Chapter Seven - Poison
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“The spell won't hold her longer than a few hours, but that's plenty of time,” Dexen said as he completed the spell that would keep Seraphina from going anywhere.
“Yeah, it's enough,” Riley told him, looking down at Hart's dead sister. He wondered if this was the reason Hart looked the way he did when Riley killed and took her. Did he think it was some kind of payback? Revenge for him killing Fiona? Well, it wasn't. But he did have an imagination and the sight before him pleased him, although not completely. Seraphina was immortal, or so as long as Hart lived. She wasn't gone forever like Fiona.
And if it was true, that Hart was upset that Riley killed Seraphina, then he had a lot of nerve.
“She's moving!” Dexen pointed at her chest, which was slowly rising from her breathing. “How is she back this fast? It isn't possible.”
“But it's okay, right? There's a reason you put a spell on her, so that when she woke up she won't be able to do anything,” Riley said as he watched Seraphina's closed eyes.
“It's not okay! It means I was wrong – Hart's power was a distraction, a wall to hide the real power, hers!”
Her eyes snapped open and they were bright and blue. She looked at her surroundings, then at the two of them. There was a moment of silence as she stared straight at Riley with hostile eyes. She tried moving her hands, but the spell stopped her. She closed her eyes and for a moment the brothers thought she was accepting that she wasn't going anywhere, but they were wrong, they were very wrong.
Seraphina opened her eyes again and they were yellow this time. She started laughing, moving her head side to side as her hands moved and stretched. Her laugh reminded Riley too much of Jocelyn, they were truly related.
“I am not Hart, you can't just simply kill me and use me,” she said as her body rose in mid air and came back down when she was straight up. “Just because my brother is broken and weak doesn't mean I am.”
The ground beneath her began to change color; the plants and grass were dying at a rapid rate. It was almost like a plague. Riley and Dexen stepped back as it spread towards them, but they stopped. Seraphina walked towards them and with each step, blood-red dust released from her body like vapor. They couldn't look away from her eyes, they were frozen and without control.
“S-st-stop,” Dexen stuttered.
“Stop what? If you want to leave just look away,” she said and giggled. “On the other hand, you did bring me here after you killed me. And now I wonder if it's a good thing that I don't know what you two were planning on doing with me.”
“I'm sorry,” Riley said, and it surprised Seraphina that the glow in her eyes appeared less menacing.
“Oh, Riley. It's too late for apologies.” She moved towards his frozen body as the death in the plants circled around them, not touching the single green circle left that kept them unharmed and alive. “I can't hurt you, but I can't say that I like you anymore.”
“You're just mad you finally died,” Dexen taunted. “How did it feel? Did you see daddy?”
Seraphina's eyebrows arched. She turned her attention away from Riley to him, walking across the dead grass to where Dexen was standing still.
“You really look like brothers.” She smiled, looking closely at his face. “It's kind of funny. It was my job to find someone that Hart could use to bring back our mother. I never took it serious, that's why it took forever. But I was the one who found Riley, and I was the one who found his sister. I knew he was a witch, I could sense it, but he didn't know it, that's why he made the perfect dummy for Hart's spell. And I knew he was adopted. I couldn't let another opportunity like that go.”
“So you're the real reason his sister is dead?” Dexen said, obviously trying to bring out some anger out of Riley, but it wasn't working.
“I guess you could say that, and now I'll kill you so that he has no one, again,” she told him coldly.
Riley screamed at Seraphina as she leaned in closer to Dexen and kissed him on the lips. The red dust around her reacted quickly and traveled through the kiss, entering Dexen's body. His veins popped visible, turning red as the dust traveled through his system.
“LEAVE HIM ALONE! STOP HURTING HIM!” Riley screamed, desperately trying to move his limbs but he felt like a statue.
Seraphina pulled back gently, watching her poison flow through his veins. She glanced at Riley one last time before gathering more of the red dust and spreading it everywhere. She raised her hands and sent waves after waves of red into the forest, killing everything it touched, leaving only two single spots where the brothers stood motionless.
They blinked and Seraphina was gone. Riley didn't know how or where, she just popped out of the picture. He felt his limbs regaining control, but he still didn't move. Everywhere, all around him, were thousands of red dust particles floating, shimmering like diamonds in the sunlight. They were beautiful, in a scary way.
“D-don't m-move,” Dexen stuttered, sounding like he had a bad case of the chills. Riley only needed one look at him to know he was going to die.
“Dexen . . . we need to get you out of here,” Riley told him, slowly panicking inside. His brother looked like he was in so much pain and he couldn't do anything to help, not when the poisonous air was keeping them apart.
“S-she blocked my magic.” Dexen was turning paler by the second and his veins were only getting creepier. “Whatever she did, it's blocking . . . m-my magic. I c-can't teleport. Y-you have to get out of here.”
“I'm not leaving you here.”
“Don't touch them!” Dexen screamed at him as Riley tried to move his hands to reach for his dagger, but then he remembered he didn't need it anymore.
“Okay, I'm going to teleport over to you and then I'll teleport us out, okay? Make room, I'm going in three . . . two . . . one.” Riley disappeared from his spot and re-appeared pinned against Dexen in the very limited space they had. Riley wrapped his hand around Dexen's wrist and didn't waste another second, teleporting them out using his dagger, as their teleporting abilities only worked on themselves.
Riley carried Dexen into one of the bedrooms inside the underground home, laying him on his back and quickly using a spell to conjure water into a bowl. He picked up one of the pillows Dexen wasn't using and removed the case, soaking it in the water and using it to clean Dexen's face.
“How do I cure you?” Riley asked him.
Dexen laughed. “You learn quick.”
“Dexen, how do I cure you?” Riley demanded.
“I don't think you can cure this,” he whispered back, closing his eyes as pain attacked him. He groaned loudly, then broke into screams. Riley held him down and tried everything he could to make him feel as comfortable as possible while his brain thought of something to do.
“That . . . that was her poison!” Riley shouted. “I can't believe I forgot about this! Hart can heal, Seraphina can poison!”
“Beautiful,” Dexen muttered. “At least we know Lucifer has a sense of humor.”
“No, Hart can heal you!”
“Yeah, I'm sure he'll be thrilled to heal me after we killed his sister and made him feel the pain.”
“He has to . . .”
“Don't you get it? Seraphina did it on purpose because she wants us to go to them. It's a trap. A very smart one, I'll give her that,” Dexen said. “But I'm not going to them for anything, I rather die here.”
Angrily, Riley rushed towards Dexen and forced him to get up. He touched Dexen's cold skin and teleported them out and brought them inside Hart's home. As soon as the scene cleared and Dexen realized what had happened – because it had happened too quickly to process – he froze and his eyes filled with terror.
“You did not just do that,” Dexen hissed quietly at him, his eyes going everywhere. “You're going to save me against my will?”
“Shut up,” Riley told him, still angry.
“It's a trap,” Dexen sang.
“I said shut up,” Riley repeated, tightly holding his dagger as he walked through the halls. There was a sound he was trying to catch, but it was so small that he needed perfect silence to hear it.
“Somebody is screaming downstairs,” Dexen said, answering Riley's thoughts as if he had read them. “No, I can't read minds, but I can read expressions and I have a tattoo that lets me hear things that no one else can.”
“What can you see down there?” Riley asked him, remembering the eye on Dexen's chest.
Dexen blinked and his eyes turned crystal white. He looked down at the ground for a second and blinked again, shaking his head. The room was obviously protected by magic, other wise they wouldn't spend so much time in it. The dark room was full of mystery that Riley would never be able to comprehend.
“Hold on, I hear something else,” Dexen said, closing his eyes and focusing on the sounds echoing in the air. He couldn't clearly hear them, but if he focused enough he could make out who the screams belonged to. Dexen suddenly collapsed and his eyes turned red as veins appeared all over his face. Riley was starting to think they weren't veins. “H-ART . . . IT'S . . . HART.”
“Dexen, what's wrong?!”
“Dexen, I have no choice but to bring us inside. I trust you, so trust me,” Riley told him as he touched Dexen. They appeared inside the dark room just as a huge, long dark figure floated over their heads like a snake stalking a prey. The prey was Hart.
The darkness spiraled in the air and reached Hart, who was screaming in a corner with tears falling from his eyes. It grabbed him and sucked him in, dragging him across the dark room and swallowing him. Riley could see Hart inside the darkness every time a spark of fire burst out of his skin. He was fighting something, someone.
In another corner of the dark room, Riley saw Seraphina burning in silence. Her body twitched creepily and too fast to be human. He wondered if she was trying to turn but couldn't. Something was happening to them, but who was doing this?
Then he heard her voice.
“What are you doing to them?” Riley asked without turning around. He knew she was behind him, he didn't need to see. Ever since he realized what witch he was, he could feel magic like they all did, and he felt hers. It was unexplainable.
“It's your fault,” she told him as he turned around. “You killed my son with the dagger and now you kill my daughter. I have no choice but to take it away from you.”
“I'd like to see you try,” he replied.
He felt the dagger disappear from his hand but remained calm and didn't show any signs of fear. He was confident that it would return to him again if he asked it to. And no one could use the dagger if it was his, they would die if they did.
“Where's the dagger now?” she said, a satisfying look on her face.
“Right here.” He raised his hand, showing that the dagger was right there where it belonged.
“How dare you! It isn't yours to use!”
“It isn't yours either, it's Hart's.”
The dark snake that had swallowed Hart suddenly turned around and flew around Jocelyn. She pointed at Riley and the snake launched itself towards him. Riley could still see Hart inside, struggling to get out while the darkness inside fought him and fiercely shredded his skin. There was fire coming out of him but he wasn't turning, and neither was Seraphina.
Riley whispered and a black wall appeared in front of him, blocking the snake. The dark snake exploded at contact with his shield. It released Hart and he dropped on the ground. He was badly hurt and bleeding profusely from his mouth. His eyes were golden yellow and they were distraught. Hart was going through so much right now. The last time his mother had done this he was only a child. Experiencing this all over again after so much time had passed must be traumatizing for him. Riley felt anger all over again and it was all because of Jocelyn.
“Stop hurting them!” Riley pleaded.
He wanted to run to Hart and help him, but Jocelyn would stop him. Riley stared wide-eyed as Hart coughed black substance mixed with blood. His skin looked like it had been torn by something sharp, like nails. But the wounds were bigger than something nails would do. The scratches were open wide, showing pink flesh with blood squirting out.
“What's your excuse?” she replied.
Riley bent down so that Hart didn't have to move to look into his eyes. Hart was on all four, still puking out blood. It must hurt to move an inch, so Riley did what he could so that Hart could look at him and know that he was sorry for what he had done.
“Hart,” he whispered. Hart's yellow eyes shot up at him and another round of blood poured out of his mouth. “Are you strong enough to heal him?”
Hart looked over at Dexen, who was laying on the ground, breathing very slowly, and nodded back. Riley closed his eyes and using his magic, he pulled Hart, Seraphina and Dexen towards him. He touched them all and teleported. They all appeared in the fairy forest. He didn't take them inside because he knew what was going to happen to him if he used the dagger to teleport three people and himself.
As they appeared on the green grass, Riley's body exploded. Chunks of flesh flew everywhere and blood splashed over the others. Hart screamed, which then turned into a monstrous howl. The physical and emotional pain he felt was too much and his horns finally pierced through his skull and he began to turn.
Seraphina was laying on her side, barely conscious, when she felt everything her brother was feeling. She reached out to him and her fingers brushed over his arm. Hart was breathing heavily as his new sharp teeth settled, cutting his human lips. His eyes were wild and his face was almost like an animal with rabies. But the gentle fingers that stretched towards him, touching his arm with care, made him forget about everything and his teeth went back to normal.
Hart's eyes returned to normal and his horns slowly went into his skull again. He eyed the blood around them and found that there wasn't any flesh anywhere. Riley's body had already vanished and had sunk into the earth. Now it was just a waiting game.
Now that he was out of the dark room, his body was healing. All of the cuts and bruises were healing quickly, especially because he was close to his sister. They were always stronger when they were together.
Hart found Dexen, Riley's brother, laying motionless besides a tree. Hart pulled himself up and walked towards him, sitting back down behind his head and placing his hands over his temples. The healing process began and it was much tougher to heal something Seraphina had done herself. Dexen was close to death, not even a minute more and he would have died. He was lucky.
His energy flowed through Dexen, clearing all of the poison in his veins. When he was done, Hart laid back on the ground and closed his eyes. He was exhausted and weak, but most of all afraid. He needed to be ready for when the night came, they all did.
Riley closed the door of the little house in the ground, where his brother slept on one of the beds, fully healed and alive. He went back to where he had teleported them all and picked up the weapons off the ground. Luckily none of the bombs had exploded when he did. That would have been a real disaster for them all.
Hart and Seraphina were laying on the ground, their eyes closed. They had already been asleep when he had clawed out of the ground, naked and shaking like a chihuahua.
He picked up all of the weapons and placed them into his new clothes. As he carefully picked up the last square bomb, something happened that made him drop it against a rather large rock, where it broke in half. The sky, which had been very bright and sunny, instantly turned black. There were no clouds anymore and you could see so many beautiful stars and galaxies that you'd think it was all a dream.
Riley hadn't been paying attention to what was happening all around him, but soon enough when the first chill ran up his spine, he looked down to see his sister standing in thick, white fog. She was holding something behind her back. As he registered what he was seeing, Fiona took out his dagger and stabbed herself in the heart.
He screamed as he ran to her, but another figure stepped out of the fog – Jocelyn. She grabbed Fiona and dug her long nails into her neck, ripping her head out of her body. As the air filled with his cries, Hart and Sera awakened and were at his side, staring at their mother.
“Hallucination bomb,” Sera whispered to her brother.
“She's not a hallucination, though,” he replied, looking at his mother.
“She's not.”
Hart quickly grabbed Riley and pulled him away, running through the trees as he looked up at the black sky. When they were away from all ears, Hart stopped and pinned Riley against a tree, kissing him. Hart stopped before Riley could even kiss back, or push him away.
“Was that a goodbye kiss?” Riley suddenly realized, baffled and a little bit angry.
“Yes, I don't know if I will come back to you. My mother's plan has begun and you need to get out of here. Take your brother and leave. Don't look for us, don't even think about us. You don't have anymore souls in you except your own, if you die again . . . you won't come back.”
Riley's eyes flickered over Hart's face. He had always been so beautiful to him. There was something eerie about his appearance that made the idea of not thinking about him again seem ridiculous.
“How do you know that?” Riley asked. “I'm sure I have more. I've only died four times.”
It sounded so crazy for him to be saying something like that, but he couldn't deny that he felt special. Who on earth could say that they have died and come back to life multiple times?
“Because I was weak when you used my magic to get all of us out. It used up more than one soul, it used them all. Now you have your own that you need to protect.” Hart looked back at where his mother and sister were, he could feel the tension between them. Seraphina was trying her best to stall while he talked to Riley, but she would soon catch on and go after them.
Riley placed his hand on Hart's cheek and forced him to look back at him.
“I'll go, but tell me what happened. Why was she hurting you?”
“She wants the other dagger, but I won't tell her where it is. And my sister refuses to search through my thoughts for it. So they hurt us.”
“My father,” Hart said.
“Your step father? The one that Seraphina killed?” Riley asked.
“No, my real father.”
“Wait, are you saying I was in the same room as Lucifer?”
“No, he's in hell. He can't leave or escape. My mother's darkness is a special kind of magic that he gifted her with. It comes straight from hell, so he was able to merge his magic and hers within the snake that you saw. He was attacking me from the inside.”
“Does he want the dagger, too?”
“He wants me to hand it over to her, but I won't.”
“Why do they want it?”
Hart shook his head.
“I don't know. My mother won't tell us.”
“You know the daggers belong to you and Sera, right?” Riley said, hoping that Dexen had been wrong about them not knowing what their true purpose was.
“Yes, I figured it out a long time ago. There's only two in existence, made for one female and one male. They only work on beings with magic and they were created by Lucifer. It's pretty obvious who they were intended to belong to.”
“And you gave me yours so that I could kill and live forever so that your mother, too, could live forever.”
Hart smirked and it was the most exotic thing Riley had ever seen. The man came closer to Riley, his mouth inches from his neck, and he whispered, “I have my own plans, you know? Not everything I do involves my mother or sister. Sometimes, it's just about us.”
Riley felt goosebumps as Hart stepped back, his eyebrows raised as if he was expecting a response. Riley had none. Hart was saying that he had his own secret plans, and they were about them? What the hell could he say to that? Hart was such a mystery that everything he did or said left Riley speechless. He was very smart, so whatever plan he had better be a good one.
“What are your plans?” Riley asked him.
“Right now, the only plan that matters is to keep you away from my mother. So go, Riley. Take your brother and leave,” Hart told him, looking back. “I have to go now. Promise me you won't go back to the house.”
“I promise,” Riley said back, watching Hart nod and run back to where his mother and sister were. After Hart disappeared through the trees, Riley teleported besides Dexen. Grabbing him, Riley shook him awake. “Get up, we have to leave.”
“Am I dead?” he mumbled as he squinted his eyes and blinked fast.
“No, you're fine. If you need to get anything get it now, we have to teleport away from here,” Riley told him, shuffling through an empty backpack and filling it with small books that contained spells which would be useful for him.
“I don't need anything.”
“Good, follow me to the Bellumstone park.” Riley closed his eyes and when he opened them again, he was in his little town. He breathed in the fresh air and was happy to see that the sun was big and bright over his head, no strange black sky with thousands of clear stars and galaxies. Dexen came out between two trees and looked around to make sure no one had seen him. Despite that it was a beautiful day, there weren't that many people in the park.
“Hey,” Dexen said as he walked over to Riley.
“I need to go back to my apartment to get a few things,” Riley told him.
“Uh, what the heck is that?” Dexen asked, looking up behind Riley.
“Hey! You!” A police car suddenly stopped beside them as Riley turned around to look at the sky. The same thing that happened in the forest was happening here. There was darkness coming, swallowing the sky and replacing it with the same eerie view of space. Two cops got out of the vehicle and grabbed Riley.
“What are you doing?!” Dexen demanded while Riley kept staring at the sky, feeling like he was staring at a familiar set of hypnotic eyes.
“Riley Aster Hamilton, you are under arrest!” said one cop as he took out hand cuffs.
“For what?!” Dexen screamed.
“For the disappearance of Fiona Hamilton,” the other cop replied.
“Something is wrong,” Riley whispered as the cops cuffed his hands behind his back.
“What?” Dexen said.
“I can't teleport.”
Dexen looked at him strangely, but then he tried to teleport himself and nothing happened. He was still on the same spot. As the darkness took over, the two cops looked up in awe and completely forgot about the two brothers. Riley made his dagger appear and used it to cut out the handcuffs. When the metal device fell to the ground, creating a loud clinging sound, the two brothers ran.
“Why can't we teleport?!” Dexen said in a panicky voice when they were out of sight. “And what is going on in the sky? I've never seen this kind of magic in my life!”
“It's Jocelyn,” Riley told him as he put away his dagger.
It then began to rain, even when there were no clouds. The rain poured harder and louder, to the point that it hurt to be out in the open. Riley and Dexen ran to the nearest building, which ended up being a coffee shop, and the power went off. Two little girls inside screamed as loud thunder roared in the sky.
“What's happening? Mom, I'm scared,” a girl, not more than seven, asked her mother, who was holding her and gripping a cross necklace between her hands.
“It's gonna be okay,” the mom replied, rocking them back and forth.
“Dude,” Dexen hissed beside him. “I can't use my magic, can you?”
“There's people in here,” Riley whispered back.
“Try to turn the power on,” Dexen said.
“How do I do that?”
Dexen frowned at him. “Did you even pay attention to the books you read or did you just skim through the pages and looked at the pretty pictures?”
“Oh! I'm sorry that I couldn't memorize the thousands of spells in just a week!” Riley retorted. “Not to mention that some of them sound like they aren't even a language, plus there are hand movements involved and if you don't get them right you could end up killing yourself.”
“How many did you memorize?”
“Like . . . ten, maybe.”
“Ten?!” Dexen screamed, gaining attention from the already petrified civilians.
“Give me a break! I've never done magic in my life! A little over a year ago I almost believed my friend who said the Lochness monster was real, and guess what? It turns out DEMONS are real. And I'm sort of, kind of, dating one.”
“Then do something, anything,” Dexen said calmly.
Riley faced the door so that no one was watching him. He tried conjuring water like he had done before, but it didn't work, unfortunately. He looked at his brother and shook his head. Their magic wasn't working and it had to do with Jocelyn. She was doing all of this, Riley was certain.
Riley and Dexen walked further inside the coffee shop and took an empty table. They overheard a bunch of whispering and talk among the adults. They were guessing what was going on, and all of their assumptions were ridiculous.
“Our phones aren't working either,” said one lady. “Do you think we're being attacked?”
“Maybe it's our government doing this. I heard that a New World Order was coming. This could be it,” a waitress said.
A long period of silence passed when screams were suddenly heard from the outside. Everyone ran to the windows to watch as people ran through the rain, many of them covered in blood. The roads were filling with so much water that it almost seemed like an entire new lake was forming. But the strange part was when blood began to run down the stream of water that went down the streets.
“Mom, are we going to die?” the same little girl asked.
The mother didn't reply, she was shocked at the sight of people running and screaming that anything else seemed to be a blur in the back of her mind. A man popped out of nowhere and he crashed through the front door, landing on the ground with a giant hole on his back that bled non-stop. Everyone screamed and branched out, but Dexen immediately went to help out the man, lifting him up and wrapping the stranger's arm over his shoulder.
“Monsters,” the man whispered as his eyes closed and his breath faded. Dexen laid the dead man on one of the chairs and stepped back as people started talking again, about the last word this man said.
“Shouldn't we be running away from here? If everyone else is, then so should we,” an old lady suggested. “If we stay here, we'll be seeing what ever this poor man did and we might not make it out alive.”
“Are you telling me you believe what he said? Monsters? Really, grandma? Monsters?”
The grandma looked at her grandchild dead in the eyes and muttered, “There are things in this world we cannot fathom. One of them being the creatures of the night that we have not yet seen because our human lives don't allow us to. Sometimes we must be at the brink of death before we really see the truth.”
The two little girls, the only children in the store, were now crying out of pure fear. The mothers took the girls and moved them away from the grandma, who they watched like she was crazy.
“Listen, I have a little girl here who is deathly afraid of the dark. If you could keep your weird fantasies to yourself, that would be great,” said one of the mothers.
“They'll believe soon enough,” the grandma told herself.
Little by little, as time went on, the coffee shop slowly became empty. Everyone had gone home to pack their belongings and leave the town. Now it was just Riley, Dexen, the grandma and her granddaughter.
“Your magic doesn't work either?” Dexen asked the grandma.
“No, it does not.”
“Magic?” the granddaughter repeated, looking confused.
The grandma was a witch? Riley did not know this. He couldn't feel her magic, but maybe it only worked on your own kind. Like how he could feel Jocelyn's magic because she was a black witch like Riley was. The grandma must be a white witch then.
“I knew this day would come, I knew she would return,” the grandma said, sighing as she watched the rain fall.
“You know about Jocelyn?” Riley asked, walking towards her.
“Of course, I was there the night she died,” the grandma said sadly, shaking her head pitifully.
All of the windows of the coffee shop broke and glass flew everywhere. They lowered their heads and protected themselves from the falling, sharp glass and when it was over, they looked up to see a woman standing by the door.
“Seraphina?” Riley said as he saw those yellow eyes staring down at them.
She didn't talk, she didn't need to. The grandma stood up and asked Seraphina for a minute while she spoke quietly to her granddaughter. The grandma then turned to Riley and Dexen and with tears in her eyes, she pleaded for a favor.
“What is it?” Dexen asked, his eyes going back and forth between Seraphina and the old lady.
“Please, take care of my dear granddaughter until it's over. I tried to keep her away from this life, she doesn't deserve it.”
“I will protect her with my life,” Dexen told her, smiling at the granddaughter.
“Thank you,” she told him.
Seraphina blew her deadly poison at the grandma and the old lady lost control of her limbs. Seraphina walked out of the coffee shop, controlling the lady behind her and forcing her to follow. When they stepped outside, a dark figure appeared from the shadows and ripped the old lady apart. It was Jocelyn.
Riley quickly stepped back in fear, accidentally bumping into Dexen. Riley was breathing heavily as his heart beat rapidly. He couldn't pretend that he wasn't afraid of Jocelyn anymore, because he was. All he ever did in her presence was run. He would always run before Jocelyn had the chance to do anything. Now without his magic, without the ability to just disappear, he was vulnerable.
“It's gonna be okay,” Dexen told him as he wrapped his arms around Riley.
Jocelyn and Seraphina were gone. They didn't return for them, they didn't even look back. Did they even know they were there? Seraphina hadn't even looked at Riley.
“What's happening?” Riley whispered, his breath coming out in short gasps.
“I don't know.”
[Author's Message]: Wow, okay. That was a lot to take in, right? A lot that happened, hopefully you guys enjoyed it. If you spotted any mistakes, please let me know, I didn't proofread this, so there might be a couple. I wrote this chapter over the course of a few weeks, and had long breaks in between, so I really feel like I made a couple of errors.
BTW, I wrote a sex scene for Hart and Riley. It was weird to write cause I can't imagine two killers doin the nasty. LMAO. But if you want to read it, just go to the external link on this chapter. VOTE IF YOU ALSO WANT MORE OF THOSE TYPE OF SCENES IF U KNO WAT IM SAYIN DAWG LOL
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