Chapter 3: Nice to see you again
(Takes place at around four in the morning)
(And just a heads up, I'm not the best at writing Splinter dialogue/actions/in general, so bear with me-)
"98%...99%...100%. Charging complete."
(Y/N) blinked her (H/E/C) eye and unplugged herself, looked around. The entire lab was dark, except for the computer screens illuminating part of the room.
She walked over, and laughed a bit as she saw Donnie was asleep, his goggles tilted, his mask slightly loose, and his face buried in his crossed arms. There were many, many coffee cups and coffee spills scattered around his table. Dang, how much coffee could this turtle drink?
She saw he was shivering a bit, and slightly curling up. (Y/N) hummed and looked around, before noticing a dark purple blanket. While it wasn't the biggest, it should be enough to cover his whole body if she took off his battle shell. And so, very carefully, she took out her robotic arms from her back and held the shell in place so that when she pressed he button to take it off, it didn't make a sound.
She placed the battle shell on the ground- as she didn't want to accidentally put it in the wrong place and possibly upset him- and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. Donnie grumbled a bit as the blanket was wrapped around him, and shifted a bit in his sleep, before continuing to let out snores as he slept on the desk, his face buried in his arms.
(Y/N) couldn't help but snicker a bit, before she started thinking of what to do. It was about four in the morning and her battery was completely charged, so why not put that battery to good use? She noticed how messy the lair was when she first walked in, so why not clean it up?
After a bit of searching, approximately ten minutes, she managed to find some brooms and some dust pans, as well as a few trash bags. She quickly went to work, sweeping things up, using her robotic arms to speed up the process by brooming, dusting, picking up empty pizza boxes, chip bags, and such, etc.
As she just finished cleaning the main room after cleaning the gaming room, kitchen, and skating room, she heard laughter and the sound of a projector playing in another room. Seems like someone just woke up.
Curious, she peeked in, and was quite surprised to see a quite short and fat rat staring at the show playing, laughing and spilling food and drinks everywhere.
"Excuse me?" she questioned, making the rat jump and nearly fall out of his seat. He looked back and saw you, brooms, dusting pans, and trash bags in both your human and robotic arms as you stared at him with curious eyes.
"Do you...happen to live here?" she questioned, "I don't remember the turtles ever introducing me to you, nor do I remember ever meeting you." "Well, I don't remember any of my sons ever getting a new friend!" Splinter said, "Who exactly might you be, stranger?"
He squinted a bit, before realizing this strange robot girl looked quite...familiar. The robotic eye, the robotic arm, the several metal arms coming from her back.
"Do I...know you?" he asked. (Y/N) hummed, tapping her chin. "I am unsure- I don't remember ever meeting anyone such as yourself," she said, "Though, if I could have some hair or fur or something, I could test your DNA just in case."
Before he could respond, (Y/N) plucked a bit of fur, making Splinter yelp and rub his hand on his head where you plucked the fur. (Y/N) held it in front of her robotic eye and scanned it for any genetic resemblance, and once the results came, she froze and stared for a bit.
"I notice you do share most of your DNA with the famous Lou Jitsu..." she said, looking back at Splinter, "Do you happen to be...?"
Splinter opened his mouth, about to lie, when he realized why you looked so familiar. (H/C) hair... (S/C) skin... a (H/E/C) eye and a (R/E/C) eye... (M/C) metal... Oh my gosh, it couldn't be-
"Wait, do you happen to be the one I tried to save?!" Splinter questioned, leaning over the back of the seat, "You know, the one from the fire thirteen years ago?" "Yes- Yes, that is me," (Y/N) nodded, "And- Guessing from your response, I'd say you're Lou Jitsu?"
"Yes, yes, that is me," Splinter said, getting up from his seat, "I-I didn't know I would ever encounter you again! How did you manage to escape the clutches of Draxum?"
"Well...I wouldn't have been able to do so if it weren't for the turtles," (Y/N) spoke, "They blew up the lab, and I took my chance to escape." "Ah, so my sons managed to keep a promise I was never able to keep, eh?" Splinter chuckled.
(Y/N) smiled as she nodded, "Ah, so they're your sons? I will admit, I never expected for Lou Jitsu to have four turtle sons. In fact, I never would've guessed Lou Jitsu would ever get mutated in the first place!"
"Eheh! Well, life has many twists and turns for everyone," Splinter spoke, clasping his hands together, "And, please, refer to me as Splinter; My sons are unaware of who I am, or rather, who I used to be."
(Y/N) stared at Splinter for moment in confusion. Why would he hide it at all? Wouldn't it be easier to simply tell his sons who he really was instead of having to hide it? Though she didn't understand why he hid this secret in the first place, he respected his requests and nodded. "Not to worry Lou- Splinter," (Y/N) corrected herself with a small laugh, "Your secret is safe with me!"
"Ah, good! Good!" the rat mutant spoke, "Now- Put those cleaning supply down! I can tell from how dirty they are that you have done quite a lot of work! My sons should be awake in a few hours- Sit back and relax until then!"
~^~When the boys wake up...~^~
Donnie yawned as he rubbed his eyes with one hand, gripping his blanket with the other. Wait...blanket? But- But- When did he-
'Never mind that,' he thought to himself, before looking over and seeing his battle shell on the ground. Now, he definitely never took that off. Maybe one of his brothers did it?
He let out a deep breathe as he stood up, using his arms to lift himself up from the desk. He walked over to (Y/N)'s charging station- if you could call it that- to greet her, when he noticed she was gone. He blinked a few times, confused. Did she- Was she the one who-
"Hey, have any of you seen (Y/N)?" Donnie called out from the lab. "Nope! But have you seen the lair? I've never seen it so spotless!" Raph called back.
Out of curiosity, Donnie peeked out of his room after he put his battle shell back on. Mikey was right- The place was spotless! the empty pizza boxes were gone, the skateboards were no longer on the floor for anyone to trip on and were instead put up on a little shelf, all the spills/stains on the ground were clean, etc.
Leo whistled, clearly impresses before speaking, "Man, the last time I've ever seen this place so...not trashy was...well...never!" "Who was the miracle worker who did all this?" Mikey questioned, right before they heard chatter in the living room.
"You don't think..." Raph spoke, before Mikey cut in, "That Splinter cleaned all this up?" "That is highly unlikely," Donnie said in a plain and unimpressed tone.
They all made their way into the living room to see (Y/N) sitting next to Splinter on the ground as he told her a story. "And then when purple saw it, he-"
"Master Splinter!" Raph called out, making Splinter jump up from his seat and for you to turn around. Once regained his composure, he looked over at the four turtles, "Oh, why hello here, boys. If you haven't noticed already, (Y/N) here has cleaned up the lair within less than several hours better than any of you have within years!"
"Wait, so you're the one who cleaned everything?" Mikey questioned, "Gee, thanks (Y/N)!" The female laughed a bit at the orange clad's words, rubbing her neck as she spoke, "It's nothing, really. You all had the kindness to allow me to stay in your home. I wanted to thank you. I know I've never cooked before, but perhaps I could thank you further with...breakfast? i found a few recipes online, so-"
"Oh! D'you wanna cook with me, (Y/N)?!" Mikey offered, excitement clear in his voice. "I'd love to," (Y/N) smiled. As Mikey let out a squeal of excitement, Donnie piped in quickly, "I shall accompany you, as well!"
"Man, Donnie, I didn't know you were the type that was into cooking, hm?" Leo said, slinging an arm over Donnie's shoulder, "You also seem to be the jealous ty-"
"Well, let's get going!" Donnie said in a quick and loud voice as he pushed Leo's arm off. He grabbed (Y/N) and Mikey's arms as he quickly rushed over to the kitchen, "This breakfast won't be making itself!"
(1590 words
Guys. Guys. 86 reads already? Guys. Guy-Guys.
This- This is too much guys.
I-I can't handle this- I just-
Thank you so SO much you guys!
Uhm- I'm not the best at thanking people, so-
Again, thank you all so, so much! Peace!)
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