Marriage of the century

Nakul's POV
       Subhadra bhavi was officially my lucky charm. She came with a news that was a certain but distant dream of mine. She came with a world gift wrapped for me. She was something. Managing to calm Droupadi to accept her. Droupadi now adored her. Everyone did. She was someone you couldn't help but fall in love with. Pure like a drop of dew. My Adrika's subhadra. But for me, my favorite bhavi. She did what she promised. She did took over the preparation for my wedding. But it seemed like the whole kingdom was preparing. We were told to wait for a word before starting our journey. And the day came. We were at a court when we got a news that a Court's man from Island was arrived. We thought it must be Alpha Aeser.

"Oh boy.. Aeser is here... You all can carry-on. I'll be joining you soon." Bhrata Arjun said. We all appraised of the friendship of his and Alpha of the wolf pack.

"But where are you going bhrata Arjun?" I asked.

"When I was on exile I happened to visit a big weapon carnival. I got something for Aeser there." He said before leaving.
         We reached the hall where the guest was residing. To our surprise he wasn't Aeser. He was a much younger man. Looked like a warrior. He was exchanging pleasantries with Droupadi and Subhadra bhavi. By the shy smiles of both ladies one could say the kid knows his ways around women. We laughed slightly at it. He noticed us and our confused expression before turning to me saying

"My humble greetings Prince console." I nodded. He then looked at jyesth bhrata and said "Apologies Sir. But for Islanders, in every situation prince console come after our queen. We need to address him first before anyone else."

"That is understandable." Jyesth bhrata said.

"Pardon me asking My Lord, but was Indraprastha not ready for the words of The Island? I can sense a thick emotion of surprise in your demeanor." He said.

"No no.. We were. It's just subconsciously we were not prepare to see a new face. We were expecting Alpha Aeser." Jyesth bhrata said.

"Noah... Is that you?" Bhrata Arjun said entering the room. The kid smiled at him.

"Prince Arjun... Greetings. I am pleased to see you remember me." He said. Then he looked at the dagger bhrata Arjun was holding. "I am not a weapon kind of fighter Sir. If you remember I like close combat."

"Oh it's for Aeser. We thought he would be coming." Bhrata Arjun said.

"He would but My queen thought it would be good opportunity for the new beta of the wolfpack and the youngest member of her court could get some experience in travelling and handling out of Island matters." He said. We all looked confused. He wasn't the beta. New beta.

"Beta Namo?" I asked.

"He is alright prince consort. Just voluntarily stepped down to enjoy his retirement." He answered.

"Good to know that... So back to the business.. You have news?" Jyesth bhrata said.

"Of course. I have three letters. One for you my Lord from Lord Balram." He said presenting a beautiful crafted box. These are speciality of Island. Some kingdom even collect these letter boxes for its unique and intricate designs. "One for the ever lovely Lady of the house from Lady Helisha." He said to Droupadi who accepted with a smile. "And prince consort! This one is for you. It's from my queen herself." He handed me the box. I took the box. Of courses I could not open it in front of everyone.

"Come on beta Noah.. Join us for a lunch.." Jyesth bhrata said.

"Yes. If you are one of the close combat fighters, then you need a little fattening." Bhrata bhim said. To which Noah chuckled.

          One of jyesth bhrata's long tedious discussion on lunch session. These sessions have increased after Adrika's departure. She used to just put stop on these with her one powerful argument or a well thought course of action on the issue in hand. I looked at the box in my hand. I was growing ill at ease to open it. It didn't go unnoticed.

"Devar ji... Weren't you supposed to go to the healers region today? They are testing a new potion from jiji's notes. Weren't you supposed to supervise them?" Subhadra bhavi said.

          What she is talking about? There was no such things scheduled for today? The then looked at me to the box to the door. I understood, she was giving me a window to escape. Now this was why she was my  favorite. She quickly pick up an apple and handed me. She pressed my hand a little as a signal to get going before anyone could suspect. I was mesmerized by her playfulness. I never had a friend like this.

"Go. They must be waiting." She said slightly pushing me towards the door.

"Yes.. The healers. Right. I'll meet you at dinner."

        I said to everyone before rushing out. I looked at her, she gave me a excited smile and batting of eyes. We lack this lightness in our lives. I opened the box and took out the letter. There was something else in the box but I didn't pay it much attention.

My Love,

I know I said I will be back soon yet I'm not. But I hope with the assurance of this is the last time is enough to make up for that. I'm glad that Subhadra and you get along well. She is my life and you can count on her to make yours easier.

Only I know what courage I needed to write this letter to you. We are going to be married soon, there is something I want you to know. I wasn't completely honest with you. Yes I love you. To the extinct that even I didn't know is possible for me. But that isn't enough. I secretly craving for my old life. Some part of me wanted to leave everything and go back to them. After all they are my loved ones for a better part of my life. You remember you expressed a fear that one day I will want to leave and you will not be enough to stop me. I thought it is you. Your insecurity. But now I realized it is me. It always been me. I subconsciously wanted that. Now I feel like a complete hypocrite to criticise you on Droupadi, while I was clinging to my past and isn't being completely dedicated to you. But that stops now. I will start my journey by giving you this. This is the only piece of my past that I was allowed to have. I'm giving it to you. As an emblem of my complete dedication. My past and it's characters will be a happy memory in my life for now on.

When you come as a groom, you will find your bride only. Who will be waiting for you egerly.


       I put down the letter and see in the box. That was a silver chain with a  pendant. Beautiful. But I wasn't sure what was it. She always wore this. But I didn't know there was a pendant. I didn't understood the letter. I did. But I wasn't sure what was the core meaning of it. I needed to tell someone. Someone who could understand. Who could see what my eyes are missing. I knew who to ask, but there wasn't any time to go to Ang Rajya right now. Even if there was what would I say to my brothers. Why I would want to meet the person who hate them so much. Angraj Karn wasn't a easy person from our kingdom to approach. So I did the second best thing. When I entered the room, bhrata Arjun asked

"Come Nakul. Maid said you wanted to meet me."

"I'm sorry brother, but I wanted to meet bhavi right now." I said.

"Subhadra!" He said

"Yes with your permission, I wanted to have a chat with Bhavi in private." I said, he laughed being amused.

"Of course.... I will be in armory." He said before leaving.

"Bhavi.. " I could not understand how to start it.

"What happened Devar ji.. Is everything alright? You look very distress." Subhadra Bhavi said.

"The letter bhavi. I am not able to understand it. So I thought maybe you can see a way around it." I said.

"First you take a seat and calm down." She said and we took place.

         We took our place and she read the whole letter. I was impatiently wait for her to finish. She smiled.

"What does it mean..." I asked.

"It means she started her journey from being your lover to being your wife." She said.

"Bhavi! Please don't talk in riddles."

"Devar ji! Every woman has her own secrets which she hide from the whole world, just to spill it out for her husband as a means of dedication. My jiji did her part. This pendant was around her neck when she came back. And this is the piece of jewellery she never took off." She said.

          So that means she was completely mine now. No conditions, no restrictions. Subhadra Bhavi got off and started looking for something in her jewellery box. When she came back I was reading the letter with my new found insight. She had some silver jewelry with her and started making something. I let her do her work. Then she took the pendant from me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making something so that you could wear this." She answered.

"What is this pendant anyway?"

"She said its the universe. Or a part of it. It's been  long so I don't recall much of that conversation." She replied. A while latter she was done with her work. She looked at her creation admiringly.

"You know I could just wear it like that. You didn't need to work so hard." I said. She got up saying.

"If you still think of this as a piece of jewellery then I will be very disappointed in you." She sat beside me and started putting it on my arm. She made an Armlet. "For jiji this is a piece of her past life. She wore it as a pendent to keep it close to heart. But to you it is the symbol of her love, dedication towards you. You should wear it on your arm. As wife's dedication is husband's strength."

             I was looking at her with utmost respect and shock. She was nothing like everyone describe her. She was no silly princess. She was  wise, insightful and a very loving person. No wonder bhrata Arjun fall in love with her. Our family was lucky to have her. I looked at the Armlet as a  valuable gift from both sisters.

Adrika's POV

       These. Ladies. Are. Driving. Me. Crazy. I mean what was the big hype for. It was a wedding. Ok. But seriously. Rukmini bhavi and Rebti bhavi came here a day after my conversation with bhrata Krishn. They basically ordered me that I could not stop them from preparation. They were making each other and everyone insane. They have shown me may be fifty dresses in past 4days. And they wouldn't stop until I choose one.

"Adrika this one is for Hastinapur. This is for Anga. This is for panchal and this is for the half under Aswathama."  Bhrata krishn said.

"That is all. Here. Noah.. Please send these by our fastest carriers." I said.

"Here you are. We have been searching for you. Kahna we are taking her for a while." Rebti bhavi said.

"Bhavi! I'm not going to try another dress. I'm very tired of it." I said.

"Then how will you going to decide which one you are going to wear." Rukmini bhavi said.

"I tell you what, choose what ever you like the most. Ill wear that." I said.

"No. It supposed to be your choice. " She replied.

"I don't want to try any." I whined.

"Why don't you tell them your likes and they will make accordingly?" Bhrata krishn said.

"I don't have any.." I said.

"Tell us something to work on." Rebti bhavi said.

"Well then. Subhadra always complains that I don't wear enough gold. I always said I will make it up in my wedding." I said remembering an old conversation.

           That was that. I didn't see any dresses until now. It's just 4 days left to wedding and I'm anxious. Maybe just the wedding jitters. Gusts started to arrive. Pandavs arrived yesterday but due to rituals they are camping outside the island, on the beach. Karn reached 2days prior to them and been baldau's right hand man. He was sticking to the promise of being a friend. Most of our guests were their guests too so they split themselves. Like guru Dron was with them but Aswathama was here at the manor. Decent man. Very knowledgeable. We conversed here and there. His choices in future could change my opinion but overall a well experience meeting him. Surprisingly Dristadumn was here. We didn't had a good start but he apologized. And I could see why he behaved like he did.

"My queen, the wizard is here. Should I call a meeting on your behalf?" I heard Kayero's voice.

"Inform Lord Aswathama as well. He did expressed some interest in it." I replied.
          While leaving for the meeting room I met Aswathama on my way. We chatted while going there. There was a very old man there. Snow white hair and beards. Wrinkled skin. But twinkling eyes. Kind of reminded me of Dumbledore. A stalf was laying beside him. He was sitting in a meditating position.

"Pardon for disturbing Sir... Are you ready to discuss now?"

         I said politely. To which Aswathama's head made a sharp turn towards me. He wasn't expecting that. The wizard looked up to me. His eyes were calm yet had a different light in it. He got up and touched my face with his shaky hands. At the corner of my eyes I could see Aswathama was being alert to attack. I signalled him to hold.

"Ah.. You.. Its been ages... Ages.. I was watching the stars. Talking the birds. They told me about you. But... Danger. Why are you surrounded by danger?... Death.. I heard death. So close. So close. " He said. I was confused. There was no one in the room except for him and Aswathama.

"So you meet our very old Alatar here, my grace." Noah said while entering with everyone.

"Don't call me old you wolf boy. I will most likely live more than  any of you." The wizard said irritated.

"That's your wizard blood grandpa. Not you. Now sit down so we can talk." Noah sat him down. "Ignore his blabbing my grace. He lived long enough to mix the time line up."

           We all discussed about rituals to be followed. He gave Baldau, bhrata Krishn and karn some responsibilities. He wanted three men from family since karn wanted to do. We didn't searched for anyone else. Noah and Aeser took the wizard to Pandava's camp so that he could explain them their part. Upon returning Aswathama said

"I can admire your adaptability Queen Adrika. The politeness you had while addressing that wizard was really astonishing. I have seen your authoritative side."

"Our world work differently than yours Lord. Here every creature itself is strong and magnificent. The bond that keep us together is respect. That wizard lived several lifetime than me. Has knowledge beyond our imagination. They demand respect and I see no harm in giving so. But I thank you for your concern for me back there." I replied. He nodded.

Arjun's POV

         We are residing at the borders of Island with all services provided from Islanders. It feels like a little reunion for all. When Aeser and Noah came to have a meeting we all had a great time meeting our friends again.

"The rituals are old and may be seem bit odd for your understanding I afraid. I would need the head of the house. Man." The wizard said.

"Pitamah Vishm! We think Adrika will appreciate if you involve in our wedding in any." Nakul said. That was correct. And could not be put aby differently.

"You are.. The.. Man of the house. Join me here." The wizard said to pitamah who sat infront of him.

"To be cleared. I'm not a family man." Pitamah said.

"Nor do I. I don't know your reason but I don't understand women." The wizard said earning some chuckles.

"Pardon his words my lord. Wizards are as generally amusing in nature." Noah said. Pitamah nodded to him smiling.

"Shut up wolf boy. Now pass me my shaft." The wizard said irritated.

"You can remember rituals from centuries but can't remember my name. Strange old fool."

         Noah said passing him the shaft. Wizard just ignored him and started his work while holding Pitamah's right hand. When he finished we saw there was a bracelet of light around his wrist and it was changing every second. From fire, to water then air to vines to stars. Five elements of Nature.

"You have to bear it until the ceremony. It will make you weaker but that will strengthen the bond of bride and groom." The wizard said. Pitamah nodded to him.

"I thought I would never be part of any of my children's life events. But my Adrika even made that possible." He said.

         How well we could describe her than that. And in no time the day of marriage was here. Our brother was the happiest we could ever imagined him. We reached the marriage place. That was a top of a small hill. But it was straight out from any fairytale. Or heaven itself, who knows. The place was old stone pillars that are beautifully covered with flower vines. The canopy was also intricate structures of vines, that allows the sun light to pass gently. Normal marriage rituals were taking place. We were talking with different people, elves attend as well. All while we heard about them. Now we get to meet them. Quite people. But very pleasant. Angraj Karn was there, he was very pleasant with us this time. I even saw him and jyeshth bhrata discussing. Then it was the time of bride. We all looked at the direction. There she was, the most beautiful bride anyone ever seen. Wearing all gold except for that simple red veil. Here clumsiness had such grace. The veil was covering her face yet we could see her. The delicate fabric was enhancing her beauty. Angraj karn and madhav got up to help her climbing the stairs. At the start of mandap Angraj karn sat on his knees to help her with her shoes. We all were shocked at this. We always advice Adrika about her friendship with Angraj karn. But now we knew how pure it was. Madhav let him take Adrika to the mandap alone. He sat her beside Nakul who could not able to take his eyes off of her. Adrika's face was free from any emotions, but tears in her eyes which are ready to roll down shows her inner state completely. Wedding never was or will easy for any woman. Angraj karn very affectionately kissed her head to which she she just closed her eyes. He then did that to Nakul who leaned in to him. He came down to sat with me. I looked at him. This man was a mystery I could never understood.

"She will be happy. I promise." I said.

"I know. I want them to be happy. Both of them. They are the definition of pure love. Such Devine love deserve all happiness." He said.

            All the rituals were done one after another. We rode to the destination where the wizard was awaiting. He performed a ceremony where Madhav, bhrata balram, Angraj and pitamah hold a circle around both of them. They all have similar bracelet on them. The wizard made the bond. At the end of the ceremony it was dissolved. Finally we have her in our family. It was done. All her Disappearance from our life was over. It was a beginning of a new time.

It was very long awaited. Wasn't it? Well it is finally here. Please tell me how it was....
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