Chapter Two - Here Comes The Prince
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As the group of demons reached the end of their route and looked up at Hart from the ground, he stretched his wings far and wide and jumped off the cliff. It seemed so natural to him to have wings. He fell flawlessly through the air, his wings opening wider and acting like a parachute so that he would land softly on the ground.
The demons knelt as he landed, bowing their heads as a gesture of respect and obedience. Hart's wings folded behind him like a giant elegant cape and he marched towards the demons.
"Hartheon," one of them said as they all raised their heads again.
"Who are you?" Hart asked the red creatures.
"We're from the Dhark Clan, we've been waiting for you."
The Dhark Clan belonged to Rev, the largest city in Hell. It also meant that the clan was the strongest and most powerful one of all. Hart didn't know much about clans, but he knew that Lucifer controlled one of them. The Dhark Clan must belong to him, since a few of its members were standing right in front of him. They had waited for him to arrive, there was no other explanation.
"I want to see my father," Hart said.
"Then you'll have to speak to our leader for that."
"Your leader? Isn't my father the leader?"
"No, sir. It's . . . complicated. She will explain everything to you."
"Explain it now."
The demons looked at each other, exchanging confused faces.
"You've never seen Lucifer, have you?"
"No, I haven't. I've lived my entire life on earth," Hart told them.
"Sir, no one has ever seen Lucifer. Nobody knows where he is, or if he's even here at all."
Now Hart was the one confused. He watched their terrifying faces, watching their nostrils flaring and their pupils expanding and shrinking. These demons looked different than the ones he had met on earth. But they were part of a powerful clan, they were soldiers and obviously well trained. Hart was new at this. He had never been in hell before, he didn't know everything about it. He only knew what his mother had told him.
"How is that possible? He created me, he gave my mother unimaginable power!"
"Speak to our leader, she will answer all of your questions. We came here only to escort you back to the castle. If other kinds knew that the prince was here, chaos would rise."
The demons looked like they were irritated by the continuation of Hart's questions, but they couldn't say anything against him. He was the prince after all, they had orders. But Hart noticed and shut his mouth, nodding at them to lead the way.
The demons transformed and sprinted down the rocky earth. Hart was surprised at the transformation that it took him a couple of extra seconds to react and run after them. He felt stupid running after the demons, since they were running at full speed and were pretty fast. He switched to his wings and rose into the air. He caught up to them regardless of their supernatural speed. His wings were faster and stronger than all of them combined.
Hart soared over the demons, keeping his eyes on the terrain as it changed from a bronze kind of color to coal-like black. At this rate, they were going to reach Rev before he could take another breath. And he was right, they would have taken an hour in human speed, but they made it to the city. Hart lowered down on the ground when the demons halted.
"Prince, stop!" one of the demons yelled. "Do not cross the walls with your wings."
"The city is big. There are many beings inside. Over this wall is the biggest black market you will ever see. Your wings . . . they will let everyone know who you are."
"What? Why? They're just wings . . ."
"Demons don't have wings, sir. Only angels have wings."
"What? I'm no angel, I'm a demon!"
"Trust us," the demon said, and all of the others nodded.
Angel? Hart wasn't an angel. He was a hybrid; half demon, half human. He was . . . he was a hybrid.
"No way . . ." Hart whispered under his breath. He was always told he was a hybrid, but could it be that he had it wrong all along? Could he really be a hybrid of more than two beings? His wings . . . were they angel wings?
"Don't worry about your armor, everyone with high ranks have them. They will all think you're a general or some type of high class being. They will know you're important and powerful, so they won't bother you or even dare look at you. Just keep your wings folded behind you and what ever you do, don't open them."
Hart looked over his shoulders at his wings. They truly looked like a shredded cape that had gone through war, which to him was awesome. He looked back at the demons and nodded that he was ready.
Rev was protected by tall walls that were impossible to climb. Not only could the walls swallow you and trap you, they looked like they were alive. Knowing he was in hell, the wall might as well be some kind of monster that ate anything that tried to touch it.
The wall was there to protect the powerful who lived inside and to protect the beings who also lived inside. Rev wasn't the only city in hell and it wasn't the only one with power. Rev was just the largest, that was all. But like planet earth, hell also had plenty of wars. So each city had their own ways of protecting themselves from impending doom.
"Touch it," a demon told Hart.
"Um, I don't think I should touch it. It doesn't look touchable," he replied.
"Rev has a secret alliance with Lucifer, nobody knows this. He was the one that created the wall and he gave only a few the power to touch it to create a doorway. The only other way to enter is through the gates on the other side, which will take a couple of hours to reach."
"What's wrong with that?" Hart mumbled, still staring at the freaky wall that was bubbling. He thought it was looking at him even if it had no eyes.
"Trust us, you do not want to go through the gates. It's better to just go through this way, we'll be close to the castle."
Hart breathed and decided to listen to the demons. He gulped as he raised his hand and touched the wall. Whatever the wall had been doing previous to his touch, breathing or moving, it stopped. His hand flashed in gold and the colors spread through the wall, freezing it. It crumbled to pieces and a new entrance was created.
The demons walked in first and Hart followed behind. Once he walked through, the wall grumbled and closed again. It was totally alive.
On the other side of the wall was something Hart wasn't expecting – a city. Sure, it was called Rev the city, but he was in HELL. It wasn't supposed to look this . . . normal. The roads weren't actual roads and instead were just like grates that you could see lava through and there were monsters everywhere you looked, but besides that . . . it was just like a normal city on earth, except destroyed and dark and with blood.
There were buildings, human buildings. He guessed he was in the black market, since he could see what looked like shops displayed on the side of the roads. People – or monsters, demons, witches, he had no idea anymore, were inspecting items and food on tables. Hart was definitely more freaked out by this than the idea of hell itself.
A man who looked completely human screamed as a demon grabbed him and threw him in . . . an oven? That was an oven, he was being cooked alive. Hart didn't want to think about it, but he thought about Riley.
No, don't think about that. He's okay, Riley is strong, Hart thought optimistically.
Hart followed the demons, avoiding eye contact with any living creature as the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. He made sure to keep an eye out for a young red headed witch. He felt responsible for what had happened, for bringing Annetta with him to a dark place like this. He couldn't blame her even if he wanted to. Annetta wasn't like him or his sister. She was good, which made things complicated in his messed up world. She was a part of his family now – along with Riley and Nicholas. He had no choice but to be the stubborn older brother to her. She needed to learn that the world wasn't a peaceful colorful one. Good and bad didn't exist, only perception.
But he was going to find her. The demons were taking him to the leader of The Dhark Clan. She should be able to help him find Annetta.
"You weren't kidding," Hart told the demons as they continued their march through the endless black market. It seemed to go far beyond what his eyes could see. It was so large that he was wondering if the entire city of Rev was just a black market.
"Don't worry, we're going to take a shortcut," one of the demons replied.
Hart was patient, so he just followed them in silence, watching the many creatures through the corners of his eyes. He spotted some humans, which got his heart racing. But they weren't really humans, they were in transition. They were supernatural humans who were in the process of becoming demons. They had the curse of hell.
In hell, there were three stages to the curse. The first stage the supernatural being – usually a witch – went through was growing the horns. They were very small at first, but easily noticeable. They were black and sharp and painful for the first few days. The second stage would come months later. And that was the stage where everything was about physical appearance. The human's eyes would change almost instantly. Their sclera would turn black and their iris dark red. Their skin would lose color and become gray. Their appetite would also make a great impact, causing them to be very thin and almost skeleton-like.
And finally, the final stage. At the third stage, their skin would fall off and new red skin would take its place. Their eyes would go from red to yellow. Their small horns would grow to full size and their bodies would painfully change and no longer appear to be human. The entire process could take a long time depending on the person, but usually the whole three stages happened within the first few years of being in hell.
It also made Hart wonder which version of Riley he would find, if he was still alive. He shook his head at the thought, pushing it away. He didn't want those thoughts in his head, he didn't want to think about Riley dying in hell. Hart didn't care what Riley became or what he looked like now, he just wanted him back. He loved him endlessly and that meant he'd want Riley so long he wanted Hart back – regardless if he was a demon, witch or just a plain human.
"Sir, we're here."
They stopped in front of a small cottage in the middle of a busy black market. It totally did not look suspicious at all. They all entered and closed the door behind them. There was just one room and the door looked incredibly beautiful. It didn't fit with the rest of the house. The house was old, torn and broken. But this one door looked brand new, with sparkling glass of purple and blue colors. It was a magic door.
"Siren, we have arrived with Hartheon," one demon said to the door.
The door squeaked and slightly opened. Hart couldn't see anything through the crack. It was just black inside, again not fitting with the cottage considering the other half of the building was missing.
"Enter," a whispering voice came through the crack.
The demons stepped aside suddenly, staring at him. Hart looked at the door and back at them. Once more they bowed down to him, lowering their heads down slowly. Hart walked forward, opened the door the rest of the way and went in.
At first it was dark. Then slowly everything became bright even though he hadn't moved at all. It was as if a blind fold was removed. He was no longer in the same area, in fact it looked like he was in a completely different world. Everything was so clean and perfect. The floor was shiny and black, the walls were gray with large pillars. And at the end of the room was a creature watching him curiously.
The creature was a female, but Hart wasn't exactly sure what she was. Half of her face was human, while the other was terrifyingly demonic. She had one red eye and one long horn sticking out of the demonic side. It was like she stopped transitioning half way and just . . . stayed that way. It made no sense to him, but maybe he was wrong.
"Welcome, Hartheon," she said. "I have been waiting for you for a very long time."
"I'm guessing you're the leader?" Hart assumed.
"Yes, I am. My name is Siren, the leader of The Dhark Clan and ruler of Rev."
Hart began walking towards her, his every step making loud clicking sounds against the marble surface. At the end of the room, where Siren stood, was a library of some sort. The books didn't look like ordinary ones that you'd see on earth. And in the very center was a glowing purple ball hovering over a wide silver bowl.
"Do you know why I'm here?" Hart asked her.
"Might it have something to do with the young witch? Riley?" she said, smiling.
"Yes, you're right," Hart said, not returning the smile. "How did you know when and where I'd arrive in hell? And how do you know about Riley?"
"See this sphere?" she pointed at the spinning object. "It's powerful, powerful enough to know when the son of Lucifer is nearby. But I knew that one day you and Seraphina would come. Everyone in hell knows that one day you'd both come back home to become the great rulers you were meant to be. It just seems . . ." Siren looked around the empty space next to Hart and raised her brows. ". . . that day is not today. Today you're on a whole different mission."
"And Riley? How do you know about Riley?" Hart sensed that she was trying her best to avoid the subject, but Hart wasn't stupid.
Her smile faded. Obviously she was the fool thinking she could outsmart Hartheon.
"Your mother," she said unsympathetically.
"Where is she?"
"What? What did she do?"
"She failed to serve Lucifer, now she's being punished. And for everyone's safety, she will be kept that way for a very long time."
"But she's harmless without her powers." Hart was trying his best not to show his anger. He cared about his mother no matter what she had done. Nobody was perfect, and he wasn't any better than she was. She was never even planning on hurting Riley at all. Everything she did to him was for show, because she knew what he and Riley had together and she knew of the dangers that came of hurting the one he loved. She was crazy but she was smart. Unfortunately for her, Riley outsmarted her in the end.
"That's the thing . . . she still has her powers. That's why she's being held captive. We can't just remove her powers, it isn't even our power to take. Your mother is extremely dangerous, we can't just ignore that."
"Was it your decision to imprison her?" Hart moved closer to Siren and she became vividly aware of the anger hidden behind his eyes. "Because it seems to me like it was. If my father wanted her imprisoned, he would have taken the powers he gave to her. He would have killed her the second she was back in hell."
"She's dangerous," Siren insisted.
"Why? Because she's stronger than all of you?" Siren became quiet. She even stepped back to give herself more space between them, like she was deathly afraid. "Listen, I'm not here to be a prince. I just want to find my friends and leave. I don't really care what you do, just know that nothing can hold my mother. She will escape from whatever hole you've put her in and then you'll all be sorry."
"I'll help with whatever I can," Siren responded dryly.
"I need to find two people," Hart told her, finally pleased that he was going to get some answers. "One is a female witch who accidentally came with me. And of course, Riley."
"The female is probably dead," Siren said quickly, running around the room and pulling books from shelves. "Any witch that enters hell unnaturally is at risk of falling out of reality, disappearing forever. That's if she's still alive."
"How can she be dead? How are you sure?"
"It's . . . hell. If she's a human witch, then she most likely landed somewhere around the lake of fire, where all humans first arrive."
"She's a white witch," Hart mentioned as Siren flipped through pages.
Siren dropped the books. "A white witch? If what you say is true, then I have no doubt that she is already dead. A white witch in hell is incredibly rare and any monster can easily track her just by the smell and sense of white magic."
"She's strong, I don't believe she's dead."
Siren took a deep breath, quietly thinking as her eyes skimmed through a single page.
"There's of course the alternative," she said.
"Which is?" Hart said, raising an eyebrow at her.
"The Rogues found her before any harm came to her."
"What are Rogues?"
Siren cleared her throat and stepped in front of the purple ball. She touched it and lifted it high above their heads.
The ball expanded into millions of tiny purple dots. They all danced in the air as Siren whispered to them.
"Rogues are our biggest enemy and our biggest threat at the moment." The purple dots moved around in the air and formed shapes of human bodies. Hart assumed he was being shown what The Rogues looked like. "They are humans who found a way to give themselves a supernatural ability. We don't know how, but we believe it has something to do with white magic. Which is why it's imperative that we find your witch friend before they do. Rogues are human protectors, Hartheon. Their job is to find humans who were wrongfully placed here and protect them at whatever cost. They don't follow our rules, they will kill anything and anybody standing in their way. And . . . they're very good."
The human shapes jumped around, showing Hart their fighting moves. They were very skilled and had impressive agility. They wore masks over their mouths and only showed their eyes, which were white. It quickly reminded him of a spell Annetta had done before to allow herself to see through everything. The purple dots then collapsed only to fly back up and form new shapes. These new shapes were of monsters. The monsters were huddling around a small human. The Rogues then appeared, springing and flipping around like gravity meant nothing to them. They jumped the monsters, ripped them apart with their bare hands and rescued the human.
"This happens everyday," Siren said. "Me and other rulers have tried to build alliances, to become closer so we can figure out a way of stopping them."
"No luck. They're impossible to find, and if anyone does find them, they never return. It makes me so angry . . ." Siren started breathing fast. Hart was the one to step back this time as Siren's demonic side started changing. She dropped to her knees and crawled away rapidly, hiding under a table.
"What are you?" Hart asked as he slowly approached her.
She laughed. "I'm . . . I'm a witch who found the cure to the curse of hell a little too late."
"A cure? Such thing exists?"
"Yes, but it was taken from me by The Rogues," she said as she came back out. For only a second, Hart saw a glimpse of something that was totally not demonic, but something else. He wished he could have frozen time so he could see it again. Siren had looked like something he had never seen before in his life, and he knew it was only a portion of what she would have become.
"Why did you make a cure?"
"If you turn into a demon, you lose your powers," she said in a small voice. "I could have cured myself completely, but everything was stolen by those filthy humans. How dare them think they are better than us! They are nothing without those abilities!"
"Why did they steal the cure?"
"You ask a lot of questions, Hartheon," she said, cracking her neck. "It's obvious, is it not? Imagine a cure that could stop witches from turning into a demons, allowing them to have their powers forever."
"I'm imagining it in the form of my mother."
"She's the only witch in hell who isn't going to turn into a demon. I wish I could say I'm one, too, but I lost half of my powers. I use the magic ball for most of my work."
"Can you locate others with it? Like how it knew where I was?"
"I can't track Riley or the white witch on it, if that's what you're asking. I've already tried to track Riley when Jocelyn first told me about him. And I can't track white witches on it, but I can track everyone else."
Siren reached down and grabbed one of the books she had dropped. She flipped through the pages and removed a neatly folded paper and gave it to Hart. It was a map.
"The red circle is where the humans arrive," she said. "Your witch friend does not belong here, so she would've entered through it as well. This is where you'll find her if she isn't already dead or hasn't been taken by The Rogues."
"Can you help me get to it?"
"I can't come with you, but you're the prince, take an army if you'd like."
"The demons told me I can't reveal myself, why?"
"I will be honest with you. You and Seraphina are not liked. I assume most of it is jealousy, but much comes from the failure of your missions. Everybody knows why you and Seraphina were created, they know what you were meant to do for your mother, they know what her mission was and you failed." Siren looked at him seriously. "They are angry, and if they knew you were here, there will be wars."
"But . . . not even I knew what my mother's mission was besides freeing Lucifer," Hart replied. "Nobody taught me how to be what I am. If you want someone to blame for my failure, blame my mother."
"And that is why she is being punished," Siren said. "She decided to take matters into her own hands and refuse to follow the path that was laid out for her. She made her mission personal and that ruined everything."
"What am I supposed to do then?"
"For now, rest. I'll have my minion escort you to your room, where you'll be safe and comfortable. Whatever you need, you will receive."
Siren walked towards the magic ball and touched it, gently brushing her hands over it. The ball released purple magic that ran up Siren's arms, body and entered her eyes. Her eyes turned purple for a few seconds while it looked like she was swallowing the ball's power.
She turned to him with purple eyes and pointed at the door behind him, a door that wasn't there last time he checked. The door opened and her minion, he assumed, appeared. Her minion was a tiny imp, a creature so small it could fit in the palm of his hands. The minion looked up at Hart with big wide eyes, black as the night sky, and pointed at the door.
Hart started walking towards the door but remembered he had one important question that he had been wanting to ask.
"Where do my wings come from?" he asked over his shoulders.
"Your father is an angel, my dear prince. You are the triangle of life, a being who posses the strength and magic of all three most powerful creatures in this universe; the demon, the human and the angel. You're a God."
Hart was following the imp down a dark hall with clear walls that he could see through at the city. The castle was incredibly tall and from where he was, he could see over the city to the great beyond. There was so much fire, it didn't look like it could end. What bothered him was that he couldn't see an entrance to the city; in front of the city was the biggest drop he'd ever seen. It was nothing compared to the cliff he jumped out of. It seemed like the city was located on mountains. Maybe in order to enter the city you had to climb up.
The little imp jumped around, its long tail waving as it crawled further like a monkey. It didn't have wings, but it had skin between its arm and legs for gliding purposes, like a flying squirrel. Hart oddly found it cute. He wanted one.
There were human beings lined up on each side of the hall, staring out in front of them with their necks held high. There were men and women, all dressed in very little clothing. Neither of the genders had upper clothes, they were completely bare-chested.
As he passed by each one of them, they moved and walked behind him, following his every step like robots.
At the end of the hall were big double doors. They opened as he came closer and all of the humans that had been following him rushed around him and entered the room in unison. This room was spectacular compared to his room on earth. It was wide, in the shape of a circle. It had a tall ceiling with horrific images painted on them. There were more pillars and even a bathtub made of stone.
Two women walked in front of him and bowed graciously. They waved for him to follow them, so he did. They brought him to the stone bathtub and smiled as he looked down at the sparkling water. They wanted him to get in it. Hart looked around at all of the humans who had lined up against the walls again, this time in a circle.
The two women grabbed his hands and they all climbed up the steps.
"No fear," one of the women said.
"Only calm," the other one added.
"No fear, only calm? That doesn't make any sense," Hart replied.
"They're saying don't be afraid, to enter the water and relax," a male voice said behind him.
Hart felt another pair of hands, these ones were rubbing his shoulders. He finally understood what the humans were here for and what their purpose for him was. He braved up and stepped into the water. His armor began to disappear the more he entered the water, like it was closing into his skin for him to bathe. He was completely nude inside the water.
"We're here for you. Anything and everything you want," said the male, his eyes going to the water.
Hart relaxed into the water and looked up at the three humans who were smiling at him.
"Anything?" Hart repeated.
"Anything, Prince Hartheon," they said.
[Author's Message]: Hey guys! I apologize for the very uneventful chapter, I'm sure many were expecting more to happen but this was a filler chapter. It was all just informational. But next chapter you will NOT want to miss. I can now say that A Little Insane 3 has returned and is officially OUT. What does that mean? Well it means you will now start getting uploads and no more waiting for months. The first chapter was only uploaded as a preview/gift for you guys. But now I'm officially going to start uploading chapter by chapter. :) So tell your friends to join the adventure and start reading the A Little Insane series! What do you guys think so far of the story? Do you like the new Hart? Or can you not tell how much he's changed yet? If you haven't noticed, you will definitely soon lol. Please, PLEASE, don't forget to vote and comment, it helps out A LOT. And add the book to your library! THANK YOU MY DARLINGS, LOVE YOU ALL. (I will be replying to all comments, so don't be shy!)
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