𝟎𝟐: 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐀𝐥𝐥
On Sunday, after work, Briar came home with leftover pizza and sandwiches, which wasn't unusual.
Lorelai was painting Rory's toenails red.
"Oh, good, you're home," Lorelai said. "Hey, put that stuff in the fridge and come back out so I can paint your toenails red."
"Why?" asked Briar, confused.
"Because you're going to a private school now and everyone knows that bad girls go to private school and wear red nail polish," explained Lorelai.
"But we're going to be wearing shoes," Rory stated. "No one's going to see our feet."
"Unless shoes aren't a part of the dress code and the school is run by Quentin Taratino," Briar pointed out.
"Yeah, well..." Lorelai started. "Are you both nervous?"
"About what?" asked Rory.
"About starting Chilton," Lorelai replied.
"Well, I wasn't until I heard about all those bad girls," Rory said.
"Are you afraid that they're going to steal your lunch money because your toenails aren't painted red?" asked Briar.
Lane ran past Briar, waving a CD, "Guys, guys! New CD – XTC, Apple Venus Volume 2." She ran into the house to play the CD.
Lorelai got up, cheering, "Nails done!" She ran for the door.
"But you only finished half my toes!"
Lorelai called back, "Who cares? You're gonna be wearing shoes anyway!"
Briar went inside the house so Lane and Lorelai could eat the pizza while listening to XTC's new album.
Briar really didn't want to go to Chilton, leaving her fellow Horsewomen behind, but she knew that Rory didn't want to go to Chilton alone. Besides, Jill, Lizzie, and Vivienne had each other, even if it was incomplete.
So, Briar dragged her sorry ass out of bed and got dressed in the Chilton uniform and put on her Famine bracelet. After getting dressed, she sat down at the vanity and brushed her hair. She settled for leaving it straight, before applying eyeliner and a little bit of eyeshadow.
Rory had barged in and looked at Briar, suspiciously. Although it must've looked weird with one eyelid having eyeshadow on and the other eyelid was still bare.
"What?" asked Briar, confused. "I'm not cheating on you with another twin sister. Jeez."
"Just making sure that you were up," Rory said, before leaving.
Briar rolled her eyes and finished applying eyeshadow before opening another drawer and looking at the lip makeup she had.
She had to debate which lipgloss, Lip Smacker, or Lip Glow to use because she had so much lip makeup to pick from.
She wasn't sure how long she sat there staring in horror at the lip makeup she had before finally settling on the vanilla Lip Glow. As she was applying it, she heard Rory yelling, "It's 7:10!"
Briar assumed that Lorelai overslept.
While Rory and Lorelai bickered about whatever, Briar grabbed her new backpack that her Horsewomen had given her because she was starting prep school and her messenger bag looked too childish for rich people. Her friends had decorated the backpack with buttons.
She eventually got downstairs, where Rory was leaning against the banister.
Rory yelled, "It's seven—"
"Don't even think of finishing that sentence!" Lorelai came downstairs and noticed the judgemental looks her two daughters were giving her outfit. "What?"
"Why are you dressed for a hoedown?" asked Briar, confused.
"Yeah," Rory replied. "I just didn't know the rodeo was in town."
"All right, that's it," Lorelai grabbed a picture from a desk, "I'm bringing the baby pictures." She took off outside.
Briar's eyes widened because she didn't want Lorelai to show off the 'Bathtub Picture', which was her and Rory basically standing up and showing off their bare butts.
"No!" yelled Rory, going after Lorelai, "I love the rodeo! The rodeo rules!"
When they got to Chilton, they stared up at the building.
"I remember it being smaller," Rory said.
"Yeah," Lorelai agreed. "And less..."
"Off with their heads," Rory said.
"Yeah," Lorelai said. She tilted her head and peered up at the school.
"What are you looking at?" asked Rory.
"I'm just trying to see if there's a hunchback up in that bell tower," Lorelai said.
"I'm wondering if Dracula lives underground somewhere," Briar said.
Rory asked Lorelai, "So, how do we look?"
Lorelai smiled at Briar and at Rory, "You both look great."
"Really?" asked Rory.
"Really." Lorelai said, "You two are amazing kids. You have earned this. You just go in there and show them what smart really is. I love you. Just call me if you need me."
"You're kidding, right?" asked Rory.
"No," Lorelai said. "Call me if you need anything. I'm great at making up dirty cheers."
Briar asked, "What are these dirty cheers?"
"You have to go in with us," Rory told Lorelai.
"Rory, come on," Lorelai said.
"You have to meet the headmaster," Rory pointed out.
"Well, look at me, Rory," Lorelai said, gesturing to her outfits. "I can't meet anybody who does anything in there."
"Mom!" whined Rory.
"No, I look like that chick from the Dukes of Hazzard," Lorelai said. "Besides, you can go in for Brie and Brie can go in for you. That's why I had twins."
"Mom, this is our first day," Rory said. "You are not getting out of going in there with us. Period."
"Oh, no, not the period," Briar replied. "That means she's being serious."
They got out of the jeep and Lorelai had to put her overcoat on.
Two women walking by stopped and stared at Lorelai's outfit with clear judgment.
"Good morning," Lorelai greeted them.
The two women looked at each other before walking away, probably still judging Lorelai's outfit.
Lorelai spoke to her two daughters, "Oh, well, we're gonna be best friends."
"The closest of friends," Briar added.
"That's enough out of you," Lorelai told her as she pulled on her coat. They walked towards the school, "So, where do we go?"
Rory took a piece of paper out of her blazer pocket, "Uh, the Ambroise building."
"Which is?" asked Lorelai.
"The big, scary one," Rory replied.
"That's very specific," Briar stated. "They're all big, scary buildings."
A man asked them, "Lost?"
"Oh, yeah," Lorelai said. "Uh, we're looking for the headmaster's office, the Ambroise building."
"Ah, okay," the man replied. "Well, this is it right here. You just go inside, down the stairs, make a left, and the headmaster's office is at the end of the hall."
"Great," Lorelai said. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," the man replied.
Rory grabbed Lorelai's arm and started to walk away, but the man clearly had other ideas, because he stuck his hand out, "Um, I'm Ian Jack. My daughter Julia goes to school here."
Lorelai shook his hand, "Hi. I'm Lorelai Gilmore. Um, these are my daughters, Rory and Briar."
"Your daughters?" Ian looked shocked, like he couldn't believe someone so young looking had two daughters. "Really?"
"Yup," Lorelai replied.
"Wow, that's great," Ian replied. "Uh, I mean, daughters are a great thing."
"We're big fans," Lorelai said. "That's why I had two girls."
"Two for the price of one," Briar said.
"Twins," Lorelai added.
"So, is your husband here?" Ian said, "I'd love to meet him."
"I'm not married," Lorelai replied.
"Ah," replied Ian.
"I'd love to meet your wife, though," Lorelai said.
"I'm divorced," Ian replied.
"Shame," Lorelai said, clearly not thinking that it was a shame.
"Yeah," replied Ian.
"Excuse us, but we really got to go meet the headmaster," Briar cut in.
"Right!" Lorelai replied, looking like she just remembered that. "We gotta go meet the big guy and I gotta, uh, get back to work."
They started to walk away but Ian said, "Oh, where do you work?"
Briar didn't know what was more annoying about Ian – the flirting or his tie.
Lorelai went back to Ian, "At an inn. The Independence Inn. I run it."
"Really?" asked Ian.
"In a different outfit, of course," Lorelai said.
Ian laughed, "Well, it was nice to meet you, Lorelai." He spoke to the two teens. "Good luck in school Rory and Briar. I'll tell Julia to look out for you."
"That'll be nice," Briar replied, with a fake smile.
"See you," Ian said and walked away.
Lorelai stared after Ian, smiling to herself. "What a nice, nice man."
"He wasn't even hot," Briar told Lorelai.
Rory said, "Don't ruin it. She's clearly feeling good about herself."
"I am," Lorelai replied, still staring after Ian.
Rory asked Lorelai, "Do you want one of us to get you a mirror?"
Lorelai stopped smiling, "I'm back. Let's go."
They walked into the Ambroise building. It was rather grand inside.
"Oh, good, more big stuff," Lorelai said.
They walked down the staircase, passing by three girls – one of whom looked unimpressed.
"Turn left," Rory said to Lorelai.
They walked down a hallway toward the headmaster's office, finally reaching double doors and standing before them.
"You two ready?" asked Lorelai.
"No," Rory said.
There was a silence before Lorelai repeated, "You two ready?"
"Yes," Rory said. She and Lorelai pushed open the doors and they walked into the office, and went to the desk where the secretary was working.
Lorelai cleared her throat, "Um, excuse me." The secretary looked up and Lorelai jumped back, stepping on Briar's foot.
"Come on, Mom," Briar grumbled.
"Sorry," Lorelai told her. She looked at the secretary, "Wow, hi. I'm Lorelai Gilmore. These are my daughters, Lorelai and Briar Rose Gilmore. I named this one after me and I named this one Briar Rose because she fell asleep anywhere. Um, but we call them Rory and Brie. It's short for Lorelai and Briar but they'll answer to either one or even 'hey you' depending on the—" Rory nudged her to get her to stop rambling. "Uh, is the headmaster here?"
"One moment," the secretary stood up and walked through a door behind Lorelai and the twins.
"See, that's what happens when you go to bed with your makeup on," Lorelai whispered to her daughters.
"That's so messed up," Briar replied.
The door behind opened and the secretary said, "Headmaster Charleston will see you now."
"Great, great," Lorelai said. "Thanks."
They walked into the headmaster's office.
"Ms. Gilmore," the headmaster said. "I'm Headmaster Charleston."
"Hi," Lorelai said. "Wow, it's really nice to meet..." She spotted her mother sitting on the couch. "Mom." To the headmaster, said, "Um, excuse me." She went to Emily, "What are you doing here?"
Emily spoke as she walked past Lorelai, "I came to wish my granddaughters luck on their first day of school."
Lorelai started, "But–"
"Girls, you look wonderful in that uniform," Emily told them.
"Uh, you didn't have to come all the way out here, Mom," Lorelai said.
Briar was sure that the school was five minutes away from the mansion.
"Well, this gave me a chance to make sure that Hanlin here takes good care of Rory and Brie," Emily said.
Lorelai spoke to the headmaster, "You're Hanlin."
The headmaster said, "Hanlin Charleston."
"Hanlin's wife and I are on the symphony fundraising committee together," Emily said.
"Wow, that's great," Lorelai replied.
"Your father and I are golf rivals," Headmaster Charleston said to Lorelai. "We're still fighting it out to see which one is worse."
"Oh, yes," Emily said. "We're all old friends."
Lorelai said, "Well, there's nothing like friends. Especially if they're old...ones."
Briar looked at Lorelai at that statement.
Headmaster Charleston said, "Well, would you like to take off your coat and have a seat?"
"Oh, no," Lorelai said. "No, I'm fine."
Headmaster Charleston said, "I'm afraid they were a little overzealous with the furnace this morning. It's quite warm in here."
"Well, you do have a fire going in the fireplace," Briar pointed out.
"And I like it warm," Lorelai said.
"Lorelai, take off your coat and sit down," Emily chided. 'You don't want Hanlin to think you're rude."
Briar thought it was rude to insist on Lorelai taking off her coat, especially if she didn't want to.
Lorelai took off her coat in a reluctant manner and gave an embarrassed smile. "Laundry day."
"Hanlin, did you know that Rory has a 4.0 grade average and that Briar has a 3.9 grade average?" asked Emily, trying to save the situation from Lorelai's outfit.
"I'm sure he does, Mom," Lorelai said.
"These are very special girls," Emily continued. "You take good care of them."
"We'll do our best, Emily," Headmaster Charleston said.
"Oh, God." Lorelai explained, "Rory and Brie are not gonna be a problem. They're totally low maintenance, you know, like a Honda. You know, they're just easy, just—" She looked around the office, "Nice office."
"Well, I don't think we should take up anymore of your precious time," Emily said. "Hanlin, it was lovely to see you. Give Bitty our love."
"Tell Richard I'll see him at the club Sunday," Headmaster Charleston said.
Emily spoke to her two granddaughters, "Have a wonderful day, you two. I want to hear all about it." She turned to Lorelai, "Do you need a ride or is your horse parked outside?"
Lorelai spoke to the headmaster, "It's so nice to meet you." She shook his hand, before saying to her daughters, "Have a great day." She kissed both of her daughters on the forehead and started to head out.
"Oh, you don't want to forget your coat," the headmaster said to Lorelai.
Lorelai turned back, "Oh, no, 'cause that would be embarrassing." She grabbed her coat and walked out of the office.
The headmaster had them sit on the chairs in front of the desk while he looked through the folders, "You two are obviously bright girls."
"Thank you," Rory said.
The headmaster said, "Good grades, the teachers like you. Briar works part-time at a pizzeria. Rory, on the other, doesn't have a lot of social activities though."
"Oh, well, just living in Stars Hollow is kind of a social activity, actually," Rory said.
"We have a lot of festivals," Briar added.
The headmaster asked Rory, "So, nothing in your school appealed to you?"
Rory explained, "I work at my mother's inn after school sometimes. And I was in the German Club for a while, there were only three of us, and then two left for the French Club after seeing Schindler's List, so..."
"What are your aspirations, Rory?" asked the headmaster.
"I want to go to Harvard and study Journalism and Political Science," Rory replied.
"On your way to being..." started the headmaster.
"Christiane Amanpour," Rory replied.
The headmaster asked, "Really?"
Rory replied, "Yes."
"Not Cokie Roberts?" asked the headmaster.
"No," replied Rory.
"Not Oprah, Rosie, or one of the women from The View?" asked Charleston.
"No," repeated Rory.
"Why do you wish to be Christiane Amanpour?" asked Charleston.
"Well, I don't wish to be her, exactly," Rory replied. "I just want to do what she does."
The headmaster asked, "Which is?"
"Travel, uh, see the world up close, report on what's really going on, be a part of something big," Rory explained.
"And to be part of something big you have to be on TV?" The headmaster asked, "Why not lead the police on a high-speed chase? That's a quicker way to achieve this goal."
Rory said, "Being on TV has nothing to do with it. Maybe I'll be a journalist and write books or articles about what I see. I just want to be sure that I see...something." She noticed how the headmaster glanced down at her papers. "You'll notice the debating team's also missing from my resume."
The headmaster looked at Briar, "How about you, Briar? Do you also want to go to Harvard and study Journalism and Political Science like your sister?"
"No," Briar said. "We're two different people, not one single person."
The headmaster asked, "Well, where do you want to study?"
Briar hesitated because the thought never crossed her mind and lied, "Yale."
"On your way to being...?" prompted the headmaster.
"Myself," Briar replied. "No one likes a copy of someone else."
"And what do you want to study?" asked the headmaster.
"Business management," Briar replied. "I want to open up my own pizzeria chain someday."
The headmaster shook his head, setting the folders aside, "I've known your grandparents for quite some time."
"We know," replied Rory.
"In fact, I was at a party at their house just last week, where I had the most delicious lobster puffs I've ever eaten," Charleston said. "I'm very fond of them."
"I really love the lobster rolls," Briar told him.
"None of this, however, will be of any benefit to you two," Charleston stated.
"Noted," Briar said in a small voice.
"Chilton has one of the highest academic standards of any school in America." Charleston explained, "You two may have been the smartest girls at Stars Hollow, but this is a different place. The pressures are greater, the rules are stricter, and the expectations are higher. If you make it through, you will have received one of the finest educations one can get, and there should be no reason why you should not achieve all your goals. However, since you are starting late and are not used to this highly competitive atmosphere, there is a good chance you will fail. That is fine. Failure is a part of life, but not a part of Chilton. Understand?"
"So, you liked the lobster puffs, huh?" asked Rory.
Charleston handed Rory the folders, "Take these to Miss James in the administration office across the hall."
Rory took the folders.
"Have a nice day, Headmaster," Briar told the headmaster before following after her sister.
After getting her schedule, map, and other info, Briar and Rory headed to their shared English class together with Mr. Medina.
"And while French culture was the dominant outside cultural influence, especially for Russia's monied class, English culture also had its impact. Tolstoy's favorite author, for instance, was..."
"Dickens," a blonde haired girl said, raising her hand slightly.
"Yes," Mr. Medina said. "And of course, last week we discovered Dostoevski's main authorial influences..."
"George Sand and Balzac," the blonde haired girl said, raising her hand again.
"Good," Mr. Medina said. "As Tolstoy commenced writing both War and Peace and Anna Karenina, Count Leo would turn to..."
"David Copperfield," the blonde girl said, without raising her hand this time.
"Correct," Mr. Medina said. "He would turn to David Copperfield for inspiration." The door opened and a guy walked in. "Ah, Mr. Dugray."
"Sir," Dugray said, handing the teacher a note.
"Nice to have you back," Mr. Medina said. "I hope your grandfather's better."
"Much better sir," Dugray said.
"Good," Mr. Medina said. "Take your seat, please."
Briar looked at Dugray, who leered at her and Rory.
Briar narrowed her eyes at him as she looked him in the eye. She needed Lizzie's strength.
This guy was kind of attractive and he knew it.
Lizzie would refuse to let this guy get under her skin and Briar needed that resolve.
Dugray eventually went to his seat and Briar looked forward again.
"Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities, Little Dorrit, all major influences on Leo Tolstoy. Tomorrow we will focus on the writing styles of these two literary masters, Tolstoy and Dickens." The bell rang. "Class dismissed."
"Look like we got ourselves a couple of Marys," Dugray said loudly.
Briar turned to glare at Dugray because that sounded like an insult.
"Oh, Tristan," a different blonde haired girl said. "When will you grow up?"
"Oh, Tammy," Tristan replied. "When will you take a joke?"
"You're forgetting that I took the biggest joke of all time." Tammy said, "You."
"Ooh," a few of the other students chorused together as Tristan took off.
Briar liked Tammy immediately.
"Miss, um, Gilmores, could you come up here please?" called Mr. Medina. Rory and Briar went up to the teacher. "Here are last week's study materials," he handed them a large binder. "There'll be a test on them tomorrow, but since you're both new, you can take a makeup on Monday. Will that be sufficient time?"
"Monday?" asked Rory, "Sure, that's fine."
"Good," replied Mr. Medina. "That's just an overview. It would be very helpful to you to borrow one of the other student's personal notes. They tend to be more detailed."
Briar was incredulous, "How are they more detailed than this?"
"It seems daunting right now, I know," Mr. Medina replied.
"No, no. It's okay. It'll be fine," Rory cut in.
"Remember to get those notes," Mr. Medina said. "They'll be a lifesaver."
"I'll need a lifesaver if I fall into a pool with this," Briar muttered.
Rory grabbed Briar's backpack and hauled her out of the classroom and into the hall. They nearly ran into the girl who answered all those questions.
"Jesus," Briar muttered.
"I'm Paris," the girl said.
"I didn't see you there," Rory said. "Where'd you come from?"
"I know who you both are, too," Paris continued, "Lorelai and Briar Rose Gilmore from Stars Hollow."
"You can call me Rory and you can call her Briar," Rory said.
"Are either of you going out for the Franklin?" asked Paris.
"The what?" asked Rory.
"Nice innocent act," Paris sneered. "At least I know you're not going out for drama club."
"Don't be mean to her because we don't know what the Franklin is," Briar cut in. "We're clearly both new here. And you're acting like we've been here at the beginning of the year."
"The Franklin," Paris said. "The school paper. Are either of you going out for it?"
"No," replied Briar.
"I don't know," Rory said. "I have to find my locker first."
"I'm gonna be editor next year," Paris continued.
"Congratulations," Briar said. "You want a cookie?"
"I'm also the top of the class and I intend to be valedictorian when I graduate," Paris said.
"Okay, I'm going now," Rory replied, before trying to walk away.
"Hey, top of the class," Briar said to Paris. "Do you mind if I borrow your English notes? I'll stay out of your way and you stay out of mine. We got a deal?"
Paris seemed to think it over before handing over her English binder, "Fine." She walked away and Briar headed down the hall to find her locker.
"Hey, Mary," a boy called out. "Hey, Mary." He came up to Briar.
"My name's Briar," Briar replied.
"I'm Tristan," Dugray said.
"Didn't ask," Briar replied.
"So, you're new?" asked Tristan.
"Clearly," Briar replied.
"Well, Medina's class is rough," Tristan continued.
"If you say so," Briar replied. Can this guy go away?
"You know, I could loan you my notes if that would help," Tristan said.
"I got notes from Paris," Briar replied.
"We can even study together," Tristan continued.
"And I'm not interested in studying anatomy with you, so leave me the fuck alone," Briar said.
"You know, pretty girls like you shouldn't curse," Tristan replied.
"Go fuck yourself," Briar replied and walked away. She went to her locker. Just her luck, she got the bottom one. She crouched down to open her locker.
"Yeah, Tristan really doesn't know how to take no for an answer," a different guy said.
Briar looked up at him. He had to have been the prettiest guy she ever saw.
No, she had to get a grip – preferably her hands around Tristan's throat as she watched the light slowly fade out of his eyes.
That...was violent, Briar thought. She said, "I noticed."
"My twin sister, Tammy, dated him," the guy said. "She said it was one of the worst decisions she ever made. They broke up, and like three days later, he was making out with Kimberly."
Did he expect her to know who the hell Kimberly was? She was new! So she nodded, "Right."
"I'm Thomas," the guy told Briar. "Everyone calls me Tommy."
"Tommy and Tammy, huh?" asked Briar, cringing at the rhyming nicknames.
"Yeah, Tamsin and Thomas," Tommy continued. "Our parents essentially named us 'twin'."
"At least my parents were smart enough to my twin sister Lorelai and named me Briar Rose," Briar replied. "Well, my mom named my sister after herself."
"At least it's not as awful as the theme naming my sister and I've got going on," Tommy replied. "I can't escape that. I tried to go by Thomas, but apparently no one can have that. So I'm stuck as Tommy."
"That sucks," Briar said, going back to looking in her locker. She needed to stay away from prep school boys. They were nothing but trouble and she needed to focus on her academics. She couldn't throw her grades down the toilet over some guy that spoke decently to her. She saw what that led to with Lizzie and Jill. Again, guys were nothing but trouble.
And she was sure that Tommy was Trouble with a capital T.
Briar managed to get through a few more of her classes and the last class of the day was History with Mrs. Ness.
When she got to the hallway, she saw remains of a destroyed model, "What happened there?"
"I accidentally destroyed Paris's model," Rory said.
"Did you say 'nice fucking model'?" asked Briar.
Rory rolled her eyes and went into the classroom with Briar following.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Paris said.
Briar was thinking the same thing when she spotted Tristan and then Tommy.
The bell rang and Mrs. Ness walked in, "Seats now, please."
Rory and Briar took a seat.
"Hey, Marys," Tristan said to Briar and Rory.
While the teacher wasn't looking, Briar flipped him off.
She was sure that she heard Tommy snicker at that.
"Okay, we left our projects off on Friday with Mr. Gaynor, so today we will pick up with Miss Gellar," Mrs. Ness said.
Paris stood up, "I don't have my project."
"Miss Gellar, did you have sufficient time to complete your project?" asked Mrs. Ness.
"Yes," replied Paris.
"And yet you don't have it done?" asked Mrs. Ness.
"Nope," replied Paris.
"All right," Mrs. Ness said. "You will receive an incomplete for this project."
Rory stood up, "It's my fault."
"Who are you?" asked Mrs. Ness.
"Rory Gilmore," Rory said. "I wrecked her project."
"Shut up," Paris hissed at her.
"I don't have a Rory Gilmore," Mrs. Ness said, looking over her roster. "I have a Lorelai and a Briar Rose Gilmore."
"I'm Lorelai Gilmore," Rory said. "And I wrecked her project. My locker got stuck."
"Just stay out of this," Paris snapped.
"Do you go by Rory or Lorelai?" asked Mrs. Ness
"Whatever," replied Rory. "It's not her fault."
"I need you to pick one," Mrs. Ness said.
"One what?" asked Rory.
"One name," Mrs. Ness clarified.
"Rory," the girl said.
"Fine, thank you," Mrs. Ness said. "Rory, you wrecked Paris's project when?"
"Just before class," Rory said.
"Very convenient," Mrs. Ness said, as if Paris and Rory cooked up the idea together.
"No, I did," Rory explained. "My locker got stuck and when I opened it—"
"Stop it!" interrupted Paris.
"Miss Gilmore, since you say you wrecked Miss Gellar's project, then you may help her fix it. You have until tomorrow."
"Fine," Rory said.
Paris and Rory proceeded to bicker over the project. Paris didn't want Rory's help, but Rory wanted to help fix it out of guilt.
Mrs. Ness interrupted the fight by saying that if Paris didn't want Rory's help, Paris had until tomorrow to fix the castle. If it wasn't done, it would receive an incomplete. Paris sat down, but Rory remained standing.
"As long as you're standing..." Mrs. Ness said. "Class, we have two new students. Say hello to Rory and Briar Rose Gilmore."
"Briar is fine," Briar said, embarrassed.
"Hi, Rory and Briar," the class chorused, sounding bored.
"Hello, Marys," Tristan said, grinning.
While Mrs. Ness was distracted, Briar, this time, flipped him off with both hands.
Eventually the time started to crawl by and eventually the bell rang.
Tristan walked by, "See you tomorrow, Marys."
"Get away from me, you dumb bitch," Briar snapped. How he didn't know their names was astounding.
"He thinks you two look like good girls," Tommy said to Rory and Briar. "He basically thinks you two look like Virgin Marys."
Rory asked, "What would he call us if he thought we looked like sluts?"
"Mary Magdalene," Tommy said. "It's stupid. He's stupid."
No wonder Tammy yelled at him for that.
Tommy left the classroom.
"Come on," Briar said to Rory. "I bet Mom's waiting out front for us with coffee."
At least that cheered Rory up, somewhat.
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