly locked the door and looked around as Bill did his reason on why he came here.

When Bill is finished, he didn't know that he was now pinned on the wall by Dipper. The brunet kissed the blond hungrily as Bill just kissed back. The smaller boy had his arms around the blond's neck while gripping his hair tight. Bill pulled away and caught his breathe, he looked at his Pinetree and sighed.

"Pinetree, you're drunk, let's get you home. I-I'll call Shooting Star," Bill said pulling his yellow-covered phone out. He dialed Mabel's number and waited for it to ring.

Suddenly, Dipper wrapped his arms around the blond's waist and leaned himself towards Bill who smiled slightly and wrapped his free arm around the brunet while the other held the phone.

"Hello?" Mabel asked through the phone making Bill smile again and looking down at his adorable boyfriend who's almost passed out.

"Shooting Star? I-It's Bill. I'm going to get Pinetree home, okay?" Bill replied and wasbreceived an "Okay" from Dip's older sister. He hunged up and put the phone back at his pocket and now carrying his passed out Pinetree bridal style. He opened the locked door and walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey Bill!!" Pacifica yelled and pushed herself through the noisy crowd. "What happened?" She asked while looking at the passed out brunet. Bill chuckled and answered.

"Let's just say, he can't hold his alcohol,"

The two blonds laughed as Pacifica retorted. "Yeah, okay. Just making sure you guys are okay. Goodluck with your boyfriend!!" And with that Pacifica left leaving the slightly blushing blond (because from the tease). Bill shook his head and walking out of the Mansion. He stopped at his tracks when he's already block away from the Mansion. The blond looked down at the sleeping figure he's holding and sighed.

"What am I going to do with you now?" Bill asked knowing full well that his question is not going to be answered. The blond boyfriend sighed and continued on his way wstill carrrying his sleeping boyfriend tight just to make sure he won't fall. Bill reached the Shack and opened the suprisingly unlocked door. He then went towards the stairs and just passed a... Passed out Stan and Ford. He narrowed his yellow-gold colored eyes and jumped a little when he saw the Twin's mother walked down the stairs.

"What happened to him?" She asked worrily as Bill chuckled nervously and answered simply.

"W-Well, he got d-drunk,"

The woman chuckled and rubbed her son's brown hair. "My poor little Dipper. Okay take him to his room,"

Bill nodded and walked up upstairs until he was stopped by Dip and Mabes' Mom.

"Where's Mabel anyway?"

"Still in the party, Mrs. Pines. Goodnight!" Bill greeted and now reaching the second floor of the Shack.

He walked towards his Pinetree's bedroom and lied the said brunet down on his bed. He closed the door and took his pants off, leaving him only in his boxers and grabbed his backpack, pulling out a yellow t-shirt.

Since the reason why Bill was in the Shack, because his Parents are on a business trip, even the maids or butlers are there, he still wants to stay at the Shack with his cute Pinetree. He looked at Dipper and unbuttoned the brunet's clothes and now leaving him on his blue t-shirt and boxers. Bill hanged their clothes at the closet and not knowing what to do with it. He lied down next to his brunet and wrapped his arms around him. The brunet stirred and now facing his blond while had his arms around the Bill as well. Bill turned the lamp off and tighten his grip on the brunet. He nuzzled his nose onto the brunet's and kissed his boyfriend's forehead, nose and lips.

"Night my Pinetree," Bill cooed and rest his head on top of his boyfriend's then drifting off to sleep.

Sorry if it's short and sorry for making you confused again. They are officially in Gravity Falls!! And was on Gravity Falls High, then their College is outside Gravity Falls, but still in Oregon. Sorry if I made you very confused.
Hope you like the update! I didn't planned this but hey, at least I finisned right??

Anyway, some Billdip stories I read had the word "albino" right? And it represents as Gideon, but, when I looked at the Dictionary, the white hair part is right but there's more in there, you better find out if u want to tho. It's "kinda" funny.

I finished this at early morning!

Ps. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! 2018 is coming in our (Gravity Falls) Life!!

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