Will Ritsu ever wake up?!

*Hibiki's POV*
*Several days later*

I sighed, sorting alone in the hospital room with my Ritsu. I haven't left his side since we got here, since I'm technically being treated for 'heat fever' or whatever it's called, but none of that matters.

Nothing matters.
Nothing will continue to matter till Ritsu wakes up.

Grabbing Ritsu's hand for the umpteenth time in the past hour, I cradled it in mine, hating how cold it felt to the touch. The monitor beeped steadily, as I relied on it for my lifeline almost as much as Ritsu did.

I didn't notice the door slowly opening up, as I kept staring at my red headed love.

"Hibi-chan." I heard a voice say sadly, like a little kid but I didn't respond.

"Hibiki, this is very unhealthy for you. You are still recovering." One voice asked, but I didn't care who said it. I was focused, wishing and hoping for a miracle.

"Dude, you have" "to get up." "Snap out" "of it!" Two voices told me, but I didn't care. It was as unimportant as my life is without Ritsu.

"Hibiki, you have to let go. You have to eat. You haven't eaten in several days, have you? Please Hibiki." Another voice told me, but I couldn't tell who it was, everything was a blur or a blob, except for his face, I could see all of the little details on his face in plain detail.

"Hibiki, c'mon, we all care about Kasanova, but please..." Someone said, and I recognized them. Haruhi.

"Ha.....ru.....hi?" I asked, painfully slow, like I haven't talked in months, my throat feeling like sandpaper lit on fire with gasoline.

"Hibiki, thank God!" A voice said, as footsteps stumbled over to me. Tamaki.

"Ta....ma...ki?" I asked, my voice as broken as my heart would be if my soul mate died.

"Yes, it's me... we're all here...talk to us, please." Tamaki said, putting a hand on my shoulders, but I couldn't feel a thing.

"R-ri....tsu...." I said, tears falling out of my eyes, but I didn't feel them running down my cheeks. I didn't feel anything.

"Ritsu is in stable condition, Hibiki. He will live. Weither he will wake up is another story, but there is a very high likelihood that he will." A voice said, matching a black blob of hair and shiny glasses. Kyoya.

"Hibi-chan. Cone eat some cake with us, ok?" A sweet kid voice offered. Honey.

"R....rit....tsu..." I stuttered, still holding his hand, as I looked down, uncontrollable tears running down my face as I cried harder.

"Hey, Hibiki" "he's going to" "be ok, so just" "relax and come" "eat with us" "Yea?" Two pairs of voices asked, as I started to recognize those voices as well. Karou and Hikaru.

"N...not.....h...hun...hungry.... R...rit....su." I barely managed to hear myself say, as the twins sighed.

"Mori, pick him up and take him to the food court. He needs to eat." Kyoya said, as I saw a tall blur move towards me, grabbing me and trying to separate me and my lover.

"NO! DON'T TOUCH ME!! DONT TAKE RITSU AWAY FROM ME!! HE'S MY LOVE!! HE CAN'T DIE!! I NEED HIM!!!" I screamed, clinging to Ritsu's hand with one of my own, as I clawed and scratched and kicked the person grabbing me.

They just held me tighter, restraining my arms from flying around, as he moved closer to Ritsu, letting me hold onto Ritsu loosely, as I instantly calmed down, panting heavily.

When I caught my breath, I leaned over and kissed Ritsu's lips tenderly, like the prince charming of the sleeping beauty. Ritsu was my sleeping beauty. I was his prince, but when he needed me the most, I didn't save him. He saved me. I sighed sadly, cupping my hand onto his face.

"Hibiki." A deep voice like chocolate said, as I looked up at the tall blur to recognize Mori.

"M...Mori...?" I asked, as I blinked, seeing he was restraining me.

"Mori, let me go...." I said, confused, but he didn't.

"Hibiki, you need to eat." Mori said, softly.

I started to cry, as I let go of my loves hand, my own shaking terribly. My hand felt like fire when I let go, missing the cold touch of Ritsu's asleep hand.

"C'mon." Mori said, once more, as everyone else was too upset to comment on how that's the most he's ever spoken ever.

".......ok...." I said, my voice weak and morose.

"... hibi-chan, do you want some cake?" Homey asked.

".......ok....." I replied, as I closed in on myself, my legs not responding to my body anymore.

"Hibiki, you can't keep doing this....it's unhealthy. Your family is worried sick about you." Kyoya said, not sounding cold at all, which was suprising.

"Fa.... family?" I asked, looking back at Ritsu slightly.

"Yea, your family. Your aunty Clair is here at the hospital, along with your siblings. Wanna see them again?" Tamaki asked, gently, like I could break at any moment.

"....y..yea..." I said, not really processing what was happening anymore, the only thing running through my mind for the past several days was...

Ritsu is in a coma.

I let Mori carry me to the food court, which was lavish and expensive, because rich people.

I saw a lady with red hair and I instantly thought of Ritsu, making tears prick to my eyes.

"Hibiki, my little blossom!" Aunty Clair shouted, as she ran over to me and Mori.

"BROTHER/BUBBY!" The kids shouted, in unison, following Aunty Clair as she stopped me up into a hug, followed by several little hands hugging me.

"A... Aunty Clair.....k... kiddos...." I stumbled over my words, as I looked around, tears still in my eyes.

"Hibiki, what's wrong?" A small child asked, the smallest one there. Hina.

At that....I burst into heavy sobs and heartbreaking sounds of distraught, as I cried into my family,letting them support and hold me.

I felt hands on my back, as I looked to see the host club smiling sadly at me, as they joined in, a bit awkward, but still joined in.

I just cried and cried and cried, till I had no more tears left to cry.

I was so busy crying.....that I didn't notice that Ritsu had gotten out of bed, without permission by the way, and joined the hug as well, shushing the others who noticed.

"Hibiki, baby, what's wrong?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask me, as I sniffled, my tests stinging painfully.

"M-my lover....Ritsu...is in a coma....they won't wake up....I miss him so much....I love him even more....I want Ritsu to wake up! It isn't fair! I didn't get to kiss him....if he dies....I...I...won't be able to live with myself!!" I cried, shaking violently, as I felt like I was falling apart at the seems.

"Well....it's a good thing that I'm not leaving you anytime soon, Hibi." The same voice said, and I whipped my head up so fast, instants later my neck started hurting.

There he was....my lover...alive...and awake.

"OH MY GOSH, RITSU!!" I shouted, as I got out of the group hug and weakly jumped onto him into a passionate kiss, as I slammed my face onto his.

He kissed back weakly, chuckling, as he yawned. He pulled back slightly. "Hibi, gently, I just woke up." He said, as he grinned, hugging me tightly.

"Don't you ever leave me again, Ri!" I shouted, still crying, as he held me close to him.

"I would never plan on it, Hibi. I love you too much to leave you." Ritsu said, as he kissed me again.

My siblings all gawked in amazed and wonder, some of them smirking and some smiling.

Aunty Clair was wiping tears that came out of her eyes like waterfalls, a proud parent.

The host club smiled happily at us, as they gave me my moment with him, which I was grateful for.

Even some of the other hospital people awwed at us, as I smiled, running my hands through his hair.

"Now, did you take care of yourself while I was asleep? Why do you look so pale, babe?" Ritsu asked, worried, seeing how tired and sickly I looked, probably.

"The only thing I did was stay by your side." I said, as he frowned.

"Let's get something to eat and then we can go home, yeah?" Ritsu asked, kissing my temple.

Kyoya cleared his throat to interrupt, but just sighed, scribbling in his book and grumbling something about how 'Ritsu will be staying here for a while while he recovers as well, but he can state a few minutes to let us eat together.'

"Alright, Ri. We can eat." I said, as I smiled my biggest smile ever.

My soulmate was awake and right next to me.
That's all I would ever ask for.

So, this is chapter 44, the last chapter of my book.

Thank you all so much for the reads and the votes and the amazing comments.

I hope you guys enjoyed this book, and I hope you go check out my other books.


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