Shattered Pride

After yesterday's events, Izuku was up later than he would have usually been due to him filling in his quirk analysis books with all the different quirks his classmates have.

"Hey Midoriya, It's getting late maybe you should go to sleep?" Kiryu asked as his holographic from hovered over Midoriya's shoulders.

Izuku let out a loud yawn before giving his arms a quick stretch. "Maybe your right." He agreed as he closed the book. Getting up from his desk, Izuku left his room and began heading to his bed setting his morning alarm as he did so.

"Yawn - night Sento." Izuku said as he got himself settled into his bed.

Smiling softly to himself, Sento walked over to Izuku's monitor and uploaded himself into it. "Sleep well, Izuku. Your gonna need all your energy for tomorrow." He said before deactivating himself.
The second day of UA had officially started. The first part of the day was relatively normal with class like Maths, English, Art and History. The current subject they were learning at the moment was English and unsurprisingly enough that class was taught by the Voice Hero: Present Mic.

"Alright, which of these sentences is wrong?" Mic asked the class.

Unfortunately for him, the class wasn't as hyped as they were yesterday due to how boring the class was. The only ones who showed actual interest was Midoriya and Yaoyorozu, who had their hands raised.

"Please, come to the stage, Yaoyorozu!"

As Momo answered the question, Midoriya let his hand drop to his side as his mind began to fall deep into thought.

After the class had ended, it was finally time for lunch which as Midoriya had happily discovered was cooked by none other than the Pro Hero - Lunch Rush.

Once lunch time was over, everyone had quickly returned to their homeroom for their upcoming lesson.

The class all chatted in nervous excitement at their last lesson of the day could be until they heard a very familiar laugh.

"I AM HERE!" The number one hero, All Might said as he burst through the door. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" He exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.

'Nothing about that was normal.' Izuku thought with a deadpan expression on his face while the rest of the class light up with excitement at the thought that they were being taught by All Might himself.

"I can't believe it! It's All Might!" Kirishima exclaimed. "This year is going to be so amazing!"

"Isn't that his Silver Age costume? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked, her head tilted to the side.

"Man, that's so retro. I'm getting goosebumps just by looking at it!" Kaminari said hugging his sides with a huge grin on his face.

"Same here." Ojiro said, agreeing with the blond.

'I have to admit, it does feel a bit nostalgic to see that costume again.' Midoriya thought as he took in every little detail he could.

Unbeknownst to him, however, someone else took notice of his reaction or rather lack of one to All Might causing the person to narrow their eyes in suspicion. 'Maybe he's just really good at masking his emotions?' They thought as they tried to rationalize why seeing the symbol of piece didn't have that much of plan effect on him.

All Might "casually" walked over to the teachers desk and started to explain this afternoon's lesson, "I'll be teaching Hero Basics 101," He began as he picked up a remote. "To help you lay your own foundations. To do this, all types of training will be done. It also has the most units to so for today we'll be starting with this!" He exclaimed as he stuck a pose. "Combat Training!"

Bakugou began to grin widely at this time, "Combat.....!"

"..... Training?" Izuku mumbled as he cast a small glace to his ex-best friend.

"Along with that is this!" All Might said as he pressed a button on the remote causing a small section of the wall to open up allowing for different cases, all labeled on them, to emerge. "The costumes here were all made to your requests alongside the Quirk Registrations you sent in."

All the students were excited to finally use their costumes, however there was one suitcase missing and Melissa was quick to realise this.

"Sir?" She asked as she raised her arm. "There seems to be one missing." She stated.

"Really, are you sure?" He asked before counting the cases himself and sure enough there was one costume missing. "Hmm, who didn't request a costume?"

Midoriya quickly raised his hand surprising the teacher, "I don't know if you realise this but I already have a costume on me." He explained.

"Oh yeah..." All Might said as he recalled that the boy's quirk allowed him to create a unique set of armour. "Than what will you be wearing for this exercise?"

"Some casual clothes." Izuku replied shrugging as he did so.

"Alright then. The rest of you, meet me at Ground Beta once your all suited up. Understood?" All Might asked to which he got a very hearty reply from the class.
At Ground Beta, All Might stood patiently as he watched his students approach him in all their costumed glory.

"A hero's looks is also very important, ladies and gentlemen," All Might began as he looked on in pride. "Staring from today, you are heroes!" He exclaimed as he looked over all the amazing costumes. "You all look great by the way!" He exclaimed showing his approval of the designs. "Shall we get stared, you zygotes!"

Izuku ran out the tunnel revealing that he simply wore a simple black shirt with grey jeans, two sneakers both in separate colours and to finish of his look he wore a simple grey trench coat. Wrapped around his waste was the Build Driver and in his pocket was a small hand held camera, gifted to him by his sister and later modified by himself for a more tactical usage in the field.

"Wow!" Uraraka exclaimed. "It's really simple but also very effective." She complimented as Melissa walked over.

"Thanks, Uraraka! I - What the heck are you wearing" Izuku yelled out doing a double take upon seeing her costume. 'That's certainly am interesting design.' He thought as his eyes straid further down in an attempt to memorize every little detail they could.

"Yeah, maybe I should have been a bit more specific when it came to my costume design." She said as she rubbed her head in embarrassment. "The designs not really my style."

"I agree." Melissa said startling the duo at her unexpected appearance.

"Man, I'm glad that I'm not the only one with a plain costume." Kaminari said as he walked up to Midoriya and patted him on the back.

"Me two, I've never been one for flashy stuff." Jiro said as she walked over to the group.

"Thanks guys." Izuku said as he pulled out his camera to take pictures of all their costumes, surprising the group.

"Hey, what's with the camera?" Melissa asked.

"Oh, it's a hobby of mine so I thought that I could incorporate it into my costume as well." Midoriya explained as he adjusted the lens on his camera. Before he could continue, All Might cleared his throat.

"Well now..." He began as he passed a quick glance over the green haired teen, frustrated as to why he can't remember him. "Now that we're all ready, I'd say it's time to start your combat training!"

"Sir!" Iida called out raising his hand to grab All Mights attention. "Isn't this the fake city where we had our Practical Exam? Does this mean we'll be conducting Urban Battles again?"

'So that's Iida costume. It almost looks like a knights armour.' Midoriya mused before he took a quick photo.

"Not quite," All Might began as he held up two fingers. "In fact, we're moving two steps ahead. In everyday news, fights with villains do usually take place outside but the villains that hide in the shadows are usually the most dangerous of all."

'Like Evolt.' Izuku thought as he recalled being shown the events of Sento's world and the events that lead up to it.

"The most intelligent evildoers usually stay in the shadows. So for this exercise, I'll be spelling you into two groups, The Hero team and the Villain Team. Both teams will than have to fight in doors." All Might explained with his signature grin.

"Hang on, isn't this a bit to advance for us?" Asui asked.

"Most often, the best way to train is usually on the battlefield." All Might stated. "Also you must remember, you aren't going to be fighting robots this time around but actually people. So take caution."

'From a logical stand point, it does make sense . However, that doesn't stop me having a really bad feeling that something is going to get completely out of hand.' Izuku thought.

Once All Might had finished speaking, the rest of the class burst into questions.

"How will we decide who wins and who's loses?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Can I injure a person as long as they don't die?" Bakugou demanded as Izuku looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"Will you be grouping us by choice or is it going to be random?" Iida chimed in.

"I wasn't finished!" All Might yelled out silencing the class.

'So All Mights not good at keeping up with questions. That's certainly interesting to know.' Izuku thought with a raised eyebrow.

All Might pulled out a script to which Izuku and, to an extension, Melissa noticed causing the pair to quietly snicker before looking at each other in surprise. They quickly looked away from each other, blushes evident on their faces. "Listen up. Here's the situation, the villains are hiding a nuclear bomb somewhere in their hideout and it's up to the heroes to foil their plans. The heroes job is to either capture the villains or retrieve the weapon. While the villains job is to protect their weapon and capture the heroes. We'll determine an MVP at the end of each round."

'Why does this remind me of a videogame?' Izuku wondered as he tilted his head to the side.

"There will be a time limit in this challenge so don't take to long. Also we'll be choosing teams by drawing lots." All Might added.

"Sir! Isn't there a better way to decide a team?" Iida asked with his arm raised. (Seriously what's with him and raising his arm?)

It's an Iida thing not stop breaking the fourth wall! We need that to continue the story.

"There have been times when pro's from different agencies have had to work together in order to diffuse a situation. That could be the reason why." Midoriya stated as he put his hand on his jaw.

"I see.... Than I must apologise for my actions!" Said Iida as he bowed before stepping back.

"No sweat." All Might said with a slight sweat drop. 'Thanks for the save Midoriya.'

"Now let's see the teams!" All Might announced as the board flickered to life revealing the students designated partners.

Team A - Izuku Midoriya & Melissa Shield
Team B - Mezo Shoji & Shoto Todoroki
Team C - Mina Ashido & Momo Yaoyorozu
Team D -Katsuki Bakugo & Tenya Iida
Team E - Hitoshi Shinso & Ochaco Uraraka
Team F - Koji Koda & Rikido Sato
Team G - Denki Kaminari & Kyoka Jiro
Team H - Tsuyu Asui & Tokoyami Fumikage
Team I - Mashirao Ojiro & Toru Hagakure
Team J - Hanta Sero & Eijiro Kirishima

"It seems like you and I are partners." Melissa noted. "I hope we can extract a victory together." She said as she stuck out her hand out to grasp Midoriya's hand.

As the students all being to pair up with their partners, All Might began to pick the teams that'll be facing each other. "First up we have..." He began as he riffled through the box before pulling to balls labeled A and D. "These guys!"

Midoriya and Bakugou looked at each other in surprise. Bakugou had what could only described as a maliciously evil grin on his face due to the fact that he finally had a chance at putting the damn nerd back in his rightful place.

'Poor guy. He really doesn't know what he's in for. Does he?' Midoriya thought with a sad smile, something that his partner immediately noticed.

"Something wrong?" Melissa asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Nope." He answered before returning his attention to All Might before he missed anything important.

"Team A are the heroes while Team D are the villains," All Might announced. "The rest of you, follow me to the observation room."

"Yes, sir!" The class chorused as they began making their to the Observation Room.

"Also the villain team has five minutes to place their weapon, than the heroes will arrive." All Might whispered to Team D as he handed them a pair of communication devices. "Bakugou, Iida the key to success this challenge is to embrace your inner villain. Your going to have to look at things from a villains perspective."

"Yes sir!" Iida answered while Bakugou gritted his teeth in anger. "Let's go, Bakugou."

Bakugou glared at Midoriya for a few seconds before following Iida into the building.

"You know, I don't think that it'll be to hard for Bakugou to play the role of a villain." Midoriya stated causing Melissa to look at him in surprise.

"Why'd you say that?" She asked. "He's always angry and he neve works well with others. Also I've know since childhood so trust me on this." Midoriya explained before turning to Melissa.

"Now, if I know Bakugou, he'll be coming after me at the first chance he gets and when he does so I want you to go around him to look for the bomb while I keep him distracted." Izuku began as he started to formulate a viable plan.
5 minutes later in the observation center...

"Alright, the Combat Training starts now!" All Might announced through the speaker before he turned to the class. "Now, pay attention. You just might learn something from this."

"Yes, sir!" The whole class replied.

"I wonder who's going to win." Kaminari wondered aloud as he placed a hand on his chin.

"If your talking about Midoriya and Bakugou, than it's going to be Midoriya," Hagakure stated. "I mean... Didn't he manage to beat Aizawa-sensei?"

"He was just lucky," Yaoyorozu countered as she raised her finger. "Aizawa was somehow unable to erase his quirk yesterday and he's a pro so he must have went easy on him. I highly doubt that just about anyone could beat a Pro Hero so easily."

"Than who do you think will win?" Ashido asked the smart girl.

"I would say Bakugou," Yaoyorozu answered. "Midoriya may have been come first in the physical test and while he did beat Aizawa-sensei but Bakugou's quirk is quite dangerous if not used carefully. Also Bakugou's fighting style is far less rigorous than Midoriya's."

"Hang on, how do you know what Bakugou fighting style is like if the rest of us haven't seen it yet?" Jiro asked as she looked over the raven haired teen.

"Actually, the Practical Exams were recorded for this year and and I happended to have a copy." Yaoyorozu replied as Kirishima chimed in, "And I happend to have been in the same Battle Center as him so I got a first-hand look at how he fights. It's super many!"

Shinso shrugged, "While it is true that Bakugou has the combat advantage let's not forget that Midoriya did take down a zero-pointer in one hit something I doubt Bakugou did so there's really no way of telling who's going to win this." He countered receiving nods of agreement from the others.

"Let's just wait and see than." Yaoyorozu said not wanting to continue the argument before things got out of hand.

Izuku and Melissa managed to sneak into the building through one of the windows.

"Looks like the cost is clear." Melissa said.

"For now." Izuku muttered. "Remember the plan, Melissa?"

"Yes, I do. Let's just hope your right about this." His partner said as they walked further into the building.

"Of course I am!" Midoriya exclaimed as he put a hand on his chest. "Do you not have any faith in me?" He asked in mock hurt causing her to laugh out loud before she clamped her hand over her mouth.

'I already know the perfect way to teach Bakugou his much need lesson.' Izuku thought as he summoned the Dragon Fullbottle and the Cross-Z Dragon.
Meanwhile, Iida had just finished placing the weapon while Bakugou simply stood in the corner gritting his teeth in anger (Man, he must really love gritting his teeth.) still anger over the power Midoriya displayed yesterday.

"Hey, Deku has a quirk, right?" Bakugou demanded angrily as he looked over at Iida.

Iida nodded his head, "Yes, don't you recall how powerful it looked? It truly was amazing and he did claim a victory over a pro. If you don't find that amazing than I don't know what is."

His words only seemed to anger the explosive Pomeranian even more. His thoughts were with useless jargon, making him think that the damn nerd had somehow managed to keep his quirk a secret from him ever since they were 4.

'Does he think he's better than me?' He thought angrily. 'You're nothing but a pebble for me to walk on!'
As the pair walked further into the building, they continued to talk about Izuku's plan. While it's not perfect, the plan should on theory carry them to victory. Before long, Izuku heard the sounds explosions coming and quickly dived into Melissa pushing her to the ground safely dodging Bakugou's surprise attack.

"So you dodged my attack. I should have expected as much from a nerd." Bakugou growled out.

Melissa coughed as Midoriya helped to her feet. "Alright you know the plan." Izuku said as Melissa began to run past Bakugou.

Unsurprisingly enough, he never gave her a second thought. Which is exactly what Izuku wanted.
In the Observation Room, a few of the students were surprised at the sudden attack and at Bakugou's power.

"Attacking from behind? What kind of man does something like that?" Kirishima said slightly disappointed in the actions of his fellow classmate.

"Sneak attacks are sometimes very effective in fights?" All Might stated. "And there's the fact that you g Bakugou is playing the role of a villain."

The rest of the class began to wonder if Midoriya was even capable of defeating Bakugou despite his amazing combat prowess that was displayed yesterday. They final understood that Midoriya was at a slight disadvantage against powerful quirks since he's a semi-melee combatant.

However, Jiro quickly noticed something, "Uh, why's he smiling?" She asked pointing at the screen.

Sure enough, Midoriya had a huge smile on his face as he lifted a small device that looked like a dragon and inserted one of the things he usually inserted into his belt.
Bakugou let out a maniacal laugh, "It's finally time for you to learn your place, Deku!"

"Than give it your best shot, Kacchan." Midoriya said as he raised up his hand carrying the Cross-Z Dragon, a huge smirk visible on his face.

"I knew you were coming for me so I had to get prepared for your arrival," Izuku revealed as Bakugou glared at him. "I analyzed every hero who I thought was amazing and that included you. It was all in the Notebook that you burned up and threw away." He glared at his former friend. "Now it's time for me to show you much I've grown and your not going to stop me anymore!"

Ignore the background and pretend that its Midoriya standing up and not Banjo. Also ignore the part where he's kneeling.

As he said this, Midoriya quickly inserted the Dragon Fullbottle into the Cross-Z Dragon, folding its head and tail.

Izuku inserted the Dragon into the Build Driver. "Wake up! Cross-Z Dragon!" The belt announced as Izuku began to crank the Vortex lever forming the Snap Ride Builder.

"Are you ready?"

"Henshin!" Izuku said.

"Wake up brining! Get Cross-Z Dragon! Yeah!" The belt announced once the transformation was complete. "Let me show you how wide the gap between you and me is. Cause right now, I feel unstoppable!" He announced as he stuck a fighting pose.

Upon hearing he declaration, Bakugou charged forward in anger and tried to deliver his signature right hook only for Izuku to catch it and proceed to do a shoulder toss. The floor cracked under the impact much to the shock of Bakugou.

'What the hell...?!' Bakugou thought as he formed in pain. He didn't expect the nerd to be that strong.

"Bakugou? statues report!" Iida voice crackled over Bakugou's earpiece.

"JUST SHUT UP AND DEFENDING THE FUCKING WEAPON!" Bakugou roared out. "I still have things to settle with this bastard!"

"Stick to the mi-!" The transmission than disconnected much to Iida's annoyance. "He hung up on me! We're supposed to be partners in this exercise!"
Back in the observation room everyone was surprised at the completely different armour Midoriya had on. Until Kirishima noticed that Bakugou was talking to someone and it most certainly wasn't Midoriya.

"Who's Bakugou talking to? Can't we get any sound here?" He asked All Might snapping everyone out their dazed state.

"Bakugou is talking to his partner through the Comms that I gave them earlier alongside a map of the building," All Might explained as he pulled out a small piece of tape. "I also gave them this capture tape to help apprehend their opponents."

"This is stressful. Not only is there a 15 minute time limit but the heroes also don't even have a clue on where the weapon could be, right?" Asui stated.

"Yep!" Was it All Mights only answer.

"Than the heroes are clearly at a disadvantage!" Ashido exclaimed.

"Real heroes have to outsmart and outwit villains everyday. That's life." All Might began. "The odds are not always in our favour but that we have to back down without a fight." All Might said as he raised his arm into the air. "All together now!"

"Plus Ultra!" The entire class yelled out.

Bakugou once again launched himself at Midoriya and went in for a kick only for Midoriya to grab his leg, stopping the attack dead in its tracks. Bakugou felt as his bones were getting crushed under Midoriya's grip.

Before he had a chance to recover, Izuku kicked him into the wall knocking him out. Effectively ending the fight before it had even begun.

"Hmm, I thought he was going to last longer than that." Izuku mused to himself as he walked over to his unconscious classmate and began wrapping him up in the capture tape.

"I bet you readers were expecting me to leave him unconscious and not wrap him up. Oh no. I'm not like those other me's you read in the other fanfics. I'm a genius and overly cautious." Izuku announced once Bakugou was fully wrapped up.

(Little shit)

"Language writer or would you prefer Endri?"

(Just get back to the story)

"Bakugou is eliminated!" All Might announced over the loud Comms.
Needless to say, all of the class was shocked at how fast Midoriya took down Bakugou.

"Wow...." Shinso said his voice trailing at the event that just happend.

"That's so manly." Kirishima squeaked out.

Todoroki narrowed his eyes, swearing that he saw a small flicker of blue flame emminating off of Midoriya's armour.
Back with Midoriya he was quickly running up to the third floor, which from what he was told by his partner was where she and the bomb were at.

"Where are you?" Melissa's asked over the comm. "I'm one floor below you. Do you think you can get the bomb before I get there?" He asked to which he received an affirmative.

By the time Midoriya had reached the top floor, he was met with the sight of Melissa pinning a struggling Iida to the ground as she tried to wrap him up in capture tape.

When she looked up, she jabbed her head int eh direction of the bomb. "Just touch it and than we can all leave." She said.

Midoriya nodded his head in understanding before rushing over to the bomb and placing his hand on it.

"Hero team wins!" All Might announced.

Upon hearing that, Iida slumped to the ground in defeat, Izuku sighed in relief as he de-transformed and Melissa slid off of Iida in exhaustion.
Afterwards Bakugou found himself waking up in the infirmary and upon realising where he was let out a growl of frustration as he reeled in disbelief at what had happened.

'I... lost...?!' He thought to himself as he clenched his first in frustration. 'No! It's impossible, I couldn't have lost! There's no way that damned nerd beat me!' Bakugou thought as he tried to deny what had happened.

"Cool it, Kacchan. You don't want to hurt yourself anymore than necessary." Izuku said off to Bakugou's right.

"What your doing here you damn nerd!" Bakugou demanded as he tried to rise from the bed only to wince in pain.

"Last I recall I'm the one who brought you here." Izuku answered before he offered his old friend a hand. "Now than before I go, I'm going to tell you why our old school shut down."

Bakugou looked at him in confusion. "It was because I had enough of the bullying and finally told my mom about it. Now what I'm going to tell you is this, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even be in this school and if you don't change our little interaction that happened before the sludge incident will be made public. So if I were you, I'd count myself lucky that you were even given a chance at going to UA for all the horrible things you did to me." Izuku said to a stunned Bakugou.

Smiling to himself, Izuku turned to leave only for Bakugou to stutter out, "Wh-why? Why'd you give me a chance after all the things I did to you than?"

Midoriya turned back to his old friend and smiled softly, "Because deep down, I know you have the makings of a great hero and I hope that by being UA you will learn and change into the best possible version of you that could possibly exist." He explained before he left leaving Bakugou alone with his thoughts.
Once Izuku had returned to the observation room, him, Iida and Melissa all lined up together to receive their evaluation.

"Who was the MVP of this match?" All Might asked to which Yaoyorozu raised her hand.

"It was Midoriya, sir!" She said as the others nodded in approval.

"Can you tell me why?" He asked.

"Isn't it because he and Melissa won the match? Ribbit." Asui asked.

"Nope! That's not a reason." All Might revealed much to the confusion of the class.

"Allow me to explain," Yaoyorozu began. "Bakugou had a personal grudge with Midoriya causing him to abandon any form of teamwork he could of had with his partner. Iida certainly fit into his designated role and adopted accordingly however he fell into a stereotypical villain monologue which allowed Melissa to catch him, Melissa on the other hand would have been my second option for MVP due to how well they worked together but it was only thanks to Midoriya's planning were they able to achieve this victory."

Melissa smiled at the praise as Iida looked down in shame to which Midoriya patted him on the back.

"That's correct!" All Might said as Midoriya did a sweat drop.

"If we wish to become Pro Heroes, than we must first dedicate ourselves to learning." Yaoyorozu stated as she put her hands on her hips.

"Now that's over let's continue on with the lesson!" All Might yelled out as the next team was chosen.
After a while, Bakugou had returned to the class with his head held low. During which time there was only one group left to go that being Teams B and I.

Team I were the villains for this round while Team B would be the hero's and as everyone would be quick to learn. This would be the fastest round yet.
"Ojiro!" Hagakure called out, grabbing his attention. "I'm going stealthy." She said as she took off her gloves and boots.

Ojiro blushed at this and looked away once he realised that she was essentially naked, "Y-yeah..."

"No peaking." Hagakure said once she realised that there was a boy with her.

"You know that doesn't really matter because I can't see you." Ojiro stated but none the less respected her wish.

Meanwhile, outside the building, Todoroki and Shoji prepared to enter the building once All Might announced it. Immediately hearing the go ahead, Shoji immediately created a pair of ears and pressed them to the wall.

"Ones guarding the weapon, while the other is heading towards us," he declared after a few seconds. "It's probably Hagakure trying to ambush us."

Todoroki scoffed at this, "What a foolish plan. Go outside otherwise you'll just get hurt."

While confused by the order, Shoji did as he was asked. Todoroki sighed as he placed his right hand against the wall before freezing the entire building alongside it's two combatants.

"Cold, cold, cold!" Hagakure exclaimed as she began to shiver from the cold, unable to move her feet all while Todoroki walked past her.

Somewhere on the upper floors, Ojiro was going through a similar problem to Hagakure as he to found his feet frozen to the ground. He dropped I to a fighting stance once he heard the sounds of boots crushing ice.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Todoroki warned as he stepped into view. "If you move to move you could tear the bottom layer of your foot of from frostbite." He said as he walked past him and ced his hand on the bomb.

"Hero Team... wins!!!" All Might announced.

Upon hearing the declaration, Todoroki began to defrost the ice with the other half of his quirk surprising everyone watching. The scarred boy was agitated that there was someone in the class that was probably stronger than and wanted to challenge him. His main goal was to surpass the Number One Hero without using his father's quirk.

"Hot, hot, hot!" Hagakure exclaimed as she repeatedly hopped from one foot to another int the rapidly melting puddles of ice.
Most of the excitement had died down by the time Bakugou had come back but that class were still, nonetheless, quite amazed by Todoroki's quirk. While Bakugou could only look on in shock at how easily Todoroki won the round. He realised that maybe Midoriya had more of a point than he was willing to admit.

"Impressive. It seems like I'm not the only one here with a variable quirk." Midoriya exclaimed as he pulled out his notepad and started jotting down note, theories and ideas on how to fully utilise Todoroki's quirk."

"That some impressive work, Midoriya." Yaoyorozu stated as she looked over his shoulder taking note of the detail put into the book. "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu." She said as she offered her hand.

"Izuku Midoriya but you already knew that didn't you?" He asked as he shook her hand.

"Yes, I did and I must say your quirk is rather interesting. Mind explaining it?" She asked as the rest of the class leaned closer, Bakugou and All Might included.

"Well theres not really much to say other than the fact that due to it being incredibly powerful, I needed an emotional trigger to activate it so for a large majority of my life until 10 months ago, I had believed myself to be quirkless." He revealed much to the shock of everyone present.

Melissa's eyes instantly focused her eyes on him upon hearing that he was quirkless. 'So he was just like me?' She thought as she placed her hand on her chest.

"Eventually I leaned how to master my newly awoken ability and during that 10 month period, I had discovered that as I got stronger I could handle more powerful forms. As of the moment, the most powerful form I have a the moment is RabbitTank Sparkling but that could change at any given point." He continued as he fidgeted with the Build Driver.

All Mights eyes began to widen as he started to remember where he had seen the boy before. Guilt began to course through his body as he realised that he was no different from a villain when he had broken a young child's hopes and dreams.
Once the trials were over, all of Class 1-A began to return to their class, where they remained until they were dismissed. At which point the rest of the class began to crowed around Midoriya with interest.

"Those were some amazing skills you pulled there, Midoriya." Ashido exclaimed cheerfully. "Where did you learn those moves?"

"Oh, well during my 10 month training period, I took up several different martial arts courses." He revealed surprising the class. "Any way, I believe that it's time we get going now. Dot you think?" Midoriya said as he began packing his stuff.
That's it for this chapter and yes over 5599 words went into this cause I was brimming with ideas. Now Bakugou's pride has been shattered it has set a path for his eventual redemption and rise to Kamen Rider. Soon a new Rider will join Izuku in this world.

Also thanks to the battle training Izuku's power level is resting at 4.5 which has granted him access to the Flux Driver and subsequently he has also gained access to to Kamen Rider Geats, Revice and Woz.

Thanks for reading, enjoy the chapter as there will be more on the way.

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