Answer, death food, And NO DONT CRY!!


Nothing but the calming sound of their breath filled the room. Arthur's heart beat excitedly. He was a bit happy he had spoken up. But he was disappointed even more so, and he couldn't figure out why.

Alfred froze, his mind flew through a million bullshit excuses, a million things to say, but none of them were right. Thankfully Arthur spoke up before Alfred opened his trap.

"I'll tell you." Three words left the two upset. Neither of them sensing the others disappointment. Alfred pulled away, sitting on his legs in front of him.

"Speak." He said nervously. He felt like dying, screaming, and laughing, God, maybe he WAS bipolar? Alfred sat stone faced as Arthur's words rung in his head.

Arthur searched his mind for the right words to say. Going through files of information, all related to the boy sitting in front of him. What did he really know about Alfred? Sure, he's a dope and all, but really? Is that all?

Arthur thought about how he should word this... 'He's smarter than he looks that's for sure. He's sweet, and caring, blunt and honest, he's energetic and humorous, he's handsome and cute. I'm not even going to deny that bit, he has good genes. Not that IM attracted to him. No. Let's see. Downsides. He is super emotional, and has a perplexing hero complex, he guilt trips without noticing, and he is a big minipulater. Not that he wants to be, he can't keep to himself, he is whiney, clingy, and picky. But despite all that, why stick around him, it seems like there are more downsides to this boy than I once thought. I guess I'm just naturally attracted to him. Not in the romantic way, we just work together I guess....bloody hell, now I'm just ranting to myself.'

Alfred started to fidget a bit, growing more impatient with each passing second. He was about to say something when Arthur sighed.

"Well Alfred, you have a good heart. You are very kind, and caring. You can be a trouble sometimes, but I like the company. You are a dope, and an idiot, but it's entertaining. You are honest, and strong, being around you just makes me feel happy, I guess."

Alfred sat with mouth hung open, like a fish gasping for air he tried to find his voice. "I-I..." Alfred shot him one of his warmest smiles, his eye closed, he giggled. "Thanks Artie! You are my best friend!" And with that, Arthur was enveloped into a full on hug.

The Brit didn't know why, but he just felt safer with the Americans arms wrapped around him. He didn't know a lot of things lately, why he keeps feeling nervous and nauseous when he looks at Alfred for too long, he is out of words when he smiles, and why he doesn't have the heart to tell him no. He was actually beginning to think he was sick. Maybe he should ask someone about this.

Alfred heart fluttered with joy whenever he was around him. And he knew why, apparently he was bisexual, lucky him. And apparently he fell for an asexual....lucky him!( note the sarcasm). Alfred had many feelings he had to sort through, the crushing sadness of realization, the previously choking depression, the utter happiness with Arthur, the warm fuzzy feeling in his tummy. In time, it will all sort itself out.

"ALFRED, ARTHUR DARLING, DINNER IS READY!" A shrill voice called out from upstairs.

Alfred broke the hug and slid off the bed. Arthur followed him out the door, quietly shutting it behind him. When Arthur turned around he saw something peculiar. Alfred was crawling up the stairs like a dog.

"The fuck?" Arthur asked. Alfred turned around with a light blush on his face, looking like he just got caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar, he laughed at the question and continued up the stairs on all fours.

Arthur followed him up and chuckled. Reaching the top, Alfred answered with a small laugh.

"I used to do that when I was little, I guess old habits die hard! Since I don't have stairs in my house, I don't do it often."

"I see...dope."

"You know it!" Alfred said proudly, then paused to sniff the air. "Um...Artie? What's that smell?"

"Dinner, idiot." Arthur said.

"Well duh, I'm not THAT much of a dumbass, I mean, WHAT is for dinner?"

"It smells like..." Arthur gasped excitedly. "Oh it's fish and chips! My favorite!"

"Never, Heard of it." Alfred lightly scrunched his face in disgust.

"Hello boys! Arthur, I thought, since we have a guest, we might as well make something special!" Alfred's mother emerged from the kitchen. "Please, sit!"

"Thank you mother.". Arthur said, and pulled out a chair at the table. Alfred sat next to him, pretty close actually, and Arthur's mother placed two plates in front of them, before sitting in front of a plate of her own across from them.

"Thank you Mrs. Kirkland, for allowing me to stay for dinner!" Alfred smiled politely.

"Oh it's no problem Alfred, please, eat up."

The two Kirkland's picked up their utensils and ate away, Alfred cut off a piece of foreign food and brought it up to his nose. He took a whiff and grimaced, thankful the other two were busy eating to miss his rudeness. He took a few experimental chews, and almost spit it out in horror.

'Holy Captain America in a dress! This is horrible! Ugh, are they trying to friggin kill me?! Not cool Artie's mom, not cool!' Alfred shot a quick glare at Arthur's mom, and swallowed painfully, he looked down to his food and frowned. 'How in the fuckin hell am I going to eat this without puking!? I can't be rude! I have to try!!! I'm the hero after all!'

Alfred took a larger peice of the burnt monstrosity and chewed fiercefully. Alfred ate as fast as possible, trying to get it over with as quickly as possible. 'Aaahh! I don't wanna die! What makes this even worse is the "chips"! These friggin fries aren't chips! And they are unsalted! WTF! You can't eat unsalted fries! Burger king does it better. I bet the king would make this fish crap better too!'

Alfred ate quickly, and agressivly, if you didn't know any better, you would of thought he haven't eaten for days. Alfred finished the British poison before the other two, sighing, and downing his entire glass of milk. Alfred slumped in his chair. 'Rude or not, I feel like death.'

"Oh my my, it looks like we have a fan here! Alfred, would you like seconds?" Arthur's mother smiled warmly and started towards the kitchen.

Alfred jumped in his chair before shouting out. "NOOO!". Then silence. "I-I'm good. That really filled me up! Ahaha, ahaha. Thank you though, Mrs. Kirkland." Alfred gave a sigh of relief when Arthur's mother nodded.

"Jesus Alfred, calm down, it's just food." Arthur chucked, he grabbed his and Alfred's plate before heading to the kitchen with his mother.

'If you even call that food.' Alfred replied in his head.

Alfred noticed something he didn't before. 'There are four chairs. Why four? Where is Arthur's dad? Why didn't he join us for dinner? Is he working late? Who sits in the fourth chair? Does Arthur have a sibling? Why didn't he tell me?' All these questions swam in Alfred's jumbled mind. He felt a bit hurt, but reminded himself that he never asked about his family. He felt kinda dumb after that.

Arthur returned to the dining room, clearing his throat to gain the others attention. "Are you ready to leave?"

"Huh? Oh, right!" Alfred jumped up from his char and pushed it back into place. 'Four chairs...'. "Hey Artie?" Alfred walked beside him back to Arthur's room.

"What is it?"

"Why do you guys have four chairs?"


"Oh sorry, let me rephrase that. Where is your dad, and, who sits in the fourth chair?" Alfred looked at Arthur's fallen expression. The two entered the room, but stood in silence after that. ", don't have to answer if you don-"

"-No no, it's alright. My...father, left. He left with my little brother, Peter. He left around a year ago, and I haven't seen them since."

"Oh..Jesus Christ man, I'm sorry. Did something happen?"

"He left with a woman, I...guess he just stopped loving us."

"Arthur. Don't cry." Arthur's eyes widened. He slowly reached a hand to his face in time to catch a tear falling down his pale cheek. Alfred wrapped an arm around the Brits shoulders and pulled him into a gentle hug. "Artie, please don't cry, a smile suits you better. Please smile." Alfred leaned his head down and kissed Arthur's forehead.

Arthur blushed and began to stutter. "Wha, what on earth Alfred?! D-don't do such t-things out of the blue! idiot!" He really needs to talk about this new sickness. Maybe he'll ask the nurse tomorrow.

Arthur pulled himself away from Alfred's arms, he began to feel lightheaded.

"Sorry dude, I thought if I did what my mom used to do when I was upset, it would make you feel better! See? You stopped crying!" Alfred smiled sheepishly.

'How does this bumbling American achieve my happiness with the simplest of gentle gestures?' He smiled.

"See! I made you smile! Much better than crying! Don't ya think?" Alfred flashed him his teeth in a wide smile, making Arthur's smile grow. He chuckled.

"Yes, yes, Alfred. Thank you."

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