
Jinn's POV 

: Ella, how is she?"

Ella: her fever is still high"

I saw something out of the corner of my eye a person was looking in the window. I reached for my cuffs which were in my pocket. Ella saw what I was doing and looked towards the window. I was about ready to head outside when I heard Dawn coughing.

: Ella go tell Zendeye about the person"

Ella: what about you?"

: I will take care of Dawn until Dark gets here"

Ella left the house.

??'s POV

I felt my sister's powers nearby. My father is near too. She must have freed him from his realm. I went to my camp and sat down at the cliffside. I was kinda used to the cold weather.

??: you know she has a fever"

: I know. She had sex with her boyfriend dad"

Dylan: SHE DID WHAT?!!"

I stood up and looked at my dad who was now mad.

: you know she was going to do it with Dark"

Dylan: their love is strong. Maybe that's what caused the fever"

: no, it's the weather that causes her to have a fever. She is not used to the cold weather"

Dylan: Jenna, you know I would have had the talk with Dawn before it happened..."

: it's too late dad. I need to let Dawn see me"

Dylan: no not yet!"

I looked at my dad and let my powers start showing. My eyes started to glow white.

Dylan: Jenna you need to calm down"

I fell off the cliff and went to one of the houses. Dawn was not in there. I saw a man with a Neko. I knocked on the door and hide my wings. The man opened the door.

Scott: Jenna is that you?!"

: hi Scott"

Scott hugged me. I hugged him back. I saw the Neko girl getting mad at me.

Scott: what are you doing here?"

: my sister is here and she has a fever"

Scott: Dawn....."

: yes, I know she did something with her boyfriend. Her fever was not given up since she was moved to Jinn's place"

Scott: she did "it" with Dark?!"

: yep"

Scott: Dylan is going to kill them"

: my father won't hurt them around my watch. I promised my mother I would watch my sister until she has her crystal from my mom's realm"

Scott's cheeks turned deep red. Like he was trying to tell me something about failed at it. The Neko girl walked over to me and punched me in the face. I fell back on the ground with my lip bleeding.

Scott: Jenna are you ok?"

: yea"


The people of the kingdom looked at us. I got up and handed Scott and paper and walked to the princess.

The princess: what brings you to me?"

: I need to ask you a question princess ..."

Zendeye: Zendeye"

: my name is Jenna, I'm Dawn's sister..."

Zendeye looked at me and looked shocked.

Zendeye: how did you know she was here?"

: her powers are rising due to the fever she has. I know a way to calm her down. I need to see her"

Zendeye: please follow me. I have to talk to Jinn"

We went to the house where my sister was. I knocked on the door. Jinn has answered the door. I could tell he was love-struck.

: where is my sister?"

Jinn: who are you?"

: Jenna. I'm Dawn's sister and the only one who can heal her"

Jinn: her boyfriend is in there right now but she is in the bedroom"

I walked into the house and went to the bedroom. Dawn was laying on the bed and her boyfriend was sitting near her. He looked at me and started to growl.

: it's ok. I won't hurt her"

Dark: who are you?"

: my name is Jenna, I'm Dawn's sister"

Dark: my name is Dark. I'm Dawn's boyfriend"

I touched Dawn's forehead and took the fever away from her. She was breathing normally now

Dark: how did you?!"

I summoned my crystal and showed it to Dark

Dark: what the?!"

: I'm the daughter of Daina and Dylan. I have the powers of my father. My sister Dawn has the powers of my mother"

Dark: but you have a crystal and Dawn doesn't have one"

: Dawn needs to go to my mother realm to get her crystal"

Dylan: no. Jenna, you go your crystal from your mother. I need to take Dawn to my realm and give her crystal. But I don't know if her baby can handle the portal teleporting"

Dark: is there a way I can get the crystal?"

Dylan: I can take you to my realm but your powers will be numb for an hour"

Dark: I will do it"

Dark stood up but Dawn grabbed his hand.

Dawn:*whispered* Dark I love you"

Dark: I love you too Dawn"

We went into the living and saw Zendeye was hugging Jinn. I knew about the tiger royal rules. The princess had to marry someone of her choice and judging by the way she was hugging Jinn they two are getting married soon. I smiled and walked out of the house, I wanted to tell Scott how I felt towards him but with that Neko girl. It's not going to happen anytime soon. We went to my campsite and my dad opened his portal up. We walked in and I felt my powers showing.

??: my lord welcome back"

Dylan: where is the crystal I promised my daughter Dawn?"

?? summoned the crystal and handed it to my father who handed it to Dark. we went back to the main realm and I saw the people getting ready for the wedding.

: dad, how long were we gone for?"

Dylan: one day"


Dylan: yes"

Dark run over to the house Dawn was staying at. I could tell he was worried. I walked down to Scott's house. I heard yelling inside the house.



Scott: Tha jenna air a bhith na ghaol de mo bheatha bho chunnaic mi i air ais aig Shadow Wood. shàbhail i mo bheatha bho chreutairean na h-oidhche. Nam b 'urrainn dhomh Jenna a ràdh tha gaol agam ort le m' uile chridhe agus bha mi airson innse dhut thi airson ùine mhòr ach chaill mi thu às deidh a 'bhlàr bheag a bh' againn le chèile. (Jenna has been the love of my life since I saw her back at Shadow Wood. she saved my life from the creatures of the night. If I could I would say Jenna I love you with all my heart and I wanted to tell you this for a long time but I lost you after the mini-battle we had with each other)"

I was frozen still. Scott really likes me.

Zendeye's POV

I was trying on a wedding dress for my wedding. Dawn was helping me pick out a dress.

: why Dawn do you think you and Dark are going to get married?"

Dawn: *blushes deep red* I....I...I think so"

I saw a pretty dress and showed it to Dawn.

Dawn: that is super pretty you should try it on"

I went to the bathroom and tried the dress on. 

The dress was super pretty on me. I spin around and looked in the mirror to see me. Dawn walked over and smiled.

Dawn: that dress looks pretty on you"

: thanks, I have an idea"

I handed Dawn a dress that was a blue color. I made sure that the dress would not hurt her child. Dawn tried the dress on.

: I wish Dark could see you now"

Dawn's face went deep blood red. I gently hugged her. Dawn hugged me back. We walked out of the bathroom.

Dawn: I need some air"

She walked out of the house. Did I say something?

Dawn's POV

I felt my heart race to the point I thought I was going to pass out. I felt arms wrap around me

Dark: I'm here babe. What's wrong?"

: I feel like passing out"

Dark: take it easy.*he got close to my ear* you look amazing in dress"

: thank you, babe"

Dark: you're welcome"

Dark placed his hand on my stomach. I was carrying mine and his kids. I looked at Dark and smiled. I started to get cold. I went back in. Dark followed me but stayed in the throne room of the castle.

Zendeye: Dawn did I say something wrong?"

: no. you are fine. I just need some air and time to think. I'm sorry"

Zendeye: it's ok Dawn. I got you some new clothes and they will not hurt your and Dark's kid"

I looked at the clothes and smiled.

: Zendeye. I know you are going to be the future queen, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to make an alliance with Lunar city and Dragon Claw?"

Zendeye: I already made one with Dragon Claw and yes please"

I went to the bathroom and changed into one of the winter clothes. I looked in the mirror and smiled, the clothes fit over my stomach. Tomorrow Jenna was going to check on my kids using a spell that my father had taught her when we were younger. I walked out of the bathroom and went to the throne room. Dark was talking to Zendeye.

Zendeye: Dawn have you had your check-up?"

: no, not yet"

Zendeye: do you want the royal healers to look at you?"

: please"

Me and Zendeye walked to the royal healers and she laid on the bed. Dark walked in and gently grabbed my hand. Zendeye sat down next to the bed. The royal healers walked into the room. One of the healers rolled my shirt up and placed their hand on my stomach. I saw a glowing light coming from the healer's hand. His eyes widen.

Zendeye: well?"

The healer: the rest way you felt like you were going to pass out is 1. You are carrying twins and 2. You don't have your crystal"

Dark: I have that"

Dark pulled out a crystal from his pocket. The crystal went into my body and I felt it's powers bonding with me and my kids. Me and Dark are going to have twins.

The healer: please take it easy for a little bit."

 Dark: I will make sure she does"

The healers left and Zendeye followed them. It was just me and Dark. Dark helped me up off the bed and took me to the guest house where we are staying at. Dark helped me to the bed. I sat down with my back towards the headboard.

Dark: how are you feeling babe?"

: better, I think I might take a rest for a little bit.... Will you stay with me?"

Dark: I will stay"

Dark walked over to his side of the bed and laid down next to me. I felt his arm trying to wrap around me. I sat up a little and let him wrap his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder.

Dark's POV

Dawn laid her head on my shoulder. I smiled and kissed her head. I looked at her eyes and saw she was sleeping. I gently placed my hand on her stomach. I'm going to be the father of twins. I gently grabbed the blanket and placed it over us. I fell asleep with Dawn in my arms. The next morning I was cooking breakfast for me and Dawn.

Dawn: morning babe"

: morning"

Dawn walked over to me. She kissed my cheek. I smiled and went back to cooking. Dawn was on rest for a little bit. There was a knock at the door.

: who is it?"

Scott: a Scottish person"

: come in Scott"

Scott walked in the living room.

Dawn: Morning Scott"

Scott: morning Lord Dawn. Lord Dark"

: please just call me Dark"

Scott: ok. Dawn what is Jenna like?"

Dawn: well she is overprotective. Kind, sweet and she loves reading about party and past events why?"

Scott: Tha gaol agam air Jenna ach chan eil fhios agam ciamar a dh 'innseas mi i. ( I love Jenna but I don't know how to tell her. ) I kinda yelled aig Annabella. Chuala Jenna mi agus a-nis chan urrainn dhomh a lorg. is i gràdh mo bheatha. Tha mi airson innse dhi( I kinda yelled at Annabella. Jenna heard me and now I can't find her. she is the love of my life. I want to tell her )"

Dawn: 그녀에게 어떻게 느끼는지 말해 주면됩니다. 언니가 나무 나 강 근처에있을 거라는 것을 알고 있습니다. 그녀는 당신을 이해합니다 Scott. 나는 먼저 그녀를 찾을 것이지만 나는 침대와 집 휴식입니다. 왕실 치료사들이 나에게 말했다. 그리고 나는 쌍둥이를 가지고 있고 주위를 움직이거나 너무 많은 마법을 사용하면 그들을 해칠 것이라고 말했다. (just tell her how you feel towards her. I know my sister she will be in a tree or near a river. she will understand you Scott. I would first find her but I'm bed and house rest. the royal healers told me and Dark I'm having twins and moving around or using too much magic would hurt them. )

: Wie ich Dawn erzählte, dass ich sie liebte, war einfach, aber gleichzeitig hart. Sag Jenna, wie du dich fühlst, so wie es dir auch dein Herz sagt. Ich habe das getan und schaue, wie mein Leben läuft. Ich werde ein Vater von Zwillingen sein und ich habe eine liebevolle Freundin. Wer ist der Herr der Mondstadt.(how I told Dawn I loved her was easy but hard at the same time. tell Jenna how you feel in your heart tells you too. I did that and look how my life is going. I'm going to be a father of twins and I have a loving girlfriend. who is the lord of Lunar City.)" / author's notes the text above is in German/

Scott: is e bruidhinn bhon chridhe na tha an dithis agaibh ag iarraidh orm a dhèanamh. (talk from the heart is what you both are telling me to do.)

: yep"

Scott left the house and Dawn sat down at the table. Her hair was up in a ponytail. I was done cooking when there was another knock at the door. Sakura walked in and started to talk to Dawn. I went to our room and changed clothes. I could hear them talking.

Sakura: when do you think we will go back to Lunar?"

Dawn: I don't know. Right now I have to be careful. We found are having twins. I know what the names are but I don't know if Dark will like them"

Sakura: you can tell me"

Dawn: I was thinking Leo for a boy and Mercy for a girl"

Sakura: I like the names. I'm sure Dark will love them"

: and I do"

Dawn and Sakura looked at me. I smiled and walked over to Dawn. I gently wrapped my arm around her body. Dawn started to blush. I gently kissed her head.

Sakura: Dark do you know where you and Dawn are staying at?"

: in Lunar City"

Dawn smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and kept her close to me. Sakura left the house.

Jenna's POV

I was sitting next to the river reading a book when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Scott standing there.

: hi Scott. Is there something you need?"

Scott: Jenna Bha mi airson innse dhut gu bheil gaol agam air aghaidh ri aghaidh. Cha robh mi riamh dèidheil air Annabella. tha i cute seadh ach tha mo chridhe ort. Chan eil fhios agam cia mheud latha a bhithinn a 'smaoineachadh ort. (Jenna I wanted to tell you I love face to face. I never loved Annabella. she is cute, yes but I have my heart on you. I don't know how many days I would go not thinking about you.)"

:스캇 나도 당신을 사랑합니다 당신은 내가 이것을 얼마나 오랫동안 기다려 왔는지 모릅니다. (Scott. I love you too. you don't know how long I have been waiting for this)"

I stood up and kisses Scott on the lips. Scott was shocked at first but he melted into the kiss. I felt his arms wrap around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, We fell to the ground, Scott keep me close to him.

Scott: are you ok?"

: I'm fine, u?"

Scott: I'm good... Jenna do you want to be my girlfriend?"

: yes."

Scott smiled and kissed me. I kissed Scott back. The air was starting to turn colder than normal we went to Scott's place and saw the place was a wreck.

Scott: I'm doomed"

: I can talk to Zendeye about this"

Scott: ok"

I was about to walk out of the house when a huge snowstorm started to appear. Scott quickly pulled me away from the door and we hide in the kitchen.

:*mind link* sis are you ok?"

Dawn: I'm fine you?"

: good I'm with Scott"

Dawn: did he?"

: I'm his girlfriend now"


: how is Dark doing?"

Dawn: good he making a blanket fort in our room until the storm is  over"

: ok"

Hello, everyone, this is the last chapter of the first book the Next book won't be happening until after I can figure out what to do for the first chapter and how many people will be in the next book I hope you all enjoyed this first book of the Guard series

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