Remember This Moment (A)

Saber Color: S/C
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Daddy
Qui-Gon Jinn: Qui

Warnings: Uh, death? Angst, lots of it, GN reader, no name (Y/N) specified, sad Obi-Wan.

You, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Anakin were on a mission, a simple mission. You and Obi-Wan were to lead the negotiations, Anakin and Ahsoka were to be backup, R2 being next for communications to the council.

It went wrong...

so wrong...

You were somehow separated from Obi-Wan and the others, your trusty s/c saber in front of you as you focused on trying to find Obi-Wan or Anakin. Battle droids surrounded you, backing you in a corner.

"Die, jedi scum!" One of the droids cried as they continued shooting at you until you could fight back, force pushing the droids in a violent manner, like prey caught in a trap, trying to stay alive. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. You and the others were caught off guard,  especially you since you were there for Obi-Wan's emotional support. You and Obi-Wan met when you both were Padawans, always up to something whenever you two were training with each other. Your master was wise then, along with Qui-Gon Jinn, before they both perished due to the Separatists. You sometimes had the chance to go on missions with Obi-Wan when your master had to go to the same place to discuss negotiations while Qui-Gon had to protect whoever was in charge or protect Senator Amidala,  you and Obi always quietly kissing in yours or his quarters, but it rarely went further than that after the deaths of Qui-Gon and your master. Like Obi-Wan, you saw your master die first hand, but you took it too far, having killed the person responsible before you even knew it had happened. From the death of your master and having murdered someone without thinking, you felt the pull to the darkside, but you had a strong resistance when your will was weak. Obi-Wan was there to hold you and care for you when you heard the news of Master Qui-Gon Jinn's death, especially at the funeral of both wise masters. You had silently cried that day, yours and Obi-Wan's hands brushing in a gentle gesture,  you both allowing your Force presences mingle and comfort. Obi-Wan, from then on, was your emotional support Jedi when you needed him most. Whenever Obi asked for your presence with him, it's usually with negotiations. But this?

This was a trap.

You rush away, away from the fallen battle droids, panic starting to rise within you, fear shaking you to your core, pulling you deeper, making you wrestle with your own mind to calm down and find Obi-Wan.  In your panic, you didn't notice the robed figure of a familiar foe, one who had once died, watching you closely, finding your rushed movements amusing as you cut through your metallic opponents with graceless ease, trying to find your lover, Kenobi.

You find yourself in a cross hallway, each one looking similar to the other, panic making you go left, fear continuing to make your anxiety spike as your mind tries to force itself into a younger you, something that wasn't suppose to happen right now. Biting your tongue to avoid slipping into your littlespace, you try to slow down your breathing, keep a level head to find Obi-Wan, try to use your force presence to find his, but you suddenly find yourself running into him, panting a bit as you fell back, chest rising and falling with each shaky, panicked breath. 

To Obi-wan, you were like a deer in headlights, looking straight ahead in a thousand-yard stare, looking utterly terrified. If he hadn't ran off without you, you wouldn't be searching for him.

"Darling? Sweet love, you must get up, we need to keep moving." Seeing your eyebrows scrunch together and your teeth biting your lip, the small shift in your jaw made him realize you were avoiding speech for a good reason.

"Come now, little one, up, up." He swiftly brings you to your feet, crystal blue seas searching yours as your glass pearls gloss over with tears from the sudden fall, and he looks around cautiously, before taking your hand and then the two of you were off.

'Darling, I know this is a stressful situation, but I need you. Can you slip out of being my little one for me?' He kept his body and eyes forward, but his thoughts carefully projected to you, letting you hear his voice. It was high and worried, even as you two ran.

'I-I tan twy... I sowwy, daddy...' Oh, how you would love to just go home and cuddle the man you wanted to make your husband. The Jedi Code forbade it, but it didn't stop you from loving him any less.

'We will go home as soon as everything is over, darling. We'll  cuddle and I can sing you to sleep.' That made you more excited to get out of here. Although you forced yourself out of it, you were able to let go of Kenobi's hand and run faster, trying to reach your destination as swiftly as possible, before running into someone you both were surprised was still alive.


Dual, red sabers ignited, solid yellow eyes looking at the two of you as you both ready yourselves for battle. The three of you duke it out, Obi-Wan remembering all those years ago with him and Master Qui-Gon, trying not to remember to focus on the task at hand. You were fighting with all of your strength, the three of you moving to a different area, Obi-Wan falling behind as you let your emotions grow out of hand, wanting nothing more than to leave and cuddle Ben. Your littlespace was begging to be let out, the younger you you remember so well from all those years ago begging to leave their threshold and nearly make you slip as you continue fighting, Obi-Wan trying his best to keep you alive. 

He needed you alive...

Maker, he didn't know what he would do without you. Fear started rising in his chest, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, utter despair as he saw Maul punctured your skin through the robes of the Jedi, the look of shock, horror, and confusion fitting your face like the odd mask you tried back on Naboo when they had a weird festival. Your body crumpled to the floor, your eyes searching for Daddy, searching for your Jedi, your Obi-Wan, breath strangled in your throat as you felt life drift away, slowly but it did. It felt like hours before Maul was, once again, defeated, and Obi-Wan was lifting you into his lap, looking at you in horror.


"Yes, my sweet, daddy's here, he's right here." You heard his panic, saw the tears in his eyes, the fear and pain in those watery depths of the Gungan waters, then you saw a hand on his shoulder, which connected to a familiar face.

"Qui's here...?" Your timid voice was confused, but Obi-wan swallowed thickly.

"Darling, n-no, he--"

"sing me a song?" Oh, Maker, no. No, he couldn't bear with this. Maker, spare them.

"Little one, no, y-you can make it. I know you can."

"n-nuh-uh... p-pease? you aways sing me wen my tummy hurts..." Obi-wan's tears finally started rolling down his face, as he nodded, thickly swallowing again, shifting the two of you again, your body in his lap as he cradled you, lips near your ear as he gently sang to you, exhaustion filling you as your eyes shut.

"nini, daddy..."

"goodnight my darling... I will always remember this moment..."

You helplessly watch as Obi-Wan carries your lifeless body, which was peaceful in death, and Ahsoka and Anakin wonder what happened, why Obi-Wan was crying, then they saw the wound, and that was when they gave you a proper Jedi funeral, Qui-Gon's hand on your shoulder as the great master smiled at you, and your master beside you, emotionless before they smirked and looked at you, ruffling your hair.

"He will join us in due time. Right now, he will mourn and deal with your death as he had once dealt with mine. As you had once dealt with." Qui spoke, but you weren't listening, staying close by Obi-Wan, standing beside him as you had once did all those years ago.

"I'll always remember this moment..." You finished, hearing Ben's breath catch in his throat as he almost broke composure.

I will always remember this moment

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