The Girl in the Tower

That morning Lloyd surprised his mom when he told her that he wanted to go on a walk.  The Fairy Godmother instantly said yes.  She thought it would be good for him.

Lloyd walked out of the Fairy Palace and quickly covered his eyes. It was so bright it was hurting his eyes. He walked to the meadows and walked over to a unicorn. He had to chase it down because the unicorns instantly noticed him. Lloyd was always cruel and mean to the unicorns, so the unicorns didn't like him.

But Lloyd had learned a spell that could possess a unicorn into doing anything he wanted. So he quickly put the spell on the unicorn and mounted him. He put the unicorn into gallop and went over to the dwarf forests.

Lloyd always liked going over to the Dwarf Forests. It was the only part of the Fairytale World where he felt like he belonged.

Once he got there, the spell wore off of the unicorn and it bucked Lloyd off and ran back to the meadow. Lloyd stood up and brushed off the dirt and leaves off of his shirt and pants.

He then took a stroll through the dwarf forests. He was on his way to the witch Hagetha's cottage. Every Saturday he went to her cottage to learn the magic he wanted to learn.

Today though he was really lost.  So he just walked around the woods.  He soon saw a very tall tower, and someone was at the top of the tower looking out the window.

"Hey are you stuck?" Lloyd yelled to the little girl in the window. Even though he didn't care, there was a small voice in his head telling him he should ask.

"No.  Are you my handsome prince here to rescue me?"  The little girl asked.

"Heck no."  Lloyd said.  "I was just wondering if you were stuck.

"Oh no."  The little girl said.  "I'm just waiting for someone to rescue me."

"Oh well, you seem fine."  Lloyd said.  "See ya."

"Wait!"  The little girl said.  "I'm bored as bored can be.  I have no one to talk to.  Maybe you could come up here and we could talk?"

"You want to talk to me?"  Lloyd asked surprised.

"Yeah."  The little girl said.

Lloyd didn't want to at all.  But he was lost and this was a tall tower.  So maybe if he went up and talked with this girl maybe he could see Hagatha's cottage from there.

"Ok, but only for a little bit."  Lloyd told her.  The little girl smiled and clapped her hands.

"Yay!"  She said.  "Climb on up."

"How?"  Lloyd asked. "I don't see a rope ladder."

"Oh sorry, I forgot."  The little girl said.  The girl suddenly threw down a bunch of blonde hair.  Lloyd had to do a double take before he noticed that that hair was hers.

"Wow that's a lot of hair."  Lloyd said.

"Yeah, it's always been really long."  The little girl said.  "Well climb on up."

Lloyd grabbed onto the hair and started to climb.  When he got halfway up the tower, he realized he was scared of heights.  He kept on climbing until he reached the top and jumped through the window.  Inside it was just a big round room with lightly colored walls.  The room was also filled with more hair.

The little girl had blue eyes, wore a purple dress and had very long blonde hair.

"Wow you have a lot of hair."  Lloyd said again.

"You already said that."  The little girl said.

"So what's your name?"  Lloyd asked.

"Rapunzal."  She said.  "What's yours?"

"Lloyd."  Lloyd said.

"Well nice to meet you Lloyd."  Rapunzal said.

"So how long have you been up here?"  Lloyd asked.

"As long as I can remember."  Rapunzal said.

"Why don't you leave?"  Lloyd asked.

"Because the witch won't let me."  Rapunzal said.  "She has me trapped in here, and I don't know why."

"Well why don't you kill the witch?"  Lloyd asked.  Rapunzal gasped.

"I could never kill anyone."  Rapunzal said.  "I believe that there's good in everyone.  I just have to find it in the witch."

Lloyd scoffed and dramatically rolled his eyes.  He had heard that line one to many times.

"Now you sound like my mother."  Lloyd said.

"Who's your mother?"  Rapunzal asked.

"The Fairy Godmother."  Lloyd said quietly. 

"The Fairy Godmother!"  Rapunzal said excitedly.  "I hear she's very powerful.  Does that mean that your a fairy."

"Oh please don't say that!"  Lloyd said.  "But I sort of am."

"That's amazing!"  Rapunzal said and blushed.  For once in Lloyds life he actually did as well.

"Rapunzal!  I'm back."  A shriveled old voice said from the bottom of the tower.

"Oh no!  It's the witch!"  Rapunzal said.  "You can't be here.  You have to leave."

"I'm not scared of any old witch."  Lloyd said.  "Watch this."  Lloyd walked over to the window and saw a women in a black cloak.  Lloyd then shot a blast of magic at her, causing her to become unconscious.

"Look I knocked her out."  Lloyd said.  "Know we can get out of here."

Rapunzal looked at him in shock and fear.  All her life she thought fairies were good, but Lloyd had proven her wrong.

"Rapunzal what's wrong?"  Lloyd asked.

"Your a bad fairy."  Rapunzal said.  "A good fairy wouldn't have just done that."

"I'm saving your life."  Lloyd said.  "I'm doing something good."

"Your doing something good, but doing something bad."  Rapunzal said.  "You shouldn't have done that to the witch."

"Well, this is what I get for doing something good."  Lloyd said.  "Have a good life Rapunzal."

Lloyd jumped out of the window and grabbed onto the rest of the hair and lowered himself down.  Once he hit the ground he ran back into the woods. He looked back at the tower and saw that the witch was waking up. He ran into the woods leaving the tower behind him.

At the entrance to the Dwarf Forests, John was riding a unicorn looking for his brother. He soon came across a bunch of loggers cutting down a bunch of trees.

"Why are you men cutting down all these trees?" John asked.

"We need to cut them down to make furniture." One of the men said. "Well except for that one."

The man pointed to the tree that was in the middle of a bunch of stumps. The tree had a curved truck and not many leaves.

"We can't use that type of tree for furniture." The man said.

John looked at the tree and smiled. The tree was different and that's what was so interesting about it. He then saw Lloyd walk out of the woods with his head lowered and his hands in his pockets.

"Lloyd there you are. Mom was getting worried." John said.

"Let her." Lloyd said. "Let's just go home."

Lloyd climbed onto the back of the unicorn (the unicorn didn't like that) and they rode off back to the Fairy Kingdom.

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