The Radiant Widow

EDITED: 7th Jan 2022

257 AC

It was not even a year after her wedding that Tya Lannister's husband died.

What a tragedy, women said with concern, sending sympathetic looks her way. She's so young... imagine being a widow at fifteen, with not even a child to console her over her husband's death.

As it turned out, being a widow at fifteen made Tya feel better than she had done in a long while, as those who knew her could tell. She had been at Casterly Rock for four months - having been unable to take any more of life at the Twins - when she received the news. It was delivered by a messenger who had clearly expected to be greeted by a sobbing, grief-stricken young woman and did not know what to do with her.

"It was murder, milady," The man said solemnly. "He and his two companions were found in the woods, robbed of all valuables. Bandits, no doubt - they get bolder every year. All were dead when we got there, and... No, you don't want to hear the rest,"

"Tell me," She ordered, raising an eyebrow at his hesitation. "Go on, I won't faint,"

"Ser Emmon's throat was slit from ear to ear," The messenger grimaced. "Likely the outlaws realised too late he was from a noble house and didn't want him seeing their faces and sending men after them. Apologies, milady,"

He gave her an odd look as a smile crept onto her face.

"Perhaps the next husband my father forces upon me will be man enough to fight off a few common wretches,"

Those words and that smile quickly spread and became infamous across the Seven Kingdoms. Tya might have been ill-advised in saying something so callous so soon after her husband's death, but honestly could not care less what anyone said.

Let them suspect her of murder if they liked; she was a hundred leagues away in Casterly Rock when the incident occurred, and how could they blame an ambush by bandits on a young lady like her? As if she'd know the first thing about plotting a murder, let alone where to find such unsavoury types to do it.

It was a good thing that the two men she had entrusted the job to were discreet, members of her personal guard whose loyalty could be relied upon, considering how much she had paid them.

She didn't go to the funeral. She never even went back to the Twins, simply ordered her possessions brought back to Casterly Rock, then set off for King's Landing once more.

"Congratulations, Lady Lannister," Was the first thing Jason asked her when she returned to the Red Keep, grinning. "On being rid of that weasel. He was below you in every possible way," He had met her in the courtyard as she rode in.

She raised an eyebrow at the formal address, even though she was pleased by his use of her widowed name. Every time someone called her Lady Frey she had strongly corrected them, no matter how many times her former husband's family riled at it

Tya couldn't help but smile slightly at that, though she normally disdained both compliments and her cousin, taking his offered arm. She wore gold that day. She had worn not a single black garment since word reached her of Emmon's death. Of course, no one could know what she had done, but it was nice to receive a little credit.

"As are you," Was her only reply, though it was delivered without much bite to it.

His grin only grew. Strange boy.

Her cousin had gone to King's Landing shortly after her wedding, to squire for Ser Godfrey, master-at-arms at the Red Keep. By all accounts, he had made friends with Aerys in her absence. Tya could understand why; she had to admit that Jason was witty and sharp-tongued, which would amuse the prince, and irreverent enough to catch his interest.

Sure enough, Aerys soon came out to greet her. After the formalities, his eyes lingered on the arm she still had linked with her cousin.

"Ah yes, I forget you two were so close," He smiled charmingly as ever, though there was a slight edge to it.

"Hardly," Jason wrinkled his nose, with a glance at her like she smelled unpleasant. "I was just being polite - my cousin is recently widowed, after all,"

"Yes, I'm still in mourning," Tya removed her arm from his, tone flat. "Both for my husband, and the fact I now have to put up with your presence," From another lady, that might have been said in a joking, teasing manner. From her, she sounded like she meant it.

"Marriage hasn't made you any sweeter, my lady,"

"Squiring hasn't made you any less of an annoyance,"

Aerys laughed.

"I thought you couldn't disdain anyone any more than you disdain me," He smirked at her, clearly about to say more, but was interupted by a Knight of the Kingsguard.

"Your grandfather wishes to see you in his solar, my prince,"

"Really?" The prince frowned, irritated. "I don't suppose it's optional?" The knight shook his head. "Fine. Well you must join us for dinner tonight, Tya. Yourself and your cousin, along with me and Rhaella,"

"Of course," She inclined her head, not looking forward to the meal at all.

"Then I'll see you later, my lady," Aerys gave her a rather long kiss on her hand before leaving with a swagger in his step. The knight followed.

She raised an eyebrow after the prince; did he think he was charming her? Becoming a widow had made her no sweeter or easily impressed.

"Watch out for that one," Jason's sly smile didn't leave his face, although his eyes became slightly harder. "He talks of you far too frequently. If he could, he'd have his sister as his queen like a proper Targaryen, and you as his mistress,"

Gone were the days when he wanted Tya as queen then, which was the least she would settle for from him. Mistress. As if she would lower herself such.

"It's all talk," She said, though was angered nonetheless by the disrespect. "I can handle Aerys, besides. Don't act the knight in shining armour - it doesn't suit you,"

"As if I would bother for you," He laughed at her, making Tya scowl more than the comment. Although when he offered his arm, she took it. They set off towards the gardens.

"As if you could," She replied scornfully. "I'd be surpised if you could even beat Aerys with a sword,"

"You could beat Aerys with a sword," He snorted. "The prince's talents lie outside the training yard. I'll grant you, he's better than me at dancing, commissioning plays and charming women, but even my mediocre skill with a sword could have him on the ground,"

"Aerys is better than you at charming women," That amused her. "Have you finally found that young ladies mislike foolish japes and insults?"

"Young ladies, perhaps," He eyes her with that sly smile. "Serving maids and tavern wenches in the city, on the other hand..."

Tya hated herself for the flash of anger that gripped her at that, forcing it not to show.

"As if I wish to hear of things like that," She wore a face of mild disgust.

"Don't act as though you're a blushing maid," He laughed, then echoed her words from earlier. "It doesn't suit you,"

"I never blushed," She said flatly. "I heard him tell his brothers I was unnerving to lay with,"

She made no effort to make the nights when her husband crawled into her bed enjoyable for him. The mocking from his brothers and cousins every time he stopped laying with her for a long period of time clearly outweighed his fear of her, though. Fool.

Her cousin laughed loudly at her words.

"I bet that glare never left your face," Jason shook his head, amused. He was right about that. "The least you could have done for the poor man was wear a mourning gown,"

"I wore every shade under the sun at the Twins, aside from their colours," She pressed her lips together. "Today I wondered what colour appeared furthest from grief, and arrived at this," She waved a hand at her gold dress.

"Well you're the most radiant young widow I've ever seen,"

Everyone in their right mind had learned not to compliment her like that, as she would meet most with her usual cold stare and a raised eyebrow. Jason got both of those things, but smiled remarkably sincerely nonetheless, and she was surprised how little annoyance she felt.


As if Tya Lannister is going to settle with being tied to a second son for the rest of her life! Bear in mind also that she was only fourteen when she married (the same as Genna in canon) so the whole experience must have been highly unpleasant beyond her own snobbish shame at the match being beneath her.

Anyway, what did you think of this chapter? I wrote Tya with a bit more of a sense of humour around Jason, seeing as Joanna is supposed to have made Tywin smile where few others could.

Thanks for reading and please leave a comment, even a few words mean a lot!

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