The Attack

"Stay together and don't move!" Aizawa ordered.

His order confused the class while Midoriya could only look on in horror as he realised the danger that he and his friends were in.

"Thirteen! Protect the children!" Aizawa yelled to his fellow teacher as he put on his goggles.

"What's going on? Did the training already start?" Kirishima asked as Midoriya took a step forward only to for Aizawa to stop him.

"Don't move! Those are..." He began, his eyes narrowing in the villains direction. "Villains."

The students gasped in shock as they watched more of the villains exit the strange mist.

"Eraserhead... and Thirteen..." A misty looking villain wearing what appeared to be a bartenders outfit announced as he performed a quick head count before realising that a certain someone was missing. "Hmm, where's All Might? Didn't the lesson guide that we acquired yesterday say that he would be here, and yet..." He trailed off.

"So your the one who broke in yesterday!" Aizawa yelled out in anger.

"Where... is... he...?" The villain covered in hands slowly said. "We... went through all that trouble... and rustled up so... many pawns to bring along. And your telling me... that the Symbol of... Peace... isn't here...?"

Midoriya let out a small gulp, 'I don't believe it! Those are actual villain!' He thought as he quietly pulled out the Dragon and Lock Fullbottles.

The villain covered in hands let out a creepy smile, "I wonder if he'll show if we kill some of his precious brats?"

Midoriya felt slightly intimidated by the pale hand-covered villain. He performed a quick head count and realised that there was over forty villains present.

"How are there villains here?!? Isn't that impossible!?" Kirishima asked confused the the sudden turn of events.

"Sensei! Shouldn't this place have intruder alarms?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Of course it does but they should have gone off by now."

"Is this place the only area their attacking or is the whole school being attacked?" Todoroki asked. "At any rate, if the sensors aren't working than that probably means that the villains have someone among them that has a quirk that counters it."

"I agree with Todoroki." Midoriya said as he observed the group of villains with narrowed eyes. "Furthermore, it seems like this was planned. If I'm right than this attack was meant for someone else and I think we all know who that is."

Since yesterday's incident, Izuku was informed by his mentors Tsukasa to be wary about more surprises that could come. Having heeded his words, Izuku secretly conducted an investigation before heading home. During the investigate, he discovered that someone had printed a copy of the schedule for today's lessons during the panic. He decided to keep it a secret so as to not cause a panic, however, he hadn't realised that the villains would attack this early.

"Thirteen! Start the evacuation procedures!" Aizawa ordered as he prepared himself. "If these villains know how to avoid the sensors than there's a high probability that one of them has an electric-quirk."

"Kaminari," Izuku said as he turned to his fellow classmate. "Try using your quirk to contact the school and while your at it see if you can counter the villains quirk as well."

"Huh? Oh... yes!" Kaminari said as he straightened up. Aizawa gave an approving nod to Midoriya, quietly impressed with the boys quick thinking.

"I'll try to distract them to give you guys a chance at escaping." Aizawa said causing Midoriya to glance at him in surprise.

"Sensei! I know your a seasoned pro and all but do you really think you can take on that many villains at the same time?" Izuku called out.

"You can't be a hero if your only a one trick pony, Midoriya." Aizawa stated.

"I know but a hero must also understand their limits so let me help! You've seen what I can do!" Izuku said as he recalled their mock battle.

Aizawa simply smirked, "I know but your far to inexpressible at the moment. Now, watch how a Pro fights!"

Before Izuku could even reply, Aizawa leapt into the air at a speed that surprised Midoriya. Thankfully none of the villains seemed to recognise the hero.

"Alright Firing Squad! We're up!" The villains with what appeared to be gun barrels for fingers yelled out.

"Hang on, who's that guy? Didn't they say that the only Pro's here would be All Might and Thirteen?" A woman with long silence hair asked.

"Hell if I'm supposed to know!" A villain with a ox horn and a gas masked replied. "But he's gonna get seriously hurt if he continues hurtling towards us."

"HA! WHAT A DUMBASS!" The first villain yelled out.

The three villains prepared to use their quirk against the hero. Before they had a chance to react, Aizawa quickly activated his quirk and neutralising their quirks.

"Huh, it won't shoot..." The first villain said.

"What the hell happend to my quirk?!" The second villain yelled out before suddenly getting wrapped up alongside his compatriots in Aizawa's capture scarf and getting thrown into the air before being slammed back down into the ground.

Unfortunately, having seen what just happend one of the villains had finally recognised the hero. "You idiots! That guys Eraserhead!" The villain warned. "He can erase your quirk just by looking at you."

"Eraser?" A rock looking villain wondered as he began charging towards the pro. "So can you erase Mutant-Type Quirk like mine!"

"Nope!" Aizawa replied as he dodged the attack before grabbing the villain with his scarf and slamming him into another group of villains. "But you guys..." He began as he grabbed one villains leg with his scarf and tossing him other villains. "Are more likely to engage to close combat!" He continued as he delivered a round house kick to another random villains head. "Which is why I developed countermeasures."

Meanwhile, the ring leader that supposedly orchestrated the whole attack was quietly standing near the fountain while the creepy giant creature stood prone beside him. He was quietly observing Eraserheads fight, analysing him.

"He's really good at hand-to-hand combat and with his goggles it's hard to tell who's quirk he's erasing next." He said as he scratched his neck aggressively. "So that's why these idiots are going down so easy!" Another villain exclaimed as he walked over to stand next to the leader. "Pro hero's really are a pain! You know, I bet they wouldn't have this much of a hard time if it was someone else."

The villain continued as he looked over to the leader. "Don't mind me, I'm just waiting for the perfect time to step in."

Meanwhile, Thirteen was busy trying to evacuate the students while Midoriya watched in awe at his teacher's combat skills.

"Amazing!" He breathed out. "I never realised that he was this good in combat!"

"Midoriya! This isn't the time for lollygagging!" Iida exclaimed as he grabbed Midoriya's should.

"Sorry!" He replied before running to help the rest of his classmates escape.

However, before they could reach the door, a hazy purple mist similar to the one that brought the villains here appeared blocking the exit. The villain responsible than emerged from from the mist. "Apologies but I'm afraid that I can't allow anyone to leave." The misty villain said.

'Shit! I blinked once and suddenly I let the most troublesome one escape!" Aizawa thought as soon as he noticed the misty villain was missing.

"Greetings, we're from the League of Villains. My name is Kurogiri," The villain said as he introduced himself. "I humbly apologies for the intrusion but we were under the presumption that All Might was here. But it seems we were mistaken, a pity. After all, we came all this way to kill him." He continued shocking everyone while leaving some baffled at the ridiculous idea.

Thirteen lifted her hand as she prepared to use her quirk.

"Setting that aside for a moment. I still have a job to do."

Before Thirteen could unleash her quirk 'Black Hole', Bakugo and Kirishima suddenly leapt forward with their quirks activated as they attempted to attack the mist villain.

"You think we're going to let you wreck this place!" Kirishima yelled out as he swung his hardened fist.

Unfortunately, Kurogiri managed to dodge both their attacks. "That was quite perilous. While you may be mere students, you are still this generates 'Golden Eggs'". He said as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Run!" Thirteen ordered but it was to late as Kurogiri had already activated his quirk.

"Begone!" He yelled as he cast his quirk all around the students. "I'll leave it to my comrades to deal with your friends."

Iida, out of instinct managed to pull both Uraraka and Shinso out of the way as Shoji covered Mina and Sero with his wing-like appendages. Midoriya barely had time to react before the black mist engulfed him.
Downpour Zone

When the black mist parted, Izuku quickly found himself being thrown into the Downpour Zone, which was located on the Northwest side of the USJ.

Letting out a pained groan, Izuku slowly got onto his feet. "That quirk was way stronger than I actually expected."

"So... your Tsukasa's successor." An armoured figure called out in a distorted voice.

Turning his head, Izuku gasped in shock upon seeing who was talking to him. "Your Evolto but how?! I thought you were erased after Sougo reset his universe!" He yelled.

"Oh... So you know about me? Good to know." Evolto said as he examined his gloved hands. "But unfortunately for you that knowledge won't save you!" He exclaimed before suddenly rushing towards Midoriya.

Acting fast, Izuku inserted the Dragon and Lock Fullbottles into the Build Driver.

"Dragon! Lock! Best Match!"

Izuku quickly began turning the crank as the Driver constructed the armour mold knocking back Evolto just as he got close.

"Are you ready?" The belt called out as fantasy-themed music began playing.

"Henshin!" He yelled as he brought his arms together to make a cross before breaking them apart, the armour enclosed around him briefly casting a glowing light before fading to reveal a navy and gold coloured armour.

"Fūin no fantasy star! KeyDragon! Yeah!"

"Now than, shall we start the experiment?" Izuku as he stuck Build's signature pose.

Evolto growled in anger before charging at Midoriya again only to for Izuku to sidestep his attack and smack him on the back of his head. Before Evolto had a chance to react, Izuku brought up his leg and performed a roundhouse kick to the villains head.

Wanting to finish the fight fast, Izuku began cranking up the Build Driver to perform a Vortex Finish.

As Evolto got up, several chains were fired from the Bind Master Key, which was strapped to his left arm, binding the villain in place as Izuku created a dark blue fireball in his right hand.

"Now let's not be to hasty here....!" Evolto began to say before Izuku interrupted him.

"To late!" He cried out as he tossed the fireball at the villain. Once the attack connected, it detonated sending the villain flying.

"Oh thank god! He was much easier than I expected him to be but that's only cause he didn't have the Evol Driver on him." Izuku sighed out in relief. 'Author, your a lazy bastard! You know that right? That fight was way to short for anyone's liking. I hope that you do better next time!'

(No promises, also I'm still not very good at this stuff so it might be a while before a really good fight scene is even made)

"What was that?!" Screamed a familiar voice.

Izuku snapped out of his thoughts as he whirled around to face a shocked Tokoyami.

"Well this is awkward..." Izuku said but before they could even speak huge explosion occured. The boys looked over at one another before rushing off into the direction of the explosion.

Meanwhile at UA, All Might can be seen in the schools lounge feeling very irresponsible at being unable to keep his word due to him constantly putting hero work before his students. He tried several times to call Aizawa and Thirteen but they never answered.

"Maybe I can a last minute appearance before the day ends to tell them that they did a good job." He said as he stood up and buffed up but before he could leave the lounge door was opened by the UA's principle.

"Hold on All Might." Nezu ordered.

"Hello, Principal Nezu." All Might greeted.

"Yup, that's me! Am I a mouse, a dog or a bear!" Nezu said as he walked over to a chair. "But the most important thing is that I am the principal!"

Immediately, as Nezu sat down, All Might debuffed coughing up blood as he did so. "Your fur looks neat as always, sir." All Might said as he sat back down.

"Thank you, it's the Kretin. Humans couldn't even dream of achieving this level of luster," Nezu proudly stated as he puffed out his chest in pride before he pulled out a tablet showing the news of All Mights heroic actions earlier today. "More importantly, I can see that you were quite busy this morning."

All Might shivered nervously knowing full well that Nezu didn't appreciate his heroic actions while being commited to the role of teacher.

"Criminals and villains all knew of you presence here yet they still continue to ravage this city," he said as he looked over to the aging pro. "And while immediately rushing into incidents to lend a hand is very you. To say that you haven't changed in the last few years would be an understatement."

All Might could only look down in shame at the piercing glare that Nezu sent his way.

"Due to your near constant heroism, you ended up recieving the very injuries that limit your time as a hero," Nezu continued. "Add in the fact that you've already found a successor for One For All, your time is coming to an end. Yet you still insist on being the 'Symbol of Peace' and your only means of successfully staying out of the spotlight is being a teacher."

As he spoke, he pulled out a tea cup and began making tea. "You seem anxious. Is it because your call never went through?"

'Oh shit! He's making tea!' All Might thought. 'With the principal, if I let him continue, he'll never stop... I'm not anxious because my call didn't catch them its because it never connected in the first place.'

"No sir." He replied as Nezu handed him some tea.

"Enough about that for a moment let's talk Midoriya," Nezu said as he smiled at the injured Pro who's expression morphed into one of guilt. "By the look on your face, I would say that you know about him and it's not because of his strange quirk."

All Might took a drink of his tea before replying, "You could say that I did so etching horrible to him. When I first saw him again, I was initially worried that he was working with that guy but as it turned out that was only my guilt getting the better of me." He admitted.

"What could you have possible done that hurt him that bad?" Nezu asked curiously.

All Might sighed, "I told him that without a quirk, he could never become a hero. I guess this is just karma catching up to me."

Nezu raised an eyebrow, "The symbol of peace shattering a child's dream? Are you certain that's what you did?" He asked.

"I was afraid that he would have gotten hurt. This world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, Nezu." All Might replied. "While I do admire people who have a strong sense of justice, but if they are powerless than the job is nothing but a death sentence."

Nezu chuckled at this, "You should tell that to Aizawa. You do know that when it comes down to Mutant-Types, he's basically quirkless himself? I mean, he practically learned how to deal with them over the years. So how does he manage to beat villains in this world?"

Once again, All Might looked down with both shame and guilt.

"I do hope that you manage to make peace with each other," Nezu began before taking another sip of his tea. "Now, personal issues aside, let's talk about his quirk."

Yay new chapter! Bit shit as I kinda forced myself to finish this. So after this, I'm going on a very long break from this story at least no promises about the other stories tho. Anyway, enjoy this chapter for a while, hopefully when I get back to this I'll finally make Tokoyami Kamen Rider Revice. Until next time, Readers!

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