A Riders First Day

Izuku checked his bag as he prepared for his first day at UA and after confirming that he had everything turned to leave when he suddenly felt a hand grab his arm.

When he turned to see who had grabbed him, he found his mother giving him a teary smile. "Izuku, I just want you to know how proud I am of you." She said before letting go of him. Izuku let out a big smile before opening the door and turning to leave for UA.
If this was a full year ago, Midoriya would have thought this a dream but here he was at the front gates of UA ready to start his first day at the most prestigious highschool of all Japan. If you asked him, he would have called himself lucky to have even passed due to how low the rate of passing the exam was with only 44 students even being able to enter the course. Most of the students had to take the practical exam to get in but only five were able to get in through recommendation.

'If we find anyone worthy of being a rider, this will be the best place to start looking.' He thought as his mind began to think about the new abilities his driver installed like the instant learning ability so that if any new riders are made during a big fight than they would know how to use it. This ability was based off of how Kamen Rider Zero-One learned how to use his Driver making it an incredibly useful learning tool shame that it wasn't implanted until after Izuku passed the Entrance Exam.

Shaking his head, Izuku began to make his way to class before he was late. 'Time for the real adventure to start..... Now.'
Izuku arrived at his destination with minimal problem, sure he got lost on the way but that was due to the fact that UA was built like a maze.

"Looks like I got here just in time." He said aloud as he looked at the big door with 1-A written in bold letters above it. Before he enter the room, Izuku did a quick check to make sure he was presentable before opening the door.

"Get your feet off that desk, this instance!" A familiar voice yelled out.

"Oh boy! Looks like I'm sharing a class with Mr. Uptight and oh, is that Bakugou?" Izuku questioned once the door was fully opened.

"Ehhh?" Bakugou went as he raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you feel bad for the alumnus of UA and our predecessors?!" The blue haired teen questioned while angrily chopping the air in a robot fashion.

Bakugou, who was sitting down with his feet on the desk, had an almost evil smirk on his face said "Who are you and what kind of crappy school did you go to that left such a stick up your ass?"

Clearly offended, the blue haired teen stood up straight and cleared his throat before introducing himself, "My name is Tenya Iida, a former student of Soumei Private Academy."

Bakugou scoffed at this, "Soumei, huh? That school full of damned elitists? I'll enjoy crushing you!"

Iida looked shocked at Bakugou's blatant threat, "Crushing?! Are you sure you're aiming to be a hero?" Iida questioned before noticing Midoriya, who just so happens to still be standing in the door way looking awkwardly at the event that just transpired. "It's him." Iida said as he fully turned away from Bakugou.

The entire class turned to their attention to Midoriya, who now felt very uncomfortable at the sudden attention. As he stood there in silence Iida began walking to him in a stiff manner.

"Hello! I'm Tenya Iida from-!" Iida said before Midoriya cut him off.

"Soumei Academy. I know, I could hear you through the doorway." Izuku said as he gestured to the doorway. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Izuku said.

"Oh! It's you!" Izuku heared as he turned his attention to a floating pile of clothes. It took him a second to realise that it was one of the people he saved during the entrance exam, in fact, he recognised another person he saved during the exam. It was the purple haired teen that looked like he was in a perpetual state of exhaustion. 'Come to think of it, I never did get his name.' Izuku thought.

"Oh? you know him, Hagakure?" Asked a pink skinned girl with horns on her head.

(Heh, I guess you could call her horny!)

(No just no. Izuku never try making puns ever again.)

(Oh your no fun. Anyway back to the story!)

Hagakure made a noise of agreement, "yeah, he saved me from a bunch of robots during the entrance exam. I doubt that I'd be here if it weren't for him." She said.

"Same here actually." The purple haired teen said garnering a sound of surprise from the girl.

"Hey your that boy with the cool armour!" Some exclaimed from behind him. Turning his head, he found that it was girl he helped rescue from the Zero pointer. "It was so cool how destroyed the robots with that sword of yours! And when you changed your armour and jumped into the air. Shoom! It was amazing....!" She exclaimed with a massive smile on her face.

However not everyone was excited to meet him as Bakugou scoffed in anger at the sight of him. It should have been impossible for him to score second place to someone like Deku. He clenched his fist in anger fighting the urge to try and throw him out the window.

Letting out a small growl of anger he thought to himself, 'he dares to challenge me? I'm going to find out how you cheated your way in, you damn need! Mark my words!' He vowed to himself before looking back at the nerd.

"....How did you do that by the way?" The girl asked curious about Midoriya's performance in the exam blissfully unaware of how close she was to him.

'Gah! Personal space!' He thought as a blushed still unused to such things.

"I would love to know as well. It didn't seem like any ordinary quirk." Iida stated as he looked Midoriya up and down.

"What he said." Hagakure said joining in the conversation.

"Ditto." The purple haired teen said as he looked at Midoriya with interest.

Izuku looked around unsure of how to go on before he suddenly realised that there was someone behind him. Quickly turning around, he saw a man wrapped on a yellowing sleeping bag laying on the floor.

"If you here to make friends, then you should pack your stuff and leave immediately." He said as he pulled out a juice box and took a sip.

All the students looked at him in confusion, not recognising him at all except for Midoriya, who had brushed himself up on all heroes especially the underground ones.

"Welcome to the hero course." The man said in an almost dead tone.

'Who is that???' Most of the class, save for Midoriya, thought.

"It took you all around 9 seconds to get quiet," The man said as he slowly rose to his feet letting the sleeping back fall to the ground as he did so. "Time is limited. You kids aren't logical."

'So he's our teacher? Well, can't say I was expecting that but I digress.' Izuku thought as he raised an eyebrow at the teacher.

The man yawned before introducing himself, "I'm Shota Aizawa and I'll be your homeroom teacher. It's nice to meet you, I guess." This shocked the students but before they could say anything Aizawa pulled out what appeared to be UA's version of gym clothes. "Put these on and come to the field. Time is of the essence."

Confused with what was happening, Izuku took the the gym clothes. 'Looks like today was going to be the weirdest first day ever.' He thought as hurried over to the changing rooms.
Once everyone had changed into their gym clothes, they all met with Aizawa, who was waiting patiently for them, outside.

"It took you all the 20 seconds to get changed, your going to have to do better than that." He announced as the students all shivered under his gaze. "As of right now, we are going to be doing the Quirk Apprehension Test." He announced shocking the students.

"But what about the orientation?" The brown haired girl with the bob cut asked. (Her name's Ochaco Uraraka, remember? She introduced herself while Bakugou was having his inner monologue.)

"If you want be a hero than you don't have time for useless stuff like that,' Aizawa stated. "UA is know for it's unorthodoxy teaching style and the same thing goes for all the teachers here as well. So I run my class how I see fit. You've been doing stuff like this since middle school, right?" Aizawa asked as he pulled up all the physical tests they'll be doing on his phone. "The physical fitness tests without he usage of your quirks. The country continues to calculate your averages based on more uniform results which I don't think is logical. The Ministry of Education is just lazy in my opinion," Aizawa said as he turned to Midoriya. "Midoriya, how many good was your softball throw in Junior High?"

"56 meters, sir." Midoriya answered earnestly.

"Now do it with your quirk." Aizawa ordered as he handed over a softball to Izuku. "Don't worry the softball was designed to take a lot of damage, so go wild." He explained as Izuku raised an eyebrow before nodding his head in acknowledgement and started heading towards the designated pitching area as everyone looked on in curiosity.

"How far do you think he'll throw it?" Ochaco asked as she turned to Iida only to hear Bakugou scoff and turned to him instead.

"I don't think it'll go far after all he's a quirkless failure." Bakugou stated as he crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Quirkless?! Didn't you see what he did during he entrance exam?!" Iida exclaimed in shock at what he just heard.

"You can do anything as long as you stay in the circle," Aizawa added. "Now, hurry up and throw it as far as you can without holding back."

Izuku nodded his head before summoning the tank Fullbottle causing Aizawa to raise his eyebrow and much to everyone's confusion, he began to shake it. After a while, Izuku pulled back his arm and threw the ball with all his might as a light blue glow, that was barely noticeable, over took his pitching arm sending the ball rocketing into the air.

The wind pressure caused by his throw blew everyone's hair into their faces.

"First, you most learn your limit," Aizawa began as the ball landed before turning his phone to show the result Izuku's throw. "It's the most logical way to form a hero's foundation." He said as the phone revealed that Izuku managed to get 800.6 meters much to the rest of the classes surprise and Bakugou's shock and anger.

"Deku!" He roared. "How did you do that you Bastard!" He yelled out as he charged forward only to find himself ensnared by Aizawa's scarf.

Hmm... I never thought I'd see Aizawa's capture gear in action. In any case, it reminds me of Woz's scarf minus the whole teleportation ability it had.' Izuku thought in wonder as Bakugou struggled against it in vain.

"Why the hell is this stupid scarf so strong!" He roared until he realised that he couldn't use his quirk either.

"Because it's made of a special alloy designed for the intent of capturing villains," Aizawa explained as his eyes glowed red. "Don't you dare make me use my quirk more than what's needed. It gives me as serious case of dry eye."

Afterward Aizawa released Bakugou from his scarf and returned his quirk by blinking. Bakugou glared at Midoriya in anger as the later looked away in discomfort.

Following on from this event everyone got ready for the first batch of tests. In this case it was the 50 meter dash.

Going first in this event was Iida and the frog girl, Tsuyu Asui. And the results were as you would expect due to the fact that Tenya's quirk is called Engine, which helped increase his running speed while Asui simply hopped across the track.

The next ones to go was the blond beauty with the glasses, Melissa Shield and the boy with lilac coloured hair, Hitoshi Shinso. Melissa simply used her quirk to increase her speed although from the looks of it, she's seems to keep it at a set level probably to prevent any form of backlash from developing maybe? She gained a score of 2.5 seconds with Hitoshi only having a score of 6.7 seconds.

When it came for Midoriya's and Bakugou's turn, he simply summoned the Rabbit Fullbottle and gave it a quick shake before taking off in a sprint that overlapped Bakugou much to his shock. Obviously this got him a score of 1.4 seconds with Bakugou only having a measly 4.6 seconds.

For the grip test, Izuku simply used the Tank Fullbottle and in doing so he broke the device much to the shock of everyone present. When he asked if he should retake the test, Aizawa replied that he'd mark it down as invalid for now.

During the standing long jump, Izuku had used the Rabbit Fullbottle to increase his mup distance causing him to leap much farther than anticipated. During this, Melissa looked at him in utter fascination as she tried to figure out what his quirk was.

The fourth test was relatively simply with nobody standing out.

The fifth test was the ball throw that Izuku did earlier, out of everyone in the test, the one that stood out the most for it was Ochaco Uraraka due to her somehow scoring an infinite on the test.

The sixth test was a long distance run that everyone did at the same time however Yaoyorozu stood out the most thanks to the fact that she created a motorcycle and drove past everyone. Now Midoriya could have summoned the Machine Builder using his Build Phone but decide not to.

The second to last test, the Seated-Toe Touch test was by far the seconds most easiest test for Midoriya, thanks to it being one the many exercises he did during his ten month training tenure.

The final test was simply sit ups how it could be effected by a quick, Midoriya didn't know but he was partnered with Melissa, something he would eternally be grateful for. During the test, he managed to get up to his sixtieth before he was forced to swap places with Melissa.

Once all the test scores were gathered up, the results were displayed on the screen with many feeling nervous about what their score would be.


1st - Izuku Midoriya
2nd - Melissa Shield
3rd - Shoto Todoroki
4th - Bakugou Katsuki
5th - Momo Yaoyorozu
6th - Tenya Iida
7th - Fumikage Tokoyami
8th - Mezo Shoji
9th - Mashirao Ojiro
10th - Ejiro Kirishima
11th - Mina Ashido
12th - Ochaco Uraraka
13th - Koji Koda
14th - Rikido Sato
15th - Tsuyu Asui
16th - Hanta Sero
17th - Kyoka Jiro
18th - Denki Kaminari
19th - Hitoshi Shinso
20th - Toru Hagakure

The results were surprising to Midoriya as he wasn't expecting to find himself in first place but for Bakugou all he felt was rage due to the fact that Midoriya of all people came first.

"Aww man! Last place. Seriously?" Hagakure complained, her shoulders slumped down in defeat.

Mina gently patted her should to comfort the poor girl. "Well now that's over we can go now right?" She asked Aizawa as the rest of the class looked at him expectantly.

"Not yet," Aizawa said causing the class to adopt a look of sheer confusion. "Midoriya, I know you didn't go all out in the test. So, I want you to have a one-on-one sparring match with me." He said.

This obviously the left rest of the class flabbergasted from the insane request, "WHAAAAT?!!" The screamed.

"Why Deku?!" Bakugou yellowed out angrily as explosions began to form in his palms.

"As I've said before Midoriya didn't display his full power during the test," Aizawa explained causing the rest of the students to stair at Midoriya. "You know what I mean, don't you, Midoriya? The transformation?"

Most of the students were confused by what Aizawa meant except for Uraraka, Iida, Shinso and Hagakure since they had seen the suit in action before. Uraraka and Hagakure were especially excited to see it again.

"What's going on?" Mina asked as she leaned over to Hagakure.

"Your about to find out." Uraraka cheerfully responded.

"Very well, Sir." Izuku said nodding his head in confirmation before lifting his hand up and calling for the Build Driver surprising everyone at the devices sudden appearance.

Izuku placed the device on his waste before lifting his hand up again revealing what looked like a soda can confusing most of the class.

"Is that a soda can?" Sato asked trying to figure out how the soda looking device fitted with the belt device.

Izuku gave the RabbitTank Sparkling Fullbottle a quick shake before opening it, the device making a small fizzling sound as it did so.

He quickly inserted the Fullbottle into the Driver.

"RabbitTank Sparkling" The belt announced shocking the rest of the students.

Izuku grabbed the crank and started training it causing a few tubes to sprout from the device to form a mold in a shape similar to a soda can.

"Are you ready?" The belt asked as Izuku lifted his arms up into a fighting stance.

"Henshin!" He called out before brings his arms to his face forming a cross before pulling them back down to his side.

Upon doing so, the mold complete enclosed around him covering him head to toe in armour.

"Shuwatto hajikeru! RabbitTank Sparkling! Yea-Yeah!" The belt announced once the transformation was complete.

Everyone was left in shock upon seeing both the transformation and the armour. Melissa in particular had stars in hers eyes as she looked on in total awe.

"Now that the transformation is over, I'm ready when you are." Aizawa said as he pulled into a fighting stance.

Izuku nodded as he summoned the Hawk Gatlinger much to the shock of everyone present.

"He has a gun?!!" They yelled out.

Aizawa charged towards Midoriya throwing his capture scarf as he did so in an attempt to catch him off guard only for Midoriya to knock it away and deliver a roundhouse kick to the teachers stomach.

Before he had a chance to recover Izuku quickly fired several shots in rapid succession sending Aizawa flying.

"Your ready to surrender yet?" Izuku called out to his teacher eager to end the fight as quickly as possible.

Instead of replying Aizawa got back on his feet and charged at Midoriya again this time activating his quirk as he did so. Only for Izuku to bat him away with his fist.

Growing tired of the fight, Izuku placed his hand on the crank and started turning it causing bubbles to form from his chestplate before he jumped into the air causing a red and blue energy energy chart to form into a wormhole.

"He can create a wormhole?!" Mina exclaimed in shock at the sight.

Before Izuku dived through the wormhole and kicked.

The attack hit Aizawa in full causing an explosion to happen knocking him down.

"Are we done yet, Sensei?" Izuku called out as Aizawa shakely rose to his feet.

"Yeah, you can revert to normal now. I've seen enough." Aizawa said. "Class dismissed." He said before walking away.

Izuku canceled his transformation surprising the rest of the class. As he turned to leave Melissa ran up to him and began to excitedly ask questions about his quirk.

Bakugou looked on in shock to stunned to do anything at the shocking scene that had just unfolded before his eyes.
Finally the first day of school was over. Izuku looked at his watch before he felt a hand grasp his should, he tensed in preparation for an attack only to look behind to see that it was Iida.

"Oh, Iida! You scared me!" Izuku said before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay, Midoriya?" Iida asked with worry.

"I'm fine just drained." Midoriya admitted as he rubbed his face.

"That's good to hear. You wouldn't mind if I join you?" Iida asked.

"Alright." Izuku replied as the two of them started walking together.

Before they could go any further someone called out to them.

"Hey!" The two boys looked behind them to see Uraraka and Melissa running towards them. "Wait up, guys! Are you going to the station? Let's us join!"

"Your the infinity girl." Iida said recognising her.

"My name is Ochaco Uraraka!" She said cheerfully. "Your Tenya Iida, right? And you must be Deku Midoriya!"

"Deku?" Izuku asked as his head tilted to the side.

"Hmm? Isn't that what the explosive kid called you during the Physical Test?"

"Ah... I see what's happend. Technically my first name is Izuku, Deku was something Bakugou called me when we were younger." He explained.

"So it's an insult than?" Iida asked.


"That's so mean!" Melissa said with a pouty look on her face that somehow made her look even more cute than she was before.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!-" Uraraka began before Izuku cut her off.

"It's alright, you can call me Deku if you want. I doesn't bother me that much any way." Izuku said shrugging as he did so. "Any way, we might need to hurry up if we don't want to miss the bus!" Izuku said he began walking to the bus stop everyone else following beside him.
That's it for this chapter and yes I might have gotten a bit carried away while writing it but that's nothing to worry about. Any way have a good day everyone see you next time.

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