To Build A Victory!

The written portion of the exam was a breeze for Izuku thanks in part to Sento acting as a surrogate teacher to him.

Suddenly the room light up and a spotlight shone down on the stage illuminating a man who looked like he was ready to rock.

"Are you Ready!" Screamed the man as he stuck a dramatic pose for no apparent reason but than again Izuku couldn't say much either. "Everybody say 'Hey'!"

An awkward silence filled the room but that didn't deter the man.

"Ouch man, that's cold." The man stated with a gloomy look on his face before his smile suddenly returned. "To all the examinees out there, I'll give you a quick rundown of the practical portion of the exam," the man said before taking a deep breath. "ARE YOU READY?! YEAH!!!" Many of the students were dumbfounded by the man's personality.

"Hang on," Izuku said as he sat up right to get a better look of the man. "Isn't that the Voice Hero: Present Mic?" He questioned to no one in particular, his eyes light up with curiosity eager to learn more about the hero's quirk.

While his love for heroes had diminished greatly, Izuku was still left fascinated by quirks whether it belongs to a hero, villain or a civilian.

Bakugou looked at him in annoyance before scoffing and turning his gaze back to the hero.

As Mic explained the rules of the exam, Midoriya looked at his card to see which battle center he was in. 'Hmm, seems like I'm in Battle Center C.' He thought as he re-read the rules of the test to see if there were any loopholes he could exploit.

However, while he was doing this a stern looking teen, who was a few rows ahead of him, raised his hand and stood up.

"Sir, I have a question!" The blue haired teen said as he called out to the teacher.

"Hit me!" Mic said as a spotlight, that came from who knows where, focused on the applicant.

Lifting up the pamphlet that explained the practical exam, "On this print out, it says here there are four types of villains," he pointed out. "If it's a misprint, than it'll be a great shame on Japan's top hero school! As students we are here because we want to be taught by exemplary heroes!"

"Okay, okay," Mic said as he tried to silence the now rowdy crowd. "Examined #7111, thanks for pointing that out, now if you'll turn your attention to the screen," he said as he raised his thumb. "To recap what I said earlier, the small villains are worth 1 point, the medium ones are two points and the larger ones are worth three. The fourth, however, isn't worth anything. He's like the outcast of the group. Meaning, his just a gimmick that'll cause a ruckus in each center. You can try to destroy him but there won't be any reward for it. So little listeners, I would advice that you simply avoid these guys at all costs."

"Thank you very much!" The teen said as he bowed before returning to his seat.

'So the fourth robot is a gimmick that we have to avoid, huh? It's almost like it's a videogame. There's got to be more to this exam than simply destroying robots.' Izuku thought as he struck a thoughtful pose.

"That's it for now but before we go I shall bestow upon you our schools famous motto," Mic said. "The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said, 'True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life'," Mic said quoting the former heroes words. "Go beyond, Plus Ultra!"

"Plus Ultra!" Everyone cheered now more ready than every for the intense test.

"I wish you all the best." Present Mic said, ending his explanation as the the students began to make their way to their respective Battle Areas.

As they were leaving Katsuki once again decides to shoulder bump Izuku as he passes, "I can't wait to see the look on your face when you fail Deku."

"And I can't wait to see the look on your face when I do get in." Izuku responded in return with a smug smile present on his face.
4 minutes later, all the students had gathered at their respective Battle Centers. Izuku stood there with a calm look on his face as he readied himself to summon his Build Driver.

As he observed the faces of the other participants, Mic's voice suddenly belted out from the megaphone. "Go, go, go! There aren't any countdowns in real battles!"

Hearing this, Izuku immediately ran into the battle center summoning his Build Driver.

As he roamed around the battle field, a three pointer suddenly appeared in front of him. Smiling at his good luck.

"Now shall we begin the experiment?" Izuku said as he placed his Build Driver on his waste and pulled out two full bottles shaking them as he did, grabbing the attention of the other participants as he did so.

After a while, he inserted the Fullbottles into the driver

"Rabbit! Tank! Best Match! Are you ready?" The belt announced as Izuku began to turn the crank around and around before he pulled back into a fighting stance as the belt began to produce a metal mold around him.

"Henshin!" He said as he snapped his arms to his side.

"Hagane no moonsault! RabbitTank! Yeah!" The belt announced once the transformation was complete as Izuku struck a quick pose.

"The laws of victory is set!" He announced much to the stunned shock of everyone there. While everyone stood their in shock Midoriya pulled out the drill crusher and swiping at the robot destroying it instantly.

While his back was turned another three pointer tried to sneak up behind him until a beam of light shattered it into pieces. Turning around, Izuku found that the beam had originated from a blond teen dressed in an outfit that looked like it was torn straight out of a 90's disco party.

"Merci, you were a great decoy for the villain," the teen said with what sounded like a slightly forced French accent. "But I'm afraid I won't be seeing you again any time soon. Adieu!" The teen proclaimed before running off to find another target, leaving a rather bewilder Izuku behind.

"What the heck just happend?" He asked to no one in particular before shaking his head and returned to searching for more robots to destroy.
A few minutes later, Izuku had managed to rack up a total of 50 points and during this time, he had managed to save several groups of participants. As he wandered around in search of more points, he managed to overhear how much points the other students had.

"And realise," a girl with short, bob cut said looking slightly nauseous, probably a side effect of her quirk. "That should be 28 points." She said to herself.

'28, huh? That's really good for a non combat oriented quirk.' Izuku thought as he observed the girl for a few more seconds before heading off in a new direction in search of more points.

However not much sooner after he left, he came across a purple haired teen getting surround by three pointers. Without think, Izuku jumped into the fray and destroyed them all in one swipe.

"Are you alright?" He asked the teen but to his surprise instead of receiving a small thank you, all he got was a glare. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked not sure what was going on.

"Why did you save me? I had it handled." The teen said in a spiteful tone.

"Okay first of all, no you didn't. Secondly, why haven't you been using the power off buttons that are around their neck. Finally, I saved you because it was the right thing to do." Izuku replied without missing a beat.

The lilac hairs teen blinked in surprise at what he just heard, "Wait they have a shut down button on their neck? Also why are telling me this?" He asked as his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Because it's the right thing to do." Izuku repeated before taking off into a joke. "Anyway I look forward to seeing you in the hero course!" He called out as he got farther away from the teen.
In the observation room, all the teachers were impressed at this year's batch of students. Looking at the monitors they saw a boy shooting lasers out of his navel, a girl who could enlarge her hands, a boy who could harden his whole body and finally a boy a who could create explosions from the palms of his hands.

"It's seems this year's batch of contestants are quite interesting." A short creature said while drinking a cup of hot tea.

"I agree especially the blond with that explosive quirk but I can already tell from his expression alone that his attitude will be quite a problem in the future." Stated a man dressed like a cowboy.

(His name is snipe! you simpleton!)

(Wtf! Midoriya your not supposed to do that! Why are you here?)

(I am here to give name to all the pros that you fail to name. It would make it much easier wouldn't it after all, I was a big hero fan wasn't I?)

(Fine but only on these occasions alright?)

(Those terms are quite acceptable. Any who back to the story!)

"It'll be quite a problem for the public if he continues with that attitude when he goes pro." Snipe continued as he crossed his arms.

"I agree, the boy reminds me of Endeavor when he was that age," a woman wearing a rather sultry outfit stated.(her name's midnight.) "I guess he should be..... punished." She said before picking her lips which disturbed the other teachers there.

"You better not." Warned a rather tired looking man as he eyed the minister containing Izuku in his RabbitTank form. "Excuse me, Nezu but who is that boy?" He asked as he pointed to the screen.

"Hmm, let's see.... Izuku Midoriya. Quirk: Build Up. This quirk allows the user to some a set of armour that can be modified through the usage of Fullbottles, a device formed from the users body with varying appearances and effects." Nezu said as he listed of the various forms the quirk granted Izuku.

"My, my, my~ such a versatile quirk." Midnight stated with a sultry smile on her face.

Meanwhile a small skelton of a man sat had a confused thrown on his face as he could have sworn he'd seen that face before.

(Really All Might? I know it was 10 months ago but Sheesh did you really have to forget me that easily? Wow such a dick move.")

(Quiet you.)

As All Might had an internal debat on where he'd seen the boy before, the rest of the the teachers were having a serious discussion.

"If he manages to pass, I want him in my class." The hobo looking teacher said with a large grin on his face.

(Hey! That's mister Aizawa aka Eraser Head although why he chose that name is beyond me.)

"Hey, Eraser! Aren't you getting a head of yourself?! A man with a vampire-esq motif protested.

(Oh that's definitely Vlad King)

"He's going into my class. Hell for in well there." Vlad claimed in an agitated tone.

"So that you can give him a that little pep talk about strength is the key factor in being a hero? No thanks, he'll be in my class." Aizawa stated angering Vlad. "Is that alright with you, Nezu?"

"Since you asked first, than yes it is." Agreed Nezu angering Vlad further. "Any who, I believe that it's finally time to release it don't you think?" Nezu asked as he gave the signal to release the zero pointers.

A man completely made of cement nodded his head before pressing a button to release the giant robots.

(Ahh, Cementos. A good hero, shame he didn't use his hero license and get into construction. He would have been a great builder.)

Meanwhile, Toshinori continued to observe Midoriya as he attempted to recall where he'd seen him before.

(Alright getting creepy now.)

Izuku, who was currently destroying a drone suddenly felt the ground beginning to shake.

'Hmm, so it would seem that the Zero Pointer has finally arrived.' He mused to himself as a quickly observed the surrounding area to see if anyone needed help.

The other participants that were running past him in a panic did nothing to help Midoriya find anyone actually in need of help. Sighing to himself Midoriya turned to leave before hearing a cry of pain. Turning sharply, Izuku saw the girl with the gravity quirk trapped under a pile of debris as the zero pointer drew ever closer to her.

"Somebody help me!" She cried out as she tried to reach for the boulder that was pinning her but could couldn't due to it being just out of her reach.

Thinking fast, Izuku pulled what looked like a soda can from out of nowhere, he gave it a few quick shakes before popping the lid allowing to make a fizzling sound.

He quickly inserted it in the place where he'd usually put the Fullbottles into.

"RabbitTank Sparkling! Are you ready?" The belt asked catching the attention of the other participants as Izuku cranked the handle as fast as he could allowing the driver create another mold around him.

"Build up." Said Izuku as the mold suddenly covered him much to the shock of everyone.

"Shuwatto Hajikeru! RabbitTank Sparkling! Yea-Yeah!" The belt announced.

"The laws of victory is set!" Midoriya announced as he suddenly began cranking the crank on his belt before suddenly jumping high up into the air. A black hole chart suddenly forms infront of Izuku out of nowhere. He proceeds to dive through the wormhole and delivers an extremely powerful kick to the Zero Pointer destroying it on one hit much to the shock of everyone.

"Sparkling Finish!" His belt announced as Midoriya landed on the ground without a single scratch on him.

"Time's up!" Mic announced over the speakers. "The mock battles over!"

Midoriya walked over to the girl who was still trapped under the bolder pulled back his fist and smashed the rock to pieces before gently picking up the girl and laying her down on the ground.

Quickly de-transforming, Izuku checked to make sure the girl had no lasting injures before heading out to the exit, all to eager to get home and write down all the amazing quirks he saw today.

However as he walked away, a blue haired teen from earlier watched him leaving, his brow furrowed in a thoughtful expression. 'I can't believe it. He saved that girl even when it wasn't necessary,' he thought before looking at the girl than back to Midoriya. 'He was willing to sacrifice himself like a true hero.' The teen clenched his fist. 'If this wasn't an exam than I would have done the same thing!' As he announced this, the teens eyes widened in shocked realisation. 'Wait.... the exam. Could it be?'
A week later and the letter from UA finally arrived much to the excitement of the family. Izuku tore open the letter and watched the content.

"Welcome to your Hero Academia, Izuku Midoriya." Said the holographic video of Nezu before the device subsequently shut down.

"Looks like I'm another step closer to achieving my dream." Izuku stated a smile plastered firmly in his face.

To celebrate his recent success, his mother took him and Himiko to a fancy restaurant to eat out as a family.

"Congratulations! Brother!" Himiko exclaimed as she patted on the back rather aggressively.

"Thanks sis." Izuku said before pulling her and his mother into a big hug.

Wew! Chapter three is officially done and what's more to celebrate this event I made it longer than what I would usually do. So enjoy

Yeah guys don't forget to comment your thoughts. Also next time, I'll finally be meeting Class 1-A and there'll be some changes there like who's that beautiful blond bombshell with the glasses. Is this what love feel like?

Shut up Midoriya. Any way see you guys next time!


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