Chapter 8. Naked Master

I do not own this story. It originally belongs to EvilFuzzy9 which was republished by Fpsroxas.

Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


When Naruto woke up the next morning, it was to an influx of foreign memories. Foreign, at least, in the sense that they belonged to one of his kage bunshin.

In particular, it was the shadow clone he'd left back at his place to take care of Obi and Mari's laundry. It must have only recently dispelled itself, too, judging by how fresh the memories were in his mind. It was a little difficult for most to sort through several hours' worth of experience all at once, but Naruto had plenty of experience in that field.

Even with the warm, curvy bodies of Sasuki and Itami pressing into him, slender arms draped over his modestly ripped frame, the blond was easily able to discern everything the clone had done in his absence.

Laundry was fucking boring. He had several memories of silently swearing at himself and wishing himself a painful, messy death. This would have been sufficiently surreal to weird out most folk, but Naruto was used to this kind of thing. His shadow clones could be a very belligerent and petty lot, being made from the same mold as Naruto himself.

But aside from the laundry, the clone had also taken the liberty of helping Kushina with the love slaves – Naruto got hard, recalling how aggressively sensual Karui and Samui had been in their fight over the right to suck his cock, the redhead slapping Samui's lewdly generous tits and the blonde giving Karui what could only be describe as a cunt punt.

The debate had eventually been rendered moot, he recalled, when Mina abruptly barged in with her hiraishin and proceeded to greedily guzzle down his man-milk. Naruto knew from experience that the ladies seemed to get downright addicted to his wild and wet oats.

After that, the clone it seemed had then gone in and copped some very rude feels off of Obi and Mari, spanking them a little bit in their sleep, solely for shits and giggles.

At least it hadn't pulled a Shinji and jerked off all over them. His shadow clones seemed to have a real problem with impulse control. Which was crazy, because Naruto was the most sensible, restrained, self-disciplined person in the world.

Lazily sticking a thumb up Itami and Sasuki's asses, Naruto lifted the two sleepily moaning girls off of him and got up out of the bed. Then he smacked them sharply across their asses (leaving a note on either of their buttocks that said Same time next week?) and waltzed boldly out of the room naked as the day he was born. Leaving through the kitchen, he paused just long enough to give an early bird Mikoto a thorough quickie on the dinner table, before walking all the way to the other side of the village, where his house was.

Again, Naruto was stark naked, and he did not hesitate to show off his bone for anyone who happened to be up at that wee hour of half past nine in the morning. In particular, he happened to come (in both senses of the word) upon Tenten and Shiho, from the Cryptanalysis Department, in the middle of a heated, em, training session. The former blithely offered to meet up with him for "lunch" at Ichiraku Ramen, while the latter blushed and promptly begged him not to tell Shikamari of her indiscretion.

Naruto, purposely neglecting to mention the fact that the Nara genius was quite obviously involved with Temari from Suna, agreed to keep her secret. Shiho, of course, was so grateful that she immediately offered to give him anything he wanted.

"Even your ass?" Naruto had inquired crassly, feeling quite randy this fine morning.

Shiho, beet red, had anxiously replied, "Especially my ass!" at a volume he guessed to be several decibel levels above what she had intended.

"Meet me at my place, then," he said with a wink. "Tonight, if you mean it!"

Shiho had nodded, blushing, and Naruto had turned and resumed his trek home. Aside from that encounter, Naruto also got three offers of oral sex while going down main street, eight declarations of undying love, and twenty-three propositions of baby-making from assorted comely village lasses. The first, he accepted on the spot, the second he wrote down in his Big Black Book of Love Confessions, and the last he made a mental note to finagle into his schedule.

But eventually, Naruto got home, and Suzume-sensei (from the Academy) wiped her lips, thanking him for the "meal" and pressing a small bundle of crisp five ryou bills into his hand.

Some might have considered that a little suspect, but Naruto controlled the only source of male sex in the world, and demand for his supply was consistently sky-high. He didn't actually charge people for the opportunity to have sex with him, but some time after the approximately five hundred and twelfth time of refusing an offer of payment for his services he finally caved and began just accepting whatever people gave him.

Besides, it wasn't even too far removed from the rather mercenary shinobi mindset, anyways. That's what Sasuki and Sakura kept telling him at any rate, and both took quite eagerly to the informal role of Madame to his escort.

But that aside, Naruto walked into his house, cheerfully naked and whistling a jaunty tune. He was promptly greeted by two simultaneous, cheerful, girlish proclamations of: "Welcome home, Naru-sama!"

The two Uchi sisters, whom Naruto had brought back to his place last night after a vigorous session in the middle of the street, were standing before him with bright smiles on their faces.

The two lovely lasses were dress in the skimpy black silk and white lace of matching french maid outfits – which Naruto knew his parents to use for roleplay in the bedroom whenever things started to get a little stale. To be clear, these were not actual maid outfits – at the most generous, they could be called maid-themed lingerie, being scarcely more than a partially transparent boob-window apron over a short, frilly miniskirt so small that it was closer in surface area to a handtowel than any kind of modest attire.

Mari, the more buxom one, appeared a perfect fit for Mina's outfit, which said a lot about her bust size, since the Yellow Flash was second pretty much only to Tsunade and Fugako in terms of boobage. And Obi, logically, was thus wearing Kushina's.

A slight breeze from the open door stirred the criminally short skirts of these french maid outfits. Naruto caught a flash of naked, pink flesh, and a neatly shaven snatch. This was interesting not only because it meant that neither girl was wearing underwear, but also because Naruto distinctly recalled them being quite shaggy yesterday.

For a moment, the blond was caught off guard by the appearance of these two like this. But to his credit as a pupil of Miraiya, it was only for a moment.

"Hey there, ladies!" he greeted the two sisters casually with a wink and a peck on the cheek each. "Looking good!"

Mari giggled, cheeks bright pink. She leaned forward and grabbed hold of one of Naruto's arms, pressing her scarcely restrained breasts up against it. "Thank you, Naru-sama," she said with a ditzy titter. "These are, like, soooo comfortable."

Obi nodded, moving in and mirroring Mari's motions on the other side of Naruto, pressing her cleavage against his arm, enveloping it a little bit in the valley of her breasts. "When we woke up, Kushina-chan and Mina-chan said it was okay for us to wear these. Wasn't that, like, so nice of them?"

"I know, right?" tittered Mari.

"Yeah," agreed Obi brightly. "Oh, and by the way, Naru-sama!" she said, remembering something. "Thanks for last night. We really enjoyed it."

Mari purred, a borderline orgasmic expression of bliss on her face. "Oooh, yes. That was sooo much fun."

Naruto chuckled, seeing how grateful (and half naked) the girls were. He let them guide him inside, leading him by his arms into the living room, where the couch was. He sat down, and Obi and Mari immediately cuddled up to him in a manner that was at once both adorable and erotic.

"No problem," he said to the two, smiling down at them. "I'm glad to give you what you want!"

The two sisters immediately glanced down at his cock, which was quite erect from the walk home, and the proximity of these two sexy ladies. Then they looked back up at him, and their orbs gleamed with unadulterated adoration.

"You girls have beautiful eyes," he commented, his smile warm and his compliment sincere. "Especially you, Obi-chan. Where did you get them?" He brushed Obi on the cheek with a finger, watching as she blushed bright pink.

"I... I..." Obi stammered, getting lost in Naruto soulful blue lamps. His gaze held her attention firmly on him, and all the world seemed to melt away. "I guess... I don't really remember. Everything before meeting you on the street... It's all kind of, like, a blur. You know? All I remember is my name. When Kushina-chan woke us up this morning... well, we just found that we couldn't remember anything but our names. Our names, that is, and you."

Naruto's eyes widened, and he whipped his head around to look at Mari. She seemed to be giving off a visible gloom, her face downcast.

"Is that true, Mari-chan...?" he asked her.

"Y-yes," she said quietly, anxiously. "All we remember are our names and the night we had with you. Everything else is... kind of just gone. Your moms felt so sorry for us when we told them..."

Obi nodded. "Kushina-chan even decided that we can stay here until we recover. She even gave us a job as your personal maids." She blushed, then looked away. "If... that's okay with you, Naru-sama...? I mean, if you don't want us, then I understand..."

If there was one thing Naruto couldn't stand to see, it was someone getting sad. Whenever he saw someone who looked like they were about to cry, he always felt compelled to try and cheer them up. It was maybe his one true weakness, and whether or not they were doing this intentionally, Obi and Mari had successfully got him in the one way he could never say no, even if he wanted to.

"Ah! N-no, that's okay...!" he exclaimed nervously. "Don't worry, Obi-chan, Mari-chan! I'd be glad to have you girls as my maids."

The two sisters instantly perked up. Mari hugged him tightly, and Obi kissed him.

"Oh, thank you!" they said. "We'll be the best maids you could ever ask for. We'll wait you hand and mouth, Master."

"Don't you mean hand and foot?"

"Not unless you're into that," said Mari, smiling up at him suggestively. She placed a hand on Naruto's lap, her fingers curling teasingly around his erect shaft. Obi, at the same time, leaned in and started to kiss his chest.

"Oh. Oh!" said Naruto, and he got a grin on his face as he realized exactly what they meant, and how much they meant it. He placed a hand on Obi's posterior, coyly flipping up the back of her frilly micro-miniskirt to fondle her finely toned buttocks. His other hand, meanwhile, found its way down Mari's apron, where it proceeded to tease and squeeze her generous teats.

The girls moaned euphorically under the ministrations of Naruto's magic fingers, Mari squeezing his dick tight as she bucked her hip,s and Obi biting down on one of his nipples, soaking wet and burning up down under. Naruto came with a delighted groan, a shiver running up his back from the base of his spine. His seed splattered Mari's hand, and much of it landed on the floor in front of the couch.

"Whoops, looks like you girls made a mess," remarked Naruto cheerfully, smiling mischievously at the pair of sisters. "One of you should probably clean that up."

Obi, blushing, nodded in understanding and got down on the floor. She crawled on all fours to the soiled spot of polished hardwood, her skirt hiding nothing as she wiggled her hips for her master's amusement. She was soaking wet just thinking about how the blond was no doubt leering so hungrily at her naked nether regions, and even as a sponge appeared in her hands, sorta swirling into existence the moment she thought about it, Obi took one hand to her toy box and started to masturbate.

Something about dressing up like a maid, intentionally degrading herself like this, was just getting her so hot and bothered. She moaned, twiddling her aching privates as she started sponging up her master's spunk.

Then she felt the hands on her hips, fingers spreading her buttocks, and the huge, hard, throbbing mass poised against the rim of her anus. She came all over her fingers, squeezing the sponge in her hands so hard that a good deal of the wiped-up spooge was promptly squeezed right back out all over the floor.

"N-Naru-sama...!" she gasped, feeling his erection press against her backdoor. "Ahn! It feels...!" She trailed off, whimpering and mewling piteously as he began inching his length inside of her. "Oh. Oh! OHHH!" she screamed, her eyes widening as more and more of her master's cock slip into her asshole.

It felt so warm and tingly, where he penetrated her, nothing like the pain she would have expected from anal sex. If anything, a sense of vigor and health seemed to spread through her body, emanating straight from her stuffed-full rectum.

"Wha...What is this feeling...?" she moaned, eyes rolling up the back of her head. An intoxicating warmth spread through her body, and she felt like she was going boneless, like every cell in her body was caught in a state of continuous, never-ending orgasm and she had never realized it until right this moment. "I feel... so...GOOD!" she came again, and again, her frame shaking and shuddering, and jiggling in all the right places.

Naruto smiled down at Obi, his naked body encased in the flaming, gilded radiance of his kyuubi chakra mode. The pure Yang chakra coursing through his body was being injected into Obi like a vaccine against every conceivable ill or woe. Life energy flooded every cell of her squirming, nubile body in the form of absolute carnal ecstasy.

It was kind of cheap for him to use Kumiko's chakra in sex like this, since it just made it so easy to pleasure his partner beyond anything they could ever imagine without even trying, but he felt sorry for Obi and Mina, he really did. Some small part of Naruto, perhaps, blamed himself for the sisters' loss of memory, since they had seemed perfectly fine before their tryst yesterday. So maybe this was his way of making it up to them: by giving them the greatest sex in the history of sex.

Back on the couch, Mari was wailing ecstatically was a similarly Yang chakra-cloaked shadow clone plowed her pussy, driving its empowered shaft back and forth inside of her most sensitive place as it attentively kissed and fondled her bosom. The top of her scanty french maid apron/brassiere flopped uselessly between their bodies, the upper loop having been slipped off over her head.

After a few minutes of this, Naruto and his clones relented. Obi and Mari were not tired out by the mindblowing sex – if anything they felt more energetic than ever before – and they immediately got to work cheerfully cleaning up the mess of bodily fluids that had been spread all over during the brief but intense twin lovemaking sessions.

Naruto smiled at the two.

"Well, I'll leave you girls to your work," he said brightly, winking. The two new amnesiac maids tittered and blushed girlishly.

"Of course, Naru-sama," they said, bowing low, giving him a goodly glimpse of their fine, fine cleavage. And with that taken care of, Naruto went further inside (still nude, of course).

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