Class 1-A's Hierarchy
"So Decade has a successor? Well than, maybe it's time for the Dark Riders to return." An unknown figure said as they quietly observed the green haired teen as he socialised with his friends from a distance.
"Have your fun, Decade, Build or whatever you call yourself here. Because soon, I'm going to help bring about a great change to this world and your going to help me do it." The entity announced before walking away from the blissfully unaware group of teens.
The following morning, UA was in chaos due to the vast amount of reporters that were swarming around the front gates as they attempted to interview all the students that passed by, making it difficult for them to enter.
'I guess that no matter what dimension your in the media is always going to be a nuisance.' Izuku mused as the reports began to horde around him.
"What's it like learning under All Might?!!?" A femal report demanded as she practically shoved the microphone into his face.
"I don't know how to.... Looks there's All Might!" He yelled out as he pointed in a random direction temporarily distracting the reports giving himself and his friends a chance to get into the school without any further problems.
Fortunately, Midoriya's little diversion worked a lot better than expected as it have the rest of the students the time they needed to get into UA as well. Although there were a few students that were still getting harassed by the reports with one of them being Bakugou.
"Hey kid, are you in... wait.... Aren't you that kid from the Sludge Villain Incident!"
Bakugou grimaced at that, "Fuck off you annoying little shits!" He growled out, much to the surprise of everyone there.
At this point, the reporters were getting desperate to the point they even began harassing the teachers as well, "Sir, can we just have a word with All Might?!" They practically demanded before they did a double take at Aizawa's rugged appearance. "Also, are you really a Pro Hero?!"
"All Mights not here today. Now leave, you're disrupting the students." He said, pointedly ignore their remark about his appearance.
"We just want to know how All Mights adjusting to his new job!" The female reporter from earlier exclaimed but Aizawa simply ignored.
'Seriously, how does All Might get any work done with this lot?' Aizawa pondered as he turned to leave.
However, the reporter wasn't pleased with his answer and began to follow him into the school, "We just want to hear about All Might!"
Before she could step any further, her cameraman tried to stop her before the security system activated knocking her onto her rear.
Obviously a Pro like All Might would gain the attention of the whole world. While most of the reports complained about UA's security, a man wearing a black hoodie was watching from afar with a sinister idea floating in his head.
The bell rang as the students gathered in their respective classrooms. However as everyone settled into their seats, Midoriya couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen soon but he shrugged it off as Aizawa entered the room and started his lesson.
"Alright, it's time for us to talk about yesterdays Combat Training. I've seen the recording of everyone's scores and went over the teams results. Bakugou," Aizawa called out as the blond bomber focused his attention on the teacher. "You've got talent but as I've seen, you need to focus on not telegraphing your moves whenever your in battle. Understand?"
Bakugou scoffed and crossed his arms, "Yes sir!"
"Midoriya," Aizawa called out as he focused his attention on the broccoli haired teen. "Good job on the trial. You not only eliminated Bakugou but you also did it in timely fashion. Although, I saw that you used your quirk when you needed to overcome Bakugou. Other than that, keep up the good work." Aizawa congratulated as Midoriya sat up straighter.
"Thanks, sensei!" Midoriya replied.
"Now than, onto today's agenda," Aizawa began. "This next one could very well decide your future."
'Is it another test?!?' Everyone, minus Midoriya and Bakugou, thought worriedly.
"You all need to pick a Class President." Aizawa announced.
'Oh, it's just normal school stuff.' Everyone thought as they sighed in relief.
Kirishima was the one to volunteer, "Pick me, guys! I can be a great class prez!"
"No! Pick me! I can be an-!" Melissa began before being interrupted by Mina.
"Pick me! Pick me! I'll be an amazing leader!" Ashido called out as she bounced around her chair in childish excitement.
"Pick me!" Shinso called out before he slumped back into his chair.
Midoriya raised his hand, "I'm the main character here, so pick me!" He yelled out which gained him confused looks from the rest of the class. "I'm joking!" Izuku said as he sat back down. "Or am I...?" He muttered under his breath.
"Everyone, be quiet!" Iida ordered/yelled out, grabbing the attention of the rest of the class. "This role is a task laden with a responsibility where you have to carry and pull everyone's weight! Just because you want to do it doesn't always mean you can!" Iida explained with a serious tone. "It's a holy office that utilizes a great system and uses the trust of those around you! A true leader will emerge from a democratic vote that reflects the will of the people!" Iida said, his voice filled with determination. "Which is why, we must settle this through a vote!"
The class were all amazed at Iida's passionate idea but there was one problem.
"Is this a great idea?" Kaminari questioned.
"We've only know each other for a few days," Tsu stated as she placed a finger to her lips. "It's to early for us to have developed any form of trust in each other. Ribbit."
"Yeah, everyone would just vote for themselves anyway." Kirishima stated as everyone looked over to Iida for his answer.
"Which is precisely why the person who has the most votes would be the best for the job!" Iida answered before turning to Aizawa. "Isn't that right, sensei?!"
"I don't care what you do as long as you decide before the deadline." Aizawa replied from his sleeping bag before he promptly slumped to the floor and started sleeping.
"Thank you, sensei! Than let the class vote begin!" Iida yelled out.
10 minutes later, the results were all compiled onto the board for everyone to see.
Izuku Midoriya (4)
Momo Yaoyorozu (2)
Ojiro Mashirao (1)
Katsuki Bakugou (1)
Eijiro Kirishima (1)
Kyoka Jiro (1)
Hanta Sero (1)
Fumikage Tokoyami (1)
Tenya Iida (1)
Denki Kaminari (1)
Rikido Sato (1)
Tsuyu Asui (1)
Koji Koda (1)
Mina Ashido (1)
Mezo Shoji (1)
Toru Hagakure (1)
"Oh, wow!" Midoriya exclaimed, surprised at the amount of votes he got.
"Oh! Come on! Who the fu... hell voted for Midoriya!" Katsuki exclaimed nearly letting out the f word only to catch himself at the last moment much to Midoriya's surprise.
"Well, it is better than voting for you." Sero joked.
"WHAT?!?!" Bakugou yelled out.
"It's true. There's no way we'd vote for somebody as angry as a dog." Tsu stated bluntly.
Instead of letting himself get riled up and proving them right, Bakugou took a deep breath and sat back down in his chair much to the surprise of everyone in the class.
'Oh wow! It seems he's took our little talk to heart.' Izuku thought with a raised eyebrow. 'He'd usually start throwing around threats at this point.'
Iida looked at the board disheartened, "Only one vote... I see how it is. Of course, I was the one who did insist on the sacredness of the role...." He mumbled under his breath.
"Did you not vote for yourself?" Yaoyorozu asked as she sent Iida a sorry look.
"But didn't you also want the role," Sato stated as he looked over at the uptight teen. "Just what are you trying to prove, Iida?"
A few moments later, Midoriya and Yaoyorozu were standing in front of the class. Izuku had his head held high to make himself look more dignified for the class.
"Alright, so Midoriya's the Class President and Yaoyorozu is the Vice President." Aizawa announced lazily.
"How did this happen?" Yaoyorozu wondered aloud.
"You know what, I think I'm fine with Midobro being class prez," Kirishima stated. "He was very manly in the combat training."
"And Yaoyorozu was cool with her analysis!" Kaminari added as Iida looked down in shame.
At the cafeteria, the entire school was on its lunch break. With which mainly students were waiting in lines as they prepared to choose their meals.
"Wow! The rice is so good!" Uraraka exclaimed. "As expected from Lunch Rush!"
Midoriya sat in a thinking position, his food remained untouched. "Hmm, I was made Class President so suddenly, am I really up to the task...."
"Sure you are!" Melissa exclaimed, snapping Midoriya out of his thoughts.
"You'll be fine," Iida added. "When it comes done to it, you've got the necessary skills. Which is why I voted for you because deep down I knew have it in you to carry us through. I knew I was correct in my statement when and Melissa beat me and Bakugou in the test."
"That's funny cause that's the same reason I voted for you." Midoriya revealed much to the surprise of everyone there. "While I do have be skills necessary to lead, I feel that they are best put to the test while in battle not in the day to day things that being class president requires." He added as he looked over to their surprised faces.
"Speaking of which, didn't you want to be Class President yourself, Iida?" Uraraka asked. "I mean you have the glasses and everything."
Everyone looked over to her in surprise at her statement.
'And I thought Iida was blunt.' Midoriya thought as he scratched the back of his head.
"As I've said, my volition for the role has nothing to do with my suitability for it." Iida stated. "I did nothing more than follow my own judgment on the matter."
"Speak for yourself, I simply joined in because I didn't want to be left out." Midoriya revealed much to the shock of everyone present.
"Anyway..." Uraraka began. "I might be wrong but Iida do you happen to be from an upper crest family?" She asked as she pointed her chopsticks at the teen.
"Upper crest?!?" Iida practically yelled out.
Everyone stared at him in curiosity to see whether Uraraka was correct in her deduction.
Iida sighed, "I was worried that you might treat me differently if you discovered I was from a rich family," The group leaned closer to him. "But if I were to answer such a question..... then yes. I'm from a family that's been doing heroics for generations. I'm currently the second son."
"Ehh?!??" The group yelled out in surprise.
"Do you know of the Turbo Hero: Ingenium?" Iida asked.
"Isn't he that hero who has 65 sidekicks who work at his agency in Tokyo?" Midoriya questioned.
Iida nodded, "Your quite knowledgeable and yes, your correct. On top that, he's also my big brother." He announced proudly.
"He's so unabashed!" Uraraka exclaimed.
Melissa simply rolled her eyes with a small smile evident on her face, even if she didn't partake in the conversation she clearly enjoyed it.
Shinso simply looked over at the energetic group and sighed. "How can you guys have so much energy?" He asked quietly.
"No clue." Midoriya replied as he observed Iida smiling.
"Wow, Iida. I think this was the first time we've seen you smile." Uraraka stated.
Her statement surprised Iida, "Wha? I smile too! In fact I smile all the time!"
Midoriya looked over the scene with a small smile on his face as he pulled out his camera to capture the scene before it's lost forever.
However upon taking the picture, the alarm began blaring through the loudspeakers as a voice rang out, "Security Level 3 has been breached! Students please evacuate the premises!"
Upon hearing the announcement all the students began stampeding around as they attempted to get to the exit. "What's Security Level 3?!" Iida asked a panicked student.
"It means that someone's infiltrated the school!" The student answered before running off somewhere into he crowed.
The ensuring stamped that began at the start of the chaos eventually managed to make its way of the groups table, sweeping them up and separating them from each other.
"What's with this all of a sudden?!" Uraraka asked as tried to avoid getting squished between a pair of students.
"As expected of UA's students, their reaction was swift!" Iida remarked as he got squished against the wall.
"You mean it was too swift! Their reaction has helped incit a panic!" Midoriya yelled out as he struggled against the hoard of students.
Through some effort, Iida managed to somehow make his way over to windows, "What on Earth....! What's with this infiltration?!" Peering put the window, Iida saw the reporters from earlier standing in the front entrance with Aizawa and Mic trying to calm them down. "Isn't that the press from earlier...?!?! What are they doing here?!"
The report lady shoved her microphone into the teachers faces, "All we want is All Might!"
"We know he's in there!" Another reporter added.
"We've told you before that's it's his day off." Mic replied as he tried to stop the hoard of reporters.
"Just a single word and we'll be on our way!" A third reporter begged.
"Oh no! I know how you people work, we give one than you'll be back for more." Aizawa stated.
"They are trespassing on private property so it does make them villains," Mic whisperer to his partner. "Can't we just beat them up?"
"Don't even bother. It'll be the same mixture of fact and fiction that gets written regardless of what you do." Aizawa stated. "Let's just wait for the police."
Iida, having gathered enough information, began calling out to the rest of the students, "There's nothing to worry about!" He revealed to the panicking students. "It's just the press!"
However, the students were so panicked that they never heard him, 'Where are the teachers?! Shouldn't they be helping control the situation?!'
Kaminari and Kirishima tried to help calm the situation but they were swept away before that could happen. Uraraka and Shinso were also slowly getting swept away, which left only Midoriya, Iida and Melissa to help calm the situation.
'What should I do...?' Iida thought to himself. 'No... what would Midoriya or my brother do...?' Iida pondered before he felt a hand on his shoulder turning his head he saw that the hand belonged to Midoriya.
"You need to calm the situation, Iida." Izuku ordered. "To do that, you're going to have to float to the ceiling and gain their attention."
"That sounds like an excellent plan but how am I supposed to do such a thing with out Ururaka?" Iida asked.
"Oh, that's easy!" Izuku exclaimed as he passed a Megaphone to Iida. "Melissa's going to throw you."
"Wha-!" Before he could finished, Melissa managed to activate her quirk and threw Iida over to the exit sign grabbing the attention of a few of his classmates as it happened.
Iida slammed into the wall but before he fell down, his hand shot out and grasped a pipe to help maintain his balance, making it look like he was some sort of exit sign. Lifting the megaphone to his mouth, Iida yelled out "EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" The sudden deafening tone caused everyone to freeze and stair at him. "Everything is okay! It's just the press! So there's nothing to panic about! This is UA, so let's conduct ourselves in a manner more befitting at this esteemed academy!"
It seems that everyone had final calmed down after Iida's announcement and they began to follow his instructions in much calmer state. Once everything was settled, Midoriya began helping out with injured alongside Melissa. Just then, police sirens were heard from afar.
"It seems like the authorities have final arrived." Midoriya noted as Iida passed the megaphone back to him.
"Yeah... Also why did you happen to have a megaphone on you?" Iida asked as he watched Midoriya put the device away.
"In all honesty, I have no clue." Midoriya admitted before he began rummaging through his pockets for any other items that he just happened to have laying around.
Unbeknownst to everyone, the AI-Sento had taken a keen interest in Iida. 'Hmm... It seems like we've got another potential Rider here as well.' He noted before going back to looking into whatever caused the break in.
"Okay, let's hurry and get these hungry vultures out of this concert!" Mic called out to the police officers.
"But this is a school...." Aizawa mumbled.
"Bye, bye Vultures!" Mic said to reporters.
Meanwhile, a lone figure was watching from the distance with a pair of binoculars in hand. They were spying on Midoriya, who was now heading back to class with his group of friends. "Soon..." The figure said ominously before walking off into the distance.
After the whole ruckus caused by the media, everyone returned to their classrooms. Midoriya and Yaoyorozu stood at the front of the class ready to start their announcements.
"All right, President. You can begin." Yaoyorozu said.
Midoriya quickly cleared his throat, "Alright, as of this moment onward, I'd like to announce positions in the Student Council are officially open!"
Everyone's eyes sparkled in excitement at Midoriya's announcement, Aizawa looked over at the green haired teen in surprise deciding to pay extra attention to whatever Midoriya has to say.
"I'd also like to announce that the position of class secretary has been given to Iida." Izuku revealed as the students began to congratulate a shocked Iida.
"Can I ask why?" Iida asked as he walked over to Izuku.
"During the false alarm, you not only discovered it's origin but you also took part in the attempt made to calm the panicked students. Now original, I was going to give you the role of president but after I learned how much faith everyone has in me, I thought it would be disgraceful if I didn't at least try to settle into the role." He explained with a small smile.
"He does have a point," Kirishima added. "The way he calmed everyone down was so manly!"
"He looked like that warning sign you see on emergency exits." Kaminari joked.
"Seeing as how you come from an upper class family, I think it stands to reason that I don't need to explain your role as Class Secretary, right?" Midoriya asked.
"Correct." Iida answered as the class once again began to congratulate him, "I swear I'll do my best to live up to the role you've gifted me!"
Kaminari raised his hand, "Excuse me but are there any other members?" He asked.
"As of the moment no we don't but I must inform you that there is four positions remaining. So do your best everyone!" Midoriya cheered as the rest of the class glared at each other feeling determined to claim at least one of the positions.
"Now then, if you have any questions about the roles of the student council than please direct them to the Class Secretary." Izuku advised.
Once all the explanations were over and everyone returned to their seats, Aizawa got up to start his class.
Meanwhile, the rest of the teachers observed the front gates remains. It was clear that whoever destroyed it had malicious intent.
"Could the reporters have done this?" The Space Hero: Thirteen wondered.
Nezu shook his head, "No, someone had clearly instigated this. Did some element of evil penetrate the grounds? Or was this simply a declaration of war?"
"Should we call for assistance? It might be troublesome if UA was indeed invaded by some small time crook." Thirteen stated.
"I would hate if we had to resort to outside help. It'll just leave a bad image on this school." Nezu said. "However, in light of this event, I just might consider it. But as of the moment, let's just leave it as is."
In an unknown location, the hooded figure from earlier was looking at a wall filled to the brim with images of UA and the students of class 1-A.
"It seems like UA has a training session planned soon..." The figure muttered. "To bad that'll be interrupted by a group of villains. Perhaps, if I play my cards right not only will I make a mark on this new world but I'd also manage to score myself some new allies."
The person doubled over and coughed, "Damn!!! I can't keep this form together for much longer. I need a fresh body." The person stated as he looked out the window and noticing something which caused the figure to let out a menacing smile.
"Oh, that'll do." He said.
And that's it, that's the end of this chapter! So what did you guys think? Cause this is a special chapter cause it builds up excitement for the USJ arc. Yay!!! We're nearly to the end of Volume 1 of "A Heroes Decade"!
Can you guess who the mysterious person at the end is?
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