Chapter VI: Águas de Março (Janeiro)

I woke up. 

My dreams were riddled with faces again.

I jumped a bit when another face came into focus staring down at me. "Afternoon," Angus said, tying his shoes on the bed. I sat up, instantly aware that I was arse naked. I grabbed the covers and held them against my chest as if Angus had never seen me before. He must have tucked me into bed while I slept. The next thing I noticed was the plate of scrambled eggs and a second plate of blueberry muffins. "There's lunch for ya'," he said standing from the bed. 


"Lunch?" I asked shocked. I looked around the room wildly for a clock. There was one on a wall I couldn't see very well. Angus held up his watch. 

"It's a little after two," he said. "I woke up about an hour ago an' ordered room service. Didn't wanna wake ya'...I have to leave soon an' thought you'd get hungry."

I was suddenly starving. I hadn't eaten since that bag of peanuts from the plane. I grabbed the plate of eggs and took about three bites before taking my time to chew. The muffins, although cold, were still soft. I looked up to see Angus beaming and I looked shyly away. 

"Glad I got that. Have as much as you want," he said heading for his suitcase. 

"Don't you want any?" I asked spewing crumbs on the bed. I wiped them away. 

"I already had some," he said pulling out a t-shirt and a pair of trakkies. "Here, you can wear these until we get ya' some new things." He also pulled out a small box and a tube of toothpaste. "That's a disposable toothbrush, I snagged a few of 'em from the airport."

"You can get these at the airport?"

"You can get anythin' at an airport, love," he smiled, kissing my cheek. "The interview's at three, might last a bit, I can do what you want, if ya' wanna go...out money's in my wallet there, if ya' wanna get somethin' a bit nicer to wear..." He shrugged and scratched the back of his neck. "An' we can go out later together if ya' want..."

I smiled and held my arms out. He met me at the bed and I pulled him in for a hug. He had sprayed on a bit of cologne and smelled wonderful. After one last squeeze he let me go and headed for the door. 

"There's a spare key on the table," he said. "I'll be back later."

"I love you," I called after him.

"Love ya' too," he called over his shoulder and closed the door. 

Alone with my thoughts.

I couldn't have that. 

I grabbed the shirt and trakkies and ran to the bathroom where my knickers were. After getting dressed I finished the plate of eggs and grabbed another muffin. Quickly brushing my teeth I grabbed the spare room key and Angus' wallet. 

Do I dare spend his money?

I don't have any of my own...and he said I could...

But do I dare?

I took it with me just in case. 

Grabbing one last tiny muffin, I was out the door.


Now, where to shop...a corner store would have been the most practical. I needed shampoo and deodorant and whatnot. I wasn't entirely sure what city we were in but it was lovely and clean. Tall silver buildings and short wooden food markets. Blue and red cars alongside blue and red bicycles. Birds flew from tree to tree and some took to the ground for dropped morsels. There were people everywhere and I had to pay extra attention so as not to run into someone. There was a surf shop and my mind immediately thought back to Claire. 

It's been a long time....I hope she's doing okay...

Upon finding a small store on a corner I walked in clueless, hoping it sold whatever I needed. Everything was in Portuguese. The woman running the checkout greeted me as I walked in and I shyly smiled and waved. 

So far everything was going okay. I managed to pick the correct store and found everything I needed. Toothpaste, a toothbrush, deodorant, the like. Angus already had his money converted to cruzeiro, and I poured all of it on the checkout counter. After the woman kindly helped me figure out how much I owed I collected the rest and put it back in his wallet. I stepped outside into the brilliant sunshine and continued on my trek.

There were a few boutiques down the road and I picked whichever one looked like it would cost the least. Had it been my own money I'd be burning holes. Oh, to have Maude here with me. She'd absolutely adore it here. The shop I chose was cool inside, the A/C running on high. A few other women were in there two, one of them looking to be a tourist such as myself. 

I was obviously quite a sight with Angus' clothes draped over me and a pair of high heels. 

I should probably look for shoes first. 

I found a pair of bright green thongs and a flowy blue dress. These would have to do until I went back home. Grabbing myself several pairs of knickers, a large sunhat, and sunnies I once again got some help paying and took the rest back. Carrying my bags with me back outside, I was covered with sweat and hoped our hotel had some complimentary laundry detergent. 

Waiting for a few cars and a bike to pass, I crossed the street. Some overhanging trees gave me a bit of shade to rest under. Some of my blisters had become calloused and my skin started to peel. Knowing good and well nobody could see them I still hated how exposed I felt. I could also feel a sunburn forming on my arm. Setting my bags down I grabbed the sun lotion I purchased and rubbed some on. 

A bird landed on the brown wooden fence behind me, the tree branches above it rattling. It was one I'd never seen before, with bright yellow feathers. He chirped at me before flitting back up into his tree. Another bird who looked just like him perched next to him and they squared up. I wanted to stay and watch the fight but my feet were killing me and I was getting hungry again. So I picked up my bags and continued on.

There was music playing down the street somewhere but I couldn't see anything. Perhaps there was a parade a few blocks down. Before I walked too far and got myself lost I stopped at an outdoor market with hanging chimes and a bowl of water on the ground. Next to the bowl was a sleeping dog with gorgeous brown fur. His muzzle was grey and white. He lifted his head to look at me and after seeing I wasn't a threat, he hummed and lay back down.

I fell immediately in love.

Inside the market were crates of produce and several shoppers. I wasn't sure how much food we had with us but room service was too expensive to pay for every meal. And maybe I could cook us dinner. There were plenty of vegetables I recognised and even more that I didn't. I wanted to try some but with my sensitive stomach having already been knocked around by the trip, I passed them on. 

Grabbing a little silver basket I took some red apples and a couple green ones. The bananas were quite possibly some of the best I'd ever seen in my life. I grabbed a small bunch of grapes and a few oranges to squeeze for juice. After picking mangoes, avocados, carrots, squash, and capsicums, I figured I had enough to make something for dinner. I handed a bit more money over and hoped I didn't just screw us both with my spending spree. 

But we needed to eat and why not buy the freshest I could find?

The dog had gotten up from his slumber and he lumbered over to me and my many bags, tail wagging. His wet nose searched my bag for any handouts and I attempted to pet him despite my hands full of groceries. He attempted a lick and fell short just a few inches. Someone whistled and the dog followed the sound at a steady trot. My arms were about to fall off so I headed out as quick as I could. 


I made one last teeny tiny stop.

Just at a bakery for some bread. Something a bit heartier to fill us up. There was still a bit of money left afterwards and Angus was out there making more right now.

Guilt still clouded my judgement.

After reaching our hotel and a struggle to pull my key out of Ang's trakkies pocket I stumbled inside and kicked the door closed. The bags dropped to the floor and I rescued the food first. I set everything out on the counter and washed the produce. Hours had passed while I had been out and Angus would be due back soon. Probably having already ate while he was away I wasn't in any hurry. Letting the vegetables boil I took my new dress to our bed and laid it out next to the thongs. It was sapphire blue with a few rhinestones on the neckline. Perfect for a day at the beach. 

My arms were slick with sweat and my feet were more calloused than before. This called for a cool bath. While the food cooked I removed Ang's clothes from my body and soaked in the bathtub. I squirted in some bubble bath I picked up at the shops. 

Now this was a holiday.

Sometime during my soak I heard the key in the door and then footsteps. I didn't bother getting up nor had I bothered to close the bathroom door before getting in the tub. "Made yourself at home?" he asked.

"I'm never leaving," I said not even opening my eyes. "I live here now."

"I can see that," Angus said. "Saw all the food you got, that for tonight?"

"Yeah, you can take what you want," I said slipping further into the bubbles. "There's fruit in the fridge."

I felt him kiss my hair then I heard him leave the room for the kitchen. But nothing could have pulled me away from this tub.


So I got a bit hungry. So what? That bathtub wasn't going anywhere.

I sat at the table across from Angus in my new flowy dress and we ate our dinner. 

I admit, it could have used a little salt. And basil would have been good. But it worked for the night and neither one of us really complained. 

But the bananas....I almost took the Lord's name in vain.

Angus set his crumpled napkin on top of his plate and watched me finish my meal. "Been a long day, huh?" he asked with a sleepy look. I nodded, suddenly feeling a yawn coming on. "Out in the hot sun..." He rolled his sleeve up and showed me his arm. "Think I'm gettin' a tan, what do you think?"

The butterflies came back and I smiled. "You're a little darker," I agreed. I looked at my own red arms, saved only by my sun lotion application. "I'm probably a lobster."

"Should have seen Mal," he giggled. "We'd been down by the beach today an' at the end of everythin' we were all kinda red, ya' know? Mal took the cake." I looked out our ocean view window and saw the beautiful beach below. Umbrellas and kites, even a couple of small fires surrounded by beer bottles. The sun was starting to set and I was sure it wouldn't be too hot for a stroll. 

"We should go after dinner," I said. 


"To the beach." Angus nodded in understanding. 

"Sure, if ya' want. Then I wanna sleep for twenty hours." He stood from the table, clearing away his plate. "Got a show tomorrow an' another one the day after. Then a few more little things here an' there an' then we fly out to America again." I sat there in thought as Angus washed his plate in the sink. Just the idea of going on tour again made my body slump in exhaustion. Of course it could have just been me.

I always seemed to be exhausted these days. 

After setting his plate on a towel to dry he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck. "An' then I've got a little surprise for you on our break," he said kissing the top of my head.

"You're driving me crazy with this surprise of yours," I said turning to face him. "Couldn't I have a hint?"

He shrugged. "Jus'...keepin' a promise to a friend, is all," he said. I was completely puzzled. 

"That's your hint?"

"If I say any more, you'll guess it," he said heading for the bathroom. "You're too smart." He closed the door after him leaving me in bewilderment. 

A promise? What promise? Promise to who?

That Angus McKinnon was a tricky one.

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