Chapter Five - Captured

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From what Hart could gather, Daniel was a powerful leader that charged into the enemy's territory, getting himself and his group either killed or kidnapped. Hart found his move to be quite irresponsible and full of amateurism. He was not happy about having to help rescue him.

But it was for Riley, so he was going to help and keep his mouth shut.

As Hart flew right behind the siblings, all he could think about was Annetta. His human emotions would not let him breathe for a single moment. He felt responsible for her, but what could he do? Hell was practically endless. Trying to find a person in hell was like finding a white ant on Earth. Impossible. That didn't mean he was going to give up on her, of course he would find her. White witches were not only the strongest, but they were the smartest. If Hart couldn't find her, then she would find him.

In the mean time, he had to tag along with Riley until he could figure out what to do about the Siren situation. He needed a lot of things in order to get out of this place. It wasn't just find Riley and open up a portal to Earth. It was more complicated than that.

"We're meeting them by the maple tree," Fiona said. "I don't want the kids to accidentally see Hart through the windows."

"Or me," Riley added.

"Kids?" Hart wondered, but what really grabbed his attention was the maple tree. A maple tree in hell.

"Yeah, there are sick fucks who do this to kids," Fiona said angrily. "Because the world already isn't fucked up, people can sacrifice children and actually send them to hell."

Hart had no idea where they were going, all he could see for miles was open space and the occasional fires. They never went through any wormholes, afraid that Siren would be waiting on the other side. Riley and Fiona both believed the wormholes could change destination if altered by magic, so they couldn't trust them anymore.

"I have a question," Hart said after some time.

"And we have answers," Riley replied, looking back at him.

"Fiona, you said the other rogues died, but then said Daniel couldn't die because he was a rogue. I don't understand this."

Fiona was surprised that the question was for her, but she didn't seem angry.

"You know how humans are supposed to die in hell?" she said, and Hart nodded. "We're destined to die over and over for eternity, it's our punishment. We die, we are reborn, we die again. It's the ultimate pain. That is why humans are so fragile in hell. But we never truly die, we are just revived somewhere else. Rogues are fed white magic, which is why we are so strong."

"And why you have white eyes," Hart mentioned.

"Yes. Rogues can't be killed because of the white magic inside of us. We can be hurt, but when you try to kill one of us, you will find it impossible. Unless . . . unless a rogue is running out of battery. Magic is not who we are, we are simple humans. We are not witches, so the magic wears off eventually. Those rogues that were killed, my friends, they didn't have much power left. When you don't have the type of power to fight, you are told to stay at the base and protect the humans instead, until we can contact the leaders so we can be powered again."

"How does that work? How can humans have magic?"

"Because we're all human in the end. There used to be a time when everyone was a witch, did you know? But evolution has a funny way of splitting up species. Witches are humans, just a different version of humans. That means that every regular human has the potential to wield magic."

"Are you saying any human can suddenly become a witch?"

"No, that unfortunately can't happen. You are born a witch, or you are not. But you still have that special mold inside of you that can be filled with magic. We all fit the mold, but some are just born with the artifacts instead of the mold."

"There's a ritual you go through to get the power to become a rogue," Riley said. "And don't ask about it, it's confidential."

"The rogues that died never told the base leaders they were running out of magic," Fiona continued, but looked upset so she stopped to swallow the lump in her throat. "They sacrificed themselves because they knew we didn't have many rogues in the first place."

"But they aren't really dead? They are still humans."

"Don't you understand? When demons or witches die in hell, they die permanently. If you can fool nature to send an innocent child to hell, you can fool it to think you're a witch. They died with magic inside of them, they are gone. That is why we have them stay at the base instead of fighting. When a rogue's battery is full, they cannot die. When it's almost out, it's like you're stuck between humanity and magic, and that is when you are the most vulnerable. We keep them safe at the base until their magic is completely gone so if they die, they will return."

"I'm sorry," Hart said sincerely.

She looked back at him, squeezing Riley's hand as they flew with the power of the branch.


The maple tree was just on top of a coal-like black mountain, and beside that mountain was a two floor building, most of the windows were broken but carefully covered with cloth. If anyone looked up, they could not see the maple tree, it was too high and too in the middle of the mountain to be seen from ground level – thus making it the perfect meeting area.

There were two figures under the colorful tree, and as they flew closer over the mountains, Hart saw that they were rogues. One was a tall, well-build man and the other a woman with a strong and powerful pose. The woman kept her pose as Riley and Fiona landed gently beside them, but lost the balance when she saw Hart right behind them and his intimidating wings.

"DEMON!" the woman shouted as she withdrew a glowing white sword.

"STOP!" Riley screamed and jumped in front of the woman as Hart landed on the edge of the mountain, as far away as he could be from her.

"That's the prince," said the man, who remained calm the entire time. He stared at Hart with big, brown eyes full of curiosity.

"Yes, and he's not here to harm us, he's with us," Riley said, breathing heavily as he stared at the magical sword an inch from his face.

"And why are you both just casually hanging out with the prince of hell?" the woman asked, sheathing her weapon.

"Because he's going to help us get Daniel back," he replied.

"You may step forward Demon," the woman said, tilting her head as she examined him from head to toe.

"He has a name," Riley muttered.

"We don't speak their names. Who would be stupid enough to do such thing?" she said, her Russian accent coming out strong.

"My name is Hartheon," he said, bowing to her.

"It bows to me?" Her eyebrows raised as a wicked smirk spread across her face. "I like him."

"Hart, this is Pearl, and you should never trust her."

"Riley, you offend me on a daily basis,but I still want to pinch those dead cheeks," she said.

"I'm . . . I'm not dead, okay? So stop saying that." It really looked like Pearl's words had bothered Riley, Hart wanted to talk to him now, but he couldn't at this time, as they were interrupted by the quiet man who was still staring at Hart.

"My name is Theodore, it is so wonderful to meet you."

"Wonderful?" Pearl questioned.

"The prince is standing right before us, something I never thought would happen," he explained.

Astonished, Pearl just stared at him in disbelief. She had this look in her eyes that told Hart she and Theodore were something more than just friends. He mostly saw disappointment in her eyes. Theodore didn't seem fazed, he just watched him with admiration.

"He's an asshole demon! Why do you obsess over them so much?" she snapped.

"Guys? We have more important things to discuss, can we get to them please?" Fiona said, flaring her nostrils like she had enough.

"Fiona is right," said Theodore, "we have to focus on the important things. We have to rescue Daniel."

Pearl side eyed him but dropped it, walking forward to see over the edge of the cliff. She was watching the building where the humans were resting. Hart could feel their presence, they felt different and unique, like they didn't belong here.

"With demon douche, we can successfully get him and none of us would get hurt," she said.

"The tower has one of the highest defenses though, even if Hart is stronger, how are we supposed to defend ourselves?" Riley asked.

"Can you protect us?" Pearl asked Hart, still watching the humans below. "Do we have your trust?"

"Yes, you can rely on me," he told her.

She turned around, there was a look on her face, like she was confused, but also surprised in a way that made her look vulnerable. Even to Hart, Pearl gave off this confident power that not even he could match. But in that moment, she had her guard down.

"I've heard a lot about you," she said. "I know what you've done to Riley, I know what you've done to try to get your mother back on earth. But I do not see the him standing in front of me, you are different. I believe your words, like I have trusted you for years, and I don't know why."

Suddenly, all eyes were on him.

"Do you know about the hybrid's forms?" Hart asked her.

"No," she said, staring at him, waiting for him to explain what it was.

"I was born a demon and an angel. All my life I lived as a demon, doing evil things. I was surrounded by so much death, destruction and darkness that there was no room for the third form. I could have lost myself if I hadn't met Riley." From the corner of his eyes, Hart caught Riley shifting uncomfortably. Hart couldn't understand why he made Riley feel uncomfortable, but at the same time it was crystal clear. "The demon inside me had been growing for years, getting stronger and bigger, I was getting so much power, but I was also losing who I was. Any longer and I would not exist, I would just be a monster roaming the world, destroying everything in my path without a second thought."

"The third is human, right?"

"He became human when I killed myself," Riley said softly, crossing his arms tightly around his chest and avoiding everyone's eyes.

Hart understood now, Riley wasn't uncomfortable with him, he felt guilty. He just didn't understand the need to feel guilt after everything he had done to Riley.

"My entire life was a battle for control of the three beings. Even my demon side was hard to control, I was weak, so weak that even whispering my name set my demon form on fire, literally. I didn't even know I was half an angel until I came here and grew wings. I am the worst prince. But now that I have seen and felt my demon, angel and human side, I am in control. I am the real me now, without anything clouding my thoughts."

"Why do you always look uncomfortable?" Theodore asked him as he noticed Hart struggling.

"Because these human emotions are new to me. I can feel their pain."

"And you feel the pain that you have caused Riley, you feel the guilt," Fiona said.

"Fiona stop," Riley told his sister, grabbing her arm and pulling her aside so the others couldn't hear them talk. But Hart could hear them, and that was why he shut them off to give them privacy.

"Would you feel bad if you let us die?" Pearl asked, glaring at him.

"I guess, you seem like the type of people that shouldn't deserve to die, the world would be more boring without you."

"Wow, that is exactly the same way I feel about everyone else," she said, smiling at him. And because she dropped her guard, she wasn't afraid to walk close to him and wrap her arm around his shoulder. "So what kind of cool powers do you have that can help us get Daniel back?"

"Um, I can transform into a monster? I can eat everyone."

"Oh, really? That's cool. What else?"

"I can possess humans."

"And he can heal," Riley added as he walked back into the little group.

"Heal?" everyone repeated, shocked.

"Uh, yeah. My twin sister and I share a special power, but it was split because we were born twins. I can heal anyone from any wounds, and she can curse them, to do exactly the opposite."

"Our team just suddenly became unstoppable," Pearl said full of hope.


Once the group had finished going over their plans, Hart and Riley were left alone while the humans and rogues rested. They had no other choice but to make a cave their home for the time being. For the first few hours together they were silent, and it made things extremely awkward. Hart thought it was a very anxious feeling and he did not like it.

What made things even worse for his human emotional side was seeing Riley in a far away corner, away from him. The cave wasn't deep enough that it could hide them in an umbrella of darkness, but it was deep enough that Riley's entire face was hidden and Hart couldn't tell what expression he was showing. For all he knew the guy could be sleeping.

"I'm sorry," Riley spoke softly.

"What for?" Hart's pulse rose rapidly as the awkwardness that had been lingering in the cave for hours was replaced by excitement. He was excited that Riley was speaking, he thought he had done something wrong and couldn't stop going over it in his head. Feeling emotions sucked.

"For killing myself and leaving you."

"If you felt like it's what you had to do, then there is no need to be sorry," Hart responded, even thought it was far from what he actually wanted to say.

"But I left you. We were together, we were madly in love and I just left you like that."

"Please stop," Hart begged as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"But it's the truth, if I hadn't done it, if I hadn't felt like it was my responsibility to end the suffering of everyone and to save the planet, then we wouldn't be here and we'd still be together."

"If you hadn't done it, you wouldn't have found your sister," Hart countered, trying to make it seem like what he had done was a good thing. Riley and Hart's mother were connected by magic that couldn't be penetrated and Riley found a loophole. If Riley hadn't done it, the world wouldn't be the same, and he didn't seem to understand that.

"I hate admitting this, but I forgot what you looked like after a while," Riley said, his voice shaking with emotion.

"Thirty years in hell does that," Hart reassured him.

"When I saw you, it was the biggest relief I had ever felt in years," Riley said, more relaxed this time. "All the stress I had on my shoulders just vanished at the sight of you. I knew who you were immediately and I remembered everything I had forgotten."

"I was surprised you still had the same new haircut when you mentioned thirty years," Hart admitted, hiding a smirk by looking towards the entrance of the cave.

"Really? That's what you thought of?"

"It's not a bad thing," he quickly added, looking back at Riley, "I'm a fan of this hair, it's exciting and looks very attractive."

"Are you telling me I still look hot even though I look a few inches from death?"

"I told you I would love you no matter what. You haven't been gone that long in my mind, so nothing has changed. If you turn into a demon, I would still want us to be together again."

"You do realize what a demon looks like, right? And not your type of hybrid demon, a regular demon," Riley said with a bit of denial in his voice.

"Yeah, I know what they look like."

"And still?"

"And still."

"How weird would that be . . . you and me, together again, but this time I look like an alien."

"It's fine, I could always just shift into my monster form and we'd be equally terrifying. Then we'd be an ordinary couple," Hart said, laughing as he thought about it.

Riley laughed too. It was quiet strange for the both of them to be laughing together. It was mostly because Hart had been so emotionally constipated back on earth that there was rarely any happy moments. But now everything was fresh, it was all new and a whole different kind of experience to remember forever.

Rocks rolled and scratched between Riley's boots and the cave as he got up and walked over to where Hart was sitting and dropped down next to him. They both looked at each other, shoulder to shoulder, and smiled.

"It's going to be dangerous, even for you," Riley said.

"I'll be fine."

"You don't understand hell like I do. There are a lot of things here that we don't understand. There's always a new mystery every day."

"I'll be fine," Hart repeated.

"Promise me you'll listen to us no matter what."

"I promise I'll listen to you no matter what," Hart said without skipping a beat. "I just want this to be over quick so I could start focusing on us and Annetta."


"Don't you remember her?" Riley shook his head. "She was the girl you sort of rescued back in Bellumstone. She's the white witch."

"Don't remember."

"Well, she's here, and she isn't supposed to be. It was an accident and I need to find her before she gets hurt."

"Good luck trying to find someone in hell."

"I found you," Hart pointed out. "I am certain I will find her."

"If she's really a white witch, she'll be safe until you do. A white witch in hell is a rare thing, but they are strong here, very strong."

Hart's wings draped over Riley's shoulders accidentally, he took it as a comforting gesture from the prince and leaned his head on his shoulder as a result. Hart didn't say anything about it, it was a good accident. They both fell asleep and rested for the remainder of what little time they had left.

Hart caught a sound in the distant and his eyes snapped open.

"It's just Fiona," Riley reassured him, waking up drowsy and even more exhausted.

Before Hart could ask how he knew, Fiona appeared and walked inside the cave. She froze when she saw them both together, turned around and left again.

"She thinks we had sex," Riley muttered, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"In this cave?" Hart asked, raising a brow as he stared at the dirt and uncomfortable rocks.

"I think we're leaving now," Riley said, ignoring what Hart had said.

The two of them gathered themselves and exited the cave. Fiona was waiting for them by the maple tree.

"Something's changed," she said as they approached her and stopped just underneath the tree. "We think they know we're coming for them so they changed their location. Luckily, we're smarter than they are and found their new one."

"Didn't know the tower could walk around,'' Riley mumbled sarcastically.

"It's like teleporting, but the entire area with you," she said, glaring at her brother and the prince suspiciously.

"I told you not to mention the T word."

"What T word? That you're all a bunch of twats?" Pearl said, walking up behind them.

Fiona wasn't too pleased with Pearl's attitude, she crossed her arms impatiently waiting for the Russian girl to finish her witty comments. Pearl noticed Fiona's stink eye and shrugged, standing quietly beside her brother.

"I was just telling the boys about the location changes," Fiona explained, keeping a cautious eye on Pearl.

"Where's Theo and the others?" Riley asked as he looked around the mountain and finding the path behind the maple tree empty.

"They have gone first to spectate our surroundings and make sure there are no demons waiting to ambush us," Pearl told him. "I think it's all safe, so we should get moving."

Fiona grabbed the bag that hung over her shoulder and fished inside for a blue glowing orb. As soon as she took it out, the four of them shuddered from the temperature drop that came from the magic ball. She held out the little object in front of her so everyone could touch it. Hart was the last one to put his finger on it, confused on what to do. When all of them had their finger on the ball, Fiona closed her eyes and imagined the location where they were going. The ball turned into smoke, the smoke traveled over their hands and sucked them up back inside.

They were clearly inside the ball now as it spun out of control from the inside. Hart was feeling a storm of emotions as he saw them spinning as if they were inside a tornado. There was no sound in the ball, he couldn't even hear his own breathing. As seconds passed, the ball became smaller until they were all faced together again and sucked up under all the fog surrounding them. When the fog cleared, all of them but Hart fell out of balance and crashed face first into the earth beneath them.

"Are you guys okay?" Hart asked, not putting any emotion into the question, but he most definitely cared if they were okay.

"Yeah, we're fine. Happens every time," Fiona said.

"Um, where are we?" Riley asked as he rose from the ground like a robot.

There was nothing in front of them but the largest motionless lake he had ever seen in his life. It was so still that a human could probably mistake it for concrete and walk over it. There was one thing that the others seem to not see, but Hart could see it with his super vision. There was a stone tower in the middle of the lake surrounded by fog.

"There's so much fog, I can't see what's on the other side of the lake," Pearl said, squinting her eyes while she searched for her friends. "Where are the others?"

"I can look past the fog. There's nothing but more lake, the fog you see is around the middle of it," Hart told them confidently. "There's also a tower made of dark stone. It's very tall and seems to also go underground."

"Do you see Theo and the others?" Pearl asked him.

"No, I don't see anyone."

"Do you think they went ahead without us?" Fiona asked her, but not even she believed it. They must have been caught . . . or maybe they were never there in the first place."

"Could they have tricked us? Like a mirage? Two towers instead of one?"

"Why do you think that?" Hart wondered.

"The ball Fiona used was the last one we had," Pearl said. "You hold it and think of where you want to be, the ball will take you there no matter what. She thought of the tower, and now we're here. But the others, why aren't they here? Theo was the one in charge of the other ball, and I am sure he thought of the right place. It's not a very common object, you don't just take it out of your purse whenever you want. We've had only three for the past fifty years and could only use it in emergencies."

"I don't know if this is a good idea anymore," Riley said. "Something doesn't feel right."

"But we're in the right place! Hart can see it, we just have to cross the water..." Fiona said, trailing off as she stared into the mysterious lake.

"I'll go first then," Hart announced. "I will make sure it's safe for you guys and then I'll return for you."

Hart let his wings lose, which made a little gust of air that pushed the others back. He jumped in the air and attempted to fly over the lake but something stopped him, like an invisible wall. He couldn't fly over it, he had to walk through the lake to get to the middle.

A little embarrassed, he dropped back down and folded his wings back into a cape. He wasted no time and began to walk over the water, realizing it was not a lake, it just looked like one. It was more like ice with melted water on top. It was more like a giant puddle than anything.

"I'm coming with you," Riley quickly said, running after him.

"Us too!" Fiona said as she and Pearl followed.

Hart glared at them. "I'm supposed to be going by myself so I can check that it's safe for you guys."

"Eh, call us Stupid, Naive and Dumb," Pearl said, giving Hart a ridiculous smile.

Hart made sure to walk a few feet in front of them just in case there weren't any surprise wormholes in the lake that they couldn't see and fell to their death. The only sound he heard for the next few minutes was of their shoes splashing against the watery surface.

It wasn't cold like Hart had predicted, the lake was just chill and foggy. It was quiet, non-threatening and very easy to walk over.

"Uh oh, guys, whatever you do, don't look back," Pearl said.

Hart's heart raced, he could feel the presence of whatever Pearl had seen. His comfortable thoughts really hadn't lasted that long, it had to be a record. Just as he finished thinking that everything was okay, it wasn't. It was almost as if the universe was against him or something.

"Why? Telling me not to look back really makes me want to look back," Fiona said nervously. She hopped forward and held Riley's hand.

"There's a monster behind us," she said quietly.

"What kind? Do we know what it is?" Riley asked.

"Yes, and I don't think you want to know. If I tell you what it is, you'll all freak out and we'll die."

"No," Hart said immediately. "Tell us what it is. I am here to protect you."

"Okay, just . . . as long as you guys realize Hart is here to protect us, maybe that won't freak you out. But you have to stay calm and not look back. Do you guys trust me?" Pearl said. Even she sounded nervous for a tough chick.

"We trust you," Riley replied. He was the only one that didn't sound scared to Hart.


Hart heard Fiona slap her hand over her mouth. She was the only one truly terrified out of her mind. Although it was a good competition between her and Pearl, but Pearl was the one who had seen whatever was behind them.

"What's a Morseeker?" Hart asked.

"It's only written in the books," Pearl said quietly, almost sounding like she was whispering. "No one has ever actually seen one. It's one of the five guardians created by Lucifer. They protect important things. I don't know why it's here, this tower is only for captives and it has no relation to Lucifer."

"If you look at it, it will kill you," Riley said non-nonchalantly. "It rips through your soul, bypassing any magic or spell that you have protecting you and it devours you."

"Yes, and I luckily only saw it from the corner of my eyes," Pearl said.

Hart was extremely curious to look at it. There was something inside telling him that she was lying and there was nothing behind them. He wanted to see for himself. His curiosity was killing him inside.

"The worse part?" Riley said. "It emits this curse that makes anyone not seeing it want to turn around against their will and look directly into its eyes, if it has any. I know you're all feeling it. You want to crank your neck and take a peek, even if it's just for a second, but it's what it wants."

Hart could definitely feel it. It felt like something was trying to get inside him and possess his body. He even remembers feeling the guardian's presence show up out of nowhere. How could he not believe that it was behind them? Possibly stalking their every move just waiting for one of them to slip.

"I have to look at it," Fiona squealed.

"NO!" Riley's demonic voice screamed. It was the first time Hart had heard his demon voice. He had been blocking it all this time. It was unusual for a young demon to control any change in him, Riley was special.

The scream was to control Fiona, it scared her. But it gave her a bit of control back, like being awakened. Riley knew what he was doing and he was slowly guiding the two girls right behind Hart. They just needed to get to the tower as soon as possible and they could live through this.

"Riley, do you remember when mom lost her new puppy?" Fiona cried into his shoulder.

"Yes, I remember. It ran out the door and you and I tried to find it, but instead we got lost, too," he added, smiling.

"We were so little, but I remember feeling like that's how dying felt. You were just lost."

"We aren't lost, Fiona. We know where we are, and we're going to finish our mission."

"Hart . . . Hart! I'm-m s-sorry." Seraphina's voice echoed behind them.

"HART, NO!" Riley screamed, but it was too late.

Hart's heart pounded fast against his chest as he looked back at the Morseeker, who had spoken using his sister's voice. He was surprised, definitely. It was beautiful, so beautiful yet so horrific. The Morseeker was tall and took the shape of a humanoid. It almost looked like it was made out of stone. It had a pointy hood with only a slit for the eyes. The eyes was what terrified Hart the most, and nothing in this world truly terrified him. They were so hollow and full of emptiness that he felt like he was being sucked into them.

The Morseeker wasn't following them, it wasn't even paying attention to them until Hart looked at it. Now it was facing them all with a threatening pose ready to strike at any moment. And he was right, any moment turned into a second. The Morseeker dashed across the water and in a fraction of a second it was standing over Hart looking down with killer eyes. He blinked then it was gone.

"W-where did it go?" Riley stuttered. They all looked at the creature, but it was only after Hart for the moment.

"Did Hart being the son of Lucifer scare him off?" Pearl asked.

"I don't think so," Hart said as he saw the water moving. It was underground. It was a game to the guardian.

"It's going to kill us this time, but it gave us a head start, so let's not waste time and RUN!" Riley shouted, grabbing his sister and making a run for it.

Hart let them run and stayed behind, waiting for the creature to appear again.

"NOOO!!!" Seraphina's voice came again.

Hart stopped breathing all of the sudden. He clutched his chest as he felt pain in his heart. His sister . . . his sister was dead, and now he was feeling it. Why was she dead? How did the Morseeker project his sister's voice? It couldn't have possibly killed her, something was happening on Earth that he wasn't aware of. His sister was in trouble and now she's dead. She was murdered.

"Hart?" Riley called out. "HART?"

"Ser-Seraphina," he managed to mumble in time as his mouth pooled with blood and he fell on his knees.

The water in front of him was trailing like a snake. It was heading directly for him and he couldn't move, he could only watch as he slowly shut down. How was his sister dead? Nobody could kill them unless they killed them both at the same time, and only with the dagger. It was impossible.

The Morseeker jumped out of the water and screeched at the others as they tried to grab him. It swung its long and pointy limbs at them and tossed everyone back. The monster raised his arm and pulled down his hood, revealing that it was nothing but a deformed ghost with a broken jaw. The jaw cracked as it opened wide enough to devour a person, or in this case the prince of hell.

As the others ran fast to save him, the Morseeker dove down and swallowed Hart, dragging him into the bottom of the lake.

"NO!" Riley screamed, pulling parts of his hair off.

"Did he just die before he got eaten by the Morseeker? Also who was that voice? And the name he spoke? I am so confused!" Pearl said.

"His sister must have been killed on Earth," Riley explained as he calmed himself, "he became weak when there was no connection between them. I killed him before, his sister once told me what she went through when I did. This is what she went through. But he's not dead, not completely. We just have to wait for her to revive, and then Hart will be okay again. But if he somehow dies during this time, they are both gone."

"Uh, we have absolutely no time to wait. It's coming for us," Pearl said, pointing at the water.

The three of them ran faster than before. Riley had his demon strength and the two girls had their rogue adrenaline to help them run even faster than him. But their supernatural strength was no match for the Morseeker. The monster traveled faster than anything known to man and thing. In a second it jumped out of the water in front of them and tackled all three of them into the bottom of the now liquid water.

   Darkness swallowed them. They only heard each others muffled screams underwater as they sank lower and lower until they lost unconsciousness.


[Author's Message]: It's been so long since I have uploaded ANYTHING on this website. I struggled for so long to start writing, I had a major block for so long and had no idea how to recover. But with time, I slowly started writing again. I don't think the block is there anymore but the willingness to write is still missing, so it might still take me some time to upload chapters, but I will definitely still write! A lot faster this time! I won't spend another half year without writing trust me LOL. I have missed this so much and I have missed my characters and I have missed reading your comments. More than all I've missed your excitement over this story because I always get excited about it and I'm so happy I'm not the only one. Thank you thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the many more to come! (PS: If you noticed any mistakes, point them out! It's been awhile, I'm rusty)

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