Chapter 1: Ehm...Hi?

(Above is pretty much the important things of your design. You can change their looks as much as you want, but as explained in the previous chapter, just keep them there.)

(This takes place near the end of Mystic Mayhem)

(Y/N) could still remember it...How could she forget? Even if it happened thirteen years ago, it all felt like yesterday.

Her parents were some of the first experiments Draxum tested his oozquitos on. When that all failed, he was about to get rid of them, when they begged for their life. How?

They made a deal. The woman said that back in New York, she had a daughter. If they allowed him to have the daughter, they could walk out and wouldn't tell a soul of what happened- How could they tell anyone? They were freaks now. Freaks Draxum didn't want any association with.

And so, Draxum accepted the deal. They both kept their sides of the deal; (Y/N) stayed with Draxum, while her parents stayed in New York, unable to speak of what ever happened to them.

Finally, after such a long time, he did it. He perfected the ooze. First, he used it on (Y/N)- Just in case the ooze went wrong, he wouldn't want to ruin it for the four turtles. And it worked.

She had successfully mutated with one of the machines, so some certain parts of her body was combined with the machinery. She became smarter, stronger, faster, better.

Next, was the turtles. They were mutated, just like her, but instead of with a machine, they mutated from Lu Jitsu.

What happened after that was a blur, but before she knew it, the lab was filled with flames, she felt like she was melting in place. (Y/N) looked around, desperately trying to find a way out. Soon, she saw Lu Jitsu with the four turtles in his arms.

He tried to save her, he really did, but Draxum got to her first. Lu Jitsu promised one day he would come back to save her, and just like that, he escaped.

And from that day, Draxum kept (Y/N) locked in a heavily guarded training room, rarely ever letting her out for any other reason than going on missions or to recharge, since she was half robot and didn't need to eat or sleep, and instead ran on battery power.

But it wasn't that she didn't know what it was like to have a normal childhood; Her mind was pretty much the internet. She knew what a normal childhood was like. And it looked so nice, so normal- She wanted to be a part of that.

And maybe, after these events, she'll have a shot at it.

~^~With (Y/N)...~^~

(Y/N)'s robotic arms came from her back, tearing the training bot apart. Honestly, what else could she do? Bang on the door helplessly, hoping that Draxum will see the error of his ways and let her out? Puh-lease.

She jumped a bit as she heard an explosion. "What the...?" she muttered, making the robotic arms retract back into her back before walking close to the door. She pressed her ear against it, and was a bit shocked as it slowly slid open.

But...But the next mission wasn't supposed to happen for almost a week, and her battery was still at eighty percent! Even if it was some sort of emergency, Draxum would never just let the door open without at least a guard there to make sure she didn't get out.

She started thinking, "What if this is some sort of trap? Or a test?" She couldn't think of it any further, though, when a chunk of the roof above her fell. She yelped and ran out of the way.

Once (Y/N) made it to the center/main spot of the lab, she realized the lab was crumbling down. Now was her chance!

She started up her rocket feet and flew up. When another piece of the roof came falling down, she held her left hand up. Small pieces of the (M/C) metal that covered her palm started shifting, until there was some sort of hole. On her command, it fired a bright (F/C) beam, and caused the piece of the ceiling to blow up into oblivion. She flew out of the hole in the ceiling, and at last, she was out of that lab.

She looked around, and saw several figures jumping in through a portal in a stone. Once they got through, (Y/N) saw a piece of the lab flying over, about to crush it. The flames on the bottom of her feet got stronger, when she started flying down to it. She had no time to lose.

Just in time, she flew through the window with only milliseconds to spare before the piece of the lab crushed the stone. At last, she was going back to New York.

~^~With the Turtles...~^~

"We should go. People's blinds are starting to open," the blue clad said right after they saw the swarm of oozquitos fly off into New York.

As they were leaving, the portal behind them opened once again, and a girl came flying out of it. "Look out!" she yelled, as she realized she was about to crash into one of the turtles.

"Wha-" The purple clad was interrupted as he turned around, and the girl crashed straight into him, knocking them both down.

"Hey! Hey, Don! Random robot girl! You two alright?" the red clad turtle asked, looking down at the two. The girl groaned as she rubbed her head, before looking around.

"Huh- Oh, uhm, s-sorry," she stuttered, as she realized she was laid down on the purple clad's plastron. She stood up, brushing herself off before holding her hand out to help the purple clad turtle back to his feet.

However, he just stared. His expression was unreadable, even for you. (Y/N) even did a quick scan and tried to read into what his body language said- Nothing. Well, what was he thinking?

' O H N O S H E ' S H O T . '

Now, while the machine part of her wasn't bad- In fact, it was gorgeous! She had brilliant (M/C) metal around her wrist screen, her metal boots able to amazingly allow her to soar in the air, and the robotic part on her face complimenting the beautiful (R/E/C) eye- Wait, what was I talking about again?

Ah, yes, while the robotic part was definitely gorgeous and not to mention fascinating, the robotic part of her wasn't the most beautiful part. Yes, it was definitely beautiful, but her human appearance...

Her beautiful (H/C), (H/L) hair resting on her head, her (E/C) eye that shone under the light, and her beautiful (S/C) skin-

"Don? Hey, Earth to Don?" Raph asked, snapping his fingers in front of Donnie's face, "You've just been starin' at this girl for who knows how long? Pretty sure you're startin' to freak her out!"

"Uhm- (Y/N)," she greeted, scratching the back of her head, "Just-Just call me (Y/N)." This was quite awkward for her, since she had never had a casual conversation with many people. Yes, there was the occasional talking with Draxum or sometimes even the guards, but never about anything causal.

"Ah-Ah yes! Greetings! I am Donatello, but please, feel free to call me Donnie," Donnie greeted, jumping up back to his feet and shaking (Y/N)'s hand, "Such a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)!" "Ah...E-Eheh, nice to meet you as well, Donatello," the girl awkwardly greeted, her cheeks a bit pink from embarrassment.

Leo and April looked at each other, smirking and snickering a bit as they saw the two. "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin', Leo?" "Ohoho! You bet, I am."

"Well, the name's Raph, and we're the Mad Dogs!" Raph said proudly, "There's Leo, April, Mikey, Donnie, and me!"

"Uhm..So...Nice to meet you," (Y/N) once again said, still feeling a bit nervous, "Uhm...Should I be on my way to...wherever, or...?" "You got a place to stay?" Raph questioned.

She shook her head in response. "Ehm- No, Draxum kept me locked up in the training room of his lab for quite a while," she responded, "I don't really have a place to stay, since, y'know, the building blew up."

"Well, today's your lucky day!" Mikey exclaimed, "We'll be happy to let you stay in the lair!" "Yes, yes, I have plenty of space in my lab for you to stay!" Donnie said, still holding onto (Y/N)'s hand.

"Wait- I-I don't want to be a bother," (Y/N) said, looking away as she could feel her system starting to overheat. "Oh, what you speak is nonsense! How could you possibly be a bother?" Donnie spoke, "So far, you seem like quite the pleasant girl to be around!"

She could feel herself heating up a bit more as she stuttered. "Uh-Uhm...If it isn't too much trouble." "Then it's settled- (Y/N)'s stayin' with us!" Raph exclaimed, "Welcome to the Mad Dogs, (Y/N)!"

"Yes, it will be quite the honor to-" "Alright, cut it down on the flattery, Don," Leo cut off Donnie, gently shoving him away, making him let go of (Y/N)'s hand in the process, "At this rate's, she's gonna-"

"System has crashed. Rebooting..."

The brothers and April looked back at (Y/N) to see her (R/E/C) robotic eye's pupil has now turned into a loading sign as the human part of her face was now completely red.

"Look what ya did, Don- Ya broke her!" Raph said. Mikey walked over to her and waved his hand in front of her face. When she didn't respond, he grew a bit concerned, "Is she gonna be ok?" "Don't worry- She'll be fine!" Raph assured, "We'll just take her back to the lair-"

"I shall be the one to carry her!" Donnie quickly said. Without hesitation, he picked her up. He will admit, she was a bit heavier than she looked with her robotic parts, but she wasn't too much heavier than the average 14 year old girl.

"Right, let's get going," Donnie said, and with that, he, his brothers, and April were off.

On the way, since April was riding the built in bike on Donnie's shell, she decided to tease him a bit. "So...I notice you've been gettin' pretty close with-" "Oh please don't start this now..." Donnie muttered, making April burst out in laughter.

Oh, poor, poor Donnie.

(1776 words

So...Do you like it so far? Hope so! I'm planning on also publishing stories with the other turtles, and maybe even April! What d'you guys think?

If I ever do make fanfic with them, should they have the reader be a mutant, too? Or should they be human? Let me know!

Well, I hope you all enjoy it so far! Peace!)

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