chapter 13

"Darius has been shot!"
"What!?" Eda shouted. "By who!?"
"I-i think it was one of the girls who killed mother" Lilith said quietly
"where is he?" Raine asked.
They're voice was surprisingly calm, but in their eyes eda could see the worry.
"Charlotte has him on bed rest, in his apparent bed chambers" Lilith said.
"Darius lives at the castle?" Eda asked.
Raine nodded, quickly running out of the room and down the hall. Eda quickly ran after them. They stopped outside a small room. Inside was Charlotte, and Darius. He was bleeding badly all down his chest. Charlotte was frantically trying to keep the bleeding under control. Her black dress was covered in blood splatters.
"Charlotte, what happened!?" Eda exclaimed.
"How bad is it?" Raine questioned, helping clean the blood.
"Hard to tell, there's so much blood! And its close to the heart, I doubt he'll make the night though..." Charlotte mumbled.
"What!?" Darius yelped, going pale.
Charlotte sighed in frustration, wiping her hands on a towel. She had her grey hair tied into tight bun.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Eda asked.
"Not really, sweetie...and I don't want you getting hurt" Charlotte said sternly.
"But-" eda started.
"No buts, if you really want to help, you can get me some warm water" Charlotte interrupted.
Eda sighed and left to do as she was told. On her way back she felt a sudden sharp pain in her lower back, then she felt a warm liquid go down her back and legs. She toppled over and dropped the bowel of water, her breath hitched. Blood ran down her body. She felt another sharp pain, this time between her shoulder blades. She let out a strangled cry and pulled out a triangular shaped dagger. (Fun fact, wounds from a weapon like that never heal properly, they just get infected. You're welcome) Then everything went black. The last thing she remembered was the sound of footsteps coming towards her.

15 hours later:
"What do you mean!?" Eda heard through darkness.
Her head throbbed, so did most of her body. Mostly her stomach.
What if something happened to the baby? What if raine broke their promise? What if..what if I'm not good enough to be a mum...?
Thoughts like these swirled through edas head. I should just stop trying. They dont love me anyways... All eda could see was darkness, just an endless void of black. Next thing she knew, she was in her childhood room.
It was messy, unkept. It had random trinkets, wood carvings. All kinds of different posters. Just how she remembered.
"Edalyn, we're leaving! Come on!" She heard her mother shout.
She walked up to the body length mirror she had. It was her, only younger.
"Well, this is new" she mumbled.
"Edalyn!" Her mother shouted, now sounding impatient.
"Coming!" Eda shouted, walking out of the room.
Everything outside the room was a bit off, or hazy. Pictures were the wrong shades, the walls had a different feel to it. She walked down the stairs and saw her mother speaking to her father.
"Must we?"
"Yes, you know we must. Besides they're just worthless prices of flesh and bones. It'll be fine Dell."
"I disagree, they're more than 'flesh and bone. And you know it, Gwen!"
"Honestly, I don't actually care"
Eda looked at her sister, she was, as usual, reading a book. Today she chose a book called, purple irises and where to find them.
She had gotten it the day before. Lilith always loved books like that. The scene faded into another scene. This time when Lilith and Eda were 16. The two was at a park, minding their own business, when an thirty year old looking guy walked up to them and started hitting on Lilith.
"Why, aren't you a pretty little thing" the man had said.
"Touch her and I won't hesitate to break every bone in your fucking body" eda had warned.
"You're a woman! You couldn't even if you tried!" The man had laughed
In that moment eda forgot all about patience. So she dropped kicked the man and stabbed the man in the balls with her heel. She felt powerful.
The scene changed once again. This time it was one she'd never seen before. It was in her present bedroom.
She was laying lifelessly on her bed. Raine was pacing around her bed and Lilith was sitting beside her. Eda was pale, even more paler than usual.
"Come on raine, even I accepted the fact that she's gone...I mean you have your daughter..." Lilith mumbled.
Raine turned and glared at her. Just then eda heard the sound of a babies cries. That's when eda noticed the small cradle on the side.
"What...?" Her voice echoed in a way it shouldn't.
Raine quietly picked up the child and it stopped crying. The child had short bright orange hair, like hers...with tufts of mint green hair. It had emerald green eyes like raine and was as pale as eda.
"Shhh, its okay baby...I'm here" raine whispered softly, playfully bouncing the child in their arms. "You're as beautiful as your mama" raine glanced at the eda in the bed.
"Raine...come on-" Lilith started.
"No, Bela won't be growing up without a mother" raine said sternly. "She deserves to meet her, even just once."
Lilith looked at raine and sighed. "I doubt that's going to happen, especially after we found out how it happened"
Raine sighed sadly, their eyes looked almost dead at this point. It broke edas heart to see them like that.
"Get some sleep Lilith, one of us needs it" they mumbled, gently setting Bela down.
Lilith stood up silently and walked out of the room. Once she was gone raine quietly walked up to where sleeping eda layed and gently kissed her head. They then sat down beside her, closing their eyes.

Edas eyes flew open as she sat up.
"W-what happened!?" She exclaimed.
"Eda!?" Raine stood up then pulled her into a warm embrace. "You're alive!"
"Of course I am...what happened?" Eda asked, hugging them back.
"We found you practically dead! Its been a year since then..." Raine explained.
"A year- wait- that means ive had..." Eda suddenly stopped mid sentence.
"Mhm, a girl..i-i didn't know if you had any idea of a name so I may of named her after my sister..." They said sheepishly. "But with one L instead of two."
"Raine that's Hebrew for destruction." Eda said bluntly.
"I- what!?" Raine exclaimed
"Well, I wanted to name the kid something that subtly mean something like that" Eda laughed.
" you like it?" Raine smiled.
Eda nodded, kissing their nose.
"Can I meet her?" She asked hopefully.
Raine nodded and walked to the crib. They gently picked up the child and walked back over to Eda. Raine sat down with Bela in their lap. Bela was looking at eda curiously.
"Bela look, its your mama" raine said, smiling softly at the child.
Bela babbled mindlessly as eda looked at the baby girl. Her baby girl.
"You can hold her, you know" raine said playfully, handing eda the baby.
Eda held the child in her arms, moving her hand to belas stomach. Bela grabbed edas hand with her chubby baby hands and started to mindlessly "chew" on edas fingers. She chuckled. "Its like sandpaper!"
Raine smiled and kissed her forehead.
Quietly Lilith walked in and paused in her tracks.
"Eda!?" She exclaimed. "You're awake!"
"Told you!" Raine smirked, they looked more like themselves than before.
For the next hour or so everyone was all joyful and happy.
That night, everyone slept peacefully. Well apart from eda and Raine. A child will do that to you.

Sorry for not posting the last few days, life has gotten in the way

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