Adrika's POV
13th day.. Why.. Why it has to come? Why it can't be little late? Why? I knew this was why I was there. I knew all this was come to this moment but why it has to come so fast. I was prepared. I got everything I needed. Firvi ajj mere hath pair thande pad rahe hain. It wasn't so painful to imagine when I started out. Wasn't so nerve racking. Why now Adrika? I heard my subconscious answering 'because you were not a mother back then. You didn't had anything to loose. Now you have.' I just couldn't stop panicking. Only thing that makes me calm these days were watching my boys sleep. I went to their room. Five of them sleeping in their beds looking calm and contain. My beautiful boys. I went to each of them. The dragon heart string on their forehead was shining on their foreheads, illuminating their faces. I reached Aadi. My heart beats with this boy. I kissed his forehead. Two drops of warm tears fall on his cheek.
"I can never stop these tears of your eyes. Isn't it Mumma?" He wishpered.
"You are thinking is enough for me." I said softly.
"Not for me. I tried everything.. But my attempts ends up with tears. Why Mumma? I tried to keep you in island. I took the promise for you that you will not go to Dwarka. I thought I was protecting you. From the pain. The suffering. The trauma you go through with the mention of any place that had Baba's memories. I accepted brothers to keep these tears away.. But see.. Still these are wetting you eyes. Why I can't stop them?" He said. Why he had to love me so much? Why he had to love me like his father did?
"Because I am your mother baby. My tears are not in your control. But my smiles are. And trust me my darling, you are the reason of those smiles." I said.
"Mumma, your word manipulation doesn't work on me. I know you didn't expect me to do anything for you. But that doesn't mean my failure about you doesn't matter. I failed myself in protecting you." He said.
"Son? Do you remember the time when you started your advance weapon training? You were 10. After the first day you came to me and said now you will keep me safe. Nothing can harm me. That was the proudest moment for me. You grew up before your time. I couldn't keep you stay naive. Do you remember how broken I was? I used to cry in my sleep.. Nightmares. And you used to slip under the covers with me and try to hold me with your tiny arms. Aadi the truth is I was a mess after my separation from your father. It was you who kept me alive. You kept both me and Vriti alive. You did more than any son could do. As long as I have you, I'm protected from every grief." I said softly. What did I do to deserve you as my son Aadi? "Sleep now darling." He kissed my hands before closing his eyes. I turned to Prativindhya. He wasn't sleeping. I sat with him.
"Is it bad that I want something like that?" He asked.
"No. But we can't change people around us. We just have to find ways to have them. Accept them. Love them." I said.
"And if you can't?" He said not looking at me.
"Get up and try again. Because deep down you know they are also doing the same?" I said. He looked back to me.
"How can you so different.. Forgiving.. Pure?" He asked.
"Because I don't have anything to hate. Rage. Maybe. But not hate. Because my life is full of love. Of you." I said honestly. "Sleep now baby.. " I kissed his forehead. He hold my hand as I tried to walk away. I turned to him.
"I love you Maa.. You know that right?" He said.
"I know my child." I said.
Why it have to be me? Why my kids? Why my sons? But this wasn't a time for questions. When it was going to happen in hours. I walked out of the tent. Chhote Kumar was standing in front of me.
"What are you doing Chhoti Bhavi? These are your family? Why can't you tell them?" He asked.
"What are you talking about?" I asked
"Chhoti Bhavi! Maybe I can't say it. Doesn't mean I don't know it." He said.
Of course he was a sheer.
"What's the need? If you have seen it then you must have seen the reason too." I said. How painful it was I needed to endure myself.
"Yes. But I still think, we can find something out." He said. Wait. What?
"You don't know. Do you? You don't even know what you are talking about. You can't see into my future. Nobody can. Not even my brother. You are trying to trick me." I said. He wasn't looking at me. That was clear.
"Fine.. I can't see into your future. But that doesn't mean you don't have a secret." He said.
"Of course I have. I have more secrets than this whole world put together. But that doesn't mean they needed to be spilled out. And you are trying to trick me out of it? Seriously? Chhote Kumar I didn't expect this from you of all people." I said.
"What else I was supposed to do? You are keeping secrets from me. From me Adrika. I layed everything in front of you. More than I ever opened in front of my brothers or wives. I always remain an open book for you. Your every word, I respect it as the truth of lord. Loved you more than anything Adrika. And all I know that you don't even trust me. Then tell me Adrika what choices I had to know what you aren't telling me." He said. Honestly that did broke my heart.
"All you had to do was ask." I wishpered.
"Really? Then tell me chhoti bhavi. What's going on?" He asked. I couldn't say it. "I thought so." He said and started walking away.
"Wait... I'm sorry. You are right.. It's not because I think you aren't trustworthy. No.. It's because I have so much already inside me that its hard to believe. Please.. Understand." I said while sitting on a sitter nearby. He came and kneel in front of me. Took my hand in his and said,
"What's happening with you Chhoti Bhavi? Why I am sensing fear in you? I have seen you panic, frustrated... But terrified? That's new.. And not very comforting to anyone."
"I can't... " I was saying but he cut me
"I know.. I know.. You can't tell me. But promise me one thing. After this one. This secret. I am sure it's related to war. But after all this war, you will not keep anything from me. Ever." He said.
"I promise. I will not keep anything hidden from you ever." I said.
"Good. I am tired Chhoti Bhavi. I'm tired of this constant rage, destruction. I want to just go away from all these. To Island. To start our research again. To travel." He let out a sigh and put his head in my lap.
"Soon. We will go very far from this. Built a new life. The life we want. The life we dreamed." I said stroking his hair.
"Is that so?"
"That is so."
Morning just before war
I rushed to the armoury. I needed to talk to my husband. He needed a heads up. All of them were there. I walked to my husband. Brothers always act as I was a part of them not Nakul's wife. That's been a great relief for me. I have seen how they act around Droupadi and Subhadra. Whenever they were in the room for something all attention were on them as if they were expecting a reason from them being there. But with me it's just normal. They would just acknowledge my presence and go back to what ever they were doing that time. For instance, getting ready.
"Good morning Love." He said.
"Hear me carefully." I wishpered. His face harden instantly. "Today in war, you will have chance to save one of my sons. Only one. When you do, I want you to take it. Save him. You understand me. Don't think twice."
"Why wouldn't I save him?" He asked confused.
"Because maybe in the other side of this chance you would find something else. Something very dear." I said.
"Idei.. What's going on?" He asked.
"We don't have time for it.. Just.. " I was cut by Jyesth calling me.
"Adrika help me with this. Will you?"
"Do as I say." I said to my husband before going to Jyesth.
From now onwards my every move, word and work would lead me towards the one thing. It would be painful and maybe I would be breaking every possible laws of nature, but it had to happen.
Nakul's POV
My wife wasn't a easy person to understand. Maybe the most difficult person you can say. But whenever she said something to do, I did it without any questions asked. Because she was also the person with most accurate instinct. She always had a plan in hand. Her words were always well thought out. That day what she said was beyond me. She wanted me to save one son of ours. Who did she meant? When? How? Nothing was explained. I wasn't sure what she indicated. But during the war it was becoming clearer and clearer. When the Chakravyuh was formed, we didn't had bhrata Arjun around us. The only person knew how to break the ploy. Another news came as well, a mystery force arises from the west part of the field. They were magical. And at that moment Jyesth bhrata ordered me to send either Abhi or Aadi in two direction. I had to choose. One way was Chakravyuh. The most deadliest vyuh. Other way was a magical force. A sure death. Now I understood what Adrika meant by one son. I had save one son, then send other to death. No.. I can't... How could I send one of my son to die... I had to choose a way to save both. But there was no way. When it comes to sacrifice you have to leave the greed.
"Aadi.. Go to west... Abhi.. Break the chakravyuh."
I heard myself said. A part of me died with that. I send my own to sure death. I knew chakravyuh could be broken. But not the mystery force. My Aadi. But then it became more and more worse. Turned out Abhimanyu knew how to enter the ploy. Not how to come back. It confused me.. What did I choose then? Did I.. Oh.. This can't be.. What.. We all started to march towards the Chakravyuh but it was blocked. Blocked by Jayadrath. Only Bhrata Arjun could kill him. If anyone ever felt their body being ripped apart slowly and painfully. That was our condition. We were feeling like someone was ripping our veins out and slicing them. Our son. Our kid was being hurt.. Mutilated by those demons and we were cursed to watch it. To carve in our memories by hot knife to have nightmares for rest of our life. Our child was dying and we could do nothing but watch. When Angraj Karn was ready to end him, I couldn't took anymore.. And wished for miracle.
"Mata Prakriti.. Help us.. Idei's son is dying. I am ready to pay any price. Take my life instead but save our son. Take my everything.." I said out loud.
"Nakul.. No body can save this kid now. No one can..."
A small yell cut Jayadrath's taunt. They all looked at the way the sound came. A yelp. A faint yelp. Which was getting clearer and closer.
"Queen... Queen Adrika in the battle field.... Queen Adrika in the battle field.."
A solider was yelling, we all looked at him. His yell stopped... Thud.. His head fall on ground. There she was.. Our Adrika. In her red and black armor. Covered in blood. A walking effigy of rage. She was burning with anger. Shaking with power. For a moment everything stopped. Fear... Terror was only emotions that was detectable. Yes we were afraid too. Because Adrika was pushed to her limits. There could be destruction. This little war could cause the Apocalypse.
"Kill her... Kill her... Kill her now.."
Mamashree Sakuni seemed to got his voice back. A group of soilders ran to her but she just swiss her sword around killing them like they were mannequin of her training hall. With just one swing. She then yelled a terrified, gut crunching yell that killed another two groups advancing towards her. Just with her voice. Now we knew what Vasudev meant when he said, if she pick up the weapons, the war would be over in minutes. The real power of my Adrika.
"You can't fight us.." Aswatthama yelled.
"Fight you.. You aren't worthy enough to fight with me kumar Aswatthama." She said darkly. Aswatthama's face showed a different look. I knew they both respected each other a lot.
"Adr.. " He was saying something but was cut by Adrika
"Besides I fight warriors. And you all lost that tag the second you use a heaven forbidden Chakravyuh against a kid. A KID.." She yelled.
"Its against the rule. It's against the rule. We won now... " Mamashree Shakuni laughed. Adrika looked at him and he stopped immediately.
"He is right. Women can't enter the field. How can you save your side from lossing now?" Bharta Duryodhan said.
"Go ask your father." She said and started walking towards the entrance.
"Kill the boy Karn.. Now.." Bhrata Duryodhan yelled.
"Angraj Karn, take one step towards my son and I will shove my hand down your throat and rip your heart out myself."
Adrika threatened through greeted teeth. He stopped. Everyone were genuinely terrified of her. Because her threats were just words of what she could actually do.
"Don't worry Yuvraj.. The woman can't pass me. I will stop you witch.. Like I stop them. " Jayadrath said.
Adrika walked directly up to him. Close to his face, looked him in eyes and said
Jayadrath fall on his knees. Adrika's best move. She didn't have to defeat him. She just send him into a dream like state where he was just prisoner inside his own body. And his mind playing his most feared and painful memories over and over again. Person in this state couldn't even think of doing anything. She stepped over him and walked in. Nobody stopped her. They were just too afraid. She reached Abhimanyu. He was just standing there broken. Yet smiling.
"Maa... " He said and fall into her arms. Like he was just waiting for her. "But Maa.. How.."
"When father's ability is unable to save a child... Mother's tenderness have to turn into rage." She said.
"And when mother is you.. Then.." He said. I smiled. Adrika with her boys were pure bliss.
"War is over for you my Son... Let's go home now." She said. Then she turned to them. "I'm taking my boy home, who ever has a death wish, come and stop me."
She carry Abhimanyu by his arms around her shoulder and walked away. No one dared to stop her. She knew this all along. We all reached the camp. There was chaos. They were running around like maniacs.
"Mumma... He won't last long.. Please.. " Vritti was crying.
"I can't operate on him untill his blood pressure isn't stable. He is already bleeding out.. He has to be stable... Where's Aadi... Or Parth? Uttara can't reach him. Try harder Uttara." Adrika yelled.
"What is she doing?" Jyesth bhrata asked.
"Abhi is unconscious and inside his mind he is panicking. We have to calm him down. Uttara isn't strong enough... God forbid that girl is trying too hard.. Its just mentally Abhi is still in the war. And his mind knows Uttara can't go there. Where is Aadi?" Vriti explained the complexity of healing world.
"Oh.. My... God... Aadi... What happened..." Subhadra bhavi yelled.
"I'm fine Maasima... Where is Abhi?" Aadi's heavy voice said. He was limping and clutching his lower abdomen.
"He is in Phantasmagorical state Aadi. We don't have much time." Vriti said.
"We will be damned." Aadi muttered. And they both ran to Abhi.
"Aadi.. Talk to him.. Calm him.. Uttara get up from there child." Adrika said. Aadi sat down with Abhi.
"Hi.. Hi... Brother.. Teri shaadi pe maine ese hi kya keh dia ki jan le le to to sach main jaan lene pe agaya bhai..
Ab bohat hua Abhi... Uth ja. Abhi.." Aadi said. We all cried at the bond of these brothers. Uttara was crying while holding Aadi's arms. Suddenly Abhi took a breathe.
(I just said in your marriage that you can have my life, you are actually intended to now brother. It's enough now Abhi. Wake up.)
"He is awake.... Give me an incubation tube and start patching the smaller wounds... Aadi find Parth immediately." Adrika said. Vasudev and Bhrata Arjun came that time.
"How's he.. How's my son?" Bhrata Arjun yelled.
"Don't shout in my camp Parth.. Get rest and calm your self. I'll need you in a minute. Good.. I'm in.. Give me that tape and pumping bag... " Adrika was awfully calm this time. But too terrifying.
"Start bagging..." We say a healer was pumping a silk bag that was attached to Abhi's incubation tube. I knew it was to help in breathing. "Blood flow stopped. Give him anesthesia potion now. Vriti prepare the surgery."
She said and came to us. Bharat Arjun was just stunt. We all had millions of questions.
"Parth I need your blood. Abhi lost a lot of it." She said.
"You can put my blood into him?" He asked.
"Of course. You two have exactly same blood. It's least chance of reaction if I use your blood." She said.
"But Mumma you have to be sure." Aadi said.
"I studied their allergies Aadi. I think we can take the chance." She said.
The treatment started. We were watching from the window. While I noticed Aadi was looking paler. And then the blood flowed out of the place he was cluching.
"Aadi... You are hurt son.." I said holding him. He jerked my hand away and said.
"I'm fine."
"You are bleeding.. Let me.. " I tried to take a look but he jerked me away again.
"Don't.. I said I'm fine.."
"What's the matter son?" I asked.
"Why didn't you let me go inside the chakravyuh? You had the chance. You had the chance to decide. I was stronger. I could have break it. Most importantly I knew the way out." He yelled between his tears.
"What are you talking about son?" I was shocked..
"Oh you exactly know what I am taking about baba. How could you be so selfish? You choose your own son over your brother's. You put Abhi in danger to save me." He yelled. I felt a sudden rage. I pushed him to the wall by his throat.
"Don't you dare call me selfish, boy! Don't you dare."
"Devar ji... Baccha hai." Subhadra bhavi said. I left him as she dragged me away. I fall down on a sitter with subhadra bhavi by my side.
(He is just a kid)
"You aren't mature enough to understand your parents Adeep. They could be anything but selfish." Vasudev said.
"The time Nakul took that decision, it was sure the west part was a death trap. He sent you to death and saved Abhimanyu, Adhrith. Adrika told him when he had a chance he would have to save one son. And let other die. He choose Abhi to save. We didn't know the west force was a bluff to lore you away. He wasn't selfish son. He sacrificed you to save Abhimanyu." Bhrata bhim said.
"Baba.. I.." Aadi was saying but I saw fresh blood rushed out again.
"Can someone take him to a healer... He is gonna bleed out standing here." I said. Shain came and hold his arm in a dragging way.
"Keep walking you bundle of craziness. You have done enough damage for one evening." She said. And I smiled. She was just too perfect.
"Adrika is going to rip him apart when she will know how he behaved." Dristadyumn said.
"That's why no one is going to tell her. Kid is suffered enough seeing his brother like that. I remember Abhi was ready to throw punches when Aadi was hurt. They just love each other. I don't wanna see Idei going after him too." I said. He chuckled.
It took the whole six hours for Adrika to finish the treatment. When she come out, she just fall on her knees and cried. I thought we had seen her most crying during Iravan and Pitamah. But this was so much different. She was crying like a child. Like a terrified little girl. No one would believe this was the woman who just walked into the Chakravyuh and pulled Abhimanyu out, if they see her now. Subhadra bhavi went to her and sat in front of her.
"Jiji.. Jiji.. Just tell me what is happening jiji... Please... I'm tired of being worried. Please just tell me." She said. The two women I absolutely admire for their strength were shattered in front of my eyes in these hours.
"He is gonna live Subhadra... Our son is going to live. A long healthy life." She said. Those words were like magic. They both hugged. So did we.
"I was so scared. I was fricking out Subhadra.. My hands were shaking. I felt like I will pass out... Subhadra I was petrified." She was rambling..
"Shhshhhh jiji.. It's ok. You are ok. Our son is ok." Subhadra bhavi said stroking her head.
"Can we see him?" Bhrata Arjun asked.
"Not now Parth. He is heavily sedation right now. You have to understand. He isn't Aadi. He won't just weak up from death bed tomorrow. 12 boken ribs. 30 patches of major artery and veins. It will take time to heal. He will be conscious in hour or so. Because we need him to wake up for potions. I can't trust injecting anything until his system isn't strong enough. He have to drink the potions. But he need his rest." Adrika said. I didn't know how much they all understood. But it was clear that we could meet him in some time.
"You just outdone yourself Behna. Really. Beyond my thoughts. And beyond my control." Vasudev said.
"At least my sons are alive. Both of them." Adrika said stubbornly.
"Yes. They are.. Thank you.. Really. You did it." He said.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Nothing... Everyone should go and freshen up. We are still at war. Come on." Adrika said
We reached the room. Something wasn't right. Something was off in between these siblings.
"Love..!" I called her.
"Yes dear?"
"I did the right choice didn't I?" I asked.
"Of course you did. For me at least. I wanted you to choose exactly this. Bhrata Krishn, in the other hand wanted something else. But he didn't know about my wishes from the blind king. Don't worry. He is just startled. That's it." She said.
"You knew this will happen."
"I knew... Hy.. It's all fine. Both the kids are fine. That's all matters isn't it." She said.
"It is." I said.
Adrika's POV
Everything went well. Aadi was safe and Abhi was alive. Goodness god I could use a beer now. I went to Abhi's room. Shain was there. She was close to Abhi. I knew it. But her tears told me how much. She wiped her eyes as soon as she noticed me.
"Shain?" I said.
"Vriti is with Aadi. I send Uttara to get some food and water. She was miserable." She replied. She wasn't in her usual shape. But I liked her this way. Just as any other child around here.
"He is waking up. Call everyone." I instruct a maid. He looked to me. "Hi son.. You ok?" He nodded. Everyone came rushing. "I'm taking the tube out ok? Don't panic. You will be alright.. Ok son?" He nodded again. I pulled the tube out and he couched. Then settled down. Everyone gave out a breathe.
"Hi... Shain.. " He whispered to the girl sitting next to him.
"Hi handsome.." She said softly. I smiled at them.
"How do I look?" He asked her. Wow.. They were totally like me and chhote kumar.
"Honestly if you would have looked this devil may care before.. Uttara didn't had a chance." We all laughed at it, including Uttara.
"Don't worry you can have the other one. Where is he by the way?" He asked.
"I knocked him up." She said and Abhi looked panicking. "With potion. Don't worry. I did considered banging his head with a stick after what he did outside." What was she talking about?
"Wait.. What? What did he do?" I asked everyone.
"Nothing. Between me and Aadi." Nakul said.
"Ok knucklehead.. Talk to your family now. I have work to do." Shain said standing up. I gave her instructions and he left.
My children were in right way. They aren't depended on us anymore. They had already starting to create their own world now. That's a comfortable feeling. Next day war was a interesting one. Subhadra was worried sick about Parth and his promise that if he could not kill jaydrath today he would kill himself. But I knew Bhrata Krishn would trick him out. And he did. He faked a sunset to lore him out. And being brainless as him. He did. And get killed. Prativindhya killed some prominent warriors so did Aadi. Vikarn's death was a part of our mourning but it was a relief that we were at top in two days. Now I awaited the next big event.
Hi everyone....
Thrill of so many days is over. Both the boys survived...
Tell me how it was. ...
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