Author's Note - The End of A Little Insane

This may not come to a surprise for most people, considering I haven't updated this story in ages, but this series is officially discontinued and I will explain why and what was supposed to happen in the final moments. If you are interested, keep reading!

Why is it discontinued? To put it simply, I cannot continue this series because of the length, time and stress. When I first started the idea of A Little Insane, I was incredible scared and anxious to write it because I had never written something like it before. I was known for simple romance stories, specifically BoyxBoys. To branch out when your readers are used to something is scary because no writer wants to fail. But I knew it was time because horror and dark themes are what I love the most. My creativity and inspirations come from dark places and I wanted to introduce something new to the boyxboy community. But why? The series is meant to be FOUR total books, and towards the end of book three, I started telling myself I couldn't bare write a fourth book, especially with how much time it took to write each chapter and it was getting harder and harder as the story progressed and I ultimately began to 'lazy' write a lot of lines and descriptions and that made me unhappy. (This is why the story becomes less scary. It's supposed to be a terrifying series, but that was never the case, unless you count out the first book, but even in the first book I handled things safely) This story is one of the biggest things I've ever created. The plot and detail in every moment was planned out and that alone took time. Then the whole "Killing Stalking" happened and I just felt even more discouraged to write it. I still truly believe that somehow that artist copied my ideas, and you may argue with me all you want, but I'm the creator of this story and I know all of the details down to what these characters eat, so if I see it somewhere else, especially illustrated, I will know. I told myself I had to finish this story and started forcing myself to write, even started planning out more of book 4 even though I didn't want to. That pushed me back even more, until eventually, I couldn't think of the serious without feeling some type of stress and that affected my other stories as well. I couldn't do it anymore, so I told myself I was done. I cut the rope and said good bye to the story and quietly avoided telling anyone that the story was discontinued, until now. There's a lot of detail in this plot and I did extremely bad when it came to transferring the ideas on paper. So much was meant to happen, but in the end I just wrote a half assed chapters that weren't completely true to the origins/background/plot. So after I decided I was done with this series, I realized I did not want to let go completely, so I came up with a new plan and you will know at the end of this note.

What's supposed to happen in the story? Well, there's only two chapters left of this book, but both chapters would be like 50 pages each, so you can see . . . it's stressful, when you've planned so much, but prepared for so little. The next chapter Riley and Jocelyn find the "headquarters" of The Rogues and find out who is in charge of them. It's Riley's real parents. They are very distant, so it's not a family reunion. They've been in hell for so long that it changed them, but they were put there wrongfully. They use their white magic to fuel the rogues and have learned a lot over the years and years they've been in hell. They made Riley the obsidian witch and have been watching him on earth because he is meant to do a lot of things he wasn't aware of. And he's also their true way out of hell. The reader catches up on a lot of information about the books, answers everyone has been searching for, answers and questions that at this point I've even forgotten. (But if you have any questions that you want answered, don't be afraid to ask me, I'll answer them, even ridiculous ones) So everything has been building up for the last chapter of the book. Riley's parents, "The Leaders" (which is what the chapter was supposed to be called), needed white magic in order to free the innocent humans, and themselves, and that's where Riley, Jocelyn and Annetta come in. Together, the five of them create a pentagram (I know, original!) and can do a spell together with their magic that opens up a portal. But this doesn't happen yet. The chapter is mega long and a lot of other things happen. The last chapter is called The End of the Beginning. Did you notice something? Yes, the first chapter is called The Beginning of the End because the first chapter's title was a sign, a warning, that the end was going to happen. The beginning of the end was supposed to represent the death of a lot of people. And the end of the beginning was where it all happened, where it all ended. In the last chapter, Hart finally wakes up after Lucifer leaves his body. This only happens after Lucifer finds his own body. His body is a statue bigger than any building or mountain on earth. It's been hidden for YEEAARRS, even though it's so big. Now it's time for the apocalypse. Everything happened for a reason and it all leads up to this moment. The five white witches begin their spell as they know their time is near. Riley as the obsidian witch becomes a source of the power needed to do the spell. Think of it like all of them channeling Riley and Riley receiving their power so that he is the one to open the portal because the others aren't as strong as him. Being the obsidian witch relieves a lot of the boundaries and rules put on witches, so he can do A LOT OF THINGS THAT OTHERS CAN'T. Lucifer appears to stop them, but Hart also appears and grows to become the same height as Lucifer, and legit, this is so big, you can probably see them in outer space. GIANTS! GIANT DEMONS! This is where you also find out Lucifer broke a part of his soul to create Hartheon and Seraphina. It was only supposed to be 1 entity, but obviously 2 came out. Literally created from his flesh, bones, blood and ashes of hell. They are a part of him. So after a long fight and Hart trying to protect them, he knows what to do, he takes the dagger from Riley (in normal size Im assuming, I never finished making up this part but I know what happens lol) and stabs Lucifer? It was either Lucifer or himself, but I think it was Lucifer LOL. This kills him, Hart and Seraphina. (You guys like how that's now my name?) It's supposed to be the most powerful weapon ever created, but THERE ARE SO MANY DETAILS THAT I NEVER WROTE THE RIGHT WAY, LIKE I SAID, LAZY WRITING, I HATE MYSELF FOR IT. I wanted to create hell and make it so dark and crazy and scary like omg but did I? No. Just sounds like a desert full of mountains and a lot of walking. Emotional things happen, Riley watched the love of his life die before him and some how Lucifer too. (Trust me, I had something big planned, it was crazy). They open the portal as hell breaks loose with no Lucifer. Riley watches as the humans begin to ascend through the portal (it's like a ray of light shining down) and they all flow up and are gone. Including his parents, everyone. The portal begins to malfunction and begins to grow, turns a different color, and pulls Riley. Riley then is transported to Earth. He's out of hell. He lands in front of Hart's house. He's coughing hysterically, clawing towards the house, calling out to Hart. He notices his arms, they are back to normal. There's no tattoos, no obsidian skin, he's confused, but begins to heart Hart's voice in his head. Hart's voice tells him to hurry, run inside the house, lock himself in the basement. As Riley starts running towards the house, explosions in the background happen. Big ones. Countries started bombing themselves because there's more to Riley and Hart and everything you guys read. There are other stories in this universe. There's people that watch and warn. Like psychics. The US government was told about what was happening, and what could happen, so they were ready. Hell has been open and monsters have begun to pour from the portal. Beings bigger than houses, sky scrapers, monsters that you couldn't even imagine, ran through the human cities, killing, eating, destroying. This is the apocalypse. THIS is what was meant to happen the entire time. Riley opened the portal and he is the one to blame for the apocalypse. So when he gets down to the basement, Hart's voice tells him to do something, and as a nuclear bomb FALLS ON AMERICA TO TRY TO CONTAIN THE MONSTERS, Riley's body turns to stone. The last thing he hears, the last thing you read, is the bombs falling from the sky. The book ends. Of course there's more detail but this is as much as I can tell you guys.

Book four? Book four was definitely meant to happen. It wasn't just a random addition like ohh I wanna continue the series. No, this entire series was planned to have four books in total. Everything happens for a reason. Riley wakes up . . . four hundred years in the future. He breaks from the stone that protected him. The basement is almost untouched, but has grown old over the years. He opens the door and has to claw his way out through the ground because obviously the house never made it out lmao. He wakes up to a wasteland. Everything is gone. The sky is dark. Can't even tell if it's night or day. He's still wearing what he was wearing during his hell days so he looks SUSPICIOUS. Monsters start coming out, hungry and crazy, attack him, but he protects himself with his magic. But more come, but he's so weak and fragile. He runs and runs and runs, until he goes through a weird "dead" forest. There's literally no green. But he comes across someone, who is also just as confused as he is. Hart's voice in his head tells him to run. so Riley listens, while also trying to comprehend wtf is going on and why he hears Hart. Is it him? Is it really him? Who knows. Nobody knows. Only I am supposed to know. But . . . because the series is over, I will tell you. It's him and it's not him. Remember when Riley and Hart did that spell that was supposed to bind Hart and his sister instead to become one? But nobody knew what would happen if Hart and Riley did it instead? Yeah, this is the outcome of that. Hart's voice is in Riley's head, like his conscious still lives inside Riley. But it's hard to explain and I can't just say that it IS hart, it's a part of Hart. So in this new book, Riley wakes up 400 years later and is found by humans and is taken to a nearby camp. The camp is heavily guarded and armed, like a military camp. There they test new people. Why are they testing people? Because for 400 years they have been looking for someone named ... Riley. :) Because everyone by now knows RILEY is the one that caused all of this. He has been hunted for this long. And witches are hunted and killed. The humans have basically restored some kind of control. A lot of humans now work for a new government that just hunts down witches and supernatural beings to be killed and/or tortured. And at the camp, they have their own witch, that they use to determine if the person they have is a witch or not. Like a psychic who tells them, yes that's a witch, no that's a human, no that's not a witch or human, that's a monster hiding in human skin. ect. The witch does not tell them who Riley is, because the witch immediately knows who it is, it's like a feeling. This is who they have been waiting for. When they start asking Riley questions, Hart tells him to not say his name, so Rileys new name for this book becomes Jaxon, his birth name. When he passes all the tests and he figures out he can't be who he is anymore, they send him off to "the city" and boy is this my favorite part. The city is SUPER sci-fy, like imagine all those tight-spaced cities with a lot of signs and colorful screens with the whole techno-dubstep-sounding-heavy-electronic music. (Original?) and there he creates a new life. He is given a job, like everyone else, meets robots, hookers, all of it. He finds out that there are only a handful of cities like that one and they are all spread out, and anything in between is dead and full of dangerous monsters. He meets a new love interest, but it's not exactly a hart/riley moment. and hart's voice is quiet during these moments, almost letting you forget he's there. This new guy is an assassin. He wears a mask over his mouth and never talks, but he listens to riley when they get close. His name is Synth. He's pale with black hair and beautiful eyes ... reminding riley of a certain someone, the only difference is that Synth is asian. Riley is attracted to guys that look like hart, especially when hart is no longer in the picture (daniel/synth). It's honestly a very interesting relationship. Synth never talks, never removes his mask, but he's always there with Riley, fighting with him, teaching him how to fight with their weapons, at first Synth is told to keep close to Riley because they're still unsure where he came from and he barely remembers anything. They believe he was attacked by something out there and that's why he can't remember anything. They trust the witch they have, so nothing further happens to him and eventually Synth just bonds with Riley, so that mission is dropped, the readers were never going to be aware of that little information. After a lot of crazy stuff, they have their first sexual experience, and it IS full on sex, but it's important because it's the first time Riley sees what's behind the mask. After a lot of "Arguing" Riley finally gets Synth to agree to take off the mask. I don't know how, if it was sign language, or a machine, or he wrote it down, but Synth tells Riley he will regret it and won't like him after. Riley tells him nothing will change. After more warnings, Synth just gives up and removes his mask. Synth as no jaw. It's pretty horrifying. But it does nothing to Riley. Riley likes him even more, Cus riley is a freak. Riley legit kisses him and he only has an upper lip lmaooooo and a tongue hanging off. LIKE IT'S SO WEIRD, but awesome. It's new and it's what I WANTED. NOBODY THINKS OF THIS IN A BOYXBOY. They have sex, it's great, even without the mask and with the mask on. lorde bless me for i have sinned. A lot more happens, more creatures and witches begin to find out Riley is back, so a war kind of happens between the humans and the witches. Riley is not part of this war, since he barely knows it's going on. They capture some witches and bring them back to the city, to travel through and go to the camp to be tested. Then as Riley is watching, waiting to see Synth return, he spots him holding witches, dragging them by some chain around their necks. Riley smiles at him and Synth in returns winks back.(AGAIN, THE WEIRDEST RELATIONSHIP IDK) Then this is where shit hits the fan. The witches spot Riley, immediately know its him, and rush towards him (damn who ever made the chains long) and they cry in front of him and get down on their knees and wish for mercy and whatnot. THIS CONFUSES EVERYONE CAUSE THEY'RE PASSING THROUGH THE CITY AND EVERYONE IS WATCHING AND OH SHIT. Then they say something like "Riley, save us." THEN EVERYONE GOES =O!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!! Then the soldiers immediately go to attack Riley and Riley has to defend himself with his magic, revealing that he is a witch, but not just any witch, he is still the obsidian witch. And being in hell, he learned a lot of magic, so he ends up killing all the soldiers with like one move. Then Synth is like O: Lol wait he has no jaw. Then Synth is like :[~ and he knows he's no match for THE Riley, so while Riley is waiting for him to do something, either be with him or against him, Synth runs away to spread the news to the captains or whatever. ANYWAY in the end every boy is a disappointment so Riley kills Synth after a battle, a battle of Synth trying to kill Riley and Riley trying not to kill Synth. It was kinda sad honestly. In the end, after everything Riley has gone through and learned, he knows he has to fix things. This is not what he wanted. He wants the old world back. So in the final moments of the ENTIRE SERIES, Riley goes back to hell, closes the portal, saving the humans, but imprisoning himself forever in Hell, and becoming the new Lucifer. All hail Riley.

That's it. That's the entire series. That's everything I planned.

So is it really over? No, it's not over. The past year I've been writing and planning A LOT. I want to finally publish and I want to self-publish and get my name out there. So here is what I have come up with.

I created a new series I've been working on. It's a very cool idea. Please pay attention because when I publish this series, this will be removed. Only you guys will know this because it's tied to A Little Insane.

Book one: Gods & Monsters

Gods & Monsters takes place on a planet called Aeon. The name was inspired by this: Aion is a Hellenistic deity associated with time, the orb or circle encompassing the universe, and the zodiac. The "time" represented by Aion is unbounded, in contrast to Chronos as empirical time divided into past, present, and future. He is thus a god of eternity, associated with mystery religions concerned with the afterlife, such as the mysteries of Cybele, Dionysus, Orpheus, and Mithras. But has nothing to do with the story, world or plot. It was just what I was inspired by for the name. Aeon is a planet like Earth. A twin planet, kind of. Both are connected spiritually. Both planets started the same, with the same humans, but progressed differently. Aeon was a beautiful planet and very opposite of what Earth is now(like our version of Earth). In Aeon, everyone was equal, no wars, only peace. But it all changed one day when a mysterious mist swept over the biggest continent in the planet, killing anything it touched, wiping away almost all humanity. Monsters began to appear too, taking over until only one continent was left. 400 years later, the humans left fight every day to try to claim back what was taken by the monsters. But on this planet, the humans are aware that there are gods, magic, ect. Unlike Earth, where they still have wars over religion and power and greed. Aeon was always different. They had only one religion and it was the "real one"

The story starts 400 years later. The main character is Dia, a girl, a soldier, who has been training and fighting all her life. In this world, every child is raised to be the strongest they can be in whatever they excelled at. It's a very dark book, but only because of the monsters and the mystery that lies behind the mist and everything that happened to the planet. They still have no answers. One day while the 400 year old war was happening, Gods started to fall from the sky to help the humans. This is called Ascension. It's the dream-like state in which a God chooses a human. When you are chosen by a God, you have ascended. You are now a powerful human with the strength of a God. This God is almost like your soul mate. They aid you, protect you, even keep you from dying so you are almost immortal. Dia is chosen by a God and everything changes for her. This is all I will tell you for this book.

The next book is called The Dead Mist. It's the second part of Dia's story.

The third book is called Building A Monster. This is where A Little Insane comes in. Building A Monster is Riley's first story and the fourth book is yet to be named, but is Riley's second part. What does this mean? IT MEANS A LOT.

It's a Light/Dark situation. Dia is the good part of the series, Riley is the dark side of the series, and both of them are connected, which is why it's book 1, 2, 3, 4 and not two separate series.

Building A Monster starts with Riley. Riley is a 19 year old boy locked away in a facility. He has been chained to a bed, studied and experimented on for two years. All he knows is the four walls around him. This is how the story begins. It's on Earth and even though both planets are connected, Earth has no idea about Aeon, but Aeon does know about Earth, but that's not important. In the beginning, doctors conduct an experiment where they place live animals in front of Riley (in a different room where a lot of doctors and people gather to watch) and they witness how Riley's darkness kills each living being, eventually doing it to a human being. They are experimenting to understand what Riley is and what his power is, and where it comes from. It's believed that Riley's power has a connection to death. And death fuels him and his power, so they avoid doing it too much, but ever since a human was sacrificed, Riley gained so much more control than they anticipated. So he is going to be transferred to a better facility where they can keep him in under full control. They board him on a large plane, WITH MANY OTHER PEOPLE, but sedated to hell. Only they didn't think he'd be able to wake up from it. He does and brings down the plane with his power, killing everyone, hundreds of people. Imagine the amount of power that he just gained from that and what it can do to him. He almost has no sanity left because of what he has gone through. The plane crashes in a forest . . . and when Riley escapes alive and well, he finds a house in the middle of nowhere. This is where he meets Hart. Hart is basically a new character here. He is a complete psycho crazy lunatic wild guy who loves capturing humans and torturing them to death. He thinks Riley just randomly wondered into his place, so easy target right? Haha no. Hart tortures Riley to the point he breaks and unleashes his power, but while this happened, Riley saw that Hart has powers too. And when Hart figures out what Riley is, he stops torturing (As much, but continues, cause he's crazy). Eventually Hart tells him about his darkness, the powers, the evil inside both of them, where it comes from. It's all from a dark and evil place, a place that has no name, a place that can only be remembered by the pain. So Riley, instead of trying to be good, he asks Hart to show him the way, and then they become the two most evil beings on planet Earth. It's crazy dark and it's basically the new remake of A Little Insane and what should have really been since the start. So don't be sad that this A Little Insane is over, because a new one is about to be born, one that you will never forget.

Then book four happens, more info about Riley and stuff and more stuff. (Trying to avoid as many big spoilers as I can lmao)

And then a mysterious final book happens. One where ... the two . . . connect ...

So Dia has her God (his name is Cyrus) and Riley has his ... opposite of a God? Hart.

Light and Dark. I'm tempted to call it the Light and Dark series, but that sounds corny as hell. But this is what I have been planning for a year or more and I WILL be publishing this! Either self-publish or through a publisher. We will see. I hope you all read this and if you did let me know what you think. I do immensely apologize for not finishing this story, but I hope you can understand why I can't. I have bigger plans, BETTER plans. It will be worth it, I promise. Thank you SO fucking much for the support you have given this story. It means the world to me and I can't wait to bring to you this series.

- Seraphina

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