Meeting the Trio
"Hurry up (y/n)! We need to finish this real quickly before we head out!" I hear Jeralt shout a few feet ahead of me from helping me clean up the paths for travelers and stay clear of bandits and thieves.
In all honesty though, this isn't a terrible job. I mean I suck at being a pro with the swords but I am pretty skilled with long ranged weapons and I guess I know a little magic but not really. I know how to summon a small Fireball but that's about it. Byleth however is really skilled with a sword. She is like a pro swordsman. A lady of few words but is very strong. Also very caring and smart.
"I told you already! I already did what you told me!" I pout as I throw a bag of wood and twigs over my shoulder.
"Then do a little bit more and make another path out of those rocks over there!" He shouts back earning a groan of displeasure from me as I walk over to a handful of rocks and start clearing up a path. I pick up a few rocks at a time to make sure they outline the path clearly.
I don't know why we are even doing this for but I am sure this helps travelers pass by and make it through the woods faster. I respect the work we do I really do but sometimes there are just moments where I just don't wanna do it anymore. I need to suck it up though.
"Doing stuff like this helps people. You should be proud of it and continue to do good work even if you are tired of it," I say to myself motivating myself to work harder as I grab a few more rocks and began to pick up the pace and make the path faster.
I really hope something makes up for this work.
"I called it!" I shout to myself as I chase after some barbarians who were trying to run away.
"I jinxed myself harder than a rock!" I groan as I grab some arrows and began to shoot down some barbarians.
"Why you...!" Another barbarian comes from behind me and swings his axe at me in which I was able to luckily dodge by falling back onto the ground.
He aimlessly continues to swing his axe around and licked his lips as if he caught me trapped as he lifts the axe but I throw a pebble at his face before he could strike me and get up running off.
"Jeralt! Where are you?! Byleth?!" I call out to them worriedly as I run around looking for them kicking a few barbarians aside as I continue to run and dodge them as much as I could.
I don't kill senselessly trust me but I will do it if I witness that they deserve it. I spot a young man with dark brown hair, a soft dark tone of skin and emerald green eyes fighting off a couple of the barbarians that had "magically" appeared and began to attack. I feel like I recognize him. What was his name again?
"Hey look out!" The male calls out to me making me jump in surprise as I look over my shoulder to spot a sword right there until the sword stops inches from my face until it falters.
The barbarian has a arrow in his shoulder as he backs away groaning in pain. I took this moment to kick him (CAPTAIN LEVI STYLE) and round house kick across his face. I the spot a barbarian behind the male who called out to me so I quickly at a fast pace of speed that even I couldn't understand but anime could pull out an arrow and aim it at the barbarian.
Right in the middle of his chest the barbarian falls backwards and lands on the ground lifeless.
"Woah," The male whistles in amazement.
"Save your awe for afterwards," I roll my eyes as I walk over to him, "What are you doing here?"
"Oh uh! Me and a couple of my buddies were out to train but then we ran into these bandits," He states rubbing the back of his neck flustered slightly.
"Are they safe?! Are they nearby?!"
"I'm sure they are just fine. Besides they are both some of the strongest students at the academy," The male chuckles with ease making me hit the back of his head.
"Still be cautious!" I sigh in frustration as I turn away from him and began to walk off.
"Damn, woman are always so pretty but so complicated," The male mumbles under his breath.
"Excuse me?" I stop and turn to face him with a smile despite the glare in my eyes.
"Sorry it's just you girls are just so hard to read," He states in honesty in his voice.
I roll my eyes as I sigh and turn away to continue walking.
"Whatever, I have to go find my family. I don't have time for this."
I adjust my bow in hand and began to pick up the pace and run ahead looking around.
"Jeralt!!! Byleth!!!" I call out to them once again as the sounds of men's cries and shouts along with the clashing sounds of metal against each other.
"Ah wait! Let me come along! Maybe I can find my friends along the way. My name is Claude by the way. Claude von Riegan," Claude states rushing up next to me with a wide charming smile across his face.
I blush a little but shook my head to shake off the thought of his smile.
"I am (y/n), it's nice to meet you," I tell him without looking at him.
I know who you are dummy but I can't say because it wouldn't make sense on how I met a magical dragon woman goddess lady person who is the beginning and she brought me from my world through a Nitendo Switch screen to come help Byleth.
I can't say any of that without not sounding so insane.
Not too long after I guess Claude spotted one of his "buddies" and went to assist him. I too tagged along since it was the right thing to do. After we took down a few more barbarians I was soon introduce to the mans himself.
The one I have heard that gained the title of a Lone Lion.
"I am in great debt to you for your bravery and kindness to assist me and my comrade. Oh pardon I didn't introduce myself yet," The blonde male states as he approaches me and bows.
"I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance," Dimitri gives me his gentlemen like smile that makes my heart jump out of my mouth.
(A/N: OMG his yes are just so gorgeous! No one else can tell me otherwise!!!!)
I quickly shake off the feeling and nod to him with a smile across my face.
"The pleasure is all mine Dimitri. I thought you said there was three of you?" I look around as I question Claude.
"Oh we still need Edelgard. Dimitri when was the last time you saw her?" Claude asks rubbing his chin.
"I last saw her running towards the direction of the academy but I got held back by those barbarians that I lost sight of her," Dimitri answers.
I smile as my eyebrows twitch a little in frustration. I am sick and tired of calling out their god damn names so I'm just gonna do this.
"So let's go look for them," I state as I grab both of their hands and began to run as fast as I could.
"Miss please slow down!," Dimitri shouts as he tries to keep up with me.
"Fuck DUH police!" I shout loudly and ran faster despite their confusion.
"What's a police?" Dimitri asks.
"Don't question it," Claude states with a wry smile.
After a while of running we finally spot a woman with very light blonde hair almost white and violet eyes standing there in a clearing.
"Is that one of your friends Claude?" I stop pointing out at her.
Claude looks over and his eyes widen in relief and joy.
"Yeah! That's her!" He shouts.
"Let's go get her," Dimitri states as we all nod in agreement.
I sigh and take a deep breath as I hung my bow around my body and I stretch a little.
"What are you doing?" Dimitri questions.
"Being clever~" I stick my tongue out at him as I do a few squats.
Please in the name of god damn Sothis let me jump and land safely. I hope i don't break a leg. I would never do this in real life but this is a gaming world. Everything as small as a simple jump can be a success right?
I take a deep breath as I prepare myself to jump.
"3!!!" I cry out as I jump from my spot and began to move forward but slightly fall at the same time.
"(y/n)!" Claude calls out to you.
I scream with my mouth close so I don't make a sound as I got closer to a solid branch. I felt my feet miss so I panic as my heart drops. I instantly reach my hands up onto the branch and held onto it for dear life. I pant heavily as small tears fall from the corner of my eyes.
"Holy Sothis, I am never doing that again," I cried a little.
I sigh in relief as I kick my legs and swung up onto the branch. Once I was on my feet I saw that Dimitri and Claude were on their way down. I take a deep breath to calculate everything that could have gone that led me closer to meeting our lord and savior Harambe.
I jump onto another tree as I got a better view and I witness something that I never thought I would ever witness.
A man with a brown beard shouts at Edelgard out of frustration and pulled out a axe. He lets out a loud battle cry as he runs towards her. She pulls out a knife in which she was going to use.
You stupid fuck no knife can last a god damn axe!!!
It's like putting a puppy in front of a lion!!!
Then all of a sudden I spot a familiar bunch of blue navy bluish hair.
She pushes Edelgard aside as the barbarian jumps up and strikes his axe.
"You'll die!" He shouts.
"Nooo!!!!" I cried out to Byleth but then suddenly time stops.
Something strange happened. I felt a familiarly strong presence.
"Sothis?" I question and then I was quickly sucked into a violet and black portal.
I then am in a different surrounding.
"Huh? This place again?" I question.
"And you! How come you didn't save her?!" I hear Sothis angry voice echo.
"AH! Excuse me! I wasn't there for the whole thing!" I shout at her pouting as I walk up to her.
"Umm.." Byleth looks back at her and me with worry and confusion in her eyes.
"Look if you don't know the value of your life then I guess you wouldn't try to protect it better," Sothis reasons shaking her head.
"Hey don't blame it all on her. She had no idea that she could possibly die," I retort and speak for her as I pat Byleth's shoulder.
"Well whatever," Sothis sighs in disbelief as she waves her hand.
I roll my eyes smirking and I look up at Byleth.
"Trust me. Rethink the situation and plan it better. Be more prepared," I advise her as she contemplates for a bit and nods.
"Let's do this... ONE more time," Sothis states after cooling down.
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