Bandaged Hands

Was the only thought that ran through Arthur's mind as he marched towards the nurses office. He was blushing like mad, and he could feel it. His face was a deep shade of red, going as far as painting his ears with a delicious pink. Arthur continued down the hallway crossing his arms. 'God I bet he thinks I'm mental...' Arthur thought, face still red. 'I'm such an idiot. I should have just let him do the work. I made such a bloody fool of myself, and he knows it.'

Alfred ran to catch up to the Brit. When he caught up with him he started to laugh.
"Oh my god, I've never seen someone mess up so much on ONE project! Did you see everyone's face?! HA!" Alfred beamed. Still trying to keep up with Arthur, who's embarrassment was growing, and turning into anger. Alfred noticed the embarrassment plastered on Arthur's face and put a hand on his shoulder. "Um, hey Arthur. I didn't mean it like that bud, I mean, I'm trying to laugh with you...not at you! No! Never at you!" Alfred tried to explain in a hurry.

Arthur snapped and turned around, face still as red as ever, now more out of anger than anything. Alfred recoiled his hand. "For your information you, idiot!! I am certainly NOT laughing! And for you to even consider doing so, just shows me how much of idiot you really are!" Arthur yelled at him, hands balled into fists, his arms stiff at his sides, his blush receding. "I've never been so embarrassed in my whole bloody life! And you just come around and laugh at me like its nothing! I'd rather go back there and repeat this event, than to have you stand there and ridicule me!".

Alfred was frozen, he hadn't noticed how upset Arthur was, and he felt super guilty now. Alfred relaxed a bit and sunk his head, his eyes cast downward. He sighed. "Listen Artie...I'm really sorry. I didn't know you were so upset. Do you think you can forgi-," Alfred paused to hear sniffling. "...are you crying? Oh Arthur no! Don't cry! I'm sorry!" Alfred reached out to Arthur and pulled him into a hug. Alfred was a lot taller than Arthur, so it made it more than awkward for Him when he was pulled into his chest.

Arthur placed his hands on Alfred's chest to try and limit the contact, but it only made him blush again. "Alfred, I'm n-not *hic* crying. You can *hic* s-stop with this *hic* n-nonsense.". Arthur was crying, and he doesn't do that often. In fact, he can't remember the last time he cried. 'It was probably when my cat died...yeah. I really loved him.' Arthur's thoughts got side tracked, getting lost in the warmth Alfred gave him. He never liked hugs, but he liked this one. He wondered for a moment why, but he dismissed it as a side effect of him crying so much. He was probably just going crazy.

Alfred pulled away from Arthur, taking the warmth with him. Arthur grunted at the loss of warmth. "Hey, Arthur. I'm sorry, I really am. Forgive me?" Alfred smiled sheepishly, looking down at Arthur, who was no longer crying.

"I guess I have no choice, " Arthur grumbled, arms crossed on his chest once more. Arthur looked to the side, avoiding eye contact with those brilliant blues of his. "...I forgive you." He finished.

Alfred jumped up in joy and clapped his hands like a five year old that got a puppy for Christmas. "Awesome! I thought you hated me! Now come on, we need to treat those burns!" Alfred grabbed Arthur's wrist and pulled him along happily down the hallway to the nurses office.
Alfred rounded another corner, Arthur still him his grasp, their hands were intertwined now but neither seemed to mind. Alfred opened the door to the office only to find it empty.

"Helloooo?" Alfred walked into the room shouting."ANYONE IN TODAY!?" He yelled. Arthur whipped his free hand to his ear.

"Gods Alfred, not so loud! Your giving me a bloody headache!" Arthur scowled.

"Oh sorry," Alfred said, a lot quieter. "It doesn't seem like she's in today..." Alfred peeked behind a bed curtain and pulled it open. Alfred motioned Arthur to sit on the bed. Arthur did so, a look of curiosity changing his usually stale expression. "Alfred, care to tell me what's on your mind?" Arthur asked in amusement as Alfred separated their hands to go through a medical kit. Several things were thrown around and out of the box, a few things nearly hitting him in the face. "Alfred?" Arthur asked again.

Alfred stood up holding several items in his hands. He walked over to the bed and placed the items on the covers. Alcohol wipes, bandages, aloe cream, and band aids littered the bed Arthur was waiting patiently on. " I'm gonna treat your hands, silly!" Alfred stated in a matter-of-fact tone. Arthur opened his mouth to protest but Alfred beat him to it, answering more questions that were wondering in Arthur's mind. "My mom is a nurse, me and my brother used to get in a lot of trouble. And she had to treat all of our scrapes and burns herself. I picked up a few things on the way.". With that, Alfred stood in front of Arthur, gently holding one of his hands. "It's gonna sting..." Alfred warned, before lightly wiping the others hand. Arthur winced.

"Damn!" Arthur breathed between his clenched teeth. It fucking stung like a bloody bitch. His burns weren't that bad, but enough to make his hand raw, and red with little blisters.

"Sorry...". Alfred apologized, "I know how much it stings...It should be okay now." Alfred placed Arthur's hand on the bed and went to grab the cream. Alfred pulled up Arthur's arm sleeve to reveal several smaller burns. He coated the small blisters with the cream, instantly cooling Arthur's stinging burns. Alfred finished it off by putting band aids on them. When he was done he then coated Arthur's burnt hand with the aloe. Arthur sighed in relief. He then took the bandages and wrapped Arthur's hand securely in the cloth. He repeated the same steps on Arthur's other hand. When Alfred was finished, he lifted Arthur's hand slowly to his face, closed his eyes and gently placed his lips on the others bandaged knuckles. Alfred kissed his hand, and lifted his eyes up to see Arthur's face.


Arthur's face practically glowed. His free hand covered his mouth and he let out a 'manly' squeak. Alfred smirked against the others hand and chuckled. 'If this isn't absolutely adorable, then I must be completely insane.' He thought to himself, loving Arthur's reaction. Arthur studdered , but none of the words he spoke seemed to make a lick of sense. Alfred chuckled a little louder this time, silencing the Brits incoherent ramblings. Alfred stood up straight and interlocked their fingers again. He smiled brightly and looked Arthur in the eyes. "Alright cutie lets get back to class.". Alfred stood Arthur up and pulled him along out the door.

Arthur's heart nearly exploded when he said that. He wanted to hug him, but he also wanted to put himself into a box and ship himself to a place with no name. He didn't know his heart could even beat that fast. 'He called me a cutie...I'm not cute, pfft. I'm intimidating! Fear me! I'm small and angry and I'll kick your arse!!! Cute....pfft. He's the cute one. If anyone deserves to be called 'cute' it's hi-' Arthur's mind stopped dead in its tracks. 'I'm insane...I've not only gotten off my rocker, but I've managed to completely destroy it. I bet it's the chemicals. Yep.' He sighed.' damn.' Arthur started to get a headache from all of his thinking. Alfred had stopped walking, and pulled him out of his thoughts. Arthur looked up at him to see him looking terrified. He followed his gaze to.... 'oh...that's not good.'

And angry teacher was standing in the doorway to the science room, tapping her foot, and motioning the two to come closer.

'Bloody hell.'

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