A Lie by Them is a Fie for Him

The Harvest Moon shone up above
To brightly light this little dove;
With Fortuna's face, in its smile;
And beams of light that stretched a mile.

A mother's wish that could not be.
Since they did not want one like me,
They called upon Euphemia,
That migrant from Bohemia.


Wintery Barkshire

A young girl stands on a cobblestone path and looks at another that sits on a lath. Aggressively stomping her feet on the ground, while clutching her light blue dress and with a frown.

"Prithee Matty! I bid you, tell your story." Her green eyes shimmering with all their glory.

"I've only told it countless times before. Abigail, how do you not fatigate child?"

"Nay!" Abigail stomps her feet once more.

"Enow." Matty speaks in a voice that's quite mild.

Abigail jumps up with glee. "Grammarcy!"

"Come hither. Sit." Matty showing some mercy.

Abigail slowly props up her dress to walk. Taking cautious steps, that make Matty balk.

"Brisky! Come now. I say! Why ... are you being so limpsey? When you know my mother will beckon me soon, and I haven't got all afternoon?"

"Don't be so loveless. Have you not seen my new dress? Now if you'll acquit, or have you lost your inwit?"

"Aye, it will fetch the eye of many fine suitors. Pray, you're the only available girl according to rumors! They'll marry you quick with that or in simple cloth. Perhaps even breche!" Matty's anger clear and mouth seems to froth.

Abigail reaching carefully, hoists herself up to the top of the boulder, and daintily sits next to her friend on the lath while touching her shoulder. "Breche? Dressed as a man? Ne'r! Begin."

"The story begins two years before you were born.

The orders were clear, she told her kin:

Pink vial is for the Dickensones,
for those that don't want any sons.
A black vial is for the Crowleys,
so their land lease would not have fees.

Last but not least, an orange vial,
and Rourke's hunger will start to rile.
But Cagliostra—foolish girl,
had left all of us in a whirl!

Her name's Euphemia and her work was just lorn.

Some of the burghers thought her a foresayer. The laity, with their God, thought her a strayer."

"But you know what she was. Can you tell me now? You'll leave on the morrow." She furrows her brow.

Matty gawks, surprised that she asked with such cadence! "She was the High Priestess of the Merry Maidens. The reason our town lacked daughters. The few daughters that were born, were sent to learn the craft. Lower tier could leave their quarters. Each year. Eventually permanently for failing the draft. At the age of twenty-two and full of knowledge, those could marry any man they would acknowledge. The higher tier ones remain hidden in something like a prioress."

"A monastic order? Could they not marry? As if under duress?"

"No, but they could bear one child if they so wished. At least, that's what I've been told, by those who know."

"Mathilde!" Matty's mother calls.

"Adieu." Matty says and then falls.

"Fare-thee-well, Mathilde." Abigail says with a hug.

Matty huffs. "And to you, my annoying little bug."

Upon entering the stone cottage, Matty sees a man who seems quite snobbish. Wearing colorful and golden livery, he's handing the mother a delivery.

"Come hither child! We have received a bill requesting of your leave. You are to marry your betrothed shortly before your birthday's eve."

"Nay! Wherefore? Can't be! You were promised it would be after it!"

"You'll do as I say and leave at once!" Matty's mother says with rage.

"Something amiss? His lordship's waiting!" The messenger throws a fit.

"You must do this now, before it's too late. Changes have begun and soon everyone will retaliate." She whispers to Matty before turning to the messenger.

Matty speaks. "I'm just a reveler!" Chuckling awkwardly. "Pay no heed. Tis most splendid! Don't want to leave his lordship offended."

"Adieu! God speed you well my only daughter!" Waving, worrying that Matty will falter.

The carriage ride, though lengthy, still the feeling it could not assuage.

Outside, the giant castle did loom, increasing Matty's feeling of gloom. With large rocks and gnarled vines, these aren't some very good signs.

The messenger leads and halts at the entrance. He's bellowing their arrival with just one sentence:

"Announcing the welcoming arrival of the Lady Mathilde Sporus Dickensone!"

Then he appears, the Earl Albert James of Wriothesley. With raven hair and sky-blue eyes, Matty's heart suddenly stops, as if to say: "he's the one?!"

He speaks somewhat tersely with a mouth full of parsley. "And what took you so long? Difficulties?"

"None his lordship, just ending gaieties." The messenger says somewhat wryly.

Matty apologizes shyly.

"Should I show the lady to her chambers ... so that she may avoid future dangers?"

Matty's brown eyes widen and fearfully says, "that's awfully shady!"

Albert speaks. "Anon, there is no need. We've much to discuss. My lady?"

"Your lordship." Matty gives a short and rigid curtsy, following him into the dining hall conversely.

Despite Albert's pleasantries and beguiling smile, the feelings inside Matty would not reconcile.

"It's important that you remain within your chambers during the e'ens."

"Wherefore, my lord?" For if Matty could leave, Abigail would sing paeans!

"Enow! Just obey. It's easy to wander around, you can easily lose yourself in the underground. Don't ask again." He places his hand on the table and knocks on the wood. But stopping when he gazes at Matty with concern. "Is the food not good?"

"Nay, it's not that my lord. I'm tewly-stomached." Matty looks down at the plate.

"Verily? There must be something on this table you can eat? Have some bread."

"Pardon. Mayhap, I may retire to my chambers? The dinner was great."

"Very well, you may go. In the morrow, the handmaiden will bring some thread. She'll prepare you for the dressmaker, while I go and meet with the baker. She will have you fitted and ready after midday, by noon we'll be wed."

"But wherefore? So soon, my lordship?!" Matty cannot believe what he just said.

"Almost thirteen years in waiting. Do you believe that to be soon?"

"Nay. It is not, I suppose. I guess we shall be wed in the noon."

He sighs. "My father betrothed us when I was ten. Surrounded by towns that were mostly full of men. The only available female of proper geniture that could be found within a days' ride. There's a clause in the agreement that was overlooked, before your birthday, you are to be my bride."

And what about after? Matty is left speechless and crestfallen.

"I'm verily sorry. You may go." He actually seems sullen.

The night's providing little comfort, and Matty's restless with discomfort. Sounds coming from the hall can be heard, curiosity can't be deterred.

Once outside the chamber, Matty ventures.
In one empty room down the hall, a golden key is found.

Perhaps this night will provide adventures?
It opens an attic door, there a box lays on the ground.

A scratching noise echoes from inside, and Matty just stands there mystified. Something speaks from within that can't be identified, Matty decides that it is best to just go and hide.

The marriage was held in the castle, it's past noon and they are wed. Rather than celebrate, Albert ran to the entrance door instead.

"What is the meaning of this?" His voice comes out with a hiss.

With fury and anger evident on his face, he turns around and suddenly begins to pace.
Screaming loudly, he reaches out to throw a vase, and quickly runs up the stairs, as if in a race.

He mutters to himself, "something is amiss."

Matty follows saying. "This I cannot miss!"

What is it that Albert is hiding? Some things seem to be coinciding. Has he trapped a person in that box? This is indeed a big paradox.

"You've tricked me demon!" Albert screams.

Matty thinks, "what is it that he schemes?"

Matty leans against the door to listen to the conversation.

The demon speaks. "Have I? Well then, this is becoming a hassle."

Is Albert insane? This might require some consideration.

Albert says. "I wed her and still I'm condemned to this damn castle!"

"Yes, you did wed. Maybe ... fully binding your vows will answer that?"

"I'll not fall prey to your schemes anymore! Release my fie and stat!"

"You had received what you wanted. The castle and land are yours."

"At the cost of my family, which you took!" Albert ensures.

"It was your desire and request. His blood's on your hands, I do attest. I can't be blamed for gross witted mistakes?"

"Release me now, I say!" His voice there breaks.

"There are eight hours remaining. Though the hours are now waning. Again, I suggest you see for yourself while you're able to null and wed another. Time is running out while you stand here whining and there is still much left to uncover."

Albert's thunderous steps can be heard approaching the door, and Matty runs to the chambers, but then falls on the floor.

"What are you doing there? Stand up!" Albert yells and grabs Matty's arm. "This ends now, we shall fulfill our marriage!" He says with little charm.

Inside the room, he rips off the wedding dress. Only to discover what he didn't guess.

Albert stares in horror. "You're a boy!"

Matty runs out of the chambers as fast as he could, but with no key, how will he open that door?

When it unlocks, Matty jumps for joy!

"Pity. You'll be punished you know? He'll announce you publicly no? For what you are, he will null the marriage and after that he will wed another. What ever will become of you, will the laity stone or castrate you, I wonder?"

"What do I do? He'll find me here soon!" Matty could try to be a little smarter.

Albert begins to unlock the door and yells. "Demon, what say you to a barter?"

As Matty stares at the box.

The demon inside it knocks. "Free me from this box and I'll fulfill your wish. I can make him disappear, for he is such a bore."

"Not true!" Albert begins to disagree.

"And if I don't, then what becomes of me? Be tormented everywhere I go? I can't return back home, don't you know! I won't!" Matty says with great distress.

"You can pretend to be my mistress! Your parents would rather admit to offering you to a prioress than their lie. Pray, step away from the box!"

He takes cautious steps towards Matty, seriously thinking that he's being quite sly.

"He's lying." The demon cackles and mocks. "Wish it Matty!" The demon commands.

Matty's unsure if he understands.

"Don't!" Albert lunges.

"Aye!" Matty hunches.

Opening the lid, a female demon bursts out, grabbing Albert and chucking him with little doubt.

Matty stares at the demoness. "You locked him in there?"

She flicks her long red tail around. "You didn't say where."

"What have you done?" Albert's voice echoes from inside.

Matty considers it—what it all signified.

With eyes like glowing embers, she gazes. "One more thing ... His curse is now yours. But worry not, you'll keep each other company." She wickedly assures.

"Nay!" Matty runs to her.

But she disappears in a blur.

"Come back!" Matty cries.

While Albert just sighs.

In the castle, on the hill of Wriothesley, they remained.

When eighty years had passed—and through many countless wars—the castle was left abandoned.

Now in ruins, except a small segment that is contained.

If you venture near the grounds, listen closely, you can hear the voices of the stranded.

Do not step on their segment, and don't open the box, for who knows what other tricks that demon had on the stocks.

***[1,987 words]

Sporus was a young boy that was Nero's wife.

Merry Maidens were an order of women from Egyptian times. They had their own studies and were slightly similar to courtesans [they could have more than one consort, but often didn't have more than a few which regularly visited them].

Barkshire [more appropriately—Barkshyre] would be the way Berkshire was said and written.

Definition of some of the words [some are currently used in a similar fashion, others have changed or evolved from the original meaning from this time.]:

Enow - Enough
Prithee - Please
Tis most splendid! - All right!
Wherefore - Why
Verily - Truly
Anon - Later
Foresayer - Prophet
Laity - Churchgoer, religiously unordained people
Inwit - Conscience
Paeans - Songs of triumph
Loveless - Ignorant
Gross witted - Stupid
Limpsey - Flaccid and slow moving
Tewly-stomached - Weak stomach
Prioress - Monastery for women

In Medieval Times:
Midday - 12:00 Noon - 15:00, 3 pm

Marrying age: Girls were betrothed starting at the age of 12.

For those interested, the experimental format is:

Begins with an Octave [8 lines, 8 syllables, split into quatrains]
AA, BB, CC, DD |
EE, FF, GG, HI, HI, JJ, KK, LL [beginning and last words], MM, NN, OO | PP, QQ, RR, ST, S, [octave], T

2nd loop has the inclusion of a 2 syllable line to rhyme with the 3 syllable beginning of the previous sentence, between GG and HI

3rd and 4th loop changes to PP, QQ, RR, ST, ST

5th loop has the inclusion of ABBA with inside,hide, mystified, identified. Though they all rhyme. It also does the PP, QQ, RR, ST, S, [AA, BB, CC, DD], T

The final loop [which would have resumed like the 5th, but I shouldn't have allowed such a loose Iamb nor included the extra inclusions to the loop] it ends at JJ.

Or at least that was what was intended [I had to republish several times, because I kept ruining the explanation, then trying to make the story fit the explanation, realizing I made a mistake with the explanation and not the story, etc]. Corresponding rhymed words, should have the same amount of syllables in their sentences as their counterparts [sometimes includes more than one sentence, restriction is kept to syllable counts rather than breaks].

The image displayed on top contains the cisgender flag and I wanted to create a symbol for "cross-dresser" [little to do to with gender or sexual orientation] making certain that it would remain as far away from any transgender symbolisms as possible, as well as, away from drag queen. For those that know about the colour schemes, they might be able to decipher Matty's sexual orientation.

I'm not the inspirational source for Matty. He's a combination of two individuals I know.***

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