Chapter 48: Over Protective Dragon!

Astrid's POV

I make it back to the meeting spot first, to my surprise. Even though I was half dragging the boar with me for the remainder of the hour, all the way back here. Well, this was our meeting spot, and we don't have a campsite, so I figured I'd better bring it with me because I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I set the big beast down behind some nearby bushes, and take a seat under the large X, warily watching around me with my knife clutched in my hand. Not taking any chances.

After a few minutes, can noise catches my attention, and I spring to my feet, crouching low however as I listen warily. There it is again! Another rustle; just to my left. Without waking a second, I leap onto the bush, taking whoever it is to the ground and holding the knife to there neck.

"Aaaa!" They scream rather pathetically. I now examine them, and as soon as I do, I stand up. They turn over onto there back to look at me.
"Astrid! What the Thor?!" Snotlout yells at me. I cross my arms.
"You should be more careful! I heard you coming from miles away! You need to be more careful than that! You could have given away our position!" I hiss at him, scanning the surroundings. I plant my foot on his stomach. "Yelling doesn't help." I scoff, before backing away to let him get up.
"Fair point." He wheezes. I turn and walk back to the meeting place, finding Fishlegs standing there.

"I told him to stay on the animal trail. He doesn't listen!" Fishlegs exclaims, observing my smug look. "And, looks like he's already learnt his lesson!" He adds, snickering a little.
I smirk and crack my knuckles. "Oh, he has."

Just then, Randi and the Twins show up, hands full of stuff. I wait until we're gathered before speaking.

"Alright, so, I managed to get us a wild boar. Snotlout, Fishlegs, what did you find out?" I ask them, jumping straight to the point.

"The guards outside the Great Hall, there's four of them, change over at the start of every half hour. The guards outside the Killing Arena change about five minutes after that, and there's always a five-minute gap for both places before the new guards get there. A few guards walk in and out of both places generally every fifteen minutes." Fishlegs explains. I nod, thinking it over.

We'd have a fifteen-twenty minutes window at the most.
"Did anyone see you?" I ask them sternly. Thor, I hope not. But, then again, they would've probably led with that.
"No. They might have heard us though, when Fishface sneezed." Snotlout replies, sending Fishlegs a smug look.
"Oh and I suppose they never heard your hour-long complaints?" Fishlegs sasses back, and Snotlout shuts up with a disappointed grunt at being exposed.

"Alright. I think we can work with that. Now, Randi, how did you guys go?" I turn my attention to them, also noticing that the sun is starting to sink below the horizon over her shoulder.

"We split up, because it was the best way to go, and met outside the butcher's house. I managed to get into some of the fishing huts. I got a fishing net, two rods, a fishing knife, a basket of cod, and I saw a rowboat in there, in case that will come in handy." Randi reports, holding up everything—except the boat, obviously.

"Well, alright, that's good. twins?" I ask, not expecting much.
They smirk, bundles of things piled up in their hands.
"I got, hmm, let's axe, a hammer, a mace, two swords, some rope, a loaf of bread, and some guys diary!" Ruffnut explains, chuckling at the end. Wow, they actually ARE useful. Well, at least Ruffnut is.

"Yeah. Who knew the Outcasts could be so expressive, am I right?" Tuffnut adds, and Ruffnut nods in agreement, proceeding to open to a random page and reading aloud.
"Entry Eighteen. Today, the exquisite new guy popped into my life yet again, as if he was a newly polished sword, shining in a shed of dull and used ones. He's a fancy fellow, but when he spoke of his plans, I was exposed, like a baby yak seeing the world for the first time. I was amazed by his diabolical plans to take over the tribe, to provide new leadership, like a flower blooming for the first time in the sunshine. I ponder over how Alvin will take this... He's not exactly the most forgiving ma—"
"Enough!" I exclaim, cutting her off. "Tuffnut, what did you get?" I ask him.

"Oh. I got a bludgeon, some blankets, some rope, a spoon, a dagger, three kitchen knives, Lokinut—aww, my little babe—also an outcast's journal, and I swiped some weird plans from some guys belt...I also took his belt. It has these cool little buckles on it, and—"

"Whoa, hold up. Lokinut? What's that?" I interrupt before he can get too off track. Do I even want to know?
"Yeah, Lokinut! Isn't he cute?!" Tuffn't exclaims, dropping almost everything from his arms, except for a small bundle. We all cautiously move closer and peer at the bundle. Our eyes go wide.

"A baby?!" Randi yells, shocked. "How did I not notice this?!" She's right. In his arms, wrapped up in a blanket, is a baby. Probably no older than six months. It's startled awake at her yells and peers up at us with curiosity.

"Where did did you even..what?!" I struggle to form the words I'm thinking.
"He was all alone in his crib! And crying! What was I gonna do? Leave him there to die?! No way! And when I picked him up, he stopped crying! Look at those baby blue orbs, look at them! So cute! And that ruffled brown hair? Oh, adorable! He even laughed when I stubbed my toe! He loves to see others in pain..he's already taking after me!" Tuffnut explains, smiling down at the baby, evidently in love.
I facepalm. Oh, gods. What are we gonna do?!  We're just kids, we can't care for a baby! But we can't leave it to the mercy of the outcasts, that's for sure.

"Alright, well, we'll have to deal with him for now, until we can get him to his mother." Fishlegs sighs. I look up in realisation.
"Luckily I think I might know her, so that'll be a top priority. For now, we need to get to camp. I brought the boar here, I'm gonna need help carrying it." I tell them, receiving nods of agreement.

"Me and my *flexes* muscles will help you, babe!" Snotlout flirts and I glare at him, not in the mood. But then again, when am I ever?

He is oblivious though and walks over to the boar. He picks it up by its back legs and gags. I grab the front legs before he can decide to try and get out of it, and walk forward. Ruffnut gathers up the things that Tuffnut dropped, while Tuffnut clings onto the baby, otherwise known as "Lokinut."

"M-Maybe I should.." Randi hesitates, moving towards Tuffnut to take the baby, but he moves away and clutches the baby defensively.
"But—" She pleads, not trusting Tuffnut to keep it alive.
"NO!" He says louder. "My baby."

I just rolled my eyes. "If you kill that baby, the mother will kill you!" I mutter to him, before we all set off deep into the forest, staying quiet, off tracks, and out of sight. Constantly keeping an eye on Tuffnut is annoying, but he actually seems to be handling the baby well.

Ten minutes later, we come to a small clearing, and set up camp. We have a pile of everything we've found. But, it's reducing in size, because we're all calling dibs on what to use as bedding, having agreed to sleep for a few hours (with changing lookouts) until after midnight, where'd we put our plan into action.

So far, Randi has grabbed the fishing net and has fastened it between two trees, to act as a hammock. I'm not gonna lie, It looks pretty damn comfy.

Snotlout is on the first lookout, gods help us, but has claimed a blanket. I really hope he doesn't sleep on the job.

Tuffnut has insisted he make a cradle out of sticks (though it's more like a disfigured basket) for the baby, or who he keeps insisting we call, Lokinut. He also grabbed an extra blanket. He decided to not take any for himself, but for the baby. He placed the baby at the base of the tree at Randi's head and climbed up to hang upside down from the branch. Ruffnut is also hanging from a branch, but from the opposite tree.

Fishlegs is curled up by the fire in a blanket, curiously going through the whole pile we've made.

Right now, I'm just taking care of the boar. Using a knife that was collected, I'm skinning it. And boy, does it stink. Thank thor my dad taught me survival skills from when I was five.

Once I get rid of the skin, I start filtering it the carcass, cutting out what is usable, and what isn't.
"Oh, I should use these tusks for my new helmet!" Snotlout grins, examining them, and I roll my eyes.
"Idiot." I scoff, and continue working. A few minutes later, we've got meat roasting on the campfire, everyone coming out of their comfortable positions to get food. We are saving the basket of cod that Randi got from the fishing sheds, in case we'll need it later.

+++ Fast Forward +++
Time: 12:56 pm (not that they can tell the exact time).

Randi and I bolt out of the Great Hall, the few people we managed to untie are with us. Our original plan was to get Stoick out, so we can figure out what to do, but he wasn't having any of it. He didn't want us to get caught, so he ushered us out while we still could.

And, as we quietly lead our fellow Berkians to our campsite, we discuss next actions, all the while checking behind us for any unwanted guests.
"Stoick told me to get off the island: to get help." I tell them as we trudge through the forest, the moonlight and a lanten we stole are out only light.
"Do you know where we can go?" Randi asks, and I shrug, helpless.
"This wasn't part of the plan." I sigh, disappointed. "I was hoping we'd be able to get Stoick out, so he could take charge, and all that."

"Our best chance would be the Beserkers. They're our closest allies." Sanna the Slight, a thirty year old baker tells us. Apart from her, we rescued Anders the Bearded, he is a thirty year old builder, Lokus the Lucky, he's a twenty year old warrior, Britta the Bright, a twenty three year old female Fishermen, and Erlend the Earnest, a thirty year old warrior male.

"It's almost time for the renewal of the treaty, anyway!" Erlend adds.
"Do you think Oswald will help us?" I ask nervously.
"We haven't seem them for years!" Randi adds.
"His name is Owsald the Agreeable, i'm pretty sure he'll help."  Lokus replies confidently.
"Yes, but he doesn't do violence anymore." Britta mutters.
"Still, he's loyal. he'll help." Erlend concludes. We nod, seconds later stepping into the campsite. Everyone is here. They all had different jobs, basically more scouting, collecting of materials, and keeping the fire stoked.

"Well, what did you guys get?" I ask them as we step into the clearing.
"More blankets. Another fishing net. Two more swords. A sack of coins. A wolf skin cloak. And Lokinut's cradle." Fishlegs reports immediately. "What? So he's growing on me!" he adds when we are surprised he called the baby Lokinut.
"Yeah! That's right! Who wouldn't you grow on? Mm hmm. Little fungus, you! You're my lil nut! That's right, that's right!"Tuffnut coo's to the baby, leaning over the cradle and literally babying it. He then starts to sing to it, but I tear my attention away.

"You guys hungry?" I ask the newcomers, who nod. So I hand them all a chunk of spit-roasted boar, to which they tuck into.

"Also, anyone here missing a baby?" I ask, hands on my hips with a grin, and Britta's head snaps up, eyes wide as she nods vigorously. I smile and gesture to Tuffnut, who reluctantly comes closer. Britta gasps at the sight of her baby, tears welling in her eyes and she cries happy tears to see him again. She holds out her hands, and Tuffnut wearily lowers the baby into her arms, after I nudge him rather forcefully.

"Goodbye Lokinut!" He whispers to the baby, who wakes up at the sound of voices, and coo's in his mothers arms as she hugs him close. "Even though I only had you for a few're already flying the coup..even though it's back to your mum anyway...i'll miss you, lil Nut." the baby coo's and grabs his finger, and Tuffnut smiles, tears in his eyes.
"You have so much strength for a little baby, lil lokinut!" Tuffnut grins, before awkwardly backing away...more accurately, I drag him away.
"Thank you so much for taking care of Stian, Tuffnut. I'm so happy he's safe. They—they dragged me out of the house, and wouldn't listen w-when I told them that he was in there! He must of been so scared."
"Stian?" Tuffnut questions. The women nods with a smile.
"His middle name.. My husband and I still haven't decided on his first...but I think I just did.." Britta admits.
"Really? What is it?" Tuffnut asks.

"Tuloker?" I question. What kind of name is that?!
"Tuffnut. Loki. Ern—my husbands middle name."
"Aww!" Tuffnut gasps, smiling wildly now. "That's probably the nicest thing someone has ever done for me!"
"Hey, what about—" Ruffnut blurts out, slightly angry, and Tuff cuts her off.
"Fair enough. Second nicest...third..Well, top five at least. Tuloker, I'm gonna be your favourite uncle. A really cool one, that teaches you how to loki." Tuffnut exclaims and Britta laughs a little.
"Alright, Tuff, i'll keep that in mind.."
Who in their right mind would name their kid after Tuffnut?

"Okay, so now that's sorted, what now?" Fishlegs asks as we all gather around the fire.
"Well, Stoick told me to get us off the island: go for help. He wouldn't let me get him out: didn't want us to get caught in the process." I explain.
"We think the Beserker tribe are or best bet!" Lokus advises us.
"They are our closest allies!" Fishlegs muses.
"That's what I said!" Sanna exclaims.
"Alright. Well, then we need to find a way off the island." I mutter.

"I say we sleep on it, and find that rowboat I saw. Hopefully it's still there." Randi suggests and everyone agrees.
"So we've got spare blankets here, and a fishing net." Fishlegs points out the pile to the newcomers.
"Here's a tip: I've been using the other net as a hammock." Randi adds, gesturing to hers.
"Nice. Call dibs on the net!" Lokus grins, running at it childishly and clutchling it to his chest, before eyeing everyone suspiciously as he starts shuffling off sideways—to find a suitable pair of trees, I assume. I took my eyes at the twenty year old immature male, he's the son of my mum's close friend.

"See if I care. I'm fine with a blanket, rope, and a tree branch!" Sanna sasses, grabbing the material and claiming an unused tree skillfully. She's actually Fishlegs', and also Randi's, cousin (if you recall, Randi and Fishlegs are cousins!). She's thirty, and her bread rolls are to die for.

I glance back to Lokus and am surprised. Instead of a hammock tied between two trunks like Randi, he's actually formed a little netted platform up high in the tree. He's grinning smugly, and now is when I recall his big ego. Whenever he and his family used to some over for dinner, he'd brag about his 'amazing' outdoor skills. I'll admit, he's alright at it, but you don't need to brag. He's not as bad as Snotlout, thankfully.

Soon enough, everyone is settled In their own areas, with the first lookout assigned as Erlend, we eventually drift to sleep, worried thoughts directed at our tribe and if we can save them.

So much has happened today. I just hope we can overcome this. Berk has overcame a lot of things. But they hit us when we were down.

*--Several hours later--*

Hiccup's POV

I awake to darkness. Vibrating, moving, warm darkness. The pattern almost sends me back asleep, but I shake it off, and carefully push against the darkness, everything that has happened coming back to me suddenly.

The blackness promptly moves away, revealing little sunlight beaming into the dimly lit cave. Toothless purrs a good morning from my side as he looks at me with sleepy eyes.
"Hey bud." I murmur in response, mid yawn.
I sit up and look around the cave, and realise that Sparky is here, curled up by the entrance, and RedViper is here too, chewing on some rocks in the corner.
But no Wildfire?
"Where's Wildfire?" I murmur the question curiously, having only just woken up.
"Fishing." Sparky hisses, to anyone who doesn't understand, it would sound like an insult or something, but to me it's not. He then uses his tail to slide something to me. I crawl on my hands and knees and pick it up. It's a stick.
"Thanks." I chortle, using the stick to help me stand, as it's purpose is to act as a temporary clutch, after all. I wanna explore the island..or at least the area around the cave. Maybe find some fresh water. Toothless coo's from next to me and I roll my eyes.
"Don't be stupid." I exclaim in response to what he said, and start to carefully walk/hoble towards the entrance.
Toothless hisses and moves in front of me, but I lightly swat his snout. "Come on, bud. I'm not going far! You're being ridiculous!" I complain as I go to move around him, but he blocks my way.
"I'm serious Hiccup! You have to take it easy!" he croons and coo's. I sigh, and reach out a hand to scratch the overprotective dragon's head.
"Ugh. Toothless, I know you care." I tell him gently. "But you can't baby me like an overprotective parent! If you can't trust me to go out on my own.."

"It's not that I don't trust you. I just want you to be safe! You just lost a leg, and.."
"its really more like half a leg." I murmur in the background of his speech. He ignores me and continues on.
"..and that can't be taken lightly. I know you want to get on with life, and I do too, but we have to figure out our next steps.."
"Yeah, and mine are out the cave." I mutter jokingly, but Toothless rolls his eyes and continues on.

"..And we have to be careful. We have to be careful about everything. Where we go, who we see, who you speak to. After all, Berk thinks you're dead."
"Berk thinks..I'm dead?" I ask seriously, this time getting a nod instead of being ignored.
"It was for the best. But, you can tell them you're alive if you really want to!" Toothless warbles. I shake my head.

"Nah. I'll pass on that. Imagine trying to explain this to *Impersonation* Stoick The Vast." I retort, holding up my prosthetic.
"Good call. Anyway, the point is, you can't just stroll out of the cave without a plan! What if a rogue dragon was out there, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting prey? What if if was a hostile human? A Roman? I've heard they're quite nasty."
"Winging it is sort of what I do, Toothless. And by the way, you still haven't told me how I can fully understand you." I reply, rolling my eyes at the start. He huffs, avoiding eye contact.
"I'll tell you what. Let me out by myself, and I won't pressure you to tell me how I can understand you completely." I offer him. I may of lost my leg, but I am NOT going to be babied. I deserve to go outside when I want to, and not be told off about it. Ugh, it's like my whole life is molded around whether I stay inside or not.

"What harm could it do? Fine." He huffs. I grin. "But, if you're not back in an hour, i'm coming looking for you." Toothless adds sternly. I nod, triumphant, and make my way out into the early morning sunlight.
Sometimes he can get so protective, that it's annoying.

I make my way around the area, surveying my surroundings. The trees are thick, and tall. In some parts, the leaves above are so thick that you can't see the sky. The occasional Terrible Terror, or bird, roost up high, peering down at me with curious eyes as I stumble my way through the forest, occasionally tripping on an exposed route or rock (still clumsy).
Nonetheless, I still get back up every time and continue on my way, all the while keeping my bearings as I explore the place, relishing the clean air.

Eventually, after a good twenty minutes or so of walking, I pause, and listen. I hear some Terrible Terrors singing above, birds cawing, and various other forest life making themselves known. But, that is not what I'm listening for...

And right there in the background, it's there, although faint, I still manage to hear it. Running water. I smile, and pause to check the direction it's coming from... My left.

I turn and trudge in that direction, letting my ears guide me to the water source. It doesn't take me long, until I find it. A nice freshwater stream, flowing steadily. I catch a glimpse of a freshwater trout swimming it's way downstream. Curiosity gets the best of me, and after I been down for a quick drink, I start to follow the stream upstream, wanting to see where it comes from.

I've been out for about half an hour, I realise, plenty of time left.

After a while, the land gets a bit more steeper, and rockiar, and the shrub gets thicker. Still, my curiosity gets the best of me, and I keep going.

By now, i'm on an incredibly steep hill, relying heavily on the stick to drag me along the moss and rock filled ground, the stream flowing to my left. This is worth it though, because I'm in control, I'm doing this! It brings a smile to my face.

After a few more minutes of the seemingly endless climbing, the land levels off. I follow the steam, pushing through some annoying branches and shrug, and step into clearing. My eyes widen.

In front of me, is a beautiful waterhole. It actually has two levels. The bottom levels pond is large and the water looks clear and clean. It's pretty open, and the grass surrounding is lush and a healthy green, there's even some dragon nip in the outer edges. It has a few scattered boulders, and a fallen tree acts like a log. The whole thing is sheltered by a thick trees, hills, and parts of a mountain. The top level is cut naturally from the side of the towering mountain behind, and by the looks of it, it's pretty private because of the boulders surrounding it. It's pnd is about half the size of the bottom, and the surrounding area is mostly moss and rock. A waterfall flows between them, so the water is always fresh, and a small stream flows down to form what I just followed up here. The whole place is surrounded by trees to the front and sides, and the rest of the mountain at the back, which seems go stretch for a few more hundred meters feet upwards, and which feeds water into the top level.

And, what's even better, a few dragons are lounging around. A dozen Terrible Terrors are jumping in and out of the bottom pond, one catching a fish—and been tackled by his friends immediately afterwards. A purple Gronkle is chewing on a few rocks on the top level, and a green Nadder is taking a drink from the bottom level, ignoring the terrors. A blue Zippleback lays curled up on the lower level's grass, taking a nap. I smile at the sight, the sight of peace.

The Nadder sticks it's..her..head up, and notices me. Wearily she turns to face me with a squawk, raising her tail, but I make no move to attack, which confuses her. I just smile and calmly walk forward towards her.

"Hey girl." I greet her, looking up, and she growls in warning. The Zippleback startles awake, and hisses at me, while the Terrors and Gronkle mind their own business, too engrosed in what they're doing to care.

I just passively raise a hand, the other one gripping the stick as I lean heavily on it. The dragon seems to notice I'm injured, and I raise my partly scorched pants leg to reveal the prosthetic.
"Lost it to the Red Death." I coo to her and she jumps back in surprise. She lowers her tail and cocks her head to the side.
"You know Dragonese?" She hesitates, shifting her weight.
"I do, that's correct." I nod, realising I should of just spoke to her from the start like this.
"Wow. I've never met a human that speaks my language! Though, your accents a little off." She admits, shuffling closer. I smile and offer my hand out to her, and she let's me touch her face. I give her a little scratch, and she purrs.
"Ooh that's the spot!" She shudders. I laugh a little.

"What's your name?" I ask her curiously.
"Everyone calls me Kish." She replies, before pausing. "Wait, you said Red Death! You fought her, and survived?!"
"It's all thanks to my best friend, he helped me. He's a Night Fury, and together we took her down." I tell Kish. Her eyes widen, and she steps back. I'm about to ask if she's okay, when she bows. She drops her head, and springs her wings out.
What the–?!
"W..what's going on?" I ask her. She stays down, but glances at me, and I beckon for her to straighten, so she reluctantly does.
"Im sorry, I didn't realise the scent was on you. I've heard all about the battle. News travels fast around the archipeligo when you're a dragon! I didn't actually know if It was true to be honest. But here you are!"
"Wow." I mutter. "Wait, did you say scent?"
She cocks her head to the side. "I don't..I don't understand you when you speak in human tongue... I only know a few words." She croons and coo's. I nod in understanding.
"Sorry, I said, 'did you say scent?'" I repeat in Dragonese. By now, the other dragons have moved closer.

"He speaks our tongue!" One head of the zippleback exclaims.
"No way!" A terrible Terror chirps.
"He has the sent!" The other head of the Zippleback exclaims.

"The scent of a royal." kish answers my earlier question. All the dragons now bow and I groan. Royal?!
"Everybody stop bowing!" I complain, throwing my hands up, but they don't.
Ah, I guess none of them know any 'Human-tongue'.
"Everybody stop bowing, and tell me what is going on here!" I roar a little, and they immediately do.
"You have the scent of a royal, because you took down the Queen! She has enslaved the archipeligo for centuries. You have saved human and dragon kind alike, I suppose." The Gronkle replies.
"Yeah, you're like above a titan wing dragon, but below an Alpha." Kish explains.
"Huh. So would this mean Toothless has the same scent?" I ask, receiving nods of confirmation. 
Wow. The is...I don't expect this. I wonder if it has anything to do with 'Raven'. I'll ask him later.

"So, uh, tell me, why don't you understand me when I speak my language?" I ask, changing the subject.
"Oh, simple, we just never spend time near scaleless to pick up their languages. I know a few things, like Dragon, fire, Nadder, raid, food, weapons, and sky." Kish squawks, preening herself.
"So you guys weren't enslaved by the queen then!" I realise, and they all nod.
A terrible terror flies up and perches himself on my shoulder. I greet the yellow guy with a scratch.

"And who might you be?" I ask him.
"I don't have a name! Give me one?" He hums, pushing into the scratch.
"Us too!" the dragons chorus, and I raise an eyebrow.
"You do realise I named a Night Fury Toothless, right?" I ask them dryly, and they all nod happily.
"Toothless is an awesome name!" The terror on my shoulder replies, and I shrug, it's there choice.
"So will you name us?"
I'm gonna have some fun with this.
"Hmm, maybe, have to earn them!" I exclaim cheekily. The terror on my shoulder turns his head slowly to look at me right in the eye, and smirks.


Hey! Thanks for reading, and sincerest apologies out to you, I know it's boring! I made the name Kish up, cause why not. Same with Tuloker. Also Lokus, but that's already a word so 🤷‍♀️.

What did ya think of Tuff and 'Lokinut' /Tuloker? Idk why, but I just really wanted to have him look after a baby.

Don't worry too much about the people they rescued, they're only temporary so they're not too important.

Here's a quote: (one of these days I'm gonna run out)
It's a texting convo I had with my friend back when I actually had credit.

Him: 🎶It's raining 💧, it's pouring💧. The turtle 🐢 is snoring. He cracked his shell, it hurt like hell. And he couldn't get up in the morning, 🎶 
Me: It's not raining. But anyway.
Him: well fuck Sophie, I'm not a meteorologist  😑
Me: 😂😂 U sure?

You might get to see a few more of these texting convo's later on. There too funny not to share.
Also I just remembered that certain friend has wattpad and might see an authors note I had a while imma go edit that away real quick...dont panic if you get a notification or something. Thanks for reading!

Extra Quote:
"If something looks too perfect, it!" ~~ Thor (probably)

🍰 Eat Some cake 🍰

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