Chapter One - The Girl With His Eyes

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A minute went by before he realized his name was being called. He sat quietly in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest with a glazed look in his eyes as he found the floor to be quite uninspiring. The constant whispering and awkward coughs made his eyes flicker between the many faces surrounding him in a circle. Everything slowly came back to him, as if someone had turned up the volume on their voices.

“Riley?” Dr. Jody called again, this time with more concern in her tone.

“What a drama queen,” said Genevieve, a short-haired drug addict who was stupid enough to accidentally overdose on some pills. She, too, had her arms crossed over her chest. But for her, it was an attempt at looking like a “bad ass” when in reality she was one of the most cowardly people Riley had the chance of meeting.

And like always, he ignored her. She seemed to cool down and went back to looking around, pretending like everything annoyed her and everyone was against her.

“Riley, I asked you a question,” Dr. Jody told him. Once she knew he was paying attention, she repeated herself, “Do you want to share anything?”

“He never talks, miss Jody. There's no point in even trying,” Riley's roommate, Nicholas, said. “He talks in his sleep, and that's the only time I've ever heard his voice.”

“Does he cry about his mommy?” Genevieve teased, laughing as she shot Riley a look.

“Actually, I've heard him mutter the word mother before, but then he said some words I couldn't understand. Maybe he doesn't even understand English and that's why he never talks, have you thought about that?” Nicholas directed the question at Dr. Jody, who was sitting on her chair looking at them with a spark of interest in her eyes.

“Words like what?” Dr. Jody asked, keeping her eyes on Riley.

“I don't know what he said, it was in a language that I don't know.”

“Nah, he speaks for sure,” said one girl, a friend of Genevieve. “Last year he was at a camping trip with his sister and some friends, my cousin included. He talks, but he keeps to himself, so I'd suggest you all leave him alone. If he doesn't want to talk, then don't make him.”

“I think he's messed up in the head,” Genevieve added, keeping her glare on Riley. “I mean, who else fakes his own kidnap? Who does that? That's messed up if you ask me. And now his sister is gone and nobody knows where she is? I think he killed her.”

Everyone's eyes went to him, as if waiting for a response. His mouth stayed shut as he once again blocked everyone out and went to his little world.

“How did you do it? Where did you put the body?” she continued.

“Genevieve, stop it!” Nicholas told her, his eyes going to the doctor. “Why are you letting this happen? Shouldn't you tell her to stop?”

Dr. Jody shrugged, obviously not caring. Riley was already used to everyone looking at him weird. Rumors spread fast in this town. He apparently pretended to be kidnapped, even faked his own death. Now everyone thought Fiona left town because she couldn't stand being next to her psychotic lunatic of a brother. Him killing Fiona was the new rumor.

They could believe what they wanted, it didn't matter to him. Riley was brave enough to walk himself to the police, was brave enough to agree to be put in a mental hospital, and will be brave enough to survive what was left of his life.

“Did you have sex with her body after you killed her? I bet you did, didn't you? Nobody would do it with you, so I guess they'd have to be dead.”

“Enough, Genevieve!” Dr. Jody got up and pointed an angry finger at the door. “Go to your room, no midnight snack for you. Understand?”

Genevieve rolled her eyes, getting up and kicking her chair back. It crashed against another chair in the back, making everyone cringe uncomfortably – except Riley, who just watched her leave.

“She's gonna be here a long time if she keeps being a bitch to everyone,” her friend commented, rolling her eyes as well.

“Okay, I think we're done for tonight everyone. If you desire a snack before going to bed, then help yourself. If not, head straight to your rooms,” Dr. Jody told everyone.

Riley was the last one to get up, following the lazy marching crowd walking back into the bright white halls. Some entered the kitchen, others continued to walk to their rooms in silence, tired from a long day of staring at the walls.

Nicholas was leaving the bathroom when Riley entered their room, closing the door behind him. Nicholas wiped his wet face with the end of his shirt and looked up in time to catch Riley looking at him.

“Hey . . . I'm sorry about telling them that you talk in your sleep, it wasn't any of my business. I wasn't thinking,” Nicholas told him, sighing as he sat at the edge of his bed.

“It's okay.”

His head turned so quickly that he ended up with whiplash. He groaned, rubbing his neck and laughing at himself.

“You talked . . .” he said.

“Apparently so,” Riley replied, moving to his bed and sitting on the edge of it, too.

“Why don't you talk? You don't have to tell me, though. I understand if you don't want to tell me things. I don't think anyone here wants to share much anyway.”

“I prefer to keep to my thoughts,” Riley said, watching him.

Nicholas stared at the ground for a moment, smiled, chuckled and fell back on his bed. If that wasn't weird, Riley didn't know what was. But he knew he was just thinking about something, guess it was something funny. Nicholas brushed his hand through his dark brown hair, even though it was too short to even grab. Riley heard something about Nicholas being in the military before coming here, so that explained his buzz cut – not that he ever thought about it.

“By the way, I don't think you killed your sister, and I don't think you're weird.”

Riley quirked an eyebrow, pursing his lips.

“Thanks, I guess.”

“You're welcome, I guess,” Nicholas said, grinning at him.

“Why do you defend me?” Riley asked him out of the blue.

“Because you don't deserve what people are doing to you. They shouldn't poke you, make fun of you or judge you. Instead of hurting each other, we should be protecting each other, because the world is afraid of us. They don't want to deal with our problems, that's why they send us here.”

Riley stood up and lingered in front of his bed contemplating his next move; whether it was a good idea or not, but he went along anyway. He moved to Nicholas' bed, where the man still laid on his back, and climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. Nicholas jumped up – or tried to, but Riley's weight kept him down.

“Whoa! What are you doing?!” Nicholas looked up at Riley, his pupils dilated.

Riley leaned down, kissing the corner of Nicholas' lips. He trailed the kiss up his cheeks, to his ear, and whispered, “I need your help.”

Nicholas gasped when Riley nipped his ear.

“W-with what?”

“I'm tired of this place, we're going to escape.”

“What's with the kissing, then?” Nicholas asked, confused and a bit turned on.

Riley pulled back enough that he could again stare into Nicholas' brown eyes. Riley genuinely felt that Nicholas cared a lot about him. And that made things complicated. He didn't want to hurt him, but the world deserved a little pain.

“Just think of it as an early glimpse of what you'll get if we succeed getting out.”

Nicholas swallowed, his eyes flickering between Riley's lips and his eyes.

“Why do you want to get out? Didn't you willingly agree to come here?”

“And what a stupid mistake that was,” Riley responded, climbing off Nicholas but staying on his bed.

“I'll . . . help you, but if we get caught we're gonna be in huge trouble.”

“I wouldn't worry,” Riley said, getting up from Nicholas' bed and moving to his own. “Tomorrow night, be ready.”


Riley woke up to the usual sound of his door creaking loudly, followed by the lights turning on, illuminating the already bright room. A nurse came in the room and woke him and Nicholas, then proceeded to move on to the next room. Nicholas hadn't bothered to get up, just continued to rest as much as he could before a nurse could spot him still in his sheets. Riley looked at the sleeping man, then his eyes went to the windows. Every window in every patient's room had metal bars, like a prison. They were thick and kept people from jumping out. He wasn't sure if that was even possible, the windows themselves seemed to be too thick to be penetrated by anything – except his dagger.

He left his bed to brush his teeth, then took a quick shower before he was summoned to the halls by the nurses. Everyone lined up against the walls and waited for their daily check up that included getting their blood pressure checked and receiving their dose of medicine.

“Once you're finished, head into the kitchen for your breakfast,” a nurse told a new patient, then turned to the rest of them. “And everyone, please remember that your doctors will be here at nine.”

“You got a plan?” Nicholas whispered over his shoulder.

“Stay out of sight,” Riley replied, then went back to his “quiet guy” act intact. After the check up, and the sneaky pill move (the one where he wouldn't actually swallow it), he went to the kitchen, grabbed the plate with his name and took a seat as far away from everyone as possible.

Ever since he was kidnapped, eating just sort of became a thing he had to do if he wanted to live. Other wise, food did not appeal to him anymore, nor did it ever look tasteful. Nevertheless, he had to eat. The nurses would suspect he was trying to kill himself by starving if he didn't.

Nicholas grabbed the seat in front of Riley, and for a second Riley thought he only wanted it so he could sit with everyone else, but he sat down instead. Riley glared and leaned a little closer so that Nicholas would be the only one to hear him.

“Just because I talked to you last night doesn't mean we're suddenly best friends. If you want to leave this place, then act as if last night never happened.” Riley slowly leaned back, looking down at his food as he poked it with his fork.

Before he decided to talk to him last night, Nicholas never really hung out with Riley. He defended him when people wanted to bother him, and he always seemed to keep an eye out for him, but that was about the only interaction they had.

Now all of the sudden they were together in lines, eating meals at the same table, talking . . . it was too suspicious. Too sudden. Wouldn't it make people curious?

He hadn't noticed that Nicholas leaned closer until he spoke, “I don't think it's a huge deal to sit at the only free table. Unless you want me to sit on the floor?”

“Grab your chair and move,” Riley told him quietly.

Nicholas smirked, leaning back to stretch conspicuously and obnoxiously. Riley dropped the fork in shock. He was doing it on purpose, why? Did he want to sabotage his plan to stay out of sight? Did he want everyone's eyes on them the entire day?

“What are you doing?!” Riley hissed quietly.

Nicholas just shrugged, the smirk still painted on his face like he was proud of himself.

Riley shot up, taking his tray with him as he left the kitchen. He dumped his food in the trash can and walked to the entertainment room. Nobody was allowed to go in, but the nurses let him because he wasn't a troublemaker like everyone else. The rest of them had to wait until breakfast time was over to come to the entertainment room.

When breakfast was finally over, it was no surprise when he saw the first person to be Nicholas. His eyes landed on Riley, who was at one of the tables near the bookcase.

Riley shook his head, his eyes big and angry looking as Nicholas marched towards him.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you,” he told him as he sat down.

“What don't you understand about staying out of sight?”

He chuckled, clapping his hands together over the table. “Listen, nobody cares. Nobody is watching us, nobody will, because they don't care. You are the only one acting suspicious. There's nothing to be suspicious about. Just act normal, there's nothing to be worried about.”

“I don't want people to see us together,” Riley explained.

“I'm sure your plan is brilliant,” Riley glared at that, “but I don't think being seen tog–“

“–you don't believe me, do you?” Riley interrupted.

“That we're going to leave this place? No.”

Riley crossed his arms, eyeing Nicholas. “Then why did you agree to it?”

Nicholas shrugged lightly, rubbing his hands together until they touched the piece of paper in front of Riley. He dragged it down towards him, asking what the drawing on it was.

“It's a dagger, what else does it look like?” Riley replied sarcastically.

“It looks like a monster to me.”


“Yeah, see here.” Nicholas turned the paper around and pointed at the handles. “These look like horns, the blade and the symbols make it look like a face, so it's a monster.”

“Well, it's a dagger,” Riley muttered coldly.

Silence took over them as they concentrated on passing the time by drawing. It was a miracle that Nicholas kept quiet. Riley thought for sure that he was going to ruin his plans, but he was proved wrong.

At around lunch time, the doctors arrived and names began to be called one by one until Riley was the last one.

“Riley,” a nurse called him from the hall.

He got up, leaving his table and following the nurse. Nicholas didn't even look up, which was good. The more they ignored each other, the better.

He was taken to one of the offices, a warm looking room with cozy furniture and dark colors. He sat down on the seat in front of the large mahogany desk and waited for his doctor. Not a minute later, a doctor entered the room. It wasn't his doctor, but another a new one.

“Hello, Riley. My name is Sera, your doctor is at another appointment so I'll be filling in for today.”

Riley watched her walk towards the file cabinet, taking out a folder with his name printed in giant bold letters.

“Mrs. Reynolds, please give me and Riley a moment,” Sera told the nurse who was standing next to him.

She nodded and exited, closing the door behind her.

“So, Riley. How are you feeling today?” Sera asked, turning around to reveal that she was wearing sunglasses. That was odd, but Riley didn't question it. Although it did make him wonder if she was blind.

“Fine,” he replied.

“Just fine?”

He nodded.

“Have you been taking your medicine?” she asked, walking around the desk to sit at the edge of it.

Riley thought she looked too young to be a doctor; everyone else was old with wrinkly skin and gray hair. Her complexion, if possible, was perfect. She was pale, wearing no make up that he could see except red lipstick. And her black hair was tied up in a long pony tail that almost reached her hips.

“Yes,” he lied.

“Why aren't you taking them?” she answered almost instantly after he replied.


“I know you lied.” She smiled at him, a pitiful one.

“I'm not depressed, I don't need to take it.”

“Why did you kill him?” Her smile was still there, only the words she now spoke made it seem like a forced smile.

“Excuse me?” Riley said, tensing on the chair.

She removed her sunglasses, laying them on the desk.

Riley's chest felt tight, his lungs turned cold as he breathed in slowly. Her eyes, they looked like his eyes. Clear blue, like two light bulbs in the dark. They were his eyes.

He got up quickly, his hands shaking as he went for the door. She didn't stop him from leaving, so he didn't look back again. Riley stormed down the hall to his bedroom, collapsing on the floor and feeling like he couldn't breathe.

“Riley? Riley!” Nicholas' voice came. “What's wrong?”

He felt a pair of hands hold him up as the room spun around. Her eyes, he couldn't get them out of his head. How long had it been since he had thought about them? He'd almost forgotten what they looked like, but then there they were, in front of him, looking at him. It couldn't be possible.

Now that he thought about it, she looked familiar. Her black hair, her pale skin and cold eyes. Her face features, all of it painted a clear picture of him.

“No . . . no . . .” he said, grabbing his bed and pulling himself up.

“Riley! Breathe! Stay right here, I'm gonna go get the nurses,” Nicholas told him.

“NO!” he growled, grabbing Nicholas' shirt and pulling him back harshly. He almost tripped by how strongly Riley had pulled him. “We need to get out of here, now.”

“Now? Isn't that a little impossible?” Nicholas said, looking at the sunny sky through the window.

“How far is it down?” Riley asked him.

Nicholas grabbed the bars and tried his best to look through the window. He hummed for a few seconds and said, “Not that far, why? You aren't thinking of jumping down, are you? Because there's no way to break these things.”

“Watch me,” Riley said, breathing heavily as his dagger appeared in his hand.

“How did you do that! Holy fuck! You just totally made it appear out of nowhere!” Nicholas freaked out, jumping up and down as he tried to clear his confusion.

“I can't stay here, we need to leave now.” Riley stood up, even when he felt light headed and weak. He desperately ran to the window, looking through it and seeing the ground below. They could definitely jump and be okay. They were only on the third floor, but right below their window was something similar to a balcony, and there was another underneath, like a giant staircase for giants.

“Leave? Leave where?” That wasn't Nicholas' voice, it was hers.

Riley turned around so fast that he almost cut Nicholas with his dagger. She was standing in front of his door with her sunglasses over her eyes. She had that sly smile on her face again – the only thing separating them from being almost alike. She wore emotions well, almost as if she was normal. He was never like that, and those were the only thoughts that still made Riley believe it was just in his head. But then again, why did she ask that question? The question that no one knew, no one could possibly have known; Why did you kill him?

She lifted her foot, about to enter the room, when Riley raised his hand and mentally pushed her back and slammed the door on her face, using all of his force to keep her from entering. There was no lock on the door, so he had to constantly focus an image of him pushing against the door. That was how his power worked. It was all concentration and patience. And the number one ingredient that without, he could do no such things; the dagger.

“Dude, is this actually happening?!” Nicholas asked in a high pitch voice.

Riley turned to face the window, slashed the bars with his daggers, and watched them fall off easily like they were made out of butter. He was about to do the same to the window when the door exploded right out of the wall.

Riley looked back with panic in his eyes, that was the answer he needed to know if it was really happening or not. She looked like him, she was like him, and she acted like him; she was his sister. He saw her once in a dream, or he thought it was a dream. To this day, he still wasn't sure what the vision was. He remember seeing a family in the house with two twin children. He hadn't realized the boy was him until now. Someone that day was trying to warn him. But how could he have even thought about it when afterward he was attacked by dead people, drowned in blood and chased around the house by a man with no eyes?

“You really think that's going to stop me from coming inside? Come, Riley. Let's talk,” she said.

“Leave me alone,” Riley told her quietly as tears formed in his eyes, tears of memories that he wanted to forget. “You and Hart, leave me alone.”

She blinked, her smile still there. “But you killed him. You . . . killed my brother.”

She doesn't want to talk, she wants to seek revenge, Riley thought. Do it. Do it or you'll die.

He grabbed Nicholas, who was staring mouth-opened at him, and teleported them out, leaving the girl with his eyes to stare as they disappeared. The white room vanished from his sight and blended with other different colors until finally a new scenery settled in. As soon as he saw the abandoned building that he had teleported them to, he felt the pain. He fell on his knees and screamed as his soul slowly crippled. He never wanted to do this again, but he had no other choice. There was no way he and Nicholas were going to escape through the window with her there.

Riley let go of the tears he was holding in and he let his vision be blurred by them. He kept screaming in pain, knowing that no one was around to hear. He wished he could somehow use the souls he had captured to teleport, but it was his soul that had to pay. The first time he had done it, he knew right away that it was his soul that was in pain, not him. But there was no real difference, pain was pain. This pain he felt, though. No human would ever feel it. It was bigger than being burned, stabbed, strangled, or murdered. No human pain could ever compare to what your soul felt like when it was shattering.

Riley rolled around, wailing uncontrollably. The more you did it, the worse it got. It made him even more afraid to do it. He kept telling himself he wouldn't do it again, even went as far as promising. But it grew on him like an addiction that he couldn't get away from. It was a strange desire he couldn't explain. He wanted to feel the magic, craved it almost.

In the end, it wasn't worth it. Unfortunately, it will always repeat itself.

He laid on the cold hard ground after the pain had subsided. He breathed heavily, a small leaf inches away from his face. It was yellow, with five petals. It was small and pretty, and completely out of place. What was it doing in the middle of a dump?

He shot straight up when he realized it was night.

“I'm over here.” Riley heard his voice as he looked around for the person he had brought with him. His voice wasn't full of enthusiasm as he was used to hearing it. Riley knew he wanted an explanation, and he kind of remembered a man with a similar responsibility. Riley wasn't going to be like him, he was going to tell Nicholas the truth – of course not entirely, but the basics.

“How long was –“

“–were you screaming? A while.”

Riley pulled himself up and dusted his clothes and face, which had dirt.

“No, how long was I out?”

“You were conscious the entire time. After you stopped screaming, you just laid there for a couple of hours. I honestly thought you were dead, but then you'd whimper randomly or shudder.”

“Few hours,” Riley repeated, looking up at the moon.

With his hands in his pockets, Nicholas approached Riley from the shadows of a nearby tree. He was avoiding contact as he spoke with a raspy voice, “Um, before I get to the questions, what exactly happened to you?”

“It hurts my soul when I do it,” Riley told him.

“You mean when you teleport?” he asked with his eyebrows raised.

“Yeah, sorry. I just . . . don't want to sound crazy.”

“Crazy isn't the word I'd choose.”

Riley walked towards the abandoned building he used to live in after everything was over. He only spent a week in it before he walked himself to the police station. It was quiet and safe. There was a railroad nearby, but he never saw any trains. So it was the perfect getaway.

“How do you do it? How is it even possible?” Nicholas asked when they entered the building.

Riley played with his dagger, watching as Nicholas' eyes grew with curiosity.

“This is the dagger I drew, it's how I can do it,” Riley told him.

“How? How is that possible?”

“Magic.” Riley shrugged.

“Why did you shrug?”

“I don't know?” Riley found the question odd. He didn't even realize he had shrugged. “I guess I'm still astonished that such things exist, that a part of me is still trying to deny it. Then there's another part of me that just doesn't care anymore.”

Nicholas chuckled, shaking his head. “I was so sure you were from the future or something. I didn't think about magic, 'cause I don't believe in it. Now I find out I'm wrong and it's actually real?”

“Do you need more time?” Riley asked sarcastically, giving Nicholas the puppy look.

Nicholas squinted his eyes at him. “Are you making fun of me? You do realize you're the one doing magic, not me, right? I'm just a boring guy who just found out people can teleport with a knife!”

Riley huffed, an amused look on his face as he walked away from Nicholas. “I'm just teasing you, relax. It gets easier to understand with time.”

“Whatever,” Nicholas mumbled.

There was a bag in a corner, which Riley took. It had some clothes and a water bottle. He took the water and tossed it at Nicholas, then began stripping off the hospital clothes.

Nicholas gave him a strange look, like he was crazy.

“What?” Riley asked as he took out the new clothes and put them on quickly.


“I need to get you some new clothes, too. We can't go to our homes right now, they'll find us and put us right back in that place.”

Nicholas suddenly looked away, hiding an obvious hurt expression from Riley.

“I don't have a home anyway,” Nicholas responded before Riley could ask. “My parents . . . they kicked me out.”

“Oh, may I ask why?”

“They're super religious and I told them I didn't believe in God and I wanted no part of their religion. Harsh, isn't it?”

Riley pressed his lips together, silencing himself from talking further.

“What? What is it? Why are you giving me that look? Don't tell me . . . no . . . are you telling me that God is real, too?”

Riley shrugged. “I don't know, I swear! But . . . “

“But? Oh my God, dude.”

“Hell is real, there's that.”


“Shit is correct.”

Nicholas began to pace around nervously, biting his thumb as he stared at the ground. He did that for a while until all of the sudden he spoke so loudly that it made Riley jump, “No! You know what, no! I don't want to know. Forget the questions I was gonna ask, forget them all. You can teleport? That's fucking cool. Magic? Hell yeah. Hell? No thanks.”

“So, are you homeless?” Riley asked, ignoring his tantrum.

“Nah. I live with a friend.”

“Does anyone know where you live?”

“A couple of friends, but not my parents, if that's what you're asking. If you're thinking of going there, don't. I don't have my keys, my friend took them when I got put in the hospital. He was going to give them back when I got out, but he's out of town.”

“I don't need keys,” Riley muttered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Ah, right, you can teleport.”

“No, you idiot. You think I'm gonna teleport through a door after what you saw? I'm not going to do that and suffer a pile of pain just for a doorknob.”

He quickly raised his hands defensively. “My bad, didn't mean to offend Harry Potter.”

Riley frowned. “You're lucky pain is involved, otherwise I would've teleported you to Alaska just for that.”

“Then how are you going to do it? Slice my door open? Because I prefer not to have that happen.”

“Did you forget when I told you magic is the reason I can teleport?”

“I'm trying to!”

“I can do other things, it just takes a while since I'm still new to this.”

“Great, when are we leaving?”

Riley walked back to Nicholas, shaking his head. He held his dagger between his hands, pressing it against his chest as he took a deep breath. Without opening his eyes, he handed the dagger over to Nicholas.

“Why are you giving me this?”

“You're not coming with me, Nicholas. I have to go alone,” Riley told him. “And I gave you my dagger as a sign of trust. I trust you and I hope that the feeling is mutual. Can I trust you?”

“Yes, you can. I don't understand why I can't come with you, though.”

“Someone is out there that I didn't know existed until today. I don't know how dangerous they are, so it's better to be safe than sorry. I'll grab a few things quickly and come right back, okay?”

“It's that woman, isn't it?”

Riley ignored him, didn't even show any emotions. “What's your address?”

Nicholas sighed, but went along anyway. “You know the Reflection Apartments near the gas station on Oak Street?” Riley nodded. “Building B, apartment four.”

“Don't go anywhere, okay? And whatever you do, don't use the dagger,” Riley warned.


Riley walked alone in the dark, only a few minutes away from the address Nicholas gave him. He kept looking at every corner of every street, twitching when he would hear the sound of a car or a person approaching him. He no longer trusted even his own shadow.

How did she find me? How does she even know me? Riley wondered on and on, questioning things he had no answers to. Who was this girl? Besides being the sister of the man he killed, the man who kidnapped him, the man who tortured him, and the man he fell in love with. While living with him, not once did he even mention he had a sister, yet there was not one part of him that denied the possibility. It didn't matter what he thought, she admitted it herself.

You . . . killed my brother.


A car blared its honk as Riley stepped out on the middle of the street without looking both ways. He paused and watched the car drive around him and enter the gas station to his right. On his left was the apartments. Looking up at the buildings made his thoughts trail back to Nicholas. He almost hesitated about bringing him when he teleported. He had to think fast about what he had to do. If he'd left Nicholas, he most likely would've been taken by her. He couldn't leave him to die. She was his sister after all. They were related, who knew the vile things she also did in the dark?

Riley found Nicholas' apartment and used his mind to unlock the door from the inside. It was simple, but required a lot of effort and energy. It was still difficult for him adjusting to this magic he had. He believed it had something to do with Hart dying, like maybe when he killed him he didn't just take away his soul, but his power. That was his theory, and the reason he thought his sister was after him. It made perfect sense.

Nicholas' apartment was small. There were a bunch of clothes sitting in one pile in the corner of the living room, and blankets on the brown couch. He figured that was where he slept, since there was only one bedroom. He found an open suitcase near the couch and went through it, finding a wallet with a photo of Nicholas and his parents and unused clothes. Deciding on taking the whole suitcase, he zipped it up and carried it outside.

“It's not easy finding you, you know?” said a voice behind him. He turned around to look at the inside of Nicholas' apartment. It was too dark to see anybody, but he knew the voice. It was her. “I visited your friend in the abandoned building, he says hello.”

“Did you hurt him?” Riley asked, waiting for her to step out into the hallway lights.

“I did.”

Riley held out his hand as his dagger appeared between his fingers. She chuckled in the darkness, slowly coming into view. She looked different, not like a normal person. She actually looked a lot like her brother. She wore dark clothes, very strange and elegant, with huge black heels and a pair of black gloves. Her eyes sparkled when her face finally touched the light. She was so beautiful, like the pale moon staring at them.

“What do you want from me?” Riley asked, feeling choked up.

For a person who lost her brother, she sure looked happy about being in front of his killer. Riley kept the dagger between them, ready to use if he had to, or ready to teleport away.

“I want to show you the truth that my brother hid from you.” Her eyes began to glow bright yellow, then Riley lost all control of his mind. Everything around him darkened until the only thing he could see were her eyes. He couldn't look anywhere else but them. He felt a cold rush hit him, then she was gone, no longer standing in front of him on Nicholas' front door.

It's time to visit Mayor Silvern, a voice whispered in his head. He began to walk down the hall, except he wasn't the one doing it. He wasn't controlling his movements. Riley then realized he was being possessed and he had no way of stopping it. He was trapped in his own mind.

[To be continued . . .]

[Author's Message]: Hey guys, don't forget to vote and add the book to your library, it's essential! This is the first chapter of BOOK TWO of the A Little Insane Saga! I've been working on it non-stop and I hope you guys enjoy what's coming. A lot of your questions from the previous book WILL be answered. Actually, pretty much all of your questions will be answered. NO MORE CONFUSION! Don't forget to comment what you thought about the chapter, it means a lot! THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME ON THIS CRAZY INSANITY OF A BOOK!

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