Arthur's Past


~*~character back stories are different btw!!! Please read~*~

Arthur never had many friends growing up. He would go with the most popular crowd. He didn't want to be alone. Yet even though he found the lot to be horridly annoying, he stuck with them. Never wanting to be labeled as the Loner or the Weirdo, he made a dreadful mistake of loosing the only friendship he had that he truly cared about. All for the sake of his image. This was in middle school. And this was Arthur Kirkland.

Arthur Kirkland is an only child. He is currently 18 and is a senior in high school. He also has no one to share his life with. Arthur has always seen himself as an Asexual. Someone who doesn't like any gender, or any sexual activities whatsoever. He dosent like hugs, hand holds, or even long conversations with another human. He does to other things. When Arthur was a small child, about at the age of 5. The first 'being' he ever saw, was a tree spirit. A wooden creature shorter than him. He talked to it, and it would talk back. He started seeing other things. Like sprites, Fairys, and he even saw a unicorn.

When he was 8, he got lost in the woods. Taking bad advise from a sprite. The sprite led him deeper and deeper into the forest, promising that something magical lay at the end of the short adventure. He was lost in the woods behind his house. Haven gotten turned around too many times. He was starting to question his trust in all mythical creatures...that was until he met his new friend. There Arthur sat, his knee slowly bleeding after falling. He sat crying softly. He heard a reassuring voice, call out to him from above the trees. 'It's okay Arthur.' It said. 'Everything is going to be okay!' The cheerful voice calmed him. He looked for the voice, his eyes scanning the trees that surrounded him. And as if from nowhere, a green rabbit flew before him. Yes. It FLEW. The strange flying bunny led him out of the forest, just as the sun was setting. Arthur and the mint bunny have been friends sence.

He never talked to anybody about his relations with his 'friends'. Not even his parents. As Arthur reached 7th grade, he starred a rebellion. Well....not really. Just dressing like a rebel. He still did his math homework and he still aced his classes. He just looked like a punk. His little rebel stage started to fade away at the beginning of 8th grade. His image was getting tainted, he couldn't let that happen. Whispers were going around that he cheats, and that he's mean and cold to the people around him. Well one out of three is right, he is cold. But he does not cheat! And he's not THAT mean! Arthur gave up the bad boy look for the respectable gentleman. Again, sacrificing what he likes for his reputation.

During 8th grade, Arthur had spotted someone In the lunchroom that caught his eyes. He glanced up from his untouched macaroni. A boy was walking into the cafeteria, trailing behind his usual group of friends singing a song that Arthur knew. He continued to watch the boy as he happily sang the chorus line.

Hate me today.

Hate me tomorrow..

Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you...

Hate me In ways..

In ways hard to swallow..

Hate me so you can finally, see what's good...for you.

He watched the group as they looked at the boy strangely, asking him why he listens to garbage. Arthur sat quietly, expression unchanging as he saw the scene unfold before him. A snotty blond boy, his name was........Chris? Yeah. Turned around to face The other boy and started laughing at him. Others around started to chuckle. The American pulled off his headphones and cocked his head to the side.

"Why are you listening to crap?" Chris said. He looked to his friends over his shoulder. Nods and smirks followed his statement.

The American boy looked hurt but tried not to show it. But showing off his smile he questioned them. "Dudes, what are you talking about!? It's just music! Haha-haha...". The boy said nervously. Arthur furrowed his rather large eyebrows. Why was he friends with that group? All they did was hurt and laugh at him...

The boy and the others continued to bicker. The American backing down quickly. Arthur started to loose interest and started to hum the lyrics to the song the boy was singing.

Hate me today,

Hate me tomorrow...

Hate me for all the things, I didn't do for you.

Arthur felt a sharp pang in his heart. Remembering the small Japanese boy he abandoned as a friend. Feeling that he had a heart was something he wasn't used to, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Arthur was startled from his daydreaming when he herd a grunt, followed by a loud crash. He snapped his head up to see the American boy a table behind him, on the floor. Arms laid out in front of him the boy lay on his stomach. His food was strewn along the floor. Arthur also noticed the giggles. But the most disturbing thing he saw was Chris' foot, poked out behind the table...he tripped him. Chris irritated Arthur, but now he just wanted to punch him. He deserved a good broken nose. He wanted to break that devilish smirk on his face for being so cruel to a boy, who only wanted to be friendly.

The American slowly got up, brushed himself off, and ran out of the room. Arthur was sure he had tears in those baby blues of his. Another boy Arthur had never seen before got up from the table the little arsehole was sitting at. The boy looked exactly like the other, except his hair was different....they must be brothers. The Twin followed his brother out of the room with a worried expression upon his face.

Arthur wondered if he should go after the boy as well. But then figured his brother was all he needed. Arthur started to think. 'Pfft, it's not like he's my problem anyways. He'll be fine. I'm sure of it.'. The Brit then returned to playing with his, now cold, macaroni.

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