Chapter 50. Prelude to Apocalypse

I do not own this story. It originally belongs to EvilFuzzy9 which was republished by Fpsroxas.

Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto


For a moment, Naruto wondered what it was about that name that felt so painfully familiar to him. The sound of it, the aural shape and texture of the way Mari spoke that name, at once conjured a flash of... something... in some far and dusty corner of his memories.

"Madara... Uchiha..." he mumbled, feeling his muscles involuntarily tense as he said it. He felt like there was something important connected to this name, a world of very practical firsthand meaning that should have been immediately evident to him.

Perhaps it was the way her eyes bored into his. As long as he could remember, he had never seen someone look at him with eyes quite like that...

There was respect, but not of the deferential, reverent fashion shown to him by most. A certain faint fondness also he could detect, not so direct as most, but rather almost as if he reminded her of someone she knew. And similarly he sensed a hint of bitterness... almost something like slight resentment.

What really threw him off though, was the near absence of something he had become so used to... something he had started to take for granted, that he had seen for all of his life in some fashion or other as the only man alive.

She did not lust for him. Not directly, not in any conscious or willful fashion. He saw a sort of appreciative glint in her onyx pools, an intellectual appraisal and acceptance of his form as something that would be considered sexually attractive, but it was remote and almost dispassionate.

There was no visceral, instinctive smouldering of desire behind Mari's eyes. Not anymore.

Madara Uchiha

That name niggled at the back of his mind. He felt like he was forgetting something, something of the utmost and direst importance.

He looked into Mari's eyes and searched their clear, intelligent depths.

Something glinted in those onyx orbs, and a part of his mind reflexively reeled back, a portion of Naruto's subconscious almost fearfully recoiling from the woman's gaze. Without the doujutsu masking her eyes, an iron shutter over the windows of her soul, Naruto could perceive something strange and almost alien inside of Mari.

Dimly, he was aware of his ANBU guards' eyes on him, as well as Shizune and Tsunade and Miraiya's. He glimpsed Obi out the corner of his eye, and thought absently that something about her expression seemed awfully bittersweet, almost sad.

"Wha... the heck is this...?" Naruto mumbled, weakly shaking his head. He brought a hand up to his brow, clasping his forehead as if suffering a terrible headache.

It felt like he had something right on the tip of his tongue. He felt like he was this close to remembering something, the name of Madara Uchiha triggering something deep inside his mind.

"Uchiha... Uchiha... Madara Uchiha...!" Naruto groaned. "Dammit, I feel like I KNOW who that is... somehow, I'm sure it should be something I'd remember no matter what..."

He trailed off, looking into Obi's eyes. She was smiling halfheartedly at him, her left eye closed. Her hand was clasped carefully around something small.

Blood colored her fingertips, and trickled down slowly from her closed eye.

"We remember it perfectly..." she said softly, her sharingan changing, transforming into a mangekyo pattern. "...our names and our pasts. That is the blessing... and the curse... of the Sage's doujutsu."

Her hand glowed with a faint sheen of chakra. The blood on her fingertips became a shining silver color.

"I am sure you have already had flashes of memory," Mari – Madara – said, continuing along Obi's tangent. "Even if another will has been suppressing recollection of the truth, you have been in closer contact with that man's power than anyone else... anyone save for myself, my... sister... and one other."

"Moreso, even," said Obi. "For you alone have formed true, personal bonds with the nine tailed beasts... one who knows the bijuu by name, and speaks to them as an equal and friend... "

She smiled bitterly.

"We went about mastering their power the wrong way," Mari sighed. "Did we not? Seeking to dominate them as beasts of burden, subjugate their wills and use them as weapons... as much as it pains me to say this, it is clear to me now that from the very beginning I misunderstood the true purpose of their power."

"The Sage of Six Paths... he planned further ahead than anyone, didn't he...?" Obi mused. "Even if he didn't fully realize it, by dividing the Juubi's power, forming from its essence nine new, unique, individual beings... he thwarted that woman's plans before anyone even suspected that she was the one behind it all. Not even she realized it."

"Hagoromo Otsutsuki gave to the bijuu names and minds, identities," Madara murmured. "He sent them out into the world to live their own lives, establish distinct egos. Never again could they be brought together as a mindless terror. Not fully, not completely. So long as they have reason to resist, the will... the Juubi, the Shinju... will remain incomplete."

The other women present stared blankly at Mari and Obi, stunned into silence by the disproportionate weightiness of this discussion.

"Even Kaguya cannot wholly suppress the individual wills of the bijuu," Mari continued. "Not enough to perfectly stabilize her power. They remember her on an instinctive level... and despise her. Chakra reflects the will and nature of its source. The bijuu do not trust Kaguya, and their power can never again be fully hers."

Obi took a step toward Naruto, and raised her hand to his cheeks. The glow dissipated from her hands as she traced bloody fingertips gently and tenderly beneath Naruto's eyes. Blood returned to its natural color, and Obi traced three crimson streaks just below each of Naruto's eyes.

"Do you get it, Naruto-sama...?" Obi whispered, taking a step back from the man she had come to love as her master. "Taken against their will, the chakra of the bijuu is leaden and toxic. It will stubbornly resist manipulation, flaring and surging uncontrollably."

"You had trouble with chakra control in your youth, didn't you?" Madara said to Naruto. "Any kind of fine or delicate manipulation was almost completely beyond you... the kyuubi's power seeped continually into your body, further deepening and expanding your naturally large reserves of chakra. Your chakra was imprinted with the essence of the Nine-Tails, however, and because the kyuubi hated and mistrusted you in those days... loathed you as a prisoner loathes his shackles... your chakra acted in part contrary to your own will."

"Genjutsu and similar techniques were impossible for you, right?" Obi added. "I bet you couldn't even do a basic clone jutsu, with your chakra resisting any kind of subtl control or manipulation."

Naruto felt a warmth on his cheeks. His eyes tingled. The others saw the blood vanish from his skin as though seeping into the pores of a sponge.

"Yeah..." he said slowly. "I couldn't. Compared to regular bunshin, the shadow clone jutsu was like a walk in the park. I still had to work myself raw to get it down, but..."

"Imagine then, if you will," said Mari. "That you desired to cast a genjutsu upon the entire world. Such a thing would be nearly impossible for a human – the limitations of mortal strength are not easily surpassed. An illusion of such depth and scale would be unimaginably taxing and draining, far too much for even the most powerful of human chakras to maintain for more than a couple of minutes.

"But, with the chakra of all the bijuu brought together in one place, one could tap into a practically bottomless source of power, enough to indefinitely maintain even an infinite, global-scale tsukuyomi." Mari held Naruto's eyes, onyx black meeting a rippled purple gray. "Are you starting to understand...? The memories should come back to you very soon."

"The one responsible for everything... she sought to use the power of the bijuu to once more trap the whole world with Infinite Tsukuyomi," Obi explained. "A long and subtle plot spanning centuries, a scheme in which even myself and Madara-sama were but mere, unwitting pawns."

Something clicked in the back of Naruto's mind. He looked into Mari and Obi's eyes and felt a growing sense of recognition. He couldn't place it quite yet, but their words rang true. Everything they said was making sense to some deeply buried, nearly forgotten part of himself.

"We gathered the tailed beasts together, thinking to recreate the Juubi and use Infinite Tsukuyomi ourselves," said Mari. "We carried out her bidding without even knowing it, and once she had what she wanted we were as disposable as the rest... but there was one flaw in her plan, in all our plans. One thing we were too blind and self-absorbed to see."

"The bijuu did not want to return to their original form," Obi said, shaking her head and smiling almost wryly. "Although they didn't have the strength to completely resist the binding ritual, their differing and conflicting wills still left the Juubi's chakra in turmoil. They strained against the bonds of 'unity', struggling single-mindedly to free themselves from oblivion. The slightest disruption would destabilize the Juubi, and they would break free again."

"Their chakra could not be controlled by an outside will. Even Kaguya could not subjugate the nine beasts so completely as to utterly erase the various elements of 'consciousness' and 'ego' from their recombinated essence. She could no longer act as the will of the Juubi, for each of the tailed beasts had its own unique will, and not one of them would ever accept her command.

"Trying to dominate the Juubi through force of will, and direct the combined chakra of the tailed beasts to your own ends without their consent... it is like trying to channel the oceans through a culvert the size of your thumb. Their chakra could not be taken and used against their will. Even with a basic jinchuuriki... the hearts and minds of shinobi and bijuu need to be in sync in order to control the beast's full power.

"And at that point... the rare souls like yourself and Killer Bee, who possessed such a deep empathy and such open hearts that you could befriend even the great and fearsome bijuu... you were no longer using your bijuu's chakra like you were trying to wrestle a weapon from an enemy's grasp, but rather like you were simply borrowing a shuriken from a friend."

Mari looked up at the ceiling briefly, pausing in her monologue.

"...What is she playing at...?" she whispered under her breath, a touch of unease coming into her eyes. " this point, it is certain that she must be aware... so, why...?"

She shook her head.

Naruto was stiff, his eyes closed shut. He was faintly grimacing, muscles in his face periodically tensing. His fingers clenched and unclenched.

"It has to be given to you..." he whispered. "...until she accepted me... until I accepted him as a comrade... I could barely control more than a little bit of it without losing sight of myself. Kumiko... Kurama's chakra was soaked through with his will and his hatred."

He opened his eyes, and there was a weariness there now, but also an unmistakable clarity.

"I remember..." he said quietly. Looking around, he blushed hotly. ", this is... really messed up. Sexy, but... seriously fucked up."

Naruto looked curiously now at Madara and Obi.

A newfound rinnegan glimpsed through the phantasmal deceits of Infinite Tsukuyomi, and he perceived the all-pervasive will of Kaguya. Everything he saw was an illusion – the floor, the walls, the furninture – even the bodies within this office were just constructs within a shared consciousness, the minds of all living things communing nigh inseperably through a twisted form of ninshu not unlike the shared telepathy of the tailed beasts.

"I'm the only one they trusted..." Naruto whispered. "Aside from the old sage, I'm the only person who's ever bothered to learn all their names. They trusted me, and they gave me their chakra... of their own free will."

"You're the only one who can fully control the chakra of ALL the bijuu," Obi murmured. "Kaguya couldn't master their energies well enough to cast Infinite Tsukuyomi. The only person who could channel that full, collective power with the necessary control... was you, ironically enough."

Naruto frowned.

"But I sure didn't want to cast any illusion on the world," he said. "So, how...?"

"To ensnare one person... that chakra native to her body was more than sufficient," Mari said. "She trapped you in a web of illusion, and manipulated you into casting Infinite Tsukuyomi. She channeled the chakra of the nine bijuu through your body... transforming you into the Juubi. Their power became yours, the bijuu collectively trusting your judgement alone.

"And Kaguya, having snared you with one illusion, created this world to keep you happy, content, and distracted so that you would never question reality, and never attempt to reverse Infinite Tsukuyomi. The same illusory world in which she trapped all humanity was transformed into a gilded cage just for you, and all of its inhabitants were made into mere playthings for your unbound, unthinking lust."

Naruto blushed, looking distinctly sheepish.

"So... in a way, this IS the world I wanted...?" he wondered, looking down at his own erection.

"Yes... and no," said Obi. "It's a world meant to pacify your will and sedate your higher reasoning. By tapping into the simplest and basest of instinctive desires, Kaguya created a world that would both please and detain you forever. To escape from an illusion as powerful as hers requires a clear mind and focused will...

"...and this lewd perversion of reality was created specifically to act as a counter and deterrent against both those things. You would be continually distracted from thinking too much by a variety of obscene sexual excesses, and the humans trapped by the Infinite Tsukuyomi would be domesticated and defanged through an eternity of submission to you. She planned to rob humanity – and you – of the will, and the desire, to ever defy her again."

"You are her pet, and all the rest of humanity are your toys. That is how Kaguya sees this world," Mari said. "That is her plan, and her purpose."

Miraiya shook her head.

"So that's how it is, huh...?" she murmured. "Sounds like that Kabuko was telling the truth."

Obi frowned thoughtfully for a moment, before her one remaining eye glinted in recognition.

"Kabuto Yakushi..." she shook her head. "She knew about it too, eh...? Heh. So that chakra I gave him from the Gedo Mazo was good for more than just making more white Zetsus."

"It's probable that there are even more like Kabuko," Mari said slowly. "I recall coming across a few of the Sage's holy tools on the battlefield... the Alliance probably used them in the war effort."

"Kinkaku and Ginkaku had several of the tools originally in Kumo's possession," Obi added. "If simply handling a bit of chakra from the Gedo Mazo was sufficient to let Kabuto see through the illusion, then it's possible that even having a tool of the Sage used against you would be enough..."

Tsunade stood up. Despite her nudity, and the... mess lingering on her breasts, she still managed to look quite determined and imposing.

"What about other jinchuuriki?" she inquired. "Would they also remember?"

Mari, Obi, and Naruto blinked.

"I'm surprised you're accepting this so soon," Mari conceded. "Even if you are a descendant of Hashirama..."

Tsunade scoffed.

"The Uchiha wasn't the only clan to inherit power from Rikudo Sen'nin," she said obstinately. "Those eyes might let you see through this supposed illusion... and I might not have any real memories outside of this world... but hearing you guys talk about it, I get a feeling in my gut like there's a ring of truth to what you're saying."

She smirked.

"Most ninja clans have at least a few drops of the Sage's blood running through their veins," she said. "The Senju and Uchiha are just the ones with the highest percentage. And aside from that..."

"...the Sage of Six Paths created ninshu, which eventually evolved into modern ninjutsu," Miraiya continued for Tsunade. "Or at least that's how the story goes. But still, depending on how you look at it..."

She grinned, glancing at Shizune, Tsunade, and Naruto's present ANBU guards.

" could argue that everyone already has a seed of the potential lying inside them," she finished.

"The new generation inherits the hopes and dreams of those who came before them, carrying on the will of their predecessors in whatever way seems best to them," said Kagome. "Naturally there are conflicts, because different people have different opinions, and what's acceptable to one person may seem unforgivable to another. But at the end of the day, we have all inherited a hope for peace..."

"...the Will of Fire which burns in our breasts, compelling us forward..." Nadeshiko said with a soft smile.

"...the desire to protect the things precious to us, giving us strength..." Yugao whispered, glancing deferentially at Naruto.

"...the longing for bonds and companionship, pushing us to reach out to our fellow woman," said Sai-chan.

"...all of these are passed down to us from long ago, right?" said Shizune, smiling warmly at Tsunade.

The Honorable Fifth nodded confidently.

"That's right!" she said. "Maybe we didn't all win the genetic lottery, and maybe some of us have had to fight tooth and nail just to break even with fate... but we still each have a heart and mind of our own."

Naruto's eyes widened, struck by a potential revelation.

"If the separate wills of the bijuu all fighting for their own desires are almost enough to break free from the Juubi... then what could you do with the combined wills of every last woman in the world working for one goal?" he whispered.

"Struggle in vain," came a chillingly familiar voice from above him. "That is all."

Naruto whipped his gaze upward, and his eyes widened in something like horrified realization.

Kaguya hovered above his desk – the hokage's desk. She was garbed in the same fashion as she had been when... when she tore the Juubi from Madara.

Floating beside the rabbit demon goddess were the insensate, bound and trussed forms of Mina, Kushina, and Zetsuko's white half. They were tied up in sensual shibari, their ropes looking distinctly like they had been woven together from strands of Kaguya's hair.

A noble, angular face gazed down from on high at the assembled personages. Long, wide sleeves were draped over pale, slender arms. In the shadow of one sleeve Naruto could see the gleam of cold yellow eyes and a sharp, toothy sneer.

"Hello... niisama."

Naruto, Obi, and Mari stared up at the goddess and her son (her daughter?) with a slowly dawning horror. Even Miraiya, Tsunade, Shizune, and the ANBU guards looked visibly stunned. The veil over their eyes wavered, the illusion's hold on them faltering.

Naruto stared at Kaguya, at the women floating beside her. He remembered everything. Not only from before the illusion, but also everything he had done while within Infinite Tsukuyomi's grasp.

He remembered the sex, of course (with both embarrassment and a slight, shameful satisfaction), but he also remembered all of the small, innocent happy moments he had shared with his mothers over the course of this illusion, in the manufactured memory's of his Infinite Tsukuyomi self, and the fewer, even more precious moments he had been fortunate enough to share with them back in reality, in his original life.

Looking up at Kaguya, seeing his mom and the woman who should have been his father trussed up and treated like ten ryo whores, Naruto stomach roiling and churn with a furious, white hot indignation. Even admitting silently to himself that the sight did arouse him, and that a not-inconsequential part of him still hoped to have even more sex with the women – his mothers – could not detract from the anger he felt.

He thought, at once, of all the women in this illusion who had been made by Kaguya to lust after him and have sex with him. He thought of the girls he had, under the spell of Infinite Tsukuyomi, taken as his wives, and the daughters he might have one day had sex with if not for the timely intervention of Mari and Obi.

He shuddered, half from rage, half from disgust, and half from a shameful rush of arousal.

"You..." he growled, glaring up at Kaguya. "You...!"

Naruto grit his teeth, eyes flashing. He could, from this angle, see every bit of Kaguya's perfectly proportioned, heavenly body through the twisted goddess's impossibly sheer feather raiment. But that did nothing to distract his wrath, or turn his mind from rash and furious thoughts of meting out justice upon this horrible, deranged woman.

Clenching his fists, Naruto leaped up on top of his desk. Kaguya languidly drifted an inch or two out of his immediate reach, gazing serenely and dispassionately down at the man she had chosen as her son.

"Now, now, niisama~" came Kurozetsu's teasing voice – the male voice, and yet the female voice was also audible, like a subtle reverberation or echo. A trace of the illusion lingering in Naruto's ears. "Don't you think you should be happy? Mother has done all of this for you, after all."

"I—I never said I wanted this!" Naruto snapped angrily, defiantly. But he was shaking, and there was a touch of pink in his cheeks.

The living shadow emerged from Kaguya's sleeve. For a moment Naruto saw a featureless, androgynous male form, but then it shifted. It changed into Kurozetsuko – a complete Kurozetsuko, with her own whole body. She was still a featureless silhouette, but Naruto could nonetheless somehow make out stiff nipples and a wet pussy, cozy and inviting.

There was something tempting and erotic in the way she moved, so graceful and sinuous, crawling down to Naruto and wrapping her arms around him. A small, perky bust was pressed not so subtly into his side, causing the blond to blush and gulp, his manhood hardening even further despite his best efforts to focus on the simmering righteous fury.

Kurozetsuko kissed Naruto chastely on the lips. Their mouths brushed almost innocently together, closed, holding contact for only a moment. It was a soft, almost sweetly clumsy kiss, yet there was a subtle heat, a concealed purposefulness underlying her motions which betrayed a world of suggestion and temptation beneath the surface.

Weakly, he tried to push the woman off of him, glaring impotently up at Kaguya. But unlike the hypnotized him who had come to dominate this false reality, the real Naruto was still very inexperienced in the realm of sex, and honestly awkward around women. He no longer had the confidence of a man who had spent his entire young life fucking a multitude of gorgeous, nubile beauties, or the acquired cool resolve to take in all manner of sexual excess without even blinking.

All of that had been an illusion. It wasn't real.

Naruto was, for all intents and purposes, right now as innocent and helpless as a virgin. He knew all kinds of things from the illusion's memories, but he could not put this experience to use – perhaps it was a mental block formed from the sudden shock of realizing that this was all part of Infinite Tsukuyomi, the him he thought of as "real" trying desperately to estrange itself as much as humanly possible from the "fake" him who had lived and loved in this illusory world of Kaguya's twisted (if admittedly hot) fantasies.

Kaguya smiled down at Naruto, loftily raising a hand and gesturing in some obscure, ancient fashion.

"Please do not fight it, my dear son," she said sweetly, far too lovingly and affectionately to be healthy, when one took into consideration the lustful glint in her byakugan eyes. "I have done all of this for you. My daughters I have given up to you for your pleasure and service. Myself, and everything that I am, I give also to you, should you only accept this reality and embrace your true destiny."

Nadeshiko, Kagome, Tsunade, Miraiya, Shizune, Yugao, Sai, Obi, and Mari all watched transfixed as Kaguya banished what clothes Naruto had still been wearing with a twitch of her finger, rendering them nude also as a side effect. These women were frozen in place, unable to do a thing, as they beheld the sensual, overwhelming majesty and subtle, creeping terror of the Demon Rabbit Goddess.

Kurozetsuko purred huskily, wiggling firm and toned hips. Skin as singularly black as the cold and starless void which lay beyond the uttermost reaches of the universe rippled over round and pert buttocks, a tight and spankable ass happily wagging back and forth. She hugged Naruto tightly, obscenely grinding the sharp points of her nipples into the hard and lean musculature of his perfectly balanced masculine frame, smashing a flat gymnast's tits passionately into his rigid and unyielding body.

"Oh, niisama," she cooed lustily, shamelessly licking his lips, nibbling hungrily on his whisker-marked cheeks, trailing long and slender ebony fingers deftly, erotically hither and yon across the considerable length and breadth of his solid, throbbing manhood. "Just relax, and your cute little sister will make everything better❤"

She tittered, suggestively kissing the base of his neck.

"...or maybe you like sexy older sister types better~?" she purred, pupiless glowing eyes boring with a strange sort of suggestiveness into deep and expressive cerulean wells. She wrapped her legs around his, pressing moderately larger breasts – a high B-cup, now, or low C – against lean and well-defined pecs.

She was straddling his waist, breathing hotly and lustily upon his cheek, licking her lips as she slowly, teasing rubbed the very brink of a hot, moist slit up and down ever-so-lightly against the throbbing, fleshy head of Naruto's cock.

He gasped, a sharp exhalation of breath, groaning weakly and futilely trying to resist the urge to buck his hips and go in unto her.

Naruto was putty in her hands, and Kurozetsuko clearly knew it.

"What a shame that dumb little slut Obito had to go and give niisama her dirty whore rinnegan. Wouldn't you say so, mother?" the black, female Zetsu remarked. "I daresay I much preferred back when he was forceful, and dominant, and unafraid of anything❤"

Obi blushed, anxiously inching behind Mari. The latter stood her ground, staring intently and uncowed at Kaguya and her daughter.

"Accept your fate, my son, and together we shall rule this world... in peace... for all eternity," Kaguya intoned, gazing down at Naruto, who was deeply blushing and still weakly squirming in Zetsuko's iron embrace. "This is the destiny spoken of by Gamamaru, is it not? You are the child of prophecy, the one who will unite this world in peace... as its supreme ruler alongside me, your mother and dearest lover."

Something inside of Naruto snapped at those words. He spat defiantly. Most of it hit Zetsuko, who purred and wriggled her hips in masochistic joy.

"You... are not my mom!" he snarled, glaring at Kaguya. With a renewed strength and determination, he fought against Kurozetsuko's sensual grip.

The tip of his cock slipped inside the inhuman woman's pussy, and she gasped.

Naruto did not quite break free of Zetsuko's embrace, but rather he wound up becoming the one in control of it. As he stood stubbornly unbending below Kaguya, he pushed his dick further into the literally-black woman. Their sexes smacked noisily and wetly together as the goddess of this world watched.

Naruto's eyes once more fell on the insensate, weakly writhing, bound and gagged forms of his actual parents: Kushina Uzumaki, and Mina "Minato" Namikaze.

His cock throbbed powerfully inside of Zetsuko. Kaguya's daughter gasped, squirming and grunting piteously as her mother's chosen son began to rock his hips, slowly at first, but with a swiftly mounting tempo, harder and harder against hers. He pumped his manhood back and forth, possessively and masterfully squeezing Kurozetsuko's ass, pinching and twisting one of her nipples.

He kissed the woman hungrily, thrusting his tongue rapaciously down her throat. He all but swabbed her tonsils, thoroughly tasting every inch of Zetsuko's mouth. Their lips were mashed fiercely together, burning and tingling excitingly.

Naruto pushed and pushed again and again, driving himself deep into the woman, breaking off the kiss and allowing Kurozetsuko's head to roll weakly to one side. He looked once more up at Kaguya, his eyes steely with resolve, his pelvis smacking noisily, rapidly into Zetsuko's wet, distended sex.

He silently held the goddess's gaze as he fucked her daughter silly, reducing the cocksure and domineering black Zetsuko to mewling incoherently, weakly purring and squealing as shamelessly as a cat in heat.

Kurozetsuko came powerfully, screaming and howling enough for a small family of gibbons. She went limp in Naruto's arms, groaning lewdly as she felt his penis twitch, and a truly copious quantity of sperm disgorge into her womanhood.

Naruto let go of her, and she fell down to the ground. Her pussy slipped off of his dick, and thick white semen glooped and dribbled down her thighs, contrasting starkly and artfully with her pitch black skin.

Naruto's eyes were half in shadow, a deadly serious expression on his face. His arms were crossed over a bare, sweaty chest. His penis stood proud, erect and glistening with the wet sheen of Zetsuko's plundered pussy. He met Kaguya's gaze unflinchingly, standing tall with a fierce pride and wrathful determination the likes of which had not surfaced in him since the days of his youth.

There was no melancholy here, no pity for his enemy, nor offered mercy to the one who crossed him. Only an adamant resolve to put Kaguya in her place.

"Someone who'd become a giant, evil monster... someone who'd be so jealous of her own sons that she'd try to steal back what they inherited from her..." He snarled, baring his teeth. "...a coward too afraid of loneliness to even let her kids grow up and live their own lives... isn't even CLOSE to being the woman I call mom!"

He spoke firmly, eyes burning with pride. Kurozetsuko was slumped bonelessly at his feet, quietly moaning and burbling in the afterglow of an almighty orgasm.

Kagome, Sai, Yugao and Nadeshiko stirred, and moved in protectively around Naruto. They acted unashamed of their naked womanhood, unembarrassed of their situation, and unflinchingly resolute even so close to Naruto's equally bare, throbbing manhood. Though they had no weapons at hand, and no armor to protect them, they each took combat stances in a manji formation around the hokage.

Obi's sharingan eye showed a glimmer of pride, meeting Kagome's in a flash of whirling crimson. Mari crossed her arms beneath her naked bosom, unsubtly and confidently pushing her massive breasts up and together.

Miraiya and Tsunade flanked Obi and Mari, along with the ANBU, forming an eight woman wall between Naruto and Kaguya. Shizune took a position behind him, hands at the ready for emergency application of the mystic palm technique.

Even without an active kyuubi chakra shroud, Naruto could still perceive each woman's inner thoughts.

Whether for better or worse... we'll support you to the bitter end, Lord Hokage!

This was the common thread running through all their minds, a singularly unflinching loyalty and determination. Although these nine now remembered reality, and had realized the truth of this world, still they saw him as their rightful hokage. They were ready and willing to fight and die for him, if it came to that.

Whatever few doubts Naruto might have still had quickly evaporated in the face of this common, emboldening surety. They trusted him, and respected him as a leader, even if he wasn't really the legitimate reigning hokage.

(As far as he was concerned, the ceremonies and traditions of this illusory world could hardly be considered to hold any weight in reality, after all)

He smiled grimly, clenching his fists and squaring his shoulders. Standing tall, the son of Mina—Minato Namikaze—and Kushina Uzumaki stared Kaguya down, as naked as the day he was born. She did not flinch or quail, but neither did Naruto.

The goddess of the Infinite Tsukuyomi levitated a little lower, although still just barely out of Naruto's immediate reach.

"Is this what they call 'that rebellious age'?" she wondered aloud, sounding almost wry. "Perhaps you need to experience first hand... the power, and absolute infallibility of your mother, Naruto my dear, sweet son."

She waved a hand, and Zetsuko seemingly vanished. In her place stood the nine tailed beasts and their jinchuuriki (excepting Gaara and Naruto himself, obviously). Both parties were naked, in human forms.

"Here," Kaguya said coolly, calmly, gesturing to bijuu one through nine, and jinchuuriki two through eight. They were unconscious, asleep. Opaque, pearlescent byakugan betrayed no hints of her inner emotions. "If you wish, you may use their chakra and their bodies as you see fit. It is your rightful inheritance, after all."

Naruto stared at the unmoving, somnolent Nyuuki and Honey Bee, Honmei and Fuu, Paiken and Utakata, Kokujou and Hanko, Chichi and Bulma, Isonade and Yagura, Matatabi and Yugito, and Kumiko and Tsuru. After a few seconds of silently puzzling over this seeming generosity, he turned suspiciously to Kaguya.

"What are you trying to do...?" he asked her mistrustfully.

"I simply intend to show you the right and sensible path, my son," she answered loftily. "I did not give my first sons the chance to fail and learn from their mistakes. That was folly on my part. Having never felt true pain, they grew arrogant and sealed me away, misconstruing my intentions and treating me like a monster."

The expression on her face grew almost sorrowful.

"I only wanted what was best... I wanted them to stay where it was safe, together forever with me... a happy family, forever," she said ruefully. "They did not realize... they had never seen how dangerous the world was, how terrible it could be. I tried to protect them, but they pushed me away."

Byakugan eyes flashed. The many-rimmed sharingan (or many-comma'ed rinnegan) upon her brow seemed to open a little wider.

"Defy me if you wish, son. I understand now... you are just trying to express yourself and assert your independence." She smiled at him wistfully. "Take what you need, and do whatever you feel is right."

Her smile gained a hint of steel, then, growing visibly manic and possessive well beyond what was healthy or sane.

"...and when you have known true despair," she said darkly, her voice as cold as ice, "then you will gladly come once more to my bosom, and suckle happily at my teat for ever after, with no more foolish dreams of freedom from my grasp, O dear and beloved son!"

With this final declaration, Kaguya vanished. The pressure in the room dropped by several orders of magnitude, and Naruto looked around anxiously at the women who were with him.

He let out a weak sigh, wiping away a bead of sweat.

"Wow..." Naruto muttered. "That's a lot to take in all at once... isn't it? I'm not even sure I completely understand what going on yet, honestly."

He looked at Tsunade, Kagome, and Obi, recalling the bittersweet happiness in their hearts, and the knowledge that some of the people whom they missed the most dearly were still gone forever beyond their grasp, even in this allegedly perfect world.

He looked at Miraiya, Shizune, and Yugao, thinking about how happy they felt here, so glad for a second chance, or just a free and unfettered life wholly removed from many of the petty worries and anxieties of reality.

He looked at Mari—Madara Uchiha—who met his glance with a weak impression of a smile, doing absolutely nothing to cover up her naked, voluptuous body. He felt the hollow emptiness inside her heart of hearts, the bitter knowledge that everything she had worked for so long and so hard, casting aside all morals and pretenses of decency and humanity to manipulate entire generations of people into carrying out his bidding, even over a decade after his death controlling the pieces on the board so tyrannically that no matter how hard or well the alliance fought there was only one, inevitable outcome; the cruel knowledge, the miserable revelation that everything she had done was a part in someone else's plot, and that no matter how desperately she strived, things could never have turned out any differently.

Naruto clenched his fists, feeling the conflict within the hearts of each of these girls. Even in himself, there was alongside the outrage and dismay an inescapable sense of excitement and perverted glee, a wild and uncaring part of him wanting so dearly to run free and do whatever, or whoever, he wanted.

For one of the few times in his life, this headstrong, singleminded ubermensch was at an utter loss as to what he himself thought would be the right thing to do. Only a small handful of times had he ever been vexed by such moral uncertainty, and he wasn't even sure the usual fallback plan of punching his way through and crossing that bridge when he came to it would work in this situation.

Now more than ever did Naruto feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. On the one hand, there was his conviction that in the long run it was better to face the harsh reality than run away into a pleasant fantasy. There was a time and a place for escapism, but "everywhere and forever" was NOT it.

Yet, there was the matter on the other hand: the fact that even just out of the nine conscious girls in this office, a full third were happy with the situation, and even most of the rest seemed quite willing to accept and go along with this new status quo.

This wouldn't be so bad, perhaps, except that Naruto suspected Infinite Tsukuyomi to be an "all or nothing" kind of deal. If he wanted to let anyone out, he would have to let EVERYONE out. Conversely, for anyone to stay in, he feared that EVERYONE would have to stay in.

Even if this wasn't actually the case, there was still the matter that most of the people who might want out may also have bonds of some strength with those who wanted to stay in, so that even if he could let some out while letting others stay, there still would be a fair number of people getting shafted in a most unpleasant way.

Naruto sighed wearily, feeling far too tired for all of this.

Well, whatever the case, I know at least one thing for sure... he thought soberly, sitting back down in his chair and running a hand nervously through his hair. Kaguya... can't be left in charge of this world. That's one thing I know for sure. She isn't thinking about anyone's interests but her own.

Silently, he caught Mari's eyes and nodded.

Naruto knew that he wasn't anywhere near smart enough to weigh all the pros and cons of breaking Infinite Tsukuyomi versus letting things continue, and he also knew that he could never come to a sound decision that was equally good for all parties. Not here, not about something as massive as this, and most certainly not on his own.

But he also knew that Kaguya was unstable, and obviously obsessed with him. And while a respectably sized, perverted part of him was pleased and flattered by the attention, the more rational and moral parts of Naruto realized that someone as mentally unsound as Kaguya could not possibly be trusted with absolute control over Infinite Tsukuyomi.

And even if her words indicated an intention to break his will and put him in what she perceived as his "place", Kaguya had still quite openly invited him to just try and overthrow her. Naruto realized this.

So did Mari and the others.

"I'm the only one she really cares about, aren't I?" Naruto said thoughtfully. "She's totally focused on what she thinks is best for me."

"You used to be a bit like that yourself," Miraiya interjected. "Especially when it came to Sasuki."

Naruto blushed, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

"He is, however, perhaps also the most altruistic and selfless human alive to be as strong as him," Sai-chan observed. "If anyone was both powerful enough to take over Infinite Tsukuyomi and empathetic enough to try and care more or less equally for everyone, it would have to be him."

"That's assuming he intends to keep Infinite Tsukuyomi active, though," Tsunade provided, sounding a touch bull-headed in expressing her opinion. "I don't think I would, if I was in his place. Nice or not, it's just an illusion."

"Some people say that the distinctions between illusion and reality are completely arbitrary," Obi responded, offering her own two cents to the conversation. "And, certainly, when speaking of a genjutsu as vast and comprehensive as this..."

Mari sighed, nodding slowly.

"More pressing, though," she said, "is the question of whether or not the bodies of those ensnared in Infinite Tsukuyomi have already been... transformed. If so, then breaking the illusion would be pointless."

"I haven't seen or sensed anything like that since Obi gave me her rinnegan, for what it's worth," Naruto said. "And I can pick up a lot of different things with Kumiko's chakra."

"But whether the illusion is kept up or dispelled, the one thing I cannot stand for is to see someone other than Lord Hokage ruling it," said Yugao seriously, the loyalty and determination in her voice and demeanor playing itself so straight as to become almost a touch comical.

Naruto sweatdropped.

"I'm not really Hokage, though..." he said. "That was just part of the illusion."

"That doesn't make the ceremony of succession any less valid," Kagome cheerfully quipped, prompting nods of agreement from the other girls. "Heheh... reminds me of something from one of Miraiya-sama's books, actually..."

Naruto blushed, musing that the Pervy Sage might try and interview him about his experiences in this illusion world at any time now to try and get material for her next novel. It would be just like the self-proclaimed Super Pervert to draw on the most unbelievable of events to make her porn as incredibly over-the-top and gratuitous as possible. That was pretty much her chief claim to fame as a writer.

Trying to take his mind off of what that interview might be like, Naruto turned his thoughts to his wives and their well being. He didn't think Kaguya would do anything to them without warning, but that was no guarantee.

It didn't even cross his mind to try and declare his marriages null and void through the same logic he'd just tried to use on his own status as Hokage. Whether he remembered the real world or not, his wives were still his wives.

And a decent man took care of his wives, whether he had one or one hundred.

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