Chapter 2: It's Starting!

Reader's POV

My legs dangle from the side of a fridge that All Might aka my older brother was on before me. He weights like 250 kilos and with no surprise he's too heavy for Midorya. Jesus he's too heavy for me.

I flip another page of  the second Volume of Death Note while laying on my back on the fridge. The warm sun was hitting me just right and it felt too good.

Moving me was a lot easier on Midorya but he still strugled. I move my eyes from my Manga to a short boy in front of me. In about a hour and hald he managed to drag me two and a third of a meter. I glance at All Might, who was going through his sheets of  'Perfect plan's for Midorya.


"I'm telling you (Y/N)! This is just perfect! PERFECT I tell you!" My over excited big bro's jumping around the kitchen while swinging with his arm that was holding the plan for Midorya. "Everything's here! From when he'll sleep, study and exerise! Even what he needs to eat! This is a truly BRAVO plan!" "Yeah yeah! I admit it's pretty cool you managed to get that together by yourself but you should consider my idea too!" But he's ignoring me again. I let out a frustrated sigh.

Flashback ends

"Oi! Midorya!" I yell while closing, the now finished Manga. The boy stops in his tracks and looks at me, sweat dripping from him. Click. With that I had a photo of sweaty beat up Midorya on my phone. I'll show it to him after we finish our training with him. "Y-Yeah?" He asks while wipping off the sweat from his forehead with his right hand. "If by any chance you drop me. Aka if this fridge falls over. You're dead! Kapishe?" He looks me in the eyes. Probably thinking if I'm kidding, "Young Midorya, our (Y/N) isn't kidding. I advice you to be careful. For your own good that is." Midorya nods at me as I put my headphones in my ears again.

I moan as I flip my side so I'm laying on my stomach. I lay, spread out on the big fridge in my (C) bikini, listening to music and playing Kingdom Hearts, slaying some nobodies. Oh boy, I'm so glad I bought this the other day! I pause the game and yell to Midorya that he's free to take a ten minute break. After all he worked hard.

I hop off too and walk to the side, to a big old over used desk. I open the dark brown drawer and pull out two semi cold plastic bottles of water. I walk back to where he is and hanf him one, "You deserve it." He takes it and smiles. I flop next to him onto the hot sand and smile at him. "I saw you that day, you know. Two days ago when you tried to save that kid." He looks at me vide eyed. "You were really cool." He smiles at me, "It's like my legs just moved on their own. I mean... And his eyes. They looked like that were pleading for help..." he looks down at the sand.

The cool shadow we were sitting in was just perfectly cooled. I looked at my toes and smile gently, recaling the moments when I saw him just shot out the crowd. "You're perfect for a hero. You have that thing every hero needs to have. I'm happy that my brother will give you 'One for all'." I move my look at him and I smile, showing my teeth. His eyes widens and he quickly looks down in the sand, blushing a little. "I swear I'll do my best."

We sit in silence for a minute or two before he asks me that question. "(Y/N)! All Might never told me what's your Quirk. So um... what is it?" My smile fades but he doesn't notice. "Is it like All Mights? Super powerful? Or maybe you can run really fast?" I shake my head. "I-It's complicated you know. All you need to really know is that it's really dangerous. So when I use it be on your guard." I stand up and think of ways to change the theme of our talk.

"I'm back, young Midorya, (Y/N)!" He buffs back up to his super form and hands him the 'Aim To Pass! American Dream Plan!' Even thought we're not in America... But thank God you came! "With this you're sure to pass as a vessel! Cleaning up the trash isn't as important as this!" With that I lost my interest and went back to playing Kingdom Hearts.

And so with that, days passed. Midorya was getting stronger and stronger. The weather cooled down and I had to start training with Midorya just so All Might didn't have to buy another one of those things you stand on and they drive you anywhere things. There was also a time where Midorya over worked himself, All Might finally listened to me in helping with Midorya's planner. And we pulled it out! We managed to make Midorya a proper vessel. It was in a hurry but we managed. And now I also have to atend Yuuei High! God Dammit... Thought there's one good thing! I got signed up as a 'special' student by All Might. They told me how good that is and that I'm the first to get in like that but I know better. All Might had to tell the principal about my Quirk. I can't say I'm completely fine with that but if there's no easier way then that's fine and the teachers know about my connection with All Might, that he's my brother but only the principal really knows about my Quirk. And well today I'm going with Midorya. I'll be there to see the start then after they go to fields I need to go to the principal for a talk. Again probably about my Quirk.

The Day Of The Entrace Exam

I smile nervously. I look at the reflection on my phone's screen to look for any hair that could maybe not be in it's place but everything was fine. I breath out again and press on the sign that told me about the doorbell. "Coming~!" I hear a happy woman's voice. Must be his mother's. I try to relax a little but before I know it the doors open and a short lady looks at me. I smile shily, "H-Hello miss. I'm sorry to bother but is Izuko here?" I take a good look at the little lady. She has longer green hair tied up at the back, big eyes and pailish skin with pinkish red cheeks. She wears a yellow sweather and a skirt made from jeans. I smile at her gently and her eyes widens, "I-I-I-Izu-u-zu-koo!!!" "What is it mo-?" I can see Midorya open a door and look at his mother then at me and his eyes widen, "I-I d-didn't know you had a girlfriend! She's so pretty too!" My cheeks go red and I look down, "No no! Mom it's not like that!" He looks at me and I look at him with a look that says 'I'm sorry for the trouble'. "She's the one I was training with." She looks at me and I nood. "(Y/N) Why did you come here?" He asks me confused. "Well I just thought since we're going the same way that we might go together!" I smile, "You have an entrance exam and I need to talk with the Yuuei's principal. "Well it's fine with me!" He says and I give him a closed eye smile. "Just wait a minute please." I nod happily and close the doors.

While waiting for him to get ready I check my red school-type skirt, black thights that went a little over my knees, black knee high combat boots with red laces and red underneath them, regular black top.

I could hear him putting his shoes on I once again check my pony tail and finally decided I pull out some hair so I have side swept bangs. And as I put my phone back I see that the doors opened. Midorya smiles at me, "Let's go." And I only nod, smiling at him. I know I can do this and I know that he can too!

Whole outfit:

(Boot laces should be more dark red like the skirt also to the knees)
What do you guys think? :D
is it any good? I hope so!
I'm working hard I swear ;~;

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Bye Guys~

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