
Pink's heart was pounding but under his mask of anxiety, he wore a massive grin. He couldn't believe he had struck such luck with the zoo, and then on top of that with his new pet.

He had to admit, she was very out of place amongst the Pearls with her dark skin and hair but he kinda liked it.

It was confusing and a bit off putting to be given gifts by his aunts but he decided to just enjoy it. Maybe they had a change of heart.

"Fat chance."

Connie looked at him and raised a brow, an unfairly cute expression. "What did you say?"

"N-nothing. I suppose I should give you a tour." Pink motioned for her to follow and walked off.

She was silent the entire time, only nodding and taking in her surroundings. For some reason, it made him nervous and that irritated him. The last part of the tour was to show her their room and where she would be sleeping. A part of his human mind knew that sleeping in the same room as a pretty girl was not the easiest thing in the world and would definitely cause problems later on if he didn't have complete control of himself.

The halls echoed with their footsteps as they neared the end. He longed to examine the girl properly, but she stayed a foot behind him at all times. She hadn't even spoken, which he supposed was normal behavior when serving a Diamond. He knew that if he so asked, she would let him inspect her. And it wouldn't be weird, right? She was his after all.

"Here we are." Pink fumbled with the controls and the door slid open soundlessly. He expected her to walk into the room and then realized she wouldn't until he did first. She had already been trained fully it seemed. He didn't know how to feel about that.

Instead of making Connie a bed of her own, the pebbles had expanded on Pink's bed. He reddened and turned to her. "I didn't ask them to do that."

Her cheeks were rosy too, but she bit her lip and nodded her understanding.

'Stars, does she ever talk?' Pink wondered.

They stood awkwardly and he couldn't help but peek at her with interest. And the more he noticed how pretty she was, the more resentment grew in his stomach.

'I know what this is. The Diamonds are punishing me further. If I get attached they'll take her away. I can't let them win."

Any feelings of excitement or joy in her presence turned to anger and frustration.

"Fine then, I suppose you'll sleep with me."

She smiled a little, but was met with his cold stare and it disappeared quickly. "Yes, my Diamond."

He turned away from her and walked toward the door. Immediately he heard her footsteps behind him, and he paused. "What did you say your name was again?"

"Connie, my Diamond. But you may name me anything you wish if it pleases you." Out of the corner of his eye she lowered herself slightly and lifted her dress a bit.

"What," He couldn't help the laugh in his voice, "What are you doing?"

The young woman resumed an upright position and tilted her head. "You've never seen a curtsy before? It's like, a sign of submission. Or a way to accept praise."

"Hm." He thought for a moment. "Instead of the Diamond salute, you will do that now when addressing myself and myself alone. Do you understand, Connie?" Part of him knew he shouldn't request such a strange gesture in place of normal etiquette, but he absolutely adored it.

"Yes, my Diamond." She curtsied again as she spoke.

"Very well. You stay here, I am going to speak with the Diamonds." He started for the door again then paused and looked back at her. It hadn't occurred to him until just now that the other Diamonds may go easier on him in the presence of another human. He didn't know what they had taught her, or how she seemed to know anything about this world seeing she was from Earth.


He felt that uncomfortable feeling well up inside him again. Pushing it aside, he gave Connie a wary smile. "Actually, you will accompany me."

The girl returned his smile warmly and he felt his fingers tingle a bit. "Alright."

Maybe White would be kinder to him in her presence.

As they entered White's Room, he was greeted by his Pearl. But she was stark white. "Hello, Pink. Greetings, Connie. What brings you two into my chambers?"

"Wha–," He swallowed. White's voice was coming from her, and though he'd seen it done to other gems before, it made his skin crawl.

"Oh, your Pearl. It must have slipped my mind." His Pearl gave him an eerie smile. "I figured since you have your Connie now, you wouldn't need her anymore so I've taken her in. You don't mind do you?"

Of course he minded. He minded a lot. "Of course not White. Did you heal her?"

White's laughter echoed loudly in her large room and Pink's blood seemed to freeze over. That sound haunted him in his nightmares and waking life alike. Part of him deep inside cowered in fear, but he squared his shoulders and tried not to let it show.

"I happen to quite like her like this." His– White's pearl, traced the cracks on her face. A small piece fell off and for a moment she winced. "It gives her character, don't you think?"

She was goading him, using her to make him feel guilty. She wanted to see him uncomfortable and vulnerable. She was usually more backhanded with her comments though. He looked back at his Connie, who stood nearly motionless until her eyes met his.

He quickly looked away and gritted his teeth. "Yes."

"I'm so glad to see you two are getting along. She was a fantastic pick, can you believe how well trained she is? It was hardly even a task."

He heard her take a small intake of breath. "Yes, thank you White."

"Goodbye, Pink." And with that his Pearl floated away.

The sudden dismissal made him fume as they returned down the hall.

He sat down on the foot of his bed and held his head in his hands. White was making him look weak and unimportant in front of Connie on purpose. He gripped his hair and tugged a little to ground himself.

"My Diamond?"

He raised his eyes to meet hers silently.

"Your gem," She pointed out. "It's glowing."

He glanced down and scowled. "I see. Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"No, my Diamond. I was simply observing. I've never seen one glow like yours. It seems to respond to your emotions, unlike other gems."

Pink raised an eyebrow. "Do you often speak out of turn?"

Her eyes widened in realization and she shook her head.

"Speak up. I was simply asking a question."

"Not usually, my Diamond." She sounded embarrassed and it made him smile.

"Well, you seem to be very smart." They locked eyes and his heartbeat quickened again. He frowned as his stomach began to feel a bit odd as he looked at her. Without thinking he rested a hand on it.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes." He paused. "I just suddenly felt off for a moment." Pink never had to explain himself before to his Pearl, he wasn't sure why he was now. Perhaps it was because she was a human. "Come here."

She took two steps so she was within reaching distance and he pulled her until they were mere inches away from each other. He stood and peered down at her from easily a foot and a half up. She craned her neck to look up at him and stared up in awe.

"Are you aware of the procedure for an inspection?" Pink asked.

"An i-inspection? I am not." She shuffled her feet anxiously.

"Hm. Then I will have to teach you." He reached down to touch a single curl with his index finger, then pulled it until it was nearly straight. "Are most humans like you where you are from?" He should know this, but his memories had faded to near shadows.

"No, my Diamond. Where I'm from I am considered exotic."

Pink nodded his understanding and let the coil spring back up and bounce a bit. "And where is that?"

"A small town called Beach City," She replied.

"Tell me about what it's like." Pink grabbed her chin and turned her head cautiously side to side. He knew he was incredibly strong and that she was incredibly fragile. One hasty move could kill her. He felt her cheeks warm under his hand, and his face heated up too. He never understood that reaction.

"It's small, but not small. There's a donut shop, and it's on a beach obviously. There's lots of interesting people there. And every day seems new. The sun is almost always shining, and when the snow sets in the ocean air makes it feel like you're in a alternate dimension where there's snow instead of sand." She seemed bright and cheery talking about that place. He'd always wanted to visit Earth since no one had taken it for their colony yet but he was told not to travel to planets without permission from White. She always was hard to get a word in edgewise so he'd never gotten to ask. He figured she already knew what he wanted, and she'd never give it to him anyways.

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