Chpt 22: Arthur and His Alpha Wrap Their Date Up

Told you guys I wouldn't make you wait another two years for an update, lol. I really hope this chapter isn't boring after that last one though. It feels kind of unnecessary because it felt like it was all just filler that could have been skipped over in a time skip (at least while I was writing it). Idk, it's exactly what the title says, them wrapping up the rest of their date. Let me know what you guys think and I hope you enjoy it anyway. I promise the next chapter will be more interesting, lol. (Published Wed, Jul 14, 2021)

A Hot and Sexy Alpha for Arthur Chpt 22: Arthur and His Alpha Wrap Their Date Up

The two of them caught their breath for a moment before Alfred gently guided Arthur to roll over off of him; the alpha moving the two of them to the not stained side of the bed as he gently cleaned them both off. "How are you doing, sweetheart?" Alfred asked.

"Wonderfully," he purred. "It's so nice having you here rather than the drop after one of the videos," Arthur admitted as he wrapped his arms around and cuddled up to Alfred.

Alfred just nodded in soft agreement, having heard many clients say similar things but not saying anything as bringing up other clients was just about the last thing Arthur needed him to do after such an intense orgasm.

Alfred gently kissed all over Arthur's face and jaw and neck as he rubbed his hands all over Arthur's arms, sides, and legs, grounding Arthur as he assured the omega's body that his alpha really was still here. "Well it was pretty amazing for me too," Alfred agreed between soft kisses.

Arthur happily melted into Alfred affections, a happy purring mess in the alpha's arms.

"Did you want to do anything else, or should we end it here for the night?" Alfred asked.

Arthur yawned softly before Alfred could really even finish his suggestion. "Oh I'm sorry, Alfred. I really wanted us to do more than that, but I'm afraid after the eventful day we had, I'm all tuckered out."

"That's fine, baby," Alfred reassured him. "We can just go ahead and cuddle and put on a movie to fall asleep to, I'm here for you tonight, so I really don't mind," Alfred replied as he grabbed the remote and put on a Disney movie for the two of them.

Alfred then threw the stained comforter off the bed to be washed in the morning before grabbing a big fuzzy blanket from a chest under the bed and setting it out on said bed, wrapping his jacket around Arthur and kissing his forehead sweetly before going over to his mini fridge in the room to grab them some water bottles and fresh fruit cups he's prepared from their fruit salad leftovers earlier while grabbing his clothes for Arthur. Once Alfred had everything he needed he put everything on one of those breakfast in bed standing trays and set it in front of Arthur before crawling back into bed with the sleepy omega.

"You're going to give me a toothache if you keep all this sweetness up," Alfred halfheartedly complained without any real venom as he drank a sip of his water and began eating his fruit cup.

"After care if essential, especially after such an intense round," Alfred supplied as he also drank and began eating while setting down to watch the movie.

Once they finished eating Alfred set the tray to the side and cuddled up with Arthur, it not taking much time after that for the blond omega to quickly fall asleep.

~Timeskip to next morning. Day of the week: Sunday~

When Arthur woke up the next morning the first thing he noticed was the smell of bacon and eggs coming from the other room, then the lack of Alfred in bed with him, and then finally the room he was in as everything came back to him of the rather eventful day before.

Arthur went to the bathroom to get freshened up and ready for the day when he noticed his lingerie he'd been planning to wear to surprise Alfred the night before, still under a spare towel. Figuring now was as good of a time as any to surprise Alfred with it, and since Alfred's shirt was now stained with their activities from the night before, Arthur took this opportunity to go ahead and change into the soft light green satin and lace matching bralette and panty set before putting Alfred's jacket back on. It was a simple set, very comfortable and nice, something that would make him feel confident as well as a bit self conscious to go to work in, but would probably go great under a date night outfit; it was suggestive enough but more subtle in Arthur's eyes than some of the fuck-me-now lingerie sets they'd gotten the day before.

Once Arthur was sufficiently ready, a small preheat suppressant pill included in his getting ready so he wouldn't slick all over his new underwear and Alfred's nice furniture, he left the room and followed the hallway down to the large living room and kitchen where Alfred was currently making them breakfast.

"Good morning, beautiful," Alfred greeted from where he was making french toast and sizzling bacon on the stove.

"Good morning," Arthur replied as he sat down and took in Alfred's shirtless appearance, the alpha looking absolutely incredible in nothing more than a pair of dark grey sweatpants.

"Why so distant?" Alfred asked as he plated their bacon and eggs, the french toast already made and under a cloche to stay warm, before turning to Arthur with open arms. "Come here, sweetheart," Alfred invited.

Arthur smiled softly as he got up and walked over, happy to hug Alfred and cuddle into his chest. "I just didn't want to get in the way, is all," he replied as he took a deep breath of the alpha's scent, feeling a bit childish for having missed it and Alfred for the small amount of time they were apart, though he supposed his clinginess could be attributed to his preheat.

"Breakfast is already done and ready for the two of us, but even if it wasn't, I'd never mind a hug and a good morning kiss," Alfred informed Arthur as he gently kissed Arthur's head to which Arthur leaned up to kiss Alfred on the mouth.

"Let's eat then," Arthur suggested before reluctantly pulling away and going to the fridge to look for orange juice, which he found and poured into a glass for himself. "Do you want some?" Arthur asked and poured Alfred a glass when he got an affirmative before putting the orange juice back in the fridge and carrying their glasses to where Alfred had set out their food on placemats at the breakfast bar.

"You look absolutely stunning, by the way," Alfred complimented as he wrapped his arms around Arthur to kiss him again sweetly before he sat down. "Green really is such a good color on you and you look great in my jacket as well."

Arthur blushed at all the compliments, but was happy to receive them as he thanked Alfred for said compliments and the food before they sat down and began to eat, making some small talk and planning what they would do for Arthur's heat over their breakfast.

The morning went by rather quickly after that, the two of them spending it lazily wrapped up together on the couch, talking and watching a movie as they snuck in kisses and soft touches for an overall very domestic morning till they had to start getting ready to take Arthur back to his apartment and for Alfred to go on his lunch date with another client.

The two felt reluctant to part and exit what felt like their own little world, but it had to be done and Alfred dropped Arthur off with all his new clothes, a teddy bear with Alfred's scent, his letterman jacket and a scented blanket, coming in to help him unload and put away the stuff as a flimsy excuse to spent a little more time together.

"And I think that's everything," Alfred said with a finality as he dusted off nonexistent dust on his hands like he hadn't carried everything up in one trip. "I'll go ahead and get going now," he started as he walked back to the door with Arthur. "Try not to miss me too much and update me if anything develops with your preheat; otherwise I'll go ahead and be here on Wednesday so I can settle in and we can go grocery shopping before your heat," Alfred chattered on with a smile about information they'd already gone over. Arthur felt a bit solemn as he walked Alfred to the door, trying to hide it, though he wasn't doing a very good job.

"Hey Artie," Alfred started as he turned to Arthur after walking out the door.

"Yes?" Arthur quietly prompted.

"Don't be a stranger, okay? You have my number and I'd really like to stay in contact with you over the next couple of days even if nothing out of the usual happens with your preheat. We'll wait to talk about getting you your job back until after your heat is over, so don't worry about any of that either," Alfred reassured him.

Arthur smiled softly, Alfred really was such a kind and caring alpha. "Of course, Alfred, I trust you implicitly. The two kissed goodbye one more time before Alfred left, Arthur waiting till Alfred disappeared around the corner down the hall to close the door again.

Arthur sighed to himself as he locked the door and went to go curl up on the love seat where he and Alfred had cuddled the day before. Maybe it would be a good idea to go ahead and get a pet after his heat, something to take care of and ease this crushing feeling of loneliness in his quiet apartment. Arthur turned on some mindless TV for background noise as he looked up on his phone where a couple good places to adopt a cat around the city might be.

To Be Continued…

≈1,727 words, comments, and votes are always appreciated and thanks for reading. <3

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