This takes place in post apocalyptic world known as Terra. The world is left in state of decay following the violent collapse of the corrupt world government during a brutal civil war years ago . The powerful elites had left Terra for the stars but made a vow to return and rid the unworthy. Those left behind most do everything to survive this hostile and rotten world. Bandits , raider's and the hostile wildlife will attack anyone and pillage. Unspeakable horrors created by the world government roam the landscape and resides in settlements who were violated by the government. Unactivated powerful weapons remain in stasis of slumber waiting to be awakened. New factions and states rise from the Ashes mostly under the leadership of ambitious people. Surviving Military , scientists and scholars working for the world government had gone into hiding after committing the most terrible before it fell . A powerful trade federation is slowly tightening it's grip on trade and bullying others to bend to it's knee . Old organizations are struggling to survive this a hostile world . The Church from the old world, The Last Religious military Knight's Oder along with an Assassin Guilds all coming from a bygone era .
And finnanly acient creatures who desecended on this world eons ago are willing to change the fate of Terra on their accoord together with their host after their original bodies were destroyed long ago. Then there's the ever looming threat the elites will return.Who find a way to live one more day on this Decaying world?
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