Chapter Ten - Flesh

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(PS; Picture of Hart on the side! You can see his real eye color there that I had to photoshop)

   Time was so irrelevant to Hart, but he knew that many months had passed and much to his dismay, Riley kept his word about not killing again. There were many opportunities for Riley to kill, but each time he faced a victim that Hart brought home, he'd threatened him to help them escape. No more blood will be spilled from my hands, he would say. Eventually, Hart had to stop trying to make him kill and resided to waiting, because time was what he had. One day, when the time was right and whether he wanted to or not, Riley would kill again.

Hart wasn't afraid of Riley escaping anymore. He trusted him now, gave him freedom. But Riley's change did something to him over time. He wasn't afraid of Hart anymore, he wasn't even sure if he was afraid at first to begin with. He had this courage inside of him that Hart couldn't begin to understand. Riley stood up to him when no one would – when no one could. Hart still made Riley watch when he killed, and those were the days where he would question if Riley was even Riley at all. He'd just watch with empty eyes full of boredom as unfortunate souls were slaughtered in front of him.

But then there were days when the old Riley returned, even if just for a day. Like one early morning when Hart was getting ready to go to town. Riley brought up a question that may have shifted some emotions around, especially Hart's.

“When you kidnapped me, was killing me your intention?” Riley asked over the dinning table. Hart was on the opposite side of him, writing a list of tools he needed to buy on a piece of paper. He looked up from his very long list and placed his pen near his cup of water.


Riley breathed, nodding calmly. “Why didn't you?”

“I saw something in you that I didn't see in anyone else.”

“And what's that?”

Hart casually picked up his pen and continued to write, meaning the conversation was over. But then his eyes focused on Riley and he answered, “A warrior.”

“I don't understand.”

“What don't you understand?”

“Why keep me?”

“Because I need you.”

“Need me for what?”

Hart put his pen down again, and this time it was permanently. He folded his hands over his lap, relaxing his back against the chair. He examined Riley, watching the way he kept moving his hair away from his eyes, like the length bothered him. Hart hadn't really considered cutting his hair, but now that he thought about it he might as well just bring it up.

“Would you like me to cut your hair?”

Riley sighed like he always did whenever Hart avoided a question. It happened too often.

“Do whatever you want with it, it's not like anyone is going to see me,” he mumbled, toying with his dagger, spinning it on the table.

“Come here,” Hart said, gesturing at the chair beside him. Riley stood up and circled the table, sitting next to Hart and facing him. Hart pulled the chair closer to him and examined Riley's face. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair and pushed it back. “I think you'd look beautiful with your hair like this.”

“Like you?”

“No, I'm not trying to turn you into me,” Hart answered as if he knew what Riley was thinking, because it was obvious by the unsettling look on his face that he was uncomfortable with the idea.

Riley gave Hart an awkward smile, lasting only a second. “You do whatever you want, Hart. I don't mind. And I don't care.”

“I've got to go now,” he told him. “I'll be back by midnight. If anything shows up, you can protect yourself.”

“Wait!” Riley jumped up when Hart quickly left the dinning room and went straight to the front door. Hart stopped and turned, watching Riley. “I have one last question.”

“What is it?”

“Do you kill for their souls? I mean . . . is that the reason you do it? Because you want to be immortal?” Hart heard him swallow as he finished his sentence. He was nervous, and Hart couldn't even figure out why.

He glared at Riley, looking up and down at him. “Have you ever seen a dagger in my possession when I kill people?”

He shook his head. “No, but you mentioned there was another dagger.”

“It only works on humans.”

“What?” Riley blurted out after what seemed like forever.

“I'm leaving now, I'll see you soon,” Hart told him, opened the door and shot outside. Once inside his car, he struggled not to break the driving wheel. He was beginning to feel like Riley was becoming him and he was becoming Riley. He would have never said such a thing and almost reveal things that Riley should never know.


The midnight sky was ominous as Hart arrived home, stepping out of his car with a large bag in his hand. His eyes wandered hesitatingly, searching the dark trees and keeping an eye on the shadows. He looked up at his house and noticed every room had its lights turned off. He thought Riley might have been sleeping, but then he caught footsteps on the ground, just barely visible from where he stood. He dropped the bag and ran towards the house, fidgeting with his keys until he finally managed to open the door and shoot straight inside.

“Riley?” Hart called out loudly. When no answer came, he ran up the stairs to search Riley's bedroom and his own. Both were empty and so was every other room upstairs.

He stopped moving, closed his eyes and listened for sudden movements or foreign sounds. Few moments passed before he heard a tapping sound coming from the basement. His eyes opened wide and alarmed. He rushed to the basement door and practically jumped down the stairs. The dark room was opened and there was an eerie sound coming out of it.

“Riley?!” he screamed, storming inside and flicking the light switch. They didn't work for some reason, so he gave up trying. The little light coming from the basement illuminated a bit in front of him, enough to see a shape in the distant. “Riley . . .”

Standing not far from where he stood, was Riley. He didn't answer or react when Hart called out his name, he just stood still like a statue. Hart slowly approached him, reaching out carefully and grabbing his shoulder.

It wasn't Riley. It looked like him, but when he turned around his mouth was bleeding and his eyes were gone. He was smiling creepily as his hands twitched at his sides. Hart now began to panic as he wondered if Riley was even alive.

“Who are you?” Hart's threatening tone caused the creature's smile to disappear.

“I . . . am . . . Riley,” the creature responded.

“You are not Riley, I can see your true form.”

The smile reappeared. “In that case, there is no need for this flesh.” The fake Riley laughed loudly as it reached its hand inside its mouth and ripped it apart. It continued to stretch the mouth wide enough for something dark to pop out from the inside. The body of the fake Riley slowly bloated as if something inside was growing bigger by the second.

It wasn't a pleasant sight – to see what looked like Riley be shredded away into nothing as a beast crawled out of its mouth. It continued to grow even after it was out of the body. The wolf-like creature stretched, sniffing out its surroundings because it had no eyes, so smell and sound was the only way it could see.

It shuddered, blood dripping from its black fur. A little snarl came out as the wolf showed its long fangs, then it breathed in and released the loudest howl Hart had ever heard. He covered his ears as it felt like his head was going to explode. He fell on his knees as his vision blurred from the strong power of the howl.

“YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE!” Hart screamed at the beast.

“Neither do you,” it retorted back.

“If you hurt Riley, I will make sure you are tortured relentlessly,” Hart warned, standing up to face the wolf. It was taller and bigger than Hart, but he was not afraid. He would never be afraid.

It laughed out loud, again making his eardrums feel like they were about to burst.

“That is your job, Harthe– ”

“DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK MY NAME!” Hart became infuriated and used the boiling emotions to gather the strength to attack. He ran at the creature as it did the same. They both collided, but Hart was stronger and smarter. He knew exactly where the wolf would move, so it became incredibly easy to flip the giant being on its back and crush one of its paws.

With that same paw, the wolf pushed Hart away and got on its feet. It launched at Hart, pinning him between his teeth and lashed out, shaking its head furiously. The fangs pierced into his flesh, causing great amounts of pain. The teeth went so deep that they scraped against his very own bones.

The wolf finally let go of Hart, throwing him across the dark room. Hart landed on his feet, holding his stomach where he bled perpetually. The wolf was about to attack again when a voice made them freeze.

“Hart! MOVE!” Riley's voice came from behind him. He turned his head just as the dagger flew by, slicing him across the face. He screamed at the unendurable pain, falling on his knees once again.

The dagger went through the wolf and disappeared. Hart looked back and saw the dagger back in Riley's hands; covered in blood and black fur. Then in a blink of an eye, Riley was gone. He looked around just as the wolf roared in pain, and there he was, mounting the giant monster – Riley. The dagger was jabbed into the creature's forehead, but Hart knew that it was the heart that needed to be stabbed.

“THE HEART!” Hart yelled at him. Riley nodded and disappeared along with the dagger. Then everything went quiet. The wolf was frozen and suddenly it dropped dead.

Hart pulled himself up even when the pain was begging him to stay down. He walked to the wolf and surely, it was dead. There was a giant hole on its back, and where a heart should have been, the dagger was in its place. The dagger then disappeared and he knew that Riley was behind him.

“How did you do that?” Hart asked softly.

“Are you okay?”

“You didn't answer my question.”

“You don't answer any of mine.”

Hart spun around, an angry look on his face. Riley on the other hand looked terrified, yet he still kept a strong look like he had everything under control. When in fact, everything happening was eating him up, swallowing him into the very darkness he had encountered.

“Are you okay?” Hart asked, changing the subject for the sake of Riley's well-being.

“I'm okay, but shouldn't your face be healing like your stomach is?” He pointed at his cheek, which still stung him like crazy.

Hart moved his face down as Riley carefully touched his cheek.

“I can't heal from the dagger.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means I'll have a scar from now on.”

“I thought you said –“

“–that it can kill me? It also means it can hurt me.”

“I'm sorry. I promise I didn't mean to hurt you.”

Hart just shook his head. “Don't worry about it, I'll live.”

“Is it a werewolf?” Riley asked, looking down at the wolf, kicking one of its paws.

“Werewolves don't exist. This thing . . . no one knows what it is. No one has seen its true form, some say it doesn't have one because it doesn't really exist. It takes the shape of already living things. It can be anything but itself.”

“That doesn't make any sense. Why can't it be itself?”

“Because it would mean the end of everything.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I can see its true form.”

“Must be terrifying then. So if this is not what it looks like, then what form did it take?”

“A hellhound.”

Riley's brows shot straight up, amused and frightened at the same time. He never believed in such things, but nothing was going to surprise him ever again. So many unexplainable things living right under their noses and everyone was completely unaware of their existence. They were just horror stories.

“It's big.”

“It's just a baby. You don't want to know what a real one looks like.”

“So why was it here? What did it want?”

“You tell me,” Hart said. “When I first saw it, it looked like you. It can only look like you if it saw you. And a more important question is . . . why didn't you answer me when I called you?”

“When you left . . . you came back not even a minute later. Only it wasn't you, and I quickly figured it out. It kept pretending to be you, trying to get me to come to him. That's when I found out of . . . what I can do. The dagger lets me teleport as long as I wield it. But it hurts. Every time I do it my soul hurts. I can literally feel it aching. I don't want to do it anymore, it scares me. It drains me.”

“You don't have to do it,” Hart reassured him quickly. “You don't ever have to do it. I will be here to protect you.”

“But you weren't here when it tried to kill me. I teleported into the closet and just waited for you to come home and make it go away. I almost lost hope. I almost believed that finally I was going to die, and you know what the worst part is? I was happy about it.”

“I am sorry.”

Riley shrugged, walking away from the dead body, wanting to get out of the dark room immediately.

“Do you know what it wanted with me?” Riley asked when they were out of the dark room.

“No, but it won't be the last one. Michelle appearing to you is only the beginning.”

“The beginning of what?”

Hart didn't respond, just stayed silent.

“Are you serious? You know what?” Riley got close to Hart, who was staring blankly at him. “Fuck you. I hope you rot in hell, because it's obvious to me that it's where you belong.”

And Riley was gone, just like that. He would much rather let his soul fill with pain than stand another second next to Hart. And that . . . that actually hurt him.


It was early in the morning and Hart was sitting at the dinning table, finishing his cereal, when he heard noise upstairs. He figured Riley must have been in trouble, and without question he ran up the stairs to make sure he was okay, only to find a grumpy, waking Riley.

Hart's bright eyes scanned the room for any wolf-like creature or hovering ghosts, but it was clear. When their eyes met, they froze. Riley knew why he had suddenly burst into his room, it was obvious by Hart's ready to attack pose. They were both too quiet, expecting the other to say something first, but neither did and neither would.

Riley slipped out of his bed, undressed in plain sight and got into some normal looking clothes. He walked right past Hart, ignoring him as he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

“So you're not gonna talk to me?” Hart asked, giving in first. He followed Riley into the bathroom, crossing his arms over his chest. Riley just kept going on about his routine, but stared at him through the broken mirror.

“You should fix this mirror,” Riley responded.

Riley spotted Hart's eyes turning threatening, so he called his dagger. He gripped it tightly when he felt it in his hand and disappeared when Hart took a hard step towards him, like he was going to hurt him.

“RILEY!” Hart roared fiercely.

“Don't hurt me, please,” Riley begged behind him.

Hart turned to look at him, the threatening look still there. “I wouldn't have to if you didn't constantly try to provoke me!” He walked up to Riley and grabbed him by the neck, pulling him down the stairs. He didn't fight back or resist, just went along with it.

Just as they entered the kitchen, there was a knock on the front door. There was a moment of silence between the two and Hart's grip on Riley loosened. Riley looked back at him, wondering what was going on.

“Is it another . . .” Riley gulped, unable to finish the sentence.

“Stay here and don't say a word,” Hart told him.

Hart knew that it wasn't another one of them. Who ever was behind the door was human. He hadn't gotten any visitors for years, so he was clueless. He slowly unlocked the door, buying himself time to think of an excuse just in case Riley decided to interfere. There was only one obvious solution and he was prepared for it.

He came face to face with not one, but six strangers. They were young, around Riley's age. Three girls and three boys, all of them reeking of marijuana.

“Wow, I didn't think anyone actually lived here,” said one girl, a brunette with a major tan and huge sunglasses that were most likely meant to be taken as a joke.

“Can I help you?” Hart asked politely.

“Yeah, these girls need to piss and we're kind of lost,” one of the guys said.

The brunette smacked him in the chest, a little too hard because it made him jump.

“I promise we will be no trouble. We were on our way to Bellumstone, took a shortcut and ended up here. Now we're not even sure if we're still in the right direction because our phones have no service,” she said.

“Sure, there's a bathroom upstairs you can use. Just go up then left, the door will be opened so you'll know it's the bathroom,” Hart said, stepping aside to let them in. The girls giggled and entered first, followed by the men who were staring down at Hart as if they were claiming dominance over him.

“This place is incredible. You live here by yourself?” said one of the girls, a dark haired one.

“I do not,” he replied, following them as they admired the ceiling. “And thank you very much, it belonged to my grandfather before he died and passed it down to my father. Now it's mine.”

“Guessin' that means your old man is gone?” the dark skinned guy said.

“Yes, my father is gone.”


“The bathroom is upstairs to the left, ladies,” Hart told them as they looked around confused.

The girls disappeared, their giggles fading as they entered the bathroom. Now it was just him and three other men. The dark skinned man was staring at the windows, then his eyebrows furrowed when he saw the amount of locks on the front door. The other two were very tall and muscled, with tan skin as if they had just arrived from a beach trip. One of them was wearing a baseball hat backwards and the other a heavy looking hoodie.

“Do you live with your wife or something?”

Hart looked up at the one wearing the baseball hat and shook his head.

His mind went to Riley, wondering if he was still in the kitchen. If he was still where Hart left him, then he was perfectly visible to the girls when they went down again. They would see him and they would ask who he was: Brother? Son? Friend?

“I know this is weird to ask, but do you have a map?” baseball guy said.

“I might have one in the sitting room, on the bookcase. Follow me and I'll show you,” Hart said.

The baseball guy followed, the others stayed behind to wait for the girls. The two of them went through the dinning room and out the door in the back, to the sitting room that no one ever used. It brought Hart too many bad memories, so he never bothered going there – because there was no reason to.

When the girls finally came out, they smiled at the two boys waiting downstairs. They were chattering amongst themselves when they spotted Riley across from them, alone in the kitchen, waiting by the counter with his hands shaking.

“Hello there,” said the brunette.

Riley didn't answer, but he heard them. They quietly walked down the stairs and turned to go for the kitchen. Riley dropped on the floor and prayed they would go away. But they didn't.

“We won't bite, we just want to say hello,” another female voice joined.

“Who are you talking to?” said a deep voice.

“I saw a kid there. I think he's hiding behind the counter.”

Footsteps approached, and as Riley readied himself to disappear, his knife appeared and so did they. He surreptitiously hid the knife in one of his pockets and stood as the strangers smiled at him. He didn't smile back, just stood there like a coward, afraid to move or say anything because this was the first time in months – maybe even a year – that he was in front of normal people, people that weren't being dragged in and murdered. They were here on their own, and what a mistake they had made.

“Are you his little brother?” the brunette asked.

“No,” he whispered back.

“Oh, well it's really ni–“

“–you need . . . to go.”

“I'm sorry?”

Riley's eyes watered as he looked at the empty hallway and back at them. Their smiles faded in an instant, like they knew something was wrong, but they had no idea what. A shaking Riley leaned in closer, close enough that no one could hear him whisper, “He will kill you. He already has. You need to get out of here.”

“Are you being serious?” said one of the guys, one wearing a dark gray hoodie.

Riley had trouble nodding, because his head was already shaking in fear. He had never helped anyone escape before, but he knew that Hart wasn't going to kill him. He might hurt him, but kill him was out of the question. He already knew that, and he was going to test it. He was going to test how far he could go before Hart snapped again.

“Did he kidnap you? I heard there were a lot of kidnappings here in Bellumstone,” the brunette said, looking concerned.

He couldn't answer, not when Hart was standing at the hall watching them with bloody hands and a human head in his right hand. Piercing screams filled the house as the strangers backed against the kitchen wall, looking desperately as their eyes searched for something to use to protect themselves. It was the same routine, but this time there was nothing, like Hart had known that someone was coming.

“Why would you do that?” Hart asked directly at Riley, stepping inside the kitchen and tossing the head aside. “Why would you tell them?” He had an intense look in his eyes, not a threatening one, but one that spelled betrayal.

“Stay back!” both of the guys said as Hart continued to walk towards Riley.

“If we all jump him at the same time then there's no way he can do anything,” someone whispered, he almost missed it with the crying beside him. The one girl crying must have been someone important to the man Hart had killed first. Lovers perhaps?

“I thought you weren't going to leave me,” Hart continued, the hurt expression on his face slowly weakening.

“GO!” the two men screamed and everyone but Riley tackled Hart to the ground. He was pinned, punched and kicked. The girls rushed out of the kitchen and found the front door locked. When they came back, they helped the other men continue to brutally beat Hart.

Hart felt every part of him ache. His mouth bled as he was punched several times in the face. The air was withdrawn from his lungs as one of the crying girls kicked him hard with her heels. She even tried stabbing the heel into his chest but she was too weak to do it.

“Guys! The front door is locked! We need to break it, get out of here and call the cops as soon as we get service. We need to go now!” said the brunette.

The girls listened, but the guys continued their beating. Riley tried to scream, to ask them to stop. He just couldn't. His voice didn't properly work, he was still frozen where he was left when Hart went to get the door. His mind was going numb, so his thoughts scrambled all over the place trying to think too many things at once.

“Stop hurting him,” he whispered, sobbing as tears fell from his eyes. He didn't want them to hurt Hart, but at the same time he wanted it. He wanted so badly to be good. Deep inside he knew he wasn't, which was why he couldn't manage to speak up. Why he couldn't stop them from killing Hart. He did wonder if enough pain could kill him. What if he had been lying? What if he wasn't entirely undefeatable?

What if this was his end?

As he found the courage inside of him to speak, they stopped. The brunette ran towards Riley and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards them as the two guys broke some of the locks with a piece of wood they tore from one of the chairs in the dinning room. In a matter of seconds they succeeded with opening the door and running out to their car.

Hart rolled on his stomach, crawling out on the hall and watched as they escaped.

“DON'T LEAVE ME!” he screamed at Riley, his hand reaching for him as he coughed out huge amounts of blood. The blood clogged his throat and he ended up gasping for air, for life.

With blurry vision, he painfully watched the car drive off with Riley on board. He was gone and he might never return. He failed everyone. He had one simple task but he failed. Failed because he became weak, because he fell in love.

Hart laid there for a long time, slowly recovering, but the reminder still evident on his body; his own dried blood. He was expecting the police to show up any minute, but they never did. When he could finally breathe right, he sat up and that was when he heard the voice he thought he'd never hear again.

“I'm not leaving you, I thought I made that clear.” Hart's body shot straight up, turning around to see if it was actually him. And it really was. Riley was outside on the front porch, his clothes dripping red and his dagger in his hand. “I killed them.”

“Riley . . .” Hart sighed as he march towards him. When he stepped outside he pulled Riley in and hugged him, breathing him in.

“I'll always come back to you . . .” he said, his hands still at his sides as Hart hugged him tightly, “because I'm in love with you. And I know that I should probably feel sick for even saying that, but I don't.”

Hart let him go and took a step back, staring at him with his blue sparkling eyes. He was so beautiful to him, even covered in blood. Even with his murderous eyes. He was beautiful.

“I love you, too,” Hart told him.

This time Riley hugged him. It felt nice to hear that he was loved, he preferred it over being told he belonged in hell. He hugged Riley back and kissed his cheek softly, but Riley had other things in mind as he moved Hart's face and kissed him on the lips. It was soft and gentle, full of care and real love. They kissed each other, backing up inside without pulling apart.

“I hate that you never tell me anything, that you keep me in the dark with all the secrets tormenting me, but I have a feeling that in time I'll know everything,” Riley said when he pulled away first, needing to breathe. “And I'll believe that everything you're doing is for something meaningful, and that what you do to me is to keep me safe, from going insane. So for now I forgive you for all the wrong you have done, as long as you forgive me for all the wrong that I will do.”

“There's nothing you will do that will need forgiveness,” Hart replied.

They went back to kissing, this time more desperate and needy, but still as gentle. Somehow they ended up down in the basement, backing into the dark room. Riley hadn't really noticed, but Hart did. They reached the middle and that was when Riley began to pull off Hart's bloody jacket and started to unbutton his shirt.

Riley pulled apart from the long kiss to look closely at what he was doing, because the darkness was not his friend that day and he could not see at all. He loosened the last button on Hart's shirt and let it drop. They kissed some more, and then Hart's pants were being messed with by Riley's unsteady hands. Riley only went as far as unbuttoning and unzipping Hart's slacks. Then his hands were gone and Hart felt lips pressing soft kisses against his chest and trailing down to his stomach.

For once, the dark room wasn't as cold as it usually was. Maybe it was their bodies heating up together, or perhaps they were too distracted by each other to notice.

Riley pushed him down on the floor and straddled him, kissing his neck and leaving hot marks all over it. It took every ounce of strength not to moan, but Hart fought through it without saying a single word. In a way, he was proud of himself for resisting the urge to turn it around and making Riley moan instead. But by the way Riley was doing things, he wanted to be in charge, wanted to be the one in control, and Hart was going to give him the privilege.

“You don't have to hold yourself back, you can do whatever you want,” Riley told him as he noticed Hart's strange behavior.

There was a lot of heavy breathing as Riley rubbed his hands over Hart's chest while he rolled his hips slowly and teasingly. Then a second later Riley reached into Hart's opened zipper and began to pleasure him. This time he moaned, he couldn't have possibly resisted. Not when Riley's hands were on him. Even in the darkness, Riley could see Hart's bright eyes. They were like two torches illuminating a path of the unknown.

Hart began to explore, touching back the fully clothed man straddling him. His hands slid underneath Riley's shirt and pulled it over his head. He pulled Riley back into his lips, kissing him tenderly while stroking his sides.

“I need you now,” Riley whispered, looking down at Hart, who was waiting patiently for what Riley had in mind next. Riley had never done any of this with anyone, he was as innocent as true angel. He was a virgin. He half expected to mess things up, but so far everything was going well. In fact, he thought they were both doing beautifully.

Riley, still straddling Hart, rose himself a little so he could undo his pants. He pulled them down just enough for there to be room for Hart to enter him. He felt embarrassed to be fully naked, because the darkness was no blindfold to Hart, he knew he could still see him.

He sat back down on Hart's lap and went back to kissing him nervously.

“You don't have to be nervous, and we don't have to do anything you don't want to do,” Hart reassured him, delicately touching his reddening face with the back of his hand.

“I know, but I want to.”

Riley reached back, touching Hart again and pulling his member out of his pants. He was fully erect, he felt it twitching against his skin. Riley positioned himself and guided Hart inside of him, slowly giving into the pain as it slid inside naturally.

Hart couldn't lay on his back anymore after that, he reached his arms around Riley and hugged him tightly as he carefully entered him. Riley's jaw dropped and he let out a muffled cry. They were both virgins, but neither of them expected it to feel this way. Both were experiencing two completely different things, but because they were doing it together, it kind of felt like their emotions were connecting and they could feel what the other was feeling. It was a strange feeling, and they were definitely unsure if it was something that was normal.

Riley became lost after a while, Hart noticed. His eyes were closed as he wrapped his arms around Hart's neck and moved his body against Hart's very own slow thrusts. Hart held on tightly to Riley with one hand and with the other kept himself up.

A burning breeze swirled around them, like something that happened when a tornado formed. There was no tornado though, just a lot of wind coming out of nowhere. Riley became oblivious through the entire thing, but Hart watched as the ceiling disappeared and blackness replaced it. Noises came out of the new ceiling, and with it faces appeared in the shape of thundering clouds.

Hart looked at Riley as his movements became harder and faster, but he was unaware of what was happening behind his closed eyes. Thunder erupted loudly over them, causing Hart to suddenly jerk up a little too hard – not that it bothered Riley, because the man was lost. He was . . . hypnotized, gone from reality.

Everything around them changed. It seemed as if they were in the middle of a hurricane. The wind was so loud that Riley's constant moans just perished beneath it all. The thunder did not dim down, and neither did the horrifying faces that kept popping out of the shadows.

The wind slowly pushed away the clouds, only now realizing that it was just fog because they were still in the dark room. Then rain began to pour, only it wasn't rain, unless rain was red. It was blood. And a part of him knew that it was the blood of every person he had killed.

Hart almost lost himself too when Riley let Hart go as deep as he could. The electrifying feeling around him was increasing and it was incredible. It made him forget about what was happening, and then he, too, got lost in having sex with Riley. He could feel everything Riley was feeling, and as strange as it sounded, it was amazing.

They kissed, never realizing that blood painted their bodies and the faces of hell looked down upon them. The thunder, the roaring of beasts waiting at the gates, got louder and louder until finally it all just stopped.

“Oh, fuck!” Riley groaned deeply as both of them reached climax at the same time. Their chests heaved fast, hearts beat loud and their faces were full of lust and desire.

Hart was still catching his breath when Riley got off and fell next to Hart.

“What was that?” Hart asked, half confused and half blissful.

“That was . . . amazing. I can literally still feel it, Hart.”

They turned their heads to look at each other.

“You were amazing, and beautiful,” Hart told him.

“And then he realized he was in love with a killer,” Riley whispered.

Hart blinked and said nothing. They said nothing for a while and just stared into each others eyes.


[Author's Message]: YOLO LMAO. So this chapter, yeah. Holy yeah. Like yeah holy. HOLY WHAT? They just keep getting better and better don't they (; I hope you guys liked this chapter, I worked hard on it, for like a few weeks? Cause it was a difficult chapter to write and I had no idea how to begin it, so it took me a while and I apologize. Please remember to leave comments and don't forget to vote, I need to know what the hell is going in your heads and what you are thinking so far of the story. Will you continue reading? Do you like it? Cause more sht is gonna happen and you're gonna SQUIRM! hehe. Remember, if you want a chance to get a CHAPTER DEDICATED TO YOU, YOU NEED TO LEAVE A COMMENT AND VOTE! I WILL PICK THE BEST COMMENTS TO GET A DEDICATION! :)

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